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File: 328 KB, 1280x1280, 1499443756200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14684547 No.14684547 [Reply] [Original]

options fashion-wise for bald men?
any facial hair. skinny, fat, fit or jacked, short to average height

>> No.14684714

don't have any suggestions for you but take my bump for such a great album

>> No.14684926

Check out Vincenzo Borelli. He pulls off the bald aesthetic really well.

>> No.14684959
File: 42 KB, 680x455, 1570074861383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this meme dude outfit and I wish I could see someone pull it off

>> No.14685010

this is how i dress, shit
i shave my hair and wear round sunglasses too

>> No.14685305

god black marble are such a great band

>> No.14685347

laughing at the zoomers in here who unironically listen to youtube-core because they can't find music anywhere else

>> No.14685439

the fact that you id this as youtube-core and not something memed on mu just outs you as a newfriend anyway.

>> No.14685496

/mu/ would 100% class this as youtube-core and you're deluded if you think /mu/ isn't a bunch of 18 year olds who have played guitar for a month

>> No.14685525
File: 11 KB, 222x227, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like the vibe of that album this one's good too.

>> No.14685564

what's so wrong with finding random bands on youtube and where else would you find music that's so much better than that method?

>> No.14685575

Could we just stop talking about zoomer music and focus on the foocking clothes?

>> No.14685608

>if you like out this youtube-core album check out this youtube-core album
solid advice but also proves my point
clicking anything recommended to you by the youtube algorithm is sad, maybe actually have a real interest in music instead of being tourist to find new stuff or at least join redacted/soulseek to get esoteric stuff that isn't music made for sad pseudo intellectual teens who think they're special but somehow end up listening to the same shit as every other zoomer with long hair and a thrifted anorak

>> No.14685654

>clicking anything recommended to you by the youtube algorithm is sad
i usually find a band, look them up on youtube and then look at stuff on the sidebar (incognito so no prior recommendations)

>> No.14685663

after finally starting a band and playing 100 + shows. I really don't give a fuck about discussing music. im fucking exhausted of the shit. I'd take an film hoe or a music hoe any day of the week.
most ppl just consume music to add to their playlist. nobody gives a fuck about albums. modern music is just trading cards to ppl
a24 is cancer also.

>> No.14685715

>a24 is cancer also.
good bait

>> No.14685725

dead serious
another thing to make art into trading cards
lost of personality gained thru things you consume not what you create

>> No.14686211

ok so recommend fashion shit or leave thread, the pic is unrelated

>> No.14686522

new album out soon cant fucking wait
anyway uhh like dirty punk/goth via milsurp shit is good with bald head. bald is a very militant style that warrants a more militant clothing style
if youre in an office that doesnt let you wear whatever you want I'm not sure what you could do

>> No.14687091

damn, dude. have you ever considered people might use or utilize music to differing levels across multiple dimensions? If I'm a guitarist, I don't disdain people in their first year of practice, I encourage them to expand their interests and show them the things that I enjoyed learning along the way.

This bitter attitude you have is probably a result of your outlook on life, though, not any 'expertise' you might have in your chosen passion.

>> No.14687104

Wow, you joined some websites, a true music enthusiast. You sure showed those fucking idiots enjoying music wrong.

>> No.14687109

Any suggestions I make are going to be flavoured by my own interests, so you need to try to apply certain principles to your style.

Firstly, if you want to look good, accept that you'll need to spend a bit of money. It's incredibly hard to look good on a povvo budget, but the bright side there is that careful clothing choices can give you a diverse range of combinations.

Secondly, feeling like you look good is important, and if you're fat, or unshaved/ungroomed, or unexercised, or you haven't showered or brushed your teeth, take confidence from doing these things, because they improve you over time. Plus your life will just generally be far better if you exercise, eat well, and keep yourself groomed. The psychological reassurance is just a mindhack.

Thirdly, if you're jacked, your clothes will fit better and look fucking awesome. I recommend having a conscious separation between formal and casual, progressing to include some semi-formal, semi-casual extras as time goes on. Formal wear you want to dress according to the weather. If you're in a tropical area, sorry, but you're limited to light dress shirts and thin trousers. If you're in a colder area like Northern North America or Northern Europe, you can get away with wearing snazzy coats and thicker clothes that give you more freedom. Suits always look awesome, but if you're a worker for whom suits are impractical, just wear them outside of work. Spend decent money on your suits, or you'll look like a joke.

Try to go for more understated fashion. You won't stand out, but you won't look like that jacked bald guy wearing a tropical shirt and backwards sunglasses, or that fashion-follower who wears decal t-shirts or weird fashion choices because they're trendy.

Find a style you like, spend decent money on it, don't be a fat fuck, groom yourself regularly and make any facial hair you have look crisp, and don't wear gaudy shit. Look good without clothes and most clothes you have will look good.

>> No.14687117
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>> No.14687124

Fuck off kid go be elitist somewhere else

>> No.14687128



>> No.14687223
File: 32 KB, 557x550, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What its based off

>> No.14687262

bugman detected, maybe you should stop substituting your superficial music taste for your obvious lack of a personality

>> No.14687266


>> No.14687334

based and obviously redpilled

>> No.14687487

nothing triggers a zoomer more than exposing them for the embryos they are, I love it