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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 816 KB, 1793x3187, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14691780 No.14691780 [Reply] [Original]

>dude just shave your head grow a beard and get fit

Fuck you.

>> No.14691784

I’m sorry but this made me laugh. Not at you, just at the attitude of the post.

>> No.14691786

Fella in pic has an unfortunate frame.
I'm a literal twink and I have broader shoulders than him.

>> No.14691787

>dude just shave your head grow a beard get fit
>just be a weird sex freak for the rest of your life and fuck girls 20 years younger than you and give up on dressinghow you want ever again

I want to wear clothes I like and have a normal relationship with someone my age and marry them and have children

>> No.14691791

exercise your arms that might work

>> No.14691805

the people who say to get a beard are wrong you'd be better without it

>> No.14691807

do stubble not full beard

>> No.14691820

just bee you

He'd unironically look better if he bloat maxed. He looks odd because his head appears to big for his body.

>> No.14691825

how about you clean that fucking beard you fag

keep it tight all around or go with the connector on mustache to beard

let it grow out like that looks fucking pubic hair if not groomed

>> No.14691851

manlet bubblehead when will they learn

>> No.14691852

Absolutely insane cope that you think the specific way he grooms his beard is whats wrong

>> No.14691857
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14691866


>> No.14691888

He has a big head, puffing the sides of his face out like an orangutan isn't helping you sperg.

>> No.14691902
File: 1.15 MB, 1793x3187, mrcoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14691912

His odd proportions are still going to be present, with or without the beard.

Like stated earlier, his beard isn't what is making or braking his appearing. Altering yes, but not breaking. It's his big head, which he can lessen (the appearance) by bloating while still remaining muscular.

>> No.14691917

bloat max cant fix that shit man

>> No.14691922

Never said it would fix. Simply implied that it would help.

>> No.14691927

im a grill and i have hair loss problems too lol its not that simple i cant just fucking shave it all off or get fake hair bc fake hair makes it WORSE
anyway i just use castor oil when i remember
peppermint and tea tree oil, scalp massages, apparently coconut too, and not treating your body / mind like shit all helpapparently but im here with you guys on this one it sux

>> No.14691931

> i cant just fucking shave it all off
You can though. Just buzz it.

If for whatever reason you want to sport a different hair style, wear a wig.

>> No.14691933

let me help you op:

1. shave your head with a electric shaver with no guard, not a razor, you dont want to rock the shiny look at such a young age
2. trim your beard, it makes your head look 3x larger. just keep a light stubble using aforementioned electirc shaver
3. fix your posture/forward head tilt, look up how

>> No.14691939

bruh this dude's head is way too big for his body lmao

>> No.14691947

>Retarded looking beard makes head look out of proportions

Big surprise, proportions are important.
A 3'o clock shadow would be enough.
Also, you don't run around shirtless outside. With proper fitting clothes it would look good.

>> No.14691976

shave that stupid beard and rock a solid fit

>> No.14691986

>With proper fitting clothes it would look good
t. fucks with cloths on

>> No.14691994

Wow that's literally my dad

>> No.14692002

If you are this insecure, no amount of muscle will help. Also, it's the stupid bear that makes his head too big, easy solotion to that.

>> No.14692027

sounds like a kid who cant grow facial hair

>> No.14692110
File: 339 KB, 1046x1547, fug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i look exactly like this guy except worse in every way. at least he has shoulders. since this pic was taken, ive trimmed down and gotten rid of the earrings, but now anons keep telling me to grow it back. it probably all just means im fucked either way

>> No.14692154

Dont think the beard is doing you any favors

>> No.14692221

Just browse /fraud/ and take clen. Fit life is best life .

>> No.14692237

kek wtf he masturbates a lot

>> No.14692271

you look like you stole someone's body

>> No.14692513
File: 1.17 MB, 1793x3187, COOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, anon. I had to do it.

>> No.14692514

so roids are my last hope now huh

>> No.14692525

Your beard is making your face look round. If you have a decent jaw you should go with stubble, otherwise trim your beard. I know the balding can be demotivating but you don't look that bad. Also work on your pecs.

>> No.14692528
File: 40 KB, 528x960, averagefituser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he still has a better body than like 90% of /fit/ lol, i mean at least this guys muscles are visible (abs/adonis belt especially) and hes not bulky aka lard ass or having huge biceps which are actually a massive hindrance in any type of fighting for example

>> No.14692546
File: 74 KB, 500x575, ea9b4e007cff4812dd91b5d946e48a12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait but I'm gonna give advice for anyone who looks like this anway. Buzz your beard and head to stubble, maybe like 3-5mm, instead of clean shaven head and messy beard.
That moustache is too thin for a full beard anyway.
Most people think their balding is worse than it is anyway, you can probably get away with short. scissor cut hair until it starts to look properly patchy.

>> No.14692582

Yeah dude looking like a cholo unwashed captain picard sounds great.
You relaize balding people dont have a hairline for that kind of buzz right

>> No.14692584

how do i look like op

>> No.14692626
File: 358 KB, 1600x2213, Jason-Statham-short-buzz-cut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how badly you're balding, a lot of people receed like 2cm at the corners and think they have to shave their head.
Jason Statham is a good example of pretty severe balding looking pretty good when buzzed. Granted, yes, he is just also a good looking person in other ways and so it won't necessarily work for everyone.
Guy in OP's pic just has a shit beard though, wouldn't even look good if he had a full head of hair. Weak moustache and scraggly, puffy chin/cheeks make you look like a fat terrorist.
Balding doesn't have to be the end of your looks if you stay in shape, style it well and have some confidence.
The whole thing depends mostly on what suits you, some people suit beards, some don't. Same goes for buzz cuts/shaved heads, some people have weird egg shaped heads and look freaky with no hair.

>> No.14692657
File: 152 KB, 805x841, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks pretty good
>he is also a good looking person in other ways
>is 5'8

>> No.14692668

Hah, you can't really tell from his movies, probably camera trickery.
Being short aside though, and I realise that's a big factor, he has a conventionally attractive face and is in excellent physical shape.

>> No.14692718

Trim your beard in so you will not look like Henry David Thoreau.

>> No.14692743

low testosterone men will always fail throughout all of time until the end of time

deal with it

>> No.14692745

literally nobody cares if he's 5'8 or 5'10

>> No.14692756

manlet cope lool

>> No.14692784

balding is generally due to high testosterone retard

>> No.14692789

nah its shit genetics lmao nothing more bottom of the gene pool than balding and manlet

>> No.14692790

>goes to bed with his hot wife instead of himself every night
there are a few major factors at play when it comes to attraction but being short really isn't one of them, if you're good looking in every way except height you'll have pretty good luck provided your attitude and personality isn't shit. I would take being short over being bald any day of the year, and jason statham is both

>> No.14692798

shave it with an electric razor first, then a foil shaver to really get it down to the skin and make it look like your dome
i actually bet you would look great

>> No.14692800

you literally don't know what you're talking about
>t. full head of hair

>> No.14692814

having a wife is like the ultimate cuck status symbol though. real alpha males (high test) dont stick with one bitch, they either constantly go through hook ups (which is the high test cumbrain) or they just ignore women for the most part and focus on something that is actually rewarding like any hobby (high test big brain).

the onnly thing statham has going for him is that hes an actor (i mean a shitty one that stars in fast and furious stuff) thus, hes rich, has a good body (when hes in filming)... thats really all women care about.

its shit genetics, theres plenty of high test guys (actual atheltes) with full heads of hair which is great genetics, then theres some with average genetics (mature hairlines/slightly receeded), then theres shit genetics like statham where youre forced to shave it or look like a mad scientist

>> No.14692817

How do you reverse/prevent balding?

>> No.14692846

easy, cyproterone and/or spironolactone

>> No.14692853

Bait, but...
>the only thing statham has going for him is that he’s a literal millionaire hurr hurr what a loser

If Statham’s genetics are so shit - so improperly adapted - then how come he’s the millionaire actor here? What’s your excuse? If we’re going to be moronic and reduce people down to mere spools of genetic information in Darwinian terms - clearly he’s an incredibly successful organism in a rare and unusual bracket of wealth way beyond the scope of most males. If man is adapted to accrue materials then Statham is absolutely killing it and has found a way to harness 1st percentile charismatic potency.

Clearly for your observations to make sense there has to be something more to man’s existence than the life cycle of a chimpanzee. Stop using a retarded framework.

>having a wife is like the ultimate cuck status symbol though. real alpha males (high test) dont stick with one bitch

You’re a virgin

>> No.14693046

If it means anything, I liked paper tiger

>> No.14693049

the problem is your frame, your head is too big for rest of your body (I kinda have same problem) solution is to train upper back and shoulders to compensate for that.

>> No.14693052

he has shit genetics but he got lucky out of all the other actors who auditioned to be in movies. he also wasnt bald when he was younger and id argue that they kept in as bald dude in the present to appease to the many insecure bald guy fans so they can have a role model of some sort in order to cope for their also awful genetics and ofc for more ticket sales.

also about the wife thing, its pretty apparent that men lose testosterone from getting married. notice how most married men are absoloute cucks that let their women decide everything or jsut straight up let them fuck other men while wether while watching or not, all the while they become fat lazy slobs. any man worth his salt or without a cumbrain realizes that women are a pain in the ass and distraction from pursuing hobbies or interests in life.

>> No.14693078

Bruh look at this dude. Eggman lookin' ass weirdo lmfao

>> No.14693187

im afraid that even if i tried bulking, it still wouldnt be enough unless i started doing anabolics

>> No.14693204

If Jason Statham wasn't bald he wouldn't be Jason Statham, he'd just be another normal actor with hair. He entered modelling career when he wasn't bald but he got more successful when he was bald. There are lot of good looking actors but there aren't many badass bald motherfucker in Hollywood. Baldness is bad for most people but it's actually positive in Statham's case

>> No.14693244

I don't trust those

>> No.14693290


To be honest he would look ugly with hair too, but he fucked up because he went for muscle instead of mass.

>> No.14693312
File: 6 KB, 249x202, das coomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>just be a weird sex freak for the rest of your life and fuck girls 20 years younger than you

>> No.14693339

Weirdest part is the only thing he has on his bathroom shelf is a comb and this nigga bald

>> No.14693343


You have a childlike frame. Unironically start roiding. Getting fit natty is a good start but it will never fill you out and compensate for those narrow shoulders like roids to.

>> No.14693351

i have the opposite problem

i have a massive frame naturally due to extremely high testosterone levels which makes my head look tiny as fuck in comparison

>> No.14693360
File: 50 KB, 1326x1368, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for the reddit cope

>> No.14693503

there is literally no other proven cure. you can get transplants and start fin but even that's not guaranteed to keep, the hair could still fall out. have a great day enjoy being bald

>> No.14693506

>muscle instead of mass
what does this mean

>> No.14693515

problem one looks the best

>> No.14693651

>has a shit android

You cant make this up

>> No.14693662


This makes all my body faults seem so insignificant, you can literally see pain in their eyes, my gym also has a couple of short bald dudes, and they all are steroid freaks

Realize that having sex is not that important and that having a fun hobby and confidence is way more important than looks

>> No.14693670

This dude was gonna be ugly either way.

>> No.14693827
File: 84 KB, 970x546, fa6365da-3d80-444f-bbc6-239dfb6b173c-getty-1161863165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.14693840

Why do you post yourself everywhere? Yes your giant cranium looks awful and you're too much of a framelet to adequately compensate. Why are you posting your fucking fave everywhere?

>> No.14693872


He should have bloat maxxed instead of going for otter mode

>> No.14693877

Is this photoshopped? His head is fucking huge

>> No.14693878

look at this dudes head

>> No.14693880

He coom

>> No.14694069

>fuck girls 20 years younger than you
If that isn't peak Chad then I don't know what the fuck is.Are you implying there is something wrong with it?

>> No.14694073

I dont want it

>> No.14694074

What fucking race is this even???

>> No.14694087
File: 31 KB, 273x324, Crash_Bandicoot_2_Cortex_Strikes_Back_Doctor_Neo_Cortex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14694160

look at his girl. manlet and baldlets have no excuses.

>> No.14694508

What about it?

>> No.14694788

Yea im thinking its over
doomed race

>> No.14694791

>when you get told to stop thinking about having other people in your life in response to a picture of yourself
Yea im thinking its over
doomed race

>> No.14694941


>> No.14694952


>> No.14695139

really? roiding? even if i'm a turbomanlet with short limbs? is the natty limit really not enough to fix my proportions?

>> No.14695388
File: 95 KB, 1150x1150, Jason-Statham-6-Packs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jason has a great frame and body

>> No.14695912


>> No.14695919

>still mogs you
>hot wife
>movie star
You’re coping so hard it’s embarrassing

>> No.14695922

No not really.
Too high and too low both cause balding

>> No.14695926

>w-wives are for c-c-cucks...
>h-he isn’t even t-that good...
You’re still coping hard and it’s obvious. You’re single because you’re a loser, not because being married is a cuck thing.

>> No.14695931

>actually believing this

>> No.14695934

Lmao does /fa/ really think like this?

He doesn't have any muscle anywhere, it looks like his idea of "getting fit" was to stop eating and maybe do situps and run, he has no arms and no chest which makes his huge head look WAY bigger.

Guy needs to visit /fit/ and SS+GOMAD if anything

>> No.14695939

>natty limit
my guy you don't look like you've worked out competently for even 3 months, natty limit is a fuckin' pipedream and a half.

If you're really going full gymcel mode about this then workout fucking hard for a year then jump on a cycle of test and focus on broadening your delts and lats

>> No.14695949
File: 60 KB, 1061x731, 7joqvs716fj31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Formula 82F needs to be shilled like crazy. It's topical finasteride + minoxidil lotion. Topical fin used to not be employed because it was not absorbed, but new formulations with certain lipids allow for high absorption without going fully systemic, leading to very few side effects.


>> No.14695971
File: 140 KB, 980x582, 1514912500614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be trying to bulk in my opinion. Especially around the arms. Will make you look fuller and fit your head more.

>> No.14696025

How would shilling it help?
It's not commercially available.

>> No.14696037

You can get it through a physician partner

>> No.14696042

Not in yurop, apparently

>> No.14696366
File: 585 KB, 599x596, 1570498170624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mog me into oblivion

>> No.14696386


>> No.14696432
