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14689135 No.14689135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gf missed her period

>> No.14689148

that bitch got you for 18 years

>> No.14689156

take multiple pregnancy tests
verify that the child is yours
if it isn't get a lawyer

>> No.14689157

Ghost her

>> No.14689170

just reach in and take the fucker out, then open champagne

>> No.14689171

This. My latino buddy is raising two white kids cuz he was too cucked to get a paternity test and now he's in too deep to back out.

>> No.14689172

Have a child and raise it well unlike the majority of degenerate shitheads in the world. People literally hate (and envy) nothing more than a good family. You don't know how hard ppl seethe in jealousy if you are successful. It's a true test of humanity and will change your life.

>> No.14689177

To follow my first post, second post is a given. If it's not your blood and she's a whore than get the fuck outta there. Nothing holds true if the child is not yours.

>> No.14689211

Force her to abort, I forced my gf to abort because I told her I would murder her if she didn't

>> No.14689250

dude, be reasonable and think what could be the right decision for you and your gf.
just listen to what this anon said >>14689211

>> No.14689255

You could also stick a wire in the cunny and kill the fetus

>> No.14689259

First term abortions come in pill form just saying

Glass of soda or something

>> No.14689277

>raise it well
You can't do this unless you're rich. Good families are all rich families (the inverse is obviously not always true).

>> No.14689282

you need to take a beginners course in discrete mathematics or logic because what you just posted makes no sense at all

>> No.14689286


Should have wrapped up shithead

>> No.14689290

It's true if you're not independently wealthy you're kinda fucked.

Rich -> private school -> private University.

Poor -> public school -> school to prison pipeline for kids that lazy underqualified teachers are too lazy to deal with

Or roll the dice with FAFSA

If your kid isn't Mexican all you qualify is for unsubsidized loans and 2 years if Pell Grant which means you're liable for the other $100k of college ...

>> No.14689291

that only applies if you live in a shithole (america)

>> No.14689294

Go to the store to get a pack of cigarettes

>> No.14689295

Considering OP ooops'd right into a pregnancy scare, I assumed he didn't live in America. No one else in the developed world is so dumb.

>> No.14689330

congratulate your gf for starving herself and achieving peak effay.

>> No.14689335

If you're in the upper half of the bell curve it's not that bad

>> No.14689337

off topic what the hell anon go to /adv/ fucking newfag.

>> No.14689388

weak bait

>> No.14689403

pic related

>> No.14689452

depends. I was going to call the 'dumpher/not yer blood/etc.' people a pack of retards with no one in this world who loves them, but here's your realistic options OP.
Wait a week. The menstral cycle is fickle, and stress can speed up or delay the cycle. Wait one week, and see if you need to progress to step 2.
Consider the two options of abortion or keeping the pregnancy. The first option, abortion, is basically ethically sound within the first trimester due to a lack of a brain, pain reseptors, etc. I recommend it if you cannot financially support a child. The abort may be in the form of the morning after pill, or a surgical abortion if this is later on. Even if this is the morning after pill, you're still on the hook for all the emotional support due to your girlfriend as if she'd had the surgical option. You're in this together because you chose to be togehter and get into this together.
If you have to get a surgical abortion, contact planned parenthood, or just go to either Mexico, or Canada.
If she decides to keep the pregnancy, okay then. Get the parentity test if you're paranoid, just know you're still on the legal hook depending on what state you're in, and what legal precidents are set locally.
If you chose to be part of your child's life - congrats, you're not a peice of shit! Raise your kid, with your wife, and be happy.
Get a vasectomy... you retard.

>> No.14689576

Nut freely inside her now that the heat's off

>> No.14689592

Wait a week
My gf thought she was gonna miss hers but it popped up shortly after.
I refuse sex until she's on birth control, the anxiety of waiting for results almost killed me