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File: 118 KB, 1190x446, department-stores-technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14673712 No.14673712 [Reply] [Original]

Any tips on how to steal from department stores?

>> No.14673719

just don't be black or look like a teenage boy

>> No.14673726

Just walk in grab some stuff and walk out, nobody will have the cojones to stop you

>> No.14673732

aluminum lined bags to block rfid sensors
or, you can get tag removers
keep an eye on cameras, they aren’t allowed in changing rooms
most changing rooms give a tag for number of things that you take in
because of this, thrift something that looks similar, wear it to the store, go to the changing rooms and switch the rfid tag from the store clothes to yours
wear their clothes out the store

>> No.14673740

This also you need to look like wage slave normie

>> No.14673743

Reminder that if you get caught with shoplifting equipment there’s a much worse sentence so if you do do it be extremely careful. Also, don’t go in untrained, work on concealing because you’ll get fucked if you try to do it sneakily

Walkouts are another story, you gotta make sure you don’t get your license plate jotted down escaping, etc.

>> No.14674478

When I grab a shirt or a pant I usually grab two, get somewhere the cameras can't see, put one inside of the other, so the nice lady at the changing rooms thinks I only have one, I get in the changing room, cut off the label and anti theft tag, I know how to sew, so if I'm lazy I just cut of a hole in the item to remove it, conceal it in my bag if I can, or wear it under my clothes, and get out, usually buying a pair of socks or some shit.
It helps that I look like a nice and productive member of society.

>> No.14674547

yeah get a job poorfag

>> No.14674567

You don't. What are you going to steal? A jacket? lol

>> No.14674597

Know some fellas that walked out with a Stoney. Not ideal, but just proves that anyone can do it. They were 14 at the time and have a combined IQ of 50 at most.

>> No.14674769

I stole a jacket from a fashion expo in firenze kek

>> No.14674771

Key is to be confident and not look or act like a shoplifter at all. The staff are looking for suspicious people, so don't be suspicious. Be as bland and milquetoast as possible so they pay you no mind. Read about the signs of nervousness and practice not doing them. Also read up on LP and what they look for then be the opposite.

>> No.14674869

Wear pants and take a bunch of stuff into the dressing room along with the few items you’re gonna take. Put on whatever you stealing and then just put your own clothes back on top. Me and my friends used to do this at goodwill back in HS. The most I got away with in one time was two shorts, jeans, and a shirt. Also I always did it at goodwill so even if the workers noticed they probably don’t care enough to stop you. Or just put something on and walk out

>> No.14674874

these places have dedicated plainclothes loss prevention crew, be careful. But if you are quick enough with the right tools, you can do it.

Its far easier not to be a degenerate and actually buy stuff though.

>> No.14674882

Some friends helped me steal an L01 from Zaks a couple years ago lol

>> No.14674884


>> No.14674890

Stealing is for niggers but if you’re going to use the changing room don’t give the swapped item back to the employee at the changing room, take it back out into the store and put it on the rack

>> No.14674895

Since you're clearly a black. Just go with all your hoodrat friends and all grab stuff and run out. Blacks are good at this technique because it takes no critical thinking or forethought of repercussions.

>> No.14674901
File: 83 KB, 788x685, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white flash mob
Dances in a public space

>black flash mob
Steals anything they can get their hands on.

>> No.14675253
File: 47 KB, 600x425, get away car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you are putting together a team for the job anon.

You will need a driver.

>> No.14675303

this might seem deplorable, but if there is any way to bring along a child in a stroller, or an old forgetful grandma , (to plant stuff on) , it really helps immensely. if you get caught, you have an "out" so to speak. you can say "omg my kid must have grabbed those earrings and pocketed them when i had my back turned! ugh!" they will typically let you go.

>> No.14675422

this is bullshit. strollers and wheelchairs are huge red flags and if you get caught stealing with a kid or your grandma they'll fuck you hard because its so degenerate. like another poster said they have plainclothes LP and department store cameras are numerous and well-placed. I make a lot of money boosting and they're literally the most difficult stores to steal from. its way easier to make some money boosting other shit and use it to buy what you actually want.

>> No.14675444

What is money boosting?

>> No.14675458
File: 35 KB, 250x350, 1569354750923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that some gypsy tactic. White man method is this: go in to the store with camera, go to changing room, measure item number tag dimensions, photograph it front on, to capture number font and placement. Somehow break tag to get a material sample, say later that you stepped on it or something. Recreate the tag in CAD, and source it from chink factory. Take them with you in store, go in the busiest time to help with distraction. Now if you take maximum number of items, let's say 6 - take 2 items, deal with alarms, replace real tag with self manufactured one with number 4. Go out. Give back 4 items and manufactured "4" tag. You get 2 items plus real tag.

>> No.14675464

Clearly you've never stolen before or got really lucky. Any extra bags or storage guarantee and eye on you by security. You need to go in one day find a dead spot without stealing anything. Come back dressed in normal if not somewhat nice clothes so you don't look like someone who would steal. Avoid being black or mexican. Get in and out as fast as possible avoid the whole "buy something small to look normal"

Also don't steal I did it alot when I was younger but it's not worth risking your life for something you could spend a week saving for.

>> No.14675472

You're all pieces of shit

Dont care if I'm moralfagging

I hope you all get tazed by an under paid security guard and shit yourselves

>> No.14675479
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive.

>> No.14675514

you really read the sentence "I make money boosting" and are asking what "money boosting" is? learn English you stupid fucking monkey foreigner.

>> No.14676197


>> No.14676219

Don't steal, this activity is performed by subhumans, my dood

>> No.14676220

Buy item A. Keep the receipt. Go to the store again. Grab identical item. Return it.

>> No.14676278

Absolutely based

>> No.14676290

I uh, ???

>> No.14676429

500 iq

>> No.14676620

what the fuck kind of light yagami shit is this

>> No.14676660

A productive member with holes in your clothes