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/fa/ - Fashion

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14691738 No.14691738 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14691739

Absolut > smirnoff

>> No.14691749
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>> No.14691759
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/fa/ incarnate

>> No.14691894


>> No.14691903
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>> No.14692010
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>> No.14692014
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good book too, highly recommend.

>> No.14692016

Those poem books are absolute garbage

>> No.14692021
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>> No.14692028

based, unironically one of the best books I have read

>> No.14692042
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I love how he writes. He's that friendly wise and badass uncle you never had.

>> No.14692052
File: 170 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20191007-024427~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quality taste OP.

>> No.14692071
File: 384 KB, 1517x2369, 9780141986098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm reading at the moment. An interesting read, if a bit disorganised

>> No.14692109

Anything bleek and intellectual is /fa/
McCarthy and Vonnegut are good starting points

>> No.14692165

This hurt me a lot.

>> No.14692215

basic bitch filter

>> No.14692230

Is this bait? If so it'll work better in /lit/. One of my old friends wrote a poetry book, it's in the same style as this. The girl is proper nice, but goddamn do I cringe thinking about it

>> No.14692348

I couldnt get through two pages. That things grotesquely overrated.

>> No.14692409
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>rupi kaur
good bait.
real answer is anything from a french or russian author

>> No.14692787

Shit taste OP, read some real literature and get rid of your pseudo intellectual basic bitch 'im so smart bc I read' poem book shit.

>> No.14692810
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>milk and honey
4 lines of an incredibly basic statement that doesn't even rhyme disguised as "poetry"
>dorian gray as anything but tumblrcore garbage
>referring to Vonnegut as "bleak and intelectual"

i have never been more embarrased by this board.

>> No.14692921
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>> No.14692923

The Courlessness?

>> No.14693024
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>> No.14693070

>either of those

>> No.14693143

that is embarrassing

>> No.14693150


>> No.14693169

dostoyevsky is pretty /fa/

>> No.14693194


>> No.14693195
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>> No.14693320
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>> No.14693361

Penguin books look generally good, also that misogynistic book with lemurs on cover which was shilled on /lit/ by its author

>> No.14693363

Catcher in the rye, because most of the ppl posting on this board probably related to Holden Caufield when they read it

>> No.14693774


>> No.14693784
File: 144 KB, 302x541, Screenshot 2019-01-19 at 12.29.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14693819

phillip roth

>> No.14693821
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>> No.14693997

stolichnaya > absolut

>> No.14694000

nod really

>> No.14694041


>> No.14694121
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>> No.14694233
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Is there anything more /fa/ than this?

>> No.14694246

it's the go-to book for the most pretentious and most appearance-obsessed androgynous nerd losers, so yes, this is peak /fa/

>> No.14694252

I actually read so i'll let you guys know the correct answers
>old /fa/
In Search Of Lost Time, War and Peace, Faust
>new /fa/
Atomised, 2666, CCRU WRITINGS 1997 - 2003

>> No.14694254

I read this while in Russia and I didnt get executed, only a few "aw i love that book". Much more fa to read that than The Gulag Archipelago. That gets you some looks. Definitely not fa.

Im reading "seeing like a state" atm. Feels sorta incel y. Wouldnt recommend. Unless youre a girl

>> No.14694268

Clean your nation

>> No.14694278

You sound jealous like you haven't read it

>> No.14694283

you sound gay

>> No.14694286

You would be correct

>> No.14694287

This quickly becomes an unreadable mess. Marx was a total hack and modern economic theory has so much outpaced him I can't see any point in reading this.

>> No.14694292

The critiques of capitalism still work and modern economics doesn't ask questions about society.

>> No.14694294
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>> No.14694301

>The critiques of capitalism still work
>less poverty than ever before in a world united in capitalism

>> No.14694302

Do you have the life affirming bloomer film chart?

>> No.14694304

Sick boomer argument you are out of your element

>> No.14694307
File: 469 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20191007-215656_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dorian is more angry

>> No.14694319

sick non-argument you have there, chap

>> No.14694322

give me minute

>> No.14694327


>> No.14694331

nice squished balls nigga

>> No.14694333

extremely cute post more photos

>> No.14694363
File: 920 KB, 2000x1500, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Christian Kracht

tick, tock zoomer

>> No.14694370

i make it quick. Obviously just because capitalism has brought some people out of poverty doesn’t negate all the negatives. It’s still pretty shit. The statistics on poverty not so good but I’m too lazy to fact check so I’ll let you have it for the sake of argument. sure people are lifted out of property while we still rely on slave labor from countries. If I’m using Marxist arguments even if you are lifted out of poverty your life is still as a slave to capitalists. The surplus value of your labor is still going straight to the boss. You still have alienation from your workplace. No control in your own life. Cog in the machine nothing to lose but your chains all the good stuff. Being a slave to profit is not healthy for a society and leads to horrible externalities and just degradation in society in general. No control in our lives and capitalists being in power makes it worse. so recap being a capitalist is being a bootlicker and all your arguments are gonna sound uncle tom but for bourgeois

>> No.14694422
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oh zoomer, I'll give you the honor of a quick death: there is no such a thing as capitalism, only varying degrees of institutionalized freedom. Property rights allow yourself to be as independent as humanly possible and they constitute the foundation for any form of codified civil rights.

Economic liberty is the basis of civil liberty, hence why everyone wants to be rich - the trick is not to give up the remaining rights in order to get them back later.

The surplus of your labour is being shared with you through wages. Does that a ring a bell for you, NEET?

Let's summarize: free market countries have the highest degree of freedom. They work because they have the highest level of financial security and political stability. In order to make your life better, you to curb productivity. In order for that to work, you need investments. How do we get people to not lock away their assets or to spend them sooner than later? Right, giving them an incentive - like a profit. Hence why financial institutions and political stability are important factors. Political stability needs liberty, because otherwise civil unrest is always on the horizon. Capitalism needs freedom and freedom needs capitalism.

>> No.14694451

Oh no it's a retarded libertarian. You are actually are zoomer after all. At least Marxists get a small amount of respect libertarians are just dumb retards and everyone agrees.

Property rights important rights all that retarded shit - Property rights means ownership over the workers as my nigga chomsky says. It's no different to chattel slavery. Unless your into that think not being allowed to own black people is against your liberties which I wouldn't be surprised knowing libertarians.

>The surplus of your labour is being shared with you through wages. Does that a ring a bell for you, NEET?
no its not it goes to the boss.

>free market countries have the highest degree of freedom.
Out yourself as a retard harder. Name a free market country please.

> In order for that to work, you need investments.
Investments from the state sector is how things are made under capitalism remember. The internet, cell phone all that fun stuff.

>Hence why financial institutions and political stability are important factors. Political stability needs liberty, because otherwise civil unrest is always on the horizon. Capitalism needs freedom and freedom needs capitalism.
You mean capitalism needs to take away freedoms like we did with all the countries that exist in the world. As a libertarian I'm sure your not in support of all the overthrowing and killing and wars and crimes we committed in the name of capitalism, profit, and big business.

>> No.14694461
File: 24 KB, 320x454, CCRU-final-cover-reversed-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I carry a copy of CCRU collected writings everywhere I go. Anytime I'm on public transport or in a break between lectures I flick it out and turn to a random page. I'll stay on one page for a while before exclaiming something truly revelatory about the nature of the lemurian time war and zone 6. Never fails to net AT LEAST 3 occult/astrology art hoes, as a bonus the neon green cover perfectly fits my renaissannce-cyberpunk aesthetic.

>> No.14694470

>No control in your own life.
In Pre capitalist societies you had no control over your own life. Wealth and technology has given people MORE freedom and longer holidays (weekends and days off) than ever before. And no, starving whilst you hope for rain does not count as a holiday. Yeah work sucks but in every single way life is better for your worker now than during the 19th century. Better still to be a Chinese sweatshop worker than a starving peasant trying to make shitty iron in his back garden. You should like you're romanticising some pre capitalist era as being a time of freedom when firstly, every class of society was less free in general and people didn't even care that much about freedom. That's really a modern ideal. In the 10th century, rural farmers actually gave themselves up to bondage in order to have more land and for protection.

>> No.14694472


I'm just an average person with your average aspiration to make the most of his life.

Property rights are literally key to civilization. Sure, some people always want more - but they are no different than communists in that regard, only more successful.

Communists on the other hand: if you don't adhere to the infinite wisdom of random people you'll be starved to death because for every meal you eat, you'll need the state's admission to turn on the microwave first. Yay!

And where does wage come from then, out of thin air? If you're labour is worth so much, why not be your own boss then? Right, nothing is stopping and it works for hundreds of millions of people.

Free markets refer to the mechanism of pricing. I don't blame capitalism for not being able to buy Crystal Meth on amazon.

And your internet provider is the state? Interesting.

Capitalism doesn't wage wars, people do. Because people are a the greatest threat there is to other people. And you better pray to god that the good guys win in the end, unless you want to get high on the Crystal Meth while dreaming about Kim Yong-Un as your best man at the wedding with your government assigned tranny-wife.

>> No.14694485

>In Pre capitalist societies you had no control over your own life.
It's better than it was in the past means it's the end of the history and this is the best we can do?
>weekends and days off
Thank the socialists for that. The capitalists fought hard against it.
>I'm just an average person with your average aspiration to make the most of his life.
Sorry your political ideas are dumb you seem nice
>Property rights are literally key to civilization. Sure, some people always want more - but they are no different than communists in that regard, only more successful.
No they aren't just like feudalism, pre capitalist societies, owning black people wasn't/arent a key to civilization. Socialist societies have existed and have proven to work so you it's not really an argument your making.
>Communists on the other hand: if you don't adhere to the infinite wisdom of random people you'll be starved to death because for every meal you eat, you'll need the state's admission to turn on the microwave first. Yay!
You never read Marx or have any understand of socialism/communism huh. Marx was an anarchist who was against state ownership. Communism is a stateless society
>Free markets refer to the mechanism of pricing. I don't blame capitalism for not being able to buy Crystal Meth on amazon.
That's markets not free markets. Free markets are a libertarian utopian idea that doesn't exist in reality. This link might blow your mind.
>And your internet provider is the state? Interesting.
Looks the market isn't so free after all.
>Capitalism doesn't wage wars, people do
People wage wars in the name of profit. One example of many thousands is that Nixon ruined the chilean economy it was because big business made him do it because of their investments in the chilean economy. Coca Cola setting up death squads in other countries etc etc.

>> No.14694506

>Marx was an anarchist who was against state ownership. Communism is a stateless society

He advocated for a "dictatorship of the proletariat"

>People wage wars in the name of profit.

Yeah, that's what communism is all about - destroying the society in order for the workers to have a better life. Advocate for communism = profit. That's the deal, remember?

It's like saying free choice is bad because some people fuck dogs.

The state waging wars is unrelated to property rights. Difference is that under "communism" (or every step in this direction), you have even less control over your government.

>> No.14694517

survival of the fittest breh, generational wealth is basically just good genetics
>super brained individual

>> No.14694540

>He advocated for a "dictatorship of the proletariat"
Dictatorship of the proletariat is for socialist stage. Check the wikipedia page for communism. Says stateless in the first sentence. Anyways dictatorship of the proletariat is not what you think it is. It's not a dictatorship over the proletariat it's a dictatorship of the proletariat. A dictator of the working class over the bourgeoisie. The workers state in Marx's mind was normal democracy between workers. The dictatorship being the workers over the bourgeoisie. Obviously nothing wrong with this

>Yeah, that's what communism is all about - destroying the society in order for the workers to have a better life. Advocate for communism = profit. That's the deal, remember?

No Communists wage wars for the freedom of the working class. The communist is dying in the war himself. He isn't sending other young men to die for his bank account.

>The state waging wars is unrelated to property rights.
The state wages wars because of capitalism. We know for a fact it's for profit and business interests lol. How is that not capitalism?

>> No.14694575

>Marx was an anarchist
You getting him confused with Buchanan?

>> No.14694590

horrendous in the best way

>> No.14694605

End goal of communism is stateless. That's anarchism.

>> No.14694615

I was reading it while walking through the underground and accidentally stumbled into a warp zone. Turns out I had traded places with a Bolivian farmer in 1902. When I eventually returned to my body the only revelatory experience I had was an addiction to cocaine. Fuck that book, what mental ill people don't need is someone telling them their delusions "might" be real if they believe in them enough

>> No.14694697

only good ones itt

>> No.14694796
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had to do it to em

>> No.14695066
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Wish it were a nicer edition, oh well. Cover is eye-catching enough i guess

>> No.14695068
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>> No.14695144
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i'm happy to still see people posting shiggys on 4chan. there is hope.

>> No.14695145

Are you that guy in my econ class that uses a smirnoff bottle as his water bottle? It was funny the first time you did it.

>> No.14695155

Peterson is not /fa/.

>> No.14695157

I really thought I'd see Latreaumont or at the very least Burroughs in this thread

>> No.14695164
File: 76 KB, 500x476, tentacle porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to all the other pseudo-intellectual drivel posted in this thread, pic related beats them all.

>> No.14695178

/fa/ doesn't read.

>> No.14695184

Idk about that, a few months ago (possibly years) it was better than /lit/ and I actually got some good recommendations. Thanks to whatever anon told me about Orokhetfo, it's like Apollinaire on amphetamines.

>> No.14695420

my ex loaned me this book and I read through the whole thing in an hour and 20 minutes. she was surprised I read it that quick.
who the fuck buys these books she literally owned the whole set

>> No.14695426

I mean, /lit/ wasn't great at reading last I was there. I'm guessing that's still true.

>> No.14695433

Is reading just a time trial for you?

>> No.14695438

Taleb is the shit.

Are Freud and Jung hard to understand without secondary sources?

>> No.14695440


>> No.14695443

I fucking knew that was how that post was gonna come across. The point is that there were like four lines on each page and she was surprised it only took me an hour and a half to read through it.

>> No.14695444

You may want a secondary source for historical context.

>> No.14695459

>I fucking knew that was how that post was gonna come across.
Why didn't you try harder to convey your point then? What is your point? Either this particular book did nothing for you or poetry doesn't do anything for you in general. Both of these points are fair (I know dick about Rupi Kaur and don't care to remedy that); however, if it's the latter, I might suggest slowing down. You might enjoy poetry more if you take the time to process it.

>> No.14695461

thanks. nice trips.

>> No.14695466

It was like my third time reading poetry and I asked her "Am I supposed to take a second to think about these or something?" cause I couldn't see much depth to look into in them, to which she replied "I don't think so. Just read it as poetry." and that's what I did.
Basically the book was shit and the people who enjoy it have nothing but echoes within their heads.
For the record, I have read other (and markedly better) poetry since then. My initial assumption of rupi kaur being a dogshit writer proved to be correct.

>> No.14695500

>Rupi Kaur
Pedophile detected, how many underage girls have you statutory'd?

>> No.14695510

Read "Hello la Jolla" and "Gunslinger" by Edward Dorn

>> No.14695515

Is Ulysses effay?

>> No.14695662
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He fell for it

>> No.14695706

>The state wages wars because of capitalism

All kind of states have waged wars, /sage/

>> No.14695743
File: 279 KB, 528x719, AE04C6B3-62BA-4A2B-B452-780919D395B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished, solid read

>> No.14695767

based. good list.

>> No.14695778


>> No.14695815


>> No.14695829
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What is your favourite work by Jung? My experience with him reading his work is not good.

I can't speak for Jung, but Freud is an excellent writer. Many texts can be read with ease without secondary sources, but as an intellectual historian I am not the one to advice against historical context or interesting takes on PA. The first text I read was mourning and melancholia, and it was really no problem except a few specific terms I had to look up. Personally I like texts about meta-psychology the most. Good luck.

Is this new? Never heard of it before, only maps of meaning and twelve rules.

>> No.14695855


>> No.14695865
File: 285 KB, 1500x2400, 81eAPjAhPBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steppenwolf and four quartets were amazing reads. I recommend Stoner. I'll probably read leaves of grass soon.

>> No.14695871
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>> No.14695880
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>> No.14695904

I'm not exactly proud to say it but for the past few years all I've read have been biographies, business guides and especially financial theory. It wouldn't be sad if only I worked with it but no, what I do has no relation to it and I have not even started to invest

>> No.14695910

So far the Red Book, first is really really good. Although on the final chapters he uses too many paradoxes that makes me feel he's a hack.

>> No.14695911

First part*

>> No.14695999

"culture of critique" isn't actually a peterson book. its a meme

have heard it is good tho

>> No.14696003

antifragile gang

>> No.14696280

>shitty pseudo-intellectual poetry
this fits /fa/ PERFECTLY

>> No.14696284

Im no communist but there are plenty of valid critiques of capitalism, Marx solutions were just cringe

>> No.14696293
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>> No.14696532

anything really

>> No.14696537

>my nigga chomsky
stopped reading right here

>> No.14696555

>displaying booze
17 year old core

>> No.14696611

Yes very

>> No.14696619
File: 37 KB, 306x499, 8514F093-1A7F-49D7-A305-66A7E881CBEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this garbage

>> No.14696672

Was just about to post

>> No.14696737

Why? Do you happen to have some criticism of my nigga chomsky?

>> No.14696743

i probably would if i'd ever read anything he wrote but no, i think the way you adressed him was just utterly cringy

>> No.14696744

you're right, the Bhagavad Gita is a load of garbage. Thanks for encouraging me to avoid it, anon :)

>> No.14696762

I think the way you write is cringe

>> No.14696895

No bitch he's right

>> No.14696914
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>> No.14696919

does he get chomped in the book too? only seen the film

>> No.14697170

Fuck yes dude, get some Gass up in this bitch. "On the Color Blue" was life changing.

>> No.14697182
File: 67 KB, 315x475, 8131491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this, solid read

>> No.14697241

It’s October gentlemen. Any Gothic Horror recommendations?

>> No.14697295
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>> No.14697324

and it's not even good vodka. it's fucking smirnoff, at least if you're gonna show off your cheap shitty vodka have it be tito's or sobieski

>> No.14697330
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>> No.14697376
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>> No.14697591
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>> No.14697594
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>> No.14697610
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>> No.14697618
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>> No.14697626

Post yours

>> No.14697785
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but i heard that stoner was depressing


>> No.14697795
File: 136 KB, 794x1126, il_794xN.1491497928_5wep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this and designing programmes by karl gerstner are life changing

>> No.14697805
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>> No.14697954

thanks bro

>> No.14697990
File: 14 KB, 292x499, 31dVzO7bsTL._SX290_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear nothing but cav empt for the rest of your life

>> No.14698079
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>> No.14698094

Is 1800s literature /fa/?

>> No.14698150

Cringe manual

>> No.14698151

No surprises to be found

>> No.14698226

why is that my nigga anon?

>> No.14698231

Ottimo, fratello, ottimo.

>> No.14698239

This. Perfume organs and jewel-encrusted turtles are very effay

>> No.14698253

I do.
The minimalist program is shit and even he abandoned it
His linguistics efforts were important in the second half of the 20th century as they instigated a large debate on generative linguistics in the academia, but have largely been surpassed , specially in the field of anthropology with Gans.
His political analysis are accurate, but generally no better than pundit-level. He lacks(or willfully forgets) a deep understanding of geopolitics and macroeconomics.
His political treatises are only repeating points from other Marxist/anarchist/anarcho-communists that came before him. Also, I may not have read enough of his books, but I have never heard of him actually approaching the problem of ethics on his treatises, he always relies that the reader has a per-estabilished ethical framework(or rather, moral) that happens to align with his.

>> No.14698266

>get called a zoomer
>flipping the insult back at the person who used it
>thinking Marxists get an iota of respect and aren’t viewed as a bunch of retards

>> No.14698535

Also every marxist I've seen online (who revealed their age) has been < 20 yrs old. So I discard all their opinions

>> No.14698600


>> No.14698627

Capital is not his most /fa/ work, sorry. Try early Marx instead.

>> No.14698629

Nice, do you speak russian?

>> No.14698638

Jesus christ did you mean to say Bakunin

>> No.14698643

Great book worst cover

>> No.14698706

Some weird guy in a Nepal hat approached me and gave me a copy and asked for donations. Gave him 10 dollars and he went away. Not sure how to feel about it.

>> No.14698715
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20191009_182841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always liked this one

>> No.14699048

based book

>> No.14699416


Glad to know people enjoy my countries vodka. Well, Russians and ours.

>> No.14699581

>i have never been more embarrased by this board.
that's literally every single time I come back to this festering shithole of a board.

>> No.14700074


>> No.14700211
File: 36 KB, 324x499, blood meridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yee haw

>> No.14700220
File: 29 KB, 333x500, seven pillars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there was a better cover for this, none of the covers this comes with are that great but the book is top tier

>> No.14700266

Chipp - theories of modern art
Age of hope is crossed out
Cool book but I have a feeling you dress like shit if I'm being honest

>> No.14700295

Marxists can get respect in some circles but not on the basis of their Marxism alone I think
I haven't read capital but I will agree that early Marx is pretty interesting shit

>> No.14701239


>> No.14701296
File: 2.96 MB, 2743x6742, film_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14701327

Stoner is pretty much a giant exercise in storicism, finding beaut and meaning despite modern mundanity and mediocrity

>> No.14701379

Imagine the absurd money she makes off these retarded poems.

>> No.14701515

wtf i hate rupi kaur now

>> No.14701542
File: 157 KB, 992x880, 1405838106515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting costanza.jpg revival
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.14701605


>> No.14701749

You are gay.

>> No.14701755
File: 368 KB, 510x720, 9781844670543-frontcover-2c08d2e11258a9d97a205347cb87c901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but explain

>> No.14701809
File: 14 KB, 310x421, 1559361752282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14701816

Any book you read for yourself, not to show off or be a smug cunt about to people.

>> No.14701823


>> No.14701862
File: 6 KB, 240x240, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you say something like that?

>> No.14701875



>In 1977, a petition was addressed to the French parliament calling for the abrogation of several articles of the age of consent law and the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen (the age of consent in France). A number of French intellectuals - including such prominent names as Louis Aragon, Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre,
> Jacques Derrida,
> Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Simone de Beauvoir, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Leiris, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Philippe Sollers, Jacques Rancière, Jean-François Lyotard, Francis Ponge, and various prominent doctors and psychologists - signed the petition. In 1979 two open letters were published in French newspapers defending individuals arrested under charges of statutory rape, in the context of abolition of age of consent laws.

>> No.14701890

kurt cobains favorite book? no thx>>14694233
why not just read communist manifesto?
thats really all you need to understand karl marx' philosphy towards economics. hitler was a much deeper writer.

>> No.14701919


>> No.14702538

And I thought goof ninjas were cringe. Female normies are a scourge on all taste.

>> No.14702540

Well you're late, anyone over 75 iq hated her already.

>> No.14702652

Cobain liked Perfume?`
how utterly based

>> No.14703181
File: 126 KB, 517x524, 1569572963777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep scentless apprentice from in utero was based on perfume

>> No.14703189
File: 18 KB, 560x645, 5cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP kys this is basic white-bitch tier literature

real /fa/ ppl only read Mishima

>> No.14703200


>> No.14703424

Mishima was a literal homosexual that died like a cuck. His work really isn't worth reading either.

>> No.14703595

you mean real /pol/tards who can only read novellas and like mishima because dude hes JAPANESE and LIFTS WEIGHTS and NATIONALIST