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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 297 KB, 649x650, Pixlr_20190918121658612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14643026 No.14643026 [Reply] [Original]

Anti-Academia General

>"I dont need no GED "
>"Marybeth sure is looking hot today"
>"Wanna go get drunk and fuck with locals tonight?"
>"You hear Nicole is dating a negro boy?"
>"let's cruise around and listen to my new Def Leppard burned CD."

Just post anything here that isnt sophisticated at all. Sleaze-core, Knox-Core, White Trash chic.

Fuck all the mucky mucks on their high horses that think having a degree makes them any better than anyone else. at the end of the day, we all shit.

>> No.14643030
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>> No.14643036
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>> No.14643070

Based thread. Nothing to contribute but monitoring.

>> No.14643083

I went to college and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I believe all Americans should stop attending college and stop paying their loans. The entire system has to be burned down.

>> No.14643092
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>> No.14643098
File: 144 KB, 1200x783, Jamie-Campbell-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek bumping hard
Fuck dark academia larpers

>> No.14643107

just got back home from my job and getting rdy to get some dinner with my gf
i’m wearing my 874s and my danny brown xxx shirt

>> No.14643120

I legitimately want the chick on the right's hair. And her jacket. And her face. Hot damn, dude, that's a fun look

>> No.14643128
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>> No.14643131

This is aestetic as fuck

>> No.14643296
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>> No.14643302

W2c American flag shirt?

>> No.14643303
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>> No.14643310

Been slowly going in this direction for the past few months, growing out a mullet, wearing the same clothes days in a row. Made a sleeveless t-shirt a few days ago. Main outfit is a pair of worn jeans, some t-shirt and a trucker cap

>> No.14643317
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>> No.14643335

not american but this.

this is all hillbilly core or trash core.
been gone for a month and then returned to /fa/ and suddenly it's flooded with "dark academia" memery. sadly, this isn't a good alternative either.

>> No.14643343

I don't dress prim and proper but oh gosh this is my worst nightmare, why does seeing people wear clothes like this and live this lifestyle make me so depressed? I feel so prejudice against them. But like I wanna run far away from 'em

>> No.14643345
File: 348 KB, 1900x2533, whiteness-felyssa-ricco-hazleton-pennsylvania-old-glory-confederate-flag-gillian-laub.ngsversion.1520881583669.adapt.1900.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14643360

She cute tho

>> No.14643367
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>> No.14643373

>those fat thighs

>> No.14643376
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x1098, mtejn2t5tvl11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the boy aint right

>> No.14643405
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>> No.14643416

you sound like a cunt

>> No.14643437

Would take this shit over cuckdemia any day

>> No.14643439

There is this show, you probably never heard of it, its called Breaking Bad and its full of anti-academia inspo

>> No.14643610

pls tell me that is shopped and not the absolute state of us

>> No.14643623

Why do non educated people think that anyone with a degree considers themselves better than them? Everytime my BIL gets drunk he starts shit with me about "you think you're better than me because you went to school???" I've only had to wrestle him down once or twice but it's so annoying. Literally most people with a degree don't care if you don't have one.

>> No.14643633
File: 98 KB, 720x960, EyPvWf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cutting their own bowlcuts and rat tails in their free time

>> No.14643661

Me and my high school friends dress not to differently and we all went to private school. It's still working but getting harder to pull off the older we get.

>> No.14643663

This is actually aesthetic as goddamn fuck.

>> No.14643669

Doctors are the prime culprits.

>> No.14643673

It looks like a typical American highway road town. A lot of those little towns are based around commute and the commuters funding the locals' businesses.

>> No.14643676

This, obviously college is good for doctors and scientists and other super high skilled jobs, but way to many Americans go just cause it’s the thing to do after high school, and they end up wasting 4 years for a completely useless English degree and no way to pay off their huge debt.

>> No.14643682

This is an extreme case in West Virginia. Admittedly there is a lot of that kind of stuff there and in Pennsylvania. If I had to guess it's a combination of business from truckers in addition to usual highway traffic along with more lax business zoning laws than in the rest of the states. By comparison in eastern MA for most people it's always at least 20 minutes to the nearest grocery store given that everything is housing or land preserve of some kind, also new structures are rarely ever built between cost of labor and regulations so in some cases it feels more like Europe where there's more old construction and smaller sized rooms/roads etc. More trees too in the wealthy areas.

>> No.14643684


>> No.14643699

reminds me of upstate new york

>> No.14643733

Have any of y'all ever actually been to the south?

>> No.14643780
File: 862 KB, 1488x1000, 32640_vogueit_2_535lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post more from this ed! Sorry for watermark

>> No.14643783
File: 242 KB, 745x1000, 33154_vogueit_10_413lo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643786

I got a free ride in Computer Science. Horrible mistake. Even if you go for stem and dont have any loans its not worth it.

>> No.14643791

Why not? You couldnt get work in your field?

>> No.14643794
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>> No.14643805
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>> No.14643811
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>> No.14643814
File: 93 KB, 601x902, juggalette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good thread right now.

>> No.14643816
File: 153 KB, 800x1245, Angelina-Jolie-Sway-Gone-In-60-Seconds-Hairstyles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643822
File: 138 KB, 600x811, footballers-wives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643823
File: 27 KB, 300x459, Levon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14643825

Makes sense. It's much easier to be nice to people. But Medical people are always cunts

>> No.14643828
File: 182 KB, 1440x963, Footballers Wives in V Magazine 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643829
File: 74 KB, 750x540, Hunter-Fieri-Images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14643831

Please explain because idk how you get a free comp sci degree and not think that's worth it

>> No.14643833
File: 81 KB, 1159x1500, Yuri-Pleskun-for-Carbon-Copy-10-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643837
File: 129 KB, 750x566, Vogue-Italia-July-2014-Steven-Meisel-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643841
File: 104 KB, 750x566, Vogue-Italia-July-2014-Steven-Meisel-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643847

as someone who lives in the south and has to suffer through how miserable it is daily, i can confirm that no they have not

>> No.14643857

how does someone look these clean/pretty/even feminine with a buzzcut. he'd be S tier model with actual hair

>> No.14643885

Simple: that dude is not a southerner.

>> No.14643889
File: 372 KB, 1501x1000, 27Q5WIZA_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Florida count

>> No.14643891

2 0 0 2

>> No.14643893
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>> No.14643898
File: 403 KB, 1507x1000, Z1yOXNhq_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643899

>Sam's club
>dat pizza hut logo

>> No.14643903
File: 102 KB, 800x600, mens-trends-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643910
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>> No.14643919
File: 109 KB, 1200x680, 58b0aab5907b4.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourselves. Texas rules. If only all the fucking canadians, californians, and niggers left. At least the spics stick to themselves.

>> No.14643946
File: 16 KB, 288x512, yzayhu1aa5331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite of dark academia isn't retarded hickcore, that implies the DA larpers are smart in the first place. The opposite is autodidactcore. I will be making a chart soon

>> No.14643947

California isn't so bad, not everywhere is san Francisco.

I wish the government made an aids for spics too.

>> No.14643948
File: 99 KB, 640x628, 8efdd8105ad73af1d0a22822a6d910056be5295e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643952

Programmed Texan npc speech

>> No.14643967

anti intellectualism runs deep in american culture huh

>> No.14643970 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 640x959, aHR0cHMlM0ElMkYlMkZ3d3cudGhlZmFzaGlvbmlzdG8uY29tJTJGd3AtY29udGVudCUyRnVwbG9hZHMlMkYyMDE3JTJGMDYlMkZDZXJydXRpLTE4ODEtU3ByaW5nLVN1bW1lci0yMDE4LU1lbnMtQ29sbGVjdGlvbi0wMzkuanBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes this thread
>tfw Canadian, not white and living in San Francisco

>> No.14643974 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 600x899, BILLY-REID.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also do you mean "they speak to each other" or do they actually speak to themselves

>> No.14643976
File: 96 KB, 600x899, TOPMAN-DESIGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14643980

Lol that sucks alekza, I spent so long trying to find a restaurant in San Francisco that serves meat.

I settled on veganburg after not being able to find one then my girlfriend and I moved hotels to stay in Fairfield

>> No.14643984

In my experience, the Mexicans are more fun.

>> No.14643989

Because they scatter when you tell them you'll call ICE? We used to tell "la migra" in front of home depot in high school and some dudes just booked it

>> No.14644004

you and your friends were huge faggots unsurprisingly

>> No.14644012

Was a different time, Dave Chappelle was on TV and we used to say faggot and shit like that.

Obviously if you did that today you'd be on the news or arrested /suspended

>> No.14644058

If you actually got to know Mexicans you'd realize they have more words for faggot that anyone.

>> No.14644065

>Texas cuck acting like spics aren't a plague and goes easy on them in his racist rants
Why is every fucking texan like this. No. Get these spics out of here fuck these dirty mexicans and their trailer fires

>> No.14644157

>Being offended by slurs
>On 4chan
Go back.

>> No.14644170

>On 4chan
This is 4channel, you go back.

>> No.14644182

Its breezewood PA. this is where two interstates meet, it's basically a large truck stop

>> No.14644186

>The South
t. Based Creole

>> No.14644218

>Thinking the site split actually matters
How new are you??

>> No.14644255
File: 749 KB, 245x164, 1494066568208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHAha, what a fucking faggot.

>> No.14644270

I'm not new, I'm an oldf*g. I've been on this sub-board since almost the beginning of 4channel.

>> No.14644276

Oh, I get it. Good troll.

>> No.14644324

trailer fires?

>> No.14644459

you probably chose a non-stem field, that was your mistake.

>> No.14644464



>> No.14644510

Nah. Comp sci

>> No.14644559

>its not worth it
t. retard who didn't network

I feel like too many people go in without realising that half (if not more) of the reason you're there is to meet people and make connections that will help you out later.

>> No.14644565
File: 221 KB, 1080x1080, c7963c3e9e05008c827e8579ee7bb6d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14644571

College was a massive waste of time only thing I learned was how to be an edgelord

>> No.14644574

College was a waste of time because you didn't put anything in.
And now you're an overweight 35 year old spic with a 400lb wife posting on an anime image board.

>> No.14644575

5 years off

>> No.14644583

Close enough ;^)

>> No.14644597


>> No.14644601

That is absolutely correct.

>> No.14644603

Two words faggot:

>> No.14644610

Daily reminder that Mexican pussy is common, and not great pussy.

It's like opening up a Pokemon card pack and not pulling a Holo. Just a pack of commons

You unzip her high waisted short shorts from forever 21, and.....Mexican pussy.

Doesn't taste as good as white pussy, not as appealing skin tone, weird dark brown spot on the outer edge of her inner lips, and a dark red interior instead of pink.

Sure you can fuck it but it isn't GOOD pussy by any means

>> No.14644660

dem thighs

>> No.14644836


Post pics of your curry cunt

>> No.14644844

No one in the south drinks rolling rock

>> No.14644864
File: 819 KB, 602x601, 084a19639eef7501909a1f50a1b46a42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14644925

Take her candle shopping lol

>> No.14645058

I've lived in flyover parts of the country my whole life
>south east texas
this stuff is fairly exaggerated but some of it isn't. the op graphic is accurate but not all at once.

>> No.14645237

Are we not gonna talk about the harpy talon thumb?

>> No.14645261


>> No.14645478

Oh God, I can't unsee that

>> No.14645524

Traveled through there alot as a truck driver. Probably some of the best food I've ever had considering I'm from california where everything has to be healthy or whatever. And the people were generally nice and would actually say good morning back without looking at you like you're some weirdo who wants to harvest their organs. All in all even being black it was pretty okay with the parts I visited I'd still stay away from bumfuck nowhere towns though for obvious reasons.

>> No.14645533

Florida, out side of Miami nothing is worth saving

>> No.14645555

>go to school for 4 years
>accrue massive debt during junior and senior semester bc saving run out and shitty job only pays enough to cover rent and food
>desperate need for a position at a tech company
>finally get degree, start to put in apps
>don’t get a single callback for 6 months straight
>finally do
>go to interview
>ask you to do some basic shit whiteboard problem
>do it
>they grimace and tell you they’ll be in touch
>never hear back
>all the while thousands of chinks and pajeets are pouring into the country and taking all the jobs
>settle for just-above minimum wage job behind an IT desk in some small boomer office
>tfw you don’t even like compsci, you just did it for the money and stability
yep, the stem dream

>> No.14645578

Computer science is literally the lowest of the low for stem

>> No.14645631

>dark red interior instead of pink
hello virgin. i have fucked black girls as dark as night and the inside of their pussies are still bright pink

>> No.14645645

This but unironically, being against the current education system is not anti-intellectualism. Universities are a massive scam

>> No.14645650

Mexicans are notorious for catching the trailers they live in on fire during the winter. They either plug in too many heaters or they will occasionally LITERALLY BUILD A FUCKING BONFIRE PIT INSIDE IT.

>> No.14645665

I live in East Tennessee and I love it.

>> No.14645802
File: 641 KB, 1504x1180, grid3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck yes, i moved to georgia and now my grid is HYPER relevant

>> No.14646116

Where in Georgia

>> No.14646228


>> No.14646274
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 69120351_1195272073991014_2784397516693569536_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that. Either you're born fucking retarded or you arent.

I never liked current academia because it's fucking bullshit and not a place for real knowledge and curiosity. I hate low-brow garbage equally. They're both low brow pieces of shit.

Embrace real life and stop cucking.

>> No.14646304

There is nothing you learn in college you couldn't learn elsewhere, it's just for prestige and networking

>> No.14646341

Had to ditch my jacket it's fucking hot

>> No.14646708

All of this was literal underground/early adapters aesthetic circa 2006 in rock and alternative yet fashionable scenes, at least here in Southamerica. Kind of a hillbilly-core that finally ended in the lumbersexual hipsters of this decade.

>> No.14646714

Funny how nobody posted itt is a fatass

>> No.14646902

fattys cant be effay

>> No.14647630

ID on jacket/beige long sleeve?

>> No.14647686

burgerpunk is alive

>> No.14647688

god this is hilariously bad how was this in vogue italia they usually try not to be so tone deaf

>> No.14647703

I think this thread is making me uneasy but I can't not be interested
t. living in Finland/France

>> No.14647733


>> No.14648817

romanian field shirt

>> No.14648897


>> No.14650151

Based libba

>> No.14650160

Cs was a huge mistake. Every job I apply to has 200+ people applying to it and I can’t get a single interview. I feel like maybe 10 years ago cs was a great major but it seems like every man and his dog is becoming a programmer these days. Wish I pushed myself a bit harder to do engineering instead

>> No.14652009

>*fucking falls on his drunk ass without spilling a drop*

>> No.14652077

I grew up in North Jersey and now live in Louisiana. I like it better here, truth be told.

>> No.14652118

Based. I'm a Euro that has never visited Burgerland but I was always fascinated by the South and middle states

>> No.14652140
File: 125 KB, 528x434, 1569077579186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought anti academia was pic related

>> No.14652144

Honestly i have so much regret. I wish i did something more exciting or interesting than cs. I know bio majors and art history majors who have jobs relevant to their degree right outta school

>> No.14652194

bio honestly seems cool as fuck although I've heard it's a pretty competitive program since a lot of people in it are hoping to do pre-med. I had a friend who did bio and now has a super cool job in a lab
>history majors who have jobs relevant to their degree
I doubt that

>> No.14652266

It’s called insecurity it’s a human condition

>> No.14652291

How are the prospects for a Mathfag?

>> No.14652294

That truck has been through hell

>> No.14653074
File: 671 KB, 774x522, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw anti-academia is just post-juggalo-wave

>> No.14653168

College needs to be two things. Go back to really being about the best minds, taking academia back to the days when you really had to be very fucking smart to attend, and cut the bullshit degrees out.
No matter how many times you tell dumbasses they're in for a bumpy ride going for something like an english degree, they don't get it.

Or cheapen the worthless degrees, but colleges wont do that because its easy money.

Trades also need to be incentivized, but this is slowly turning around as people are seeing now that it was wrong to spend decades shitting on trade workers and looking down upon those jobs when trade workers are making more money than a lot of college grads who go on to live average lives anyway even if they do manage to find employment.

The American school system is a pure waste for the most part, from elementary level on up, a scam. Most of the shit you learn there besides math is bullshit you don't need. History is a hobby, beyond learning how to read you a pick a fucking book up anytime and read it.

I taught myself most I know about literature, had to learn deeper meanings of words and all that. I also taught myself how to speak better english despite my background. Where I'm from "ambulance" is too complex of a word for people and they can barely read or write, yet these same people are fairly sufficient at math. All I know about history I know from watching YT vids and doing my own reading. I could never go into Stem because my math skills are dreadful, but more power to those who do it.

>> No.14653178

Insecurity. I barely tell people shit anymore because of that mentality. "Oh you think you're better than me!". Nah bro all I have is a fucking high school degree from a school system that any retard could succeed in. Yet these GED victims or pure dropouts feel you can form a sentence you must think you're Einstein.

1. I don't want to come of as a stuck up

2. You also have people who when they think you're smart start asking you everything and thing you want to do everything because they're a bunch of lazy fucking losers.

I live around a bunch of people who think because you can do a google search and use windows you must be the next Bill Gates.

>> No.14653913

No, because this dude probably assumes he's better educated than the people he talks to online

>> No.14654112

Eastern PA is absolutely based

>> No.14654506

the opposite of (dark) academia is workwear

>> No.14654548


>> No.14654563

Pushed yourself harder to go into engineering? You realize all engineering specializations have been invaded by greek life knuckle draggers? I mean, I guess you could excel amid all the mouth breathers, but have fun losing jobs to these guys.

>> No.14654567

Pretty much just doing post doc work for no money for the rest of your life while you wait for all the tenured faculty to die.

>> No.14654594

>and cut the bullshit degrees out
The problem is that everyone will determine a different set of "bullshit degrees." Hell, I've spoken to a few engineering administrators who would go almost so far as to say "everything that's not engineering." Intensifying that academy politicking isn't going to improve anything.

>Most of the shit you learn there besides math is bullshit you don't need
Most people don't need that much math, or the math they need or should learn they can do on their own. Really, I'm all for better math education, but your arguments against history and literature instruction are the same another person would use against math instruction. The only difference is that you've already concluded that math is more important.

>> No.14654629

Mirin strength Tbh

>> No.14654676

none of yall live the lowlife life, you're just posting pictures and at best larping as lowlifes with your second hand ironic windbreakers and cigarettes, you're all a bunch of the very people op described - college or uni educated, from the upper echelons of society

>> No.14656035
File: 78 KB, 480x720, cs_miljo_1_1x_scale_w_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14656316

w2c pants?

>> No.14656517

the thread is mostly full of white trash pics. they're lowlifes.

>> No.14657090

Took the pic from this site but it's just basic work pants. I noticed American work wear looks very different, maybe because workers often have to buy them insted of getting supplied by the employer

>> No.14657247

Sorry, mixed them up. This is the one.
