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/fa/ - Fashion

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14666435 No.14666435 [Reply] [Original]

What clothes should I wear to make women notice me?

>> No.14666476

A giant, pink hat and a lime green suit.

>> No.14666480

a cool hat

>> No.14666486

First thing you do is stop worrying about women and focus on bettering yourself and being the kind of guy a woman would want to be with regardless of how you dress. Women can smell desperation so the less desperate you seem the better your chances.

>> No.14666488

Nowadays: prep style. You'll stand out between all the tracksuits, jeans, sneakerniggers and sweatpants.

>> No.14666491
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>First thing you do is stop worrying about women and focus on bettering yourself and being the kind of guy a woman would want to be with regardless of how you dress. Women can smell desperation so the less desperate you seem the better your chances.

>> No.14666499
File: 65 KB, 500x688, grey sport jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less is more. Clean and boring. Prep but not over-the-top. Boring dad fashion.

<--- pic is what I mean by over-the-top prep

>> No.14666500
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clean and boring prep

>> No.14666502


>> No.14666509
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And gym
Now stop being a nigger and fuck off

>> No.14666525
File: 90 KB, 1080x1349, 1569579984125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple
First, just grow about 6 inches in height
Then, put on approximately 120 lbs in pure muscle
Then, get a high-paying job as a business executive and travel the world with your millionaire fortune
Then, buy the most expensive designer clothes you can afford
Then, develop an interesting, fun personality
Then, develop a 12 inch penis and a chiseled jawline
Then you might have a chance

>> No.14666568

>why yes I'm insecure how could you tell?

>> No.14666579

Women generally take notice when you dress "nice." They appreciate it when you've clearly put some thought into your outfit but aren't trying to hard. The outfits that get the most attention from women, I've noticed, are slightly dressy ones that are comfy but not sloppy.

It seems like women also like tasteful textures and patterns- my linen khakis, cable knit wool sweater, and suede wingtip oxfords are probably my items of clothing that get the most compliments from women.

Basically, dress half a level of formality above the people around you, wear clothes that fit, DO NOT wear anything sloppy or lazy, and play with tasteful colors and textures and women will notice.

It goes without saying that if you're hopelessly ugly/ awkward then none of this will do you much good

>> No.14666582

Shoes, man. Make sure them shits ain't busted. It's legit one of the first fucking things they notice.

>> No.14666589
File: 94 KB, 640x431, img_6090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i wouldnt really call my self a chad but i do get laid all the time, whats my secret? Hahaha is simple. I the god of all males, ok now mods have stopped reading, fuck you nigger is over.


>> No.14667122

Buy The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.

Stop being a vagina. Women have boobs and butts to be recognised by you. Make yourself the object of attraction.

Men = resources

Women = fertility and maternal instincts

That’s the law of nature.

Good luck

>> No.14667135

sorry lad you need to be an 8+ to get noticed by women nowadays

>> No.14667144

>Boring dad fashion
>Getting noticed by women
Pick one.
Women want you to display some personality and competence without being tryhard. You can be simple, but not boring. Prep is a good base, but that's more about which women you attract rather than how much overall. What really matters is how well you pull off whatever you're doing. In all looks, fit, congruence, effort but not tryhard, colors, textures etc is what matters. Get good at those.

Fashion can make a big difference, but like the other anon said, if you're ugly, fashion isn't your problem, isn't isn't going to solve your problem. Still worth doing of course.

>> No.14667158

So the thing is, any theory of attraction that doesn't have genetics and physical development as the most important factors is bunk. To a first approximation, better genetics and physique beats everything else. You can't change your genetics, but you can get stronger and leaner, and get better posture, which helps a lot more than mere fashion. Fashion, insofar as it affects the rest of this, is all about details of execution, not thiswave or thatcore. Just do what's normal and practical for your profession and social rank, but pull it off really well.
But make sure you're doing the most important thing, which is looking good naked, which means gym, diet, sun, posture, grooming, etc.

>> No.14667167

>look at the guys that get the girls you want
>the difference between you and them is what you need to work on

there is a universal standard of what women want, it's not rocket science

if you're not getting noticed it's because you are A) not attractive, and B) have nothing to compensate for it

the aggregate of looks and social status is what makes a man attractive (money is what compensates for a lack of it)

>> No.14667189

I literally have nightmares about being constricted in clothes these tight.

>> No.14667282

>money is what compensates for a lack of it
Money is attractive to women insofar as it is an indicator of social status and ability to provide for children/ support a bougie lifestyle. It rarely compensates for a lack of anything, especially since it's very difficult to both have a lot of money and be low social status

>> No.14667401

You sure showed me.

>> No.14667410
File: 38 KB, 424x587, mystery_method_neil_strauss_style_pua_peacocking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone should agree to stop posting, we should have a posting strike

>> No.14667412

Explain all the ugly dudes with beautiful women then. You see it all the time. Sure looks can play a roll and make things easier in the beginning but being able to talk and get her to laugh is what's really important.

>> No.14667430
File: 665 KB, 1536x2048, zIWiyob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be black, white girls instantly notice me

>> No.14667604



If somebody asked me to imagine a male bimbo, this is what I would come up with

>> No.14667610

Who Is This Pussy Juice Demon?

>> No.14667783

cor blimey that thumbnail

>> No.14667788


>> No.14668190

a himbo

>> No.14668387


>> No.14669526

well, he did ask how to get girls, this is the easiest way

But if your life revolves only around fucking girls I feel sorry for you

>> No.14669985

Big chest, tall body, aka 8+

>> No.14670210

a good face

>> No.14670223
File: 387 KB, 1842x524, la exterminador sin copula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing is my fault. My society merely failed me. There is no one in the world as unfortunate as I am at this very moment.

>> No.14670248

not dressing like a boring, white, suburban father.

but if ur ugly thats a different story lololololol

goodluck buddy

>> No.14670255

Not to be mean bro but this pic example you used is cringe. You'll get a woman's attention just not in a good way.

>> No.14670256

Why did you post a bunch of antifa guys?

>> No.14670267

Tbh, if you look as alpha as that, does it rly matter how much fashion knowledge on rick owens or raf simons you have? Face it bro, he's smashing poon rn and ur on /fa/.

>> No.14670344

which is why I said don't do it.

>> No.14670594
File: 72 KB, 1080x1020, 1566022121168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you sure showed me

>> No.14670604
File: 353 KB, 2048x1173, C74A0BF0-DB9D-4AB3-B821-6BA10AF7292C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14670605

How old are these "women"?

>> No.14671654

>Then, put on approximately 120 lbs in pure muscle
You can actually do this.

After four years of going to the gym.

>> No.14671656
File: 40 KB, 321x600, eeee9d6ccdc8a021ca12a74c106b457f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
