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File: 163 KB, 1280x720, nopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14652180 No.14652180 [Reply] [Original]

Is no poo legit? Is shampoo evil?

>> No.14652192

I tried it for a month or two last year, no shampoo only conditioner. My hair is naturally wavy but it made it even wavier, also it felt thicker because of the oils that didn't get removed by massaging the scalp with conditioner on.
Works for 2-3 days maximum, then it feels just too gross to go outside.

>> No.14652198

Less poo is better. Shampooing once every 2-3 days based on your hair type

>> No.14652206

Yes, no poo and ACV rinse works really well.

>> No.14652210
File: 260 KB, 305x550, CugjQU6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's legit

>> No.14652259

Imagine the smell

>> No.14652461

Just try it. All hair is different

>> No.14652485

I use a sulfate-free shampoo and that alone has been enough to help my hair a lot. No poo just seems like too much for me.

>> No.14652508

Shampoo isn't evil, but the cosmetics industry is. Shampoo is loaded with unproven crap like papaya or avocado, and people are told to use way too much of it. You should only wash your hair 1 or 2 times a week max. You should use a very small amount of shampoo.

Most people fall for the meme hard and was their hair daily with a big dollop. Of course it will fuck your hair up, you need to use a lot of conditioner to even maintain your hair when you are that aggressive.

If you have long hair I think it is worth using shampoo and conditioner so you can replace the sebum with a nicer smelling oil.

>> No.14652512

you can legit smell the fucking rancid oil if someone has been doing no poo. also if it works so well black women (who never fucking wash their hair even with water) would have amazing hair. but it looks like fucking pubes.

>> No.14652521

I got up to 5 days until I shit the bed in my sleep, hair still looks like trash so I'd say it's not worth.

>> No.14652528

Condition every day, shampoo every 2-3 days depending on your scalp and hair type. Shampoo forces your cuticles to open up, this is ok occasionally because conditioner and oil can seep into the hair deeper afterwards but every day is bad.

>> No.14652536

No it's stupid.

>> No.14652547

What do you use? Also for anyone else is Pureology good or just an overpriced scam?

>> No.14652557

I did no poo for like a year. After a couple of months or so the dandruff and itchiness stopped, but my hair ended up just being really greasy and not in a nice way. I wouldn't recommend it just based on my own experiences. I think you're better off using some $20 eco-friendly no chemical gluten-sensitivity shampoo.

>> No.14652560

Not them but I would personally recommend pura d'or shampoo and conditioner. Good stuff, price is a little steep however but I think it is cheaper than pureology

>> No.14652565

No poo is designed for people with curly or kinky hair that breaks and frizzes easily if overdried. I honestly don't know why so many straight- and wavy-haired white people latched on to no poo. It's like the coconut oil thing.

There's nothing horribly wrong with shampoo.

>> No.14652573

I should warn you however that the shampoo doesn't lather like most people are used to. Don't be deceived and use too much however. You can buy the shampoo and conditioner together for about $40 on amazon. I have used both before and liked it. I have tried out many different shampoos but this one has been one of the betters ones for sure. I also add gelatin to my shampoos for a protein boost and to get more mileage out of my shampoos.

>> No.14652574

Did it for like a month because I lived like a hermit crab around that time. I smelled like a wet dog I was disgusted by myself but never tried something like apple cider vinegar which apparently helps. Now I only shampoo once a week maybe two weeks and only use conditioner. I think this experiment fucked up my hair big time because before I had wavy/straight hair but now I've got really curly hair. fml lads

>> No.14652879

No poo means no shampoo, not no washing hair.

You should still wash your hair daily with cold water. It should never smell.

>> No.14652885

If your hair is greasy just wash with warmer water and towel dry, or use a really small amount of shampoo.

>> No.14652888

You probably just changed your drying habits. Hair is curlier if you air dry it more.

>> No.14652962

This is the best course from my experience.
Tried no poo, with only conditioner and water washing for a few weeks once because I have curly hair and wanted to see if it looks better that way. It kinda did for the first few days but then it just started to feel gross and itchy.

>> No.14652983

What's the purpose of conditioner?

>> No.14652985

To hydrate your hair

>> No.14652986

I assume I'd know if my hair was dry enough to need it

>> No.14653026

if your hair is used to shampoo then it won't work, I've had a buzz for 2 years and now that i've started to grow it haven't used shampoo. Only issue I have had is dandurff, but i've had a dryer scalp for most of my life, and i treat that with a dandurff shampoo ones a month.

>> No.14653052

The coconut oil thing?

>> No.14653211

Try different poos, don't wash it everyday. clean your asshole really goud

>> No.14653221

Hair is dead. It can't be used to shampoo. It's your scalp. Even then, it only takes a couple of days/weeks for your scalp and oil production to adapt

Whether or not, nopoo is viable depends entirely on the person's hair and skin type, which can't change.

>> No.14653267

>Hair is dead
nigger what

>> No.14654390

>lubricates the hair strand and smooths the cuticle layer so your hair is easier to comb and doesn’t get damaged from rubbing on stuff
>clings to the outside to patch up holes so it retains moisture more easily and stays flexible

I noticed a few years back that people with straight hair were talking about using coconut oil in their hair. This was already something black/curly haired people did because coconut oil is one of the few oils that penetrates the hair strand and can helps prevent many kinds of damage. Curly/kinky hair benefits from CO because it’s dry.

It was interesting to me because I understand that straight hair gets greasy on its own—not really a thing for black people. I didn’t really understand why someone would add more oil to hair prone to oiliness.

>> No.14654400

Hair is indeed ‘dead.’ It’s just material, like a sweater.

>> No.14654707

next up: is soap evil? is toilet paper evil? should i just wipe my ass with my bare hand?

>> No.14654712

Did you not shower?

>> No.14654715

>non harsh shampoo
>good conditioner
>good leave in treatment
This is the best formula, although it should only be used 1-2 times a week

>> No.14654725

Only use when your hair looks like Don Drapper's

>> No.14654734
File: 20 KB, 310x268, 310px-Hair_follicle-en.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hair growth begins inside the hair follicle. The only "living" portion of the hair is found in the follicle. The hair that is visible is the hair shaft, which exhibits no biochemical activity and is considered "dead".

>> No.14654777


>> No.14655470

I haven’t used shampoo or conditioner in over a year. I just rinse and scrub my hair really well when I’m in the shower and I always get compliments on how nice it looks.

>> No.14655506

What kind of hair do you have? Is it thick or curly or wavy?

>> No.14655528

My hair is curly and dry but i hate it, when its wet and i put pomade in it and push it back i like the way it looks but i have no idea how to make my hair stay that way or just not be dry af

>> No.14655536

I did no poo for 2 years, the first month is hell but then it's fine. Doesn't smell great doesn't smell bad, hair feels REALLY nice but I had to water wash it everyday or it became awful.

>> No.14655538

Underrated, audibly kek'd

>> No.14655624

Ok I am curious, if hair is truly dead, how come it turns grey? If there is nothing bioactive shouldn't that mean it wouldn't change color so drastically?

>> No.14655634

Tried it for a year, hair got insanely greasy for about a week then it went away. Over the course of the year my hair got a -little- bit of volume then it sort of decayed back to how it was before I did nopoo. Strange.

>> No.14655635

I've been doing no poo for a couple years now. I condition about once a week. I have wavy hair and I found that using shamp made my hair really "light" and it got way too much volume, almost like an afro or a blow-dry. I have used shampoo on a couple of occasions when my hair has gotten really dirty.
In short: shamp is a sham, go no-poo

>> No.14655849
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No poo for a year if you want a reference. It doesn’t smell but I don’t notice an increase amount of compliments, I suggest you only do it when you know you’re not going to be public really for three months or just don’t care what others think. Not sure if I’m going to continue or not

>> No.14655861
File: 26 KB, 561x677, nopoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is another one showing how different my hair can be, these are a few weeks apart

>> No.14655884

It definitely smells you just got used to it.

>> No.14655911

This movement tricked a whole generation or two of women (mostly Millennials, some before and after that) to go around with greasier than ideal hair. It works for some, but I would not recommend it, unless you know you get good results from that.

>> No.14655916

Nah I had a lot of fears so I’ve asked a lot. The people around me would let me know lmfao as well. If it actually did smell trust me I would of started using poo again but there’s no reason yet

>> No.14655940

The pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. That's why it turns grey. I guess if you've literally never cut your hair you would see a slow change from your normal hair color to grey. It's also why people with Vitiligo will have hair with no color to it as well.

>> No.14655983

looks filthy

>> No.14656007

Once a week removes funk and sweat. Unless you work out and sweat a lot, in which case, just shampoo during each shower.
I've been shampooing once a week when I don't work out and I condition every other day. My hair has never been softer and easier to manage and I'm so glad I took this route.

>> No.14656008

Full no poo is a meme, but you should use less of what most people do. I poo every 3-4 days, just feel when your hair gets too greasy and use poo then.

>> No.14656280

TL:DR i fucked my scalp with too much shampoo and now im trying to fix my shit whilst not smelling of wet dog
shampoo is evil if you misuse it

>> No.14657500

There's something about no-poo that many (most) people miss and that's preening their sebum with a board bristle brush, a wooden comb or by hand through all the lenght of the hair.
That said, I tried no-poo for like four months I think, it was nice but my hair got too heavy and my dandruff was bad the last month so I had to end it. But I'm used to only shampoo every 1 or two weeks only, and very diluted.
I would say that no-poo is only a meme for people that do it like a meme. If you research it well and keep an eye on your hair to see if it likes it or not, then it's something that can totally work.

>> No.14657577

3 times a week for normal
2 times a week just on your scalp if long hair
nopoo is kinda good for your hair but the smell isnt worth it

>> No.14657875

My hair doesn't smell when I nopoo, but immediately starts to smell when I poo.

>> No.14658040

No poo is great, as long as you wash your hair very thoroughly with water every single day, and as long as you don't have hair that naturally tends to get overly greasy.

>> No.14659341

I haven't used any shampoo or product on my hair for over a year, what I've noticed is
>less dandruff
>less frizziness
>thicker hair
>less hair fall
>hair isn't as stiff, more bouncy
It doesn't smell bad either, my moms the first to nag me to shower if i smell like shit, but it rarely happens anymore. After a while your body will realize to stop producing as much oils.

The only downsides is you won't be able to put fruity smells in your hair anymore, and that your towels will get dirty a lot faster because they'll essentially be rubbing off and soaking in all the oils from now on.

>> No.14659352

I'll try nopoo but lots of hair oil for a week, will report results

>> No.14660590

I was so poor I couldn't afford shampoo for half the year. I rinsed my scalp well with water but my dandruff was so awful. As soon as I was able to buy shampoo it cleared up. I think it works for some people but others its a horrible disgusting experience I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

>> No.14661414

I've been nopoo for about 14 years. My hair has a pretty perfect oil balance, but obviously it was greasy at first. It depends on whether or not you wanna ride it out for awhile I guess. I have a high density of super straight hair, and when I used shampoo it made my hair like a baby chick's fluff, so I stopped.

>> No.14661608
File: 56 KB, 641x581, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toilet paper is less evil , best way for cleaning your ass is with a bidet sprayer , and after that pat it down with little paper (no wiping)
you can buy them separate .
with paper you dont reach the most important areas , you only scratch the surface , and buy scratching it , you can create damage to your anus .

when you have scars on your anus , you life is fucked , recovery will take a lone time.
the anus is important point of NERVES CENTER.

soooo just saying , dont take that lightly .
just ask people with the condition ANAL-FISSURE. a condition created by constipation(overweight or deadlifting) were it leaves a scar of 2mm .

people describe the pain when going to the bathroom as if you are squeezing broken glass or razorblades through your asshole.

the pain is INTENSE and you know what , there is NO solution to fix it .
you get only creamed in the hope it will fix it , after that you got botox to relax the muscles and hope that it will be fixed within that time period after that it will become surgery .

>> No.14661745

If I dont wash my hair daily it becomes way too oily. What ethnicity and what hair textures that you guys have that you can go weeks without washing?

>> No.14661747

is this the next nofap? the promise of miraculous improvements in life by not doing something (as opposed to actively doing something, like sports)?

>> No.14661770

normal straight hair , starts frizzy but next morning the frizzy stufff is gone.

you dont go weeks without washing, 4 a 5 days max.
do that for a while until your ph-levels get used to it , the oil on your head must adjust to it , after that you can TRY and see if you can stay longer without washing.

>> No.14661780

Thats not nopoo thats lesspoo

>> No.14661790

no by washing i mean , only use water .
no shampoo. i only use water when i shower.

when it gets oily , wash it with water . no shampoo.

>> No.14661807

Looks smelly and greasy

>> No.14661815

Even a few days is too much for me. I didnt wash my hair last night and my hair is already visibly oily and feels nasty. I always thought that not washing was for Black people but Im reading that you presumably white people aren't.

>> No.14661819

bc of your shampoo , start slow and smart.
change your shampoo to baby-shampoo .
those dont have agressive ingredients , use that for a while , will make you hair less oily.
(using that too before the swtich to no poo)

after that you can see if you want to go further or not . baby shampoo is veryyy cheap.

>> No.14661823

i did the CG hair guide from plebbit
my hair curled like crazy and doesn’t feel dirty
i’ve gotten quite a few compliments on it

>> No.14662401

I have short straight hair and I'm a guy
Will doing the CG guide help me get curls/waves?

>> No.14662503

i dont use shampoo with sulfates. i use one of the shampoo bars from lush & wash my hair twice a week. i will do a hair mask every week or every other week made of flax seed gel, almond milk & rosehip oil. i condition with rosehip oil every other day. i have 24in long straight hair and it works well. if my scalp is ever itchy in between washes i use a lil diluted tea tree oil to soothe it.

>> No.14662506

i dont use shampoo with sulfates. i use one of the shampoo bars from lush & wash my hair twice a week. i will do a hair mask every week or every other week made of flax seed gel, almond milk & rosehip oil. i condition with rosehip oil every other day. i have 24in long straight hair and it works well. if my scalp is ever itchy in between washes i use a little diluted tea tree oil to soothe it.

>> No.14662511

its legit as long as you stay the fuck away from me stinky homeless disease carrier

>> No.14662619

Depends on your hair type. Mine is dry as all fuck so it works great for me. On a lot of people it looks clumpy and filthy, though. The only problem for me is I want to start using styling products but they all seem to need shampoo to wash out.

>> No.14662627

I did it for a year and regret it.