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File: 725 KB, 3456x4608, acne battle of the somme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14698316 No.14698316 [Reply] [Original]

hello, i have had untreated acne since 14, now i'm 21, my acne face looks like the battlefields of the battle of the somme. will my face be like this for the rest of my life? will i forever be ugly as sin unlovable?

>> No.14698318

You are lovable anon.

>> No.14698348

still fixable, they release the skin with some sort of needle, (not microneedling, like a big needle) find that and do it

>> No.14698476

Bio oil will help a bit, but you should see a professional dermatologist if you can.

>> No.14698480

Definitely see a dermatologist.

>> No.14698484

Microderm abrasion supposedly reduces or eliminated acne scaring.

>> No.14698502

you are still gorgeous to me, my anon. <3

>> No.14698510

it's an investment (not terrible since the payoff is huge for you) but totally worth it. go to a dermatologist and they'll sort you out

>> No.14698617
File: 620 KB, 574x540, 1543149102802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the neckpill, literally, neck yourself... you Eldritch abomination.

>> No.14698712

fugg, how much would such a thing cost in alabama? im a rather poor student, so this better be worth my cash.

>> No.14698795

Don't worry Anon most women don't really care about acne scarring. Try getting on a light retinol regimen and occasionally doing lactic acid peels. A face wash with vitamin C wouldn't hurt either. We're all gonna make it

>> No.14698820

>women don't really care about acne scarring
hah I wish it was like that bro... I bet they don't care about your face and height too lmao

>> No.14698824

Bio oil is under $10 and if you use it often it will help with scarring. It won't completely go away, but it'll lessen the effects.

>> No.14698827

Bio oil is comedogenic. If OP is still acne prone at all, this is a bad idea

>> No.14699004

goddamn noriega
anyways, look into seeing a dermatologist and using silicone gel or sheets

>> No.14699012

at that point you'd be looking at a procedure. probably not cheap but definitely worth it bro, contact a highly rated dermatologist near you (does alabama have derms?)

>> No.14699093

They kinda make you look rough
Thus hot
Its not tragic anon, sleep thight

>> No.14699116

don't listen to retards recommending bio-oil, it will clog your pores and your acne will come back in no time.
it's going to be hard to get rid of scarring permanently, but it's possible - I reccomend browsing r/SkincareAddiction, there are many science based posts there (but don't jump balls beep into any method just because some Stacy said it works - do tests on smaller skin portions first).
Never had scars this severe, but I heard dermarolling helps - not vouching for it tho, and it's definietly not a good idea if you still have active acne
godspeed bro, love yourself and remember that skin never determines if you're loveable or not

>> No.14699121

holy based

>> No.14699122

also, dermarolling has to be performed by a professional, otherwise you might fuck up your skin even more if you do that alone with no knowledge and preparation

>> No.14699206

i know the feeling. my face was full of craters, terrible for self-esteem/confidence. once i started to grow thicker facial hair i started to clean shave and within a few years of consistent shaving the skin on my face really smoothed out. obviously my face will never be perfect because of my shitty time going through puberty, but it helped a bit

>> No.14699276

Lmao mexican andy, is over.

>> No.14699305

i had a lot of acne in my early to mid teenage years and still some pimples before i hit my 20s. all the acne scarring/holes/craters whatever you wanna call them only lasted from ages 14 to 19. they faded away completely at about 19, you can't see any prior evidence of acne on my skin. it looks like i've never had an acne problem in my life. i'm 23 now btw. the main things you want to do are: get on acne pills (see your doctor), and let time do it's thing. i wouldn't really listen to the people telling you to see a dermatologist; they suck money out of you, give you a bunch of shitty skin care products which don't do anything or make things even worse in some cases, and dermatologists are overall just a scam imo. your doctor can prescribe you oral medication (pills) to get your hormones under control, and maybe a topical treatment if needed to dry out any remaining acne. that's it. good luck.

>> No.14699560

When inwas around ~20 my face looked like that

I still have scars.

My gf got me on this brand of minimalist skin care (that's not overtly feminine) called the ordinary.

I just followed their 1-2-3 thing or whatever and it's helped

>> No.14699618

Hey OP, I'm in the same boat, also poor as fuck. I researched and bought a 1.0mm dermaroller and some topic actives to use with it (vitamin C serum, and vit A and E with hyaluronic acid). If your scars are very deep you might need an 1.5mm one. I've done the treatment twice, so it's too early to tell but my skin is feeling great.
Besides that, I've changed my diet to increase collagen production: eating gellatin, eggs, yogurt, lots of meat and animal fats, and vit C sources (kiwis, rosehip tea/jam, oranges all that stuff). I need to get some beef liver as well.
Hope this helps ang gives you a kickstart to do your research as well!

>> No.14699643
File: 472 KB, 700x1000, scarring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me again, this is my skin before starting. It used to be worst than that, I've done some chemical peels and microdermabrasion (this one was better with more noticeable results). Forgot to add, always use sunscreen and try to avoid the sun if you do any kind of treatment on your skin. Also have patience, and don't say you're unlovable, I've sure you have lots of good qualities that go beyond appearance.

>> No.14699705

I hate acne faggot. I absolutely detest all you vermin.

Every acnefag I have ever met, bar none, had absolutely disgusting hygiene habits.

t. Mentally ill germaphobe with clear skin

>> No.14699760

Could be worse, at least you’ll look like Edward James Olmos when you’re older

>> No.14699765

mentally ill is right

>> No.14699770

u cute

>> No.14699906

Even without dermarolling or whatever treatment you decide to use, the scarring will improve with time. Just try to keep your face clear of anymore severe acne

>> No.14699907

Post face faggot

>> No.14700064

Plastic surgeons can fix it.
I believe its by removing the upper skin layer so everything can catch up

>> No.14700346
