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File: 654 KB, 1770x2500, effay as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14660755 No.14660755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

based child fights climate change and dresses better than half this board

>> No.14660776

having FAS is not a core

>> No.14660812
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Only /fa/ thing about her are her braids

Too bad she’s an ugly child

>> No.14660831
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Gore tex takes thousands of years to break down and is made with those crazy fertility destroying pfoa plastic things. honk.

>> No.14660835

when there's nothing substantial about her you can attack, why not just make up some shit right?
christ you cunts are desperate

>> No.14660838

Greta needs to dial down the bitter tone and deliver her message in a more appealing way.

>> No.14660839

You need to kill yourself

>> No.14660844

Why are you mad lol, Igor is absolutely right.

>> No.14660849

there is no "appealing" way to inspire sudden and radical change
do you have any idea what we're fucking up against? you think major industries are going to join our side if we ask them nicely?

you're both fucking idiots

>> No.14660855
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It should be obvious she is an industry plant.

>> No.14660856

also young people have every right in the world to be bitter
see >>14660835 and >>14660839

>> No.14660857

Grrrrr! The world is fucking on fire! Grrrrrrr

>> No.14660871

we know that no other strategy has worked, and civil disobedience and striking can work.

if you're to be such a cynical cunt then why don't you tell us what you suggest? cause my guess is that you just don't give a shit

>> No.14660883


Stop being such a faggot globalist for the UN. Climate change isn’t real. Using a poor girl to further their agenda

>> No.14660887
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>> No.14660890


>> No.14660892

I'm not him but people will have forgotten who Greta is by this time next year.

Plus for every step the west takes forward, China and the dirt countries will take 10 back. Most politicians don't give a shit, most people don't TRULY give a shit. If the alarmists are right, we are done for.

Fortunately the alarmists are never right and everything will be alright in the end (for the rich countries at least).

>> No.14660893

shes a mentally challenged CHILD being manipulated by (((them))) to push an agenda. climate change has affected the planet for its entirety, its not new, and it is not human inflicted. its just a scheme to get money and people on their side by causing mass fear and panic. /fa/? no.
based, /thread, etc.

>> No.14660894

also she targets western countries instead of china and india. its obvious this is a scheme by (((them))).

>> No.14660897

Why are swedes so fucking weird

>> No.14660913

Stop sabotaging me, fag. I don't say gay shit like "dilate".

>> No.14660915

what are you on about schizo?

>> No.14660927

if you did 2 minutes of reading and interpreted the information honestly, you would discover that the "alarmists" are absolutely correct.

so, if on the one hand we've got a group who are dedicated to doing everything in their power to make the necessary changes happen, and on the other hand we've got disingenuous lazy pieces of shit like you who think we should just bury our heads in the sand forever, i'm giving my allegiance to the former.

>> No.14660933


>> No.14660938

necessary changes? i assume you mean to china and india, correct?

>> No.14660964

Oh the alarmists are correct?

Sweet. Then there's absolutely nothing that I can do to improve the situation. So I shall continue living my life like always. Thanks, anon!

>> No.14660983

Agreed. Climate change is obviously real, but her and these protesters are just entrenching the opposition. Conservatives don't like being told to feel guilt or shame (outside of religious context), and they'll never listen to a bunch of faggot protesters that don't look like they've worked a hard day in their life.

>> No.14660999

Bingo. This shit is so counterproductive.

>> No.14661035


Brainwashed /fa/ggot

Go educate yourself rather than consuming UN bullshit all day. Climate change isn’t real like I said before. The earth is constantly changing. Has been for millions of years.

>> No.14661045
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What these “climate activists” left behind. This is what happens when every protestor is believed the age of 23 and have never worked a single day or paid a single bill/taxes in their life. Kids these days are so over privileged and they don’t even realize it.

>> No.14661096
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she’s suing five countries for global warming and none of them are China. This makes her a fraud. You get that.

>> No.14661097
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>> No.14661098

That's the point. Conservatives had been coming around on climate change recently, so they had to ramp up the bullshit to get the political utility out of browbeating everybody.

If the population was united beging "hey, yeah why hasn't our elite got their shit together to decarbonize the economy by building nuclear power?" Then suddenly the ball would be in their court, and they would be forced to actually do something. So they actually want the conservatives to oppose climate action.

>> No.14661108

She's isn't doing any of these things. She's just an employee of George Soros working off a script to destabilize international currency exchange rates in predictable ways to allow her boss to make billions.

>> No.14661113


Do you get all your news from facebook you mouth breather?

>> No.14661116

>pragerU tier science education
Past mass extinction events have correlated closely to relatively slight shifts in cO2. While often one of many factors, greenhouse gases are well understood, and their ability to drive climate change on their own is indisputable.

You're right that there have been countless instances of climate change over earth's life span, but the catalysts for those events were things beyond human control, had finite durations, and generally advanced over much longer stretches of time. No one doubts life's ability to bounce back from dramatic temperature shifts. The concern is the inevitable strife and suffering that they entail.

The fossil record is littered with species whose demise was caused by slight changes in weather patterns. Something as simple as a shift in ocean currents can reshape an entire continent.

Sorry about the autism, but goddamn, you kochpilled fags are retarded. I get that academia's liberal leanings have tainted the departments with more rigorous standards, but there's a point that your ignorance is on you.

>> No.14661124

This is the side that the liberals get really wrong about climate change. Nuclear is the safest and cleanest alternative, but really bad fear mongering and scientifically illiterate retellings of nuclear disasters has put it in a bad light. Even that new chernobyl series was unwatchably retarded, talking about a nuclear power plant like it's an H-bomb and using the Bolshevik state-approved account of ground zero events...

>> No.14661137

I wonder what would happen if they took any environmental science course in university. Even my soil science class had a decent section about climate change. Would they just not listen?

>> No.14661156

The funny thing is that most basic courses in life or earth sciences would do. Unfortunately, the science media is often piss-poor at relaying and interpreting findings, and laymen on both sides end up being really misinformed and completely unequipped to sift through the bullshit.

>> No.14661159
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What I don’t get is why not appeal to people’s sense of thrift and nostalgia for beauty.
I’m an environmentalist because I don’t want the west to look like China, India, Brazil or Mexico.
Only the weak-minded need fairy tales about global warming and angry mother Gaia.

>> No.14661179

>U.S. citizens decide to eat only what they can burn and keep their current tech products and transportation until they're inoperable
>stock markets crash around the world
What leader is gonna tell people to use less when they're also promising more jobs and profit?

>> No.14661180

But actually if we need to make such drastic changes that will likely never happen in such a short time, can't we just call it a wash?
>instead of china and india

>> No.14661187
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Fuck off Greta I just went to buy some McDonalds and I left my car running on purpose.

>> No.14661205

Nah I think everyone knows it. The problem is nuclear is hard, and solves the problem, which again, is more useful to them than a livable planet.

Suppose we nuclearized tomorrow. Super cheap electricity, no carbon. India and China would still be belching out the carbon, and the elite would have just lost a big point of moral leverage against white people.

They're never going to do it.

>> No.14661217

based as fuck, like 30% of the reason why i haven't killed myself yet is because i'm hoping the world will be a struggle to live in

>> No.14661221

I am indeed subscribed to Prager U on YouTube. I’m getting an education for free rather than paying 100k for a biased liberal education at university

>> No.14661245

إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ,أنا لم أر مثل هذا الجهل من قبل

>> No.14661248

Isn’t technical wear a huge environment killer

>> No.14661266

He’s also promised to reduce reliance on China where there are very few environmental protections.
In the end the solution is national self-reliance that results in the costs of industry being born by the people who reap the rewards.
Of course Americans don’t mind buying cheap plastic trash from China when the industrial waste resulting from the production is dumped in rural Guangdong

>> No.14661288

this guy is right

>> No.14661294

>subcribes to prager U
>calls others brainwashed
>He’s also promised to reduce reliance on China
Who? I never mentioned any names because it's a bipartisan promise. If you're not promising people that they'll have more money to buy more things, you're not getting elected.

>> No.14661297

>uncle turtleboy

>> No.14661315
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Daily reminder. Why do you think modern jews have german surname.

>> No.14661317

she got ricky and raf drippp doe

>> No.14661528

hello Varg

>> No.14661530

(((Prager U)))

>> No.14661561

w-why is she dressing lunarcore? She was supposed to save earth not ditch us

>> No.14661567

because it was forced upon them in the 19th century by the German government in the Austrian kingdom.

>> No.14661591
File: 24 KB, 500x499, E4D7BBE9-294E-40B5-9E36-9CF2B97EB82C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump has levied massive tariffs on China. This isn’t just a campaign promise, it’s a fact on the ground.
Regardless of intentions, an effect of this is to reduce American consumption of goods produced by a country with less environmental regard than our own.

>> No.14661721


>> No.14661767

We didn't stop burning wood because we were concerned about the Rain Forest, we did it because coal was better
People who are concerned abut climate change should put their efforts in pushing scientific research and lowering poverty in Asia
It's useless to keep screaming "the ice is melting" when the half of the planet that is polluting the most doesn't give too shits about it

>> No.14661843

Greta has a handler. She is being told what to say. Sad people don't even know this. You should be mad, they are using a child to manipulate you. Then using a child to deflect criticism. You can't criticise her because she is a child BUT you must take her seriously because she is a child. The logic is flawed.

Earth climate has gone up and down over millions of years, it's the natural cycle.

The biggest threat to climate is population growth. Mainly coming from Africa. They always fail to mention that because "racism" or something. Cutting down on your plastic usage means nothing compared top the African population explosion.

This is helped by Western medicine and aid. Yet when Western populations stagnate (good for the climate) they say we must import millions if Africans which is the root cause of climate change.

So let us get this straight, cut down on some plastic and import hundreds of millions of people (people are the biggest cause of climate change) and that will somehow be good for climate change?

It's so utterly ridiculous and absurd and if you need any further proof the IQ of people is falling at an alarming rate it's right here.

>biggest polluters
>china and india
>say nothing about that
>the next biggest threat is a larger population
>import millions from africa to the west

>lecture white western minority populations who are a tiny percent overall of pollution

Beyond stupid. I give up.

>> No.14661845

>People who are concerned abut climate change should put their efforts in pushing scientific research and lowering poverty in Asia

The best thing they can do is educate Africans to have 1-2 children instead of 9-10.That will help 1000 times over more than their silly protests.

>> No.14661876

when climate change is a real issue and we have this literal Mongoloid Asperger creature making the whole thing and anybody cares about the environment autistic. literally.

>>14660983 hit it right on the read.

>> No.14661880

Okay, Greta. Go and take your pills now.

>> No.14661889

pol is leaking again
Holy shit the cringe the palatable and I don't even know who this person is

>> No.14661891

why should I give a fuck about climate change
I can barely afford rent

>> No.14661895

God I want to deliver her a flying kick in the face Chuck Norris style

>> No.14661896

Because millionaire celebs will take 10 private jet flights a week to lecture you about it and tell you how much of a bad person you are.

>> No.14661897

just some sperg who is afraid of loud noises so instead of going to school she pretends to care about the environment for shekels

>> No.14661898

tell them to pay my fucking bills. I can't even dream about owning a house. fucking boomers ruined the market

>> No.14661907

it's worth adding to this that importing africans into the west is the worst of both worlds because you get the fertility rates of Africa with the carbon footprint of an industrialized nation's citizen.
The best thing is to encourage third worlders to self-sterilize.
The next best thing is to not bring them into the first world.

>> No.14661908
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>talk about climate change
>huge multinational corporations contribute to this
>support antifa
>a pro global multinational corporation thug protection squad
>they attack anyone who are against these huge companies

Yeah this autist is a genius...

She's more at threat from a grenade in Sweden harming her than the climate.

>> No.14661912

They are going to solve the problem for you, cut out plastic on food so you have to do more work, use cleaning products and purchase more to wash them to take plastic tubs to the store to fill them up with food.

Making your life harder will save the world while ignoring the African population explosion. Trust them, they know what they are doing...

>> No.14661914

Yeah in Africa 3-4 of their 10 kids might survive because of Western aid,. When you import them to the West, all 10 will survive funded by the taxpayer and those 10 will all have another 10 kids each.

Let's just ignore than and.. electric cars!! Problem solved. That's why all the climate stuff we are hearing are complete lies.

>> No.14661916


>> No.14661917

>Let's just ignore THAT and***

>> No.14661919

Take comfort that lots of people feel this way. Them lecturing and making life harder doesn't make people agree with them, it makes people push back harder.

people are not growing more and more fond of this little girl, people are starting to despise and hate her.

>> No.14661936

Ok, fuck that assburger, but DAMN what is that jumpsuit?

>> No.14661967

Are those Rick Owens?

Confirmed for autist-core.

>> No.14662014

What's the point of spreading her message when she's a total hypocrite? i bet most clothing she wears isn't made in Sweden and has been brought over in a cargo ship from chinkland.
Only like 5% of all environmentalists practice what they preach

>> No.14662125
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>> No.14662164
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who cares

wear clothes n look freeky~

>> No.14662175

I just gotta say... I totally believe global warming is the biggest issue humanity will face this century, and it feels like we're not doing enough to stop it...

But seeing this retarded cunt act dramatic af at the UN while reading a script and being coached by a ton of people DOES NOT make me more sympathetic to the cause... And seeing people get upset about the criticism levelled against her(including by people like me who are NOT climate change denialists) makes this entire thing seem like a joke.

>> No.14662181

bro global warming isn't gonna help ME PAY MY BILLS
let the rich cunts solve it

>> No.14662189
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She do be looking kinda fresh tho

>> No.14662193
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Just gonna leave this here.

>> No.14662200 [DELETED] 

the billie eilish of climate change

>> No.14662217

>I just gotta say... I totally believe global warming is the biggest issue humanity will face this century, and it feels like we're not doing enough to stop it...

Even if I agreed with you, the main cause of it is population growth.

The population in the West isn't growing. In Africa it is exploding. Which means to change things you have to do 2 things. Limit African immigration to the West and educate Africans to have lesser children.

Nobody at all will address these issues. They will be deemed racist for some reason.

Having some plastic wrap over your food from the store is nothing compared to the birth of a new human.

So if you believe global warming is the biggest threat, how will you address these issues? You simply wont. We can't even address a basic truth because it is too uncomfortable and politically incorrect. All we will have is people in the West stating how great they are because they re-used a water bottle while the African population grows and grows and China and India continue what they are doing.

It everyone in the West made massive changes it would change nothing because as above, the main cause isn't plastic bag usage in the West.

>> No.14662242

Completely agree with you, but I will say less plastic might not stop global warming but I'd still prefer to have less trash around. I fully support reducing plastic while aware it makes little impact on stopping climate change.

>> No.14662243

When is she going to protest in China?

>> No.14662249

Every single person here that think climate change is fake is white.

>> No.14662256
File: 1.23 MB, 640x1136, 5C6D0536-D890-4368-9A57-5CA6C8A7712E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone just needs to move to cities so we can walk everywhere instead of taking cars. I have never driven a car in my life and I do just fine. Cars are destroying the planet. I’d only get a car if it’s electric but I don’t even need one

>> No.14662257

Well, look at this way.

You have a bathtub. Someone keeps pouring in a jug full of water while you use a little egg cup to take water out.

While you are taking some water out, in the end it's going to be totally pointless. You have to address the jug issue or you are wasting your time.

If 20 million cut their plastic usage down in a country, then you accept say 200,000 immigrants, you will make no impact. The impact will be bigger by using plastic and not accepting the 200,000.

The only way using less plastic is good is if you also address the population issue. Plastic is secondary though, by a long shot.

Why is nobody talking about the population issue? That's the real question.

>> No.14662269

Of course. White people aren't all gullible enough to fall for this scam shit.

>> No.14662272
File: 97 KB, 750x563, popualtion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here is my point. This poster is totally clueless about the population issue and believes climate change is simply down to car usage. These people have zero clue what they are talking about.

Humans without cars add to climate change. Zero car usage and millions of Africans coming to the West will do more climate damage.

>Africa has the highest rate of population growth among major areas. The population of sub-Saharan Africa is projected to double by 2050. A rapid population increase in Africa is anticipated even if there is a substantial reduction of fertility levels in the near future.

Look at this graph.

Europe and the US will have little impact. Look at the African population. Now see the current climate of people wanting African immigration to the West. They will then use Western things. The issue is population explosion of Africa, not cars FFS.

>> No.14662277

pls tell me how ppl will afford to live in cities...

>> No.14662285

I don’t pay for a car or gas so I save my money on that and put it towards rent.

>> No.14662288

Only whites are gullible enough for fox news and Breitbart.

>> No.14662289

You see how people who have zero clue about climate change are so clueless about everything?

Cities are already overcrowded and expensive and that poster thinks to tackle climate change we should all move there lol.

Lets have some dystopia mega city of 50 million people. Maybe masses and masses of communist blocks. Genius.

>> No.14662292

>get rid of your means to travel for the sake of throwing more money away on rent

We have some total brainlets here. Yeah not paying for gas will make minimum wage people afford huge city rents. Yeah OK.

>> No.14662296

If there’s a will there’s a way. Trust the process. Moved to NYC on my own after I graduated college. Met some people at a bar and became friends with them and moved into their apartment for a few weeks crashing on their couch while o job searched. Then got a new apartment with one of their friends. In the end it all worked out.

>> No.14662303

>oh he’s a wage cuck
>makes sense

>> No.14662306

>100 million americans should give up their car
>move to nyc
>the money they save on gas will pay for an apartment
>climate issue solved

Do stupid people know they are stupid? I don't think so. Imagine voicing such ridiculous crap and thinking you are smart. Embarrassing. Even the most crazy climate people would laugh at this.

>> No.14662310

That’s what the UN wants to do retard. They want to move people out of the rural parts of the country to preserve natural land then herd us all together in mega cities like sardines so we are easier to control

>> No.14662319

>then herd us all together in mega cities like sardines so we are easier to control

So you know it's a stupid idea. In most countries in the West the rural populations are very small, there would be zero climate impact. Show me the UN documentation.

>> No.14662329

Of course it’s a stupid idea. When did I say it wasn’t? I live in New Hampshire. I’d never ever want to live in a shithole city like NY. Place is littered with garbage and piss and reeks.

>> No.14662341

T. CNN and Huffington Post fanboi

>> No.14662349 [DELETED] 

>you realize it is a idea is stupid
>someone calls it stupid
>you call them a retard

Am I missing something here? Waiting for the UN documentation stating these plans and the predicated outcomes if implemented.

>> No.14662350
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>> No.14662354

>you realize it is a stupid idea
>someone calls it stupid
>you call them a retard

Am I missing something here? Waiting for the UN documentation stating these plans and the predicated outcomes if implemented.

>> No.14662393

Well I think you’re a retard because it seems you actually believe in climate change? Do you not?

>> No.14662399

No, not currently. The earth has natural cycles that it goes through. But in future having 5 billion Africans with half of them in the West I can see could cause climate issues and certainly environmental issues.

>> No.14662428

boomer + republican has to be the epitome of retardation

>> No.14662440
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>> No.14662445
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>> No.14662452
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>> No.14662588

In this case, I like you. Sorry for calling you a retard :)

>> No.14662642

Based fit

>> No.14662646

>believing man is superior to nature
Ok Retard

>> No.14662693

Are those boots attached to the pants? Srs question

>> No.14662724

hun fag detected

>> No.14662758

actually fighting climate change is the least effay thing to do. all you’re doing is preserving the planet for pedo elites and their future serf class while the diminishing middle class pays for everything. if everyone was serious about climate change we would be having a conversation about shifting society back into being luddites while preserving plastics and petrochemicals only for maintaining modern healthcare but all that will be proposed is more taxes against the west to subsidize oil companies expansion into green energy while rasheem is flown in to take that green energy job to make slightly above min wage and support his 8 streetshitlets via remittance.

rather see the planet turn into a fist of the north star dystopia tbqh

>> No.14662805
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Time to wake up, the world is puppet show. Nazi Germany and all europeans dead only for Israel. Hitler knew this all along.

>> No.14662838

Major industries have joined your side. That's why she is plastered over everybody's feeds because all they have to do is cart her out and then buy favour with idiots like you who believe what she is doing now amounts to more than pissing in the wind. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14662848

She's so fucking ugly. No.
I could dress like that too if I lived in the mountains because that's literally my skiing gear.
Very based.
This is the BLUE planet. The oceans must rise for us to fulfill our destiny.
It's better than being a snowball planet again.

>> No.14662875

i'm fucking living like an isolated peasant right now, eating rice and pasta all day. I can't pay my bills and the state + other corporate slaves are trying to take my last pennies. Idgaf about climate change, I hope you queer faggots die of a heat stroke. it's also funny seeing roasties cry that they want to be naked when it's 40°C outside, when I can go out to and skate in a shirt and long black pants
politics never cared about me, so you niggers can suck my nut

>> No.14662929

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.14662947

i like how when climate change is brought up people pretend class inequality is solved and initiatives to help the planet wont make that inequality worse
i fucking hate neoliberals

>> No.14662970

Childs usually don't dress themselves.

>> No.14663149

Why are climate change activist devolving into using a child to further the agenda? in what planet will anyone change their opinion because a 16 year-old was angry at them? it'll probably do the complete opposite.
Whatever, climate change is real but I don't want to stop it, it's the only way for this century to develop interesting scenarios and aesthetics. Technocratic city state water war campaigns to subdue eco fascist Islamic nomads is gonna be lit. Better than the boring shit that counts as the news today

>> No.14663165

i thought she was like 11-13 but it turns out she's already really old, so...