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14679822 No.14679822 [Reply] [Original]

>tucking in t-shirts
why do people do this?

>> No.14679828

Fuck off back to /a/ cretin

>> No.14679859

zoomers love vintage stuff now

>> No.14679862

To show off a beautiful belt.

>> No.14679868

big dick dad-core

>> No.14679902

elongates the legs while shortening the torso, what are you fucking retarded?

>> No.14680308

Because we're not all highschool kids?

>> No.14680312

If your shoulders and waist are good enough generally you'll look better

>> No.14680337

tshirts are underwear and supposed to be tucked in along with the collar shirt.

>> No.14680347
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Never damped they dick with pussy juice.

>> No.14680354

This, I always tuck my tees in nowadays
T. broad shoulders and 29 inch waist

>> No.14680361

>t. virgin

>> No.14680369
File: 81 KB, 680x680, 28D0EAAC-2092-432A-9B61-25E1A7C7309D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate to do it but im just doing my job

>> No.14680380

it doesn't make you look better.
t-shirts are designed for casual wear, you don't fucking tuck them in, or else you look like a faggot.

>> No.14680382

T-shirts are "designed" to be underwear. They go under your shirt, which is also tucked.

>> No.14680400

T-shirts, no. fitted undershirts, yes. You can easily tell by the weight and fit of a shirt if its a casual T or an undershirt. If all the shirt would do is bunch up and hang shittily due to loose, boxy fabric its not meant to be tucked plain and simple. If the length doesn't permit a proper tuck its the same scenario. If its form-fitting and has a sleek cut you tuck it in and wear something else on top, untucked.

>> No.14680453

who the fuck wears another shirt under their shirt?
is anyone really that insecure?

>> No.14680459

if your t shirts are oversized it looks nice

>> No.14680480

if you sweat a lot then it makes sense to put on an undershirt to keep your collared shirt in better shape
or you might not live in some warm climate hellhole like california and need to wear an undershirt to keep a little warmer

>> No.14680689

from an aesthetic perspective, if done right it can give a pleasing silhouette, if done wrong you just look like a tryhard

from a technical perspective, there is no tugging on the sides of your arms for whatever movements you need to do

>> No.14681180

It stuck with me because I had to tuck in my 4 t shirts so I could fit my older brothers sick cargo pants growing up

>> No.14681223

Again: You wear a tshirt under your your collar shirt (the thing with the buttons; long-sleeved) so you can manage your sweat and keep the collar shirts fabric in good condition. Even if you don't sweat much, you will eventually accumulate some dribble in the armpits. An undershirt in tshirt shape will fix that. Yes, there are dedicated undershirts that may - from your perspective - be entirely different from regular tshirts. But face it: When you suit up, you wear a t-shirt, a collar shirt and the suit jacket; in autumn / winter an overcoat on top of that. The tshirt is the bare minimum of clothing and on 99.9% of men look sloppy. Once you wear manly clothes like a suit, you will see the awkwardness of going around dressed only in tshirt, jeans and dirty sneakers.

>> No.14681316
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only if you're swole enough