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14701558 No.14701558 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14701569
File: 344 KB, 1242x1531, IMG_20191003_235339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like he knows no limits

>> No.14701576
File: 334 KB, 1242x1221, IMG_20191004_205730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14701581


>> No.14701582

he got so fat its unreal. just desserts for such a big faggot

>> No.14701587

Is he from finland?
Who is that?

>> No.14701588
File: 195 KB, 1200x900, disgusting2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantano confirmed for faggot

>> No.14701593
File: 512 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_20190920_160911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone behind the wheel?

>> No.14701597

Y'know how black guys like fat white girls? well I guess it works in reverse too

>> No.14701624


>> No.14701643
File: 26 KB, 345x339, 1570691631708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14701645


>> No.14702234


>> No.14702334


>> No.14702373

I don't understand how he is so overweight despite his vegan diet. It can't just be terrible metabolism because there are photos of him when he was a young non-vegan and he was skinnier.

How has this happened?

>> No.14702436

chocolates, vegan ice cream, potato chips, etc

>> No.14702498

onions core

>> No.14702509


>> No.14702555

Yeah and he keeps posting pictures from gym but it doesn't look like muscles

>> No.14702655

he's not that overweight. he has a large frame and probably just eats a lot. peanut butter nuts fruits etc

>> No.14702660

this nig is over 30 years old

>> No.14702884

vegans tend to live in a continuous protein wasting state, so they end up resorting to pastries
you can definitely be vegan and get fat as fuck

>> No.14702888
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14703244

this guy has the weirdest fking body

>> No.14703262

Ilike this one. Bar Brawler-core

>> No.14703305

Casual skeez

>> No.14703329

He managed to get this fat on a vegetarian (or even vegan?) diet, thats an achievement

>> No.14703344

what's this type of hat called?

>> No.14703352

That rugby shirt is quite cool

>> No.14703570

He's a big guy.

>> No.14703574


>> No.14703575

Why does he post those pictures?? Is he trying to sell merch or something?

>> No.14703576

because he gettin the best head lmfaoooo

>> No.14703591

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Fantano threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this bald fat faggot on this board I don’t give a shit about what good album he rated poorly or what bad album he rated highly he’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why fantano be dumb bald man not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to /mu/ and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about him just stop fucking posting him he’s not a musician and his videos aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it he’s a moron you’re the moron for posting him whether you like him or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if theneedledrop were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized he was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting him stop posting about how you like and support him and stop posting about how you dislike or hate him just stop making threads about this shit

>> No.14703646

Where’s Waldo style

>> No.14703679

for you

>> No.14703685

He kinda looks like Paul Blart

>> No.14704332
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1078, thanksforsharing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
