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File: 525 KB, 802x1086, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14704287 No.14704287 [Reply] [Original]

what's a good alternative to a peacoat that isn't so lame and LARPy looking? Overcoats are similar in silhouette, but still seem too formal. Thoughts?

>> No.14704310

What the hell are you on about

>> No.14704312

I didn't say that

>> No.14704482

Just wear a damn overcoat. You are probably old enough to finally wear suits.

>> No.14704491

i go to community college

>> No.14704500

So, what does that mean? Ochlocracy? Everyone dress like their worst?

>> No.14704505

Car coat?

>> No.14704506

single breasted options like that aren't too naffe; maybe a duffle coat

>> No.14704515

it means those around me are way too casually dressed for me to not look out of place and overdone in an overcoat
potentially good options

>> No.14704541

You don't know what you want. Said coats are overcoats.

>> No.14704556

Yes you did.
>what's a good alternative to a peacoat
followed by
>Overcoats are similar in silhouette, but still seem too formal.
clearly indicating that you think peacoats are formal.

>> No.14704569
File: 61 KB, 212x218, costanza jelly mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn i hate being bald manlet

>> No.14704621

peacoats are pretty common where I live, among adults. unless you are a teen it wont look larpy, it is just a basic garment and maybe just slightly slightly more formal than the average dude, nothing noteworthy. personally I dont like the puffed up look that peacoats sometimes bring, and would probably choose something a bit more sleek, a singlebreasted coat with not as wide lapels, for everyday wear that is.

>> No.14704689

Buy the most traditional St. James peacoat. Make sure you get the right size and you can pretty much wear it with everything except a hoodie, which you shouldn't do anyway so yea

>> No.14705068

overcoats and greatcoats only work if you're not short. if you have thin ass legs they'll look weird sticking out if you have on skinny jeans or pants. peacoats are honestly the best option if you're small and weak, as most people are, they make the shoulders look broad and they're not long enough to give the "school shooter" look trench coats can give. also parkas and anoraks look good on just about everyone, if even a peacoat is too bold for you a black anorak will let you walk around unnoticed but still stylish

>> No.14705095

I'm like 5'8." I'm a fan of parkas but they seem to have a sort of nylon look which I'm not a fan of. Thanks for the tips anon, I'll look into them

>> No.14705109

He's saying overcoats are too formal for every day

>> No.14705112
File: 85 KB, 800x800, sheepskin_car_coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One option is the old fashioned "car coat".

>> No.14705117
File: 50 KB, 1200x627, tweed car coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a tweed model

>> No.14705118
File: 24 KB, 356x356, orvis barn coat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A barn coat would be a more casual look.

>> No.14705125

if you're too scared of looking "too formal," get a coat with raglan sleeves. Also overcoats are not too formal for every day. Maybe if you live in bum fuck lumber jack village where everyone wears flannels and sherpa denim jackets. >>14705109

I have a feeling you would consider dressing nicely = larping, which is not the case. We can't help if you're being self-conscious and trying not to stand out.

>> No.14705247

>ordered a new coat today
>forgot to check out the offerings from orvis
Fuck they have some nice coats

>> No.14705641

Dressing nicely = larping is the general mindset of people up until they graduate from university. Our cultural decline led to this kind of thinking.

>> No.14706595

>giving a fuck what your cohort looks like
Your teenaged insecurity is showing.
Build a man's wardrobe: you'll have to live in it for the next 40+ years. The sooner you get comfortable being overdressed, the better.

>> No.14706631

there is a difference between dressing to look nice and dressing nicely in a manner that looks too formal/rigid/by the book.
you don't want to look like some model in a mens fashion magazine.
peacoats fall into this category of looking like some normie who thinks he is dressing well, sure you can go for that if you want to look go to other normies

>> No.14706659

Peacoats are super LARP if you live near the Great Lakes, everyone will think you're in the Navy

>> No.14706733

even SEXcorers such as magic fox wear them

>> No.14706876

Uhh thanks for you unnecessarily self-conscious input, Dr. Autismo. If you have to care about normies, just be a normie.