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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.96 MB, 2168x2008, 1556404525208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14619680 No.14619680 [Reply] [Original]

What are your /fa/ everyday carry essentials

>> No.14619743
File: 3.24 MB, 5499x4000, 20181231-DSCF0934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bully please.

>> No.14619744

Wanna meet the larper who took this photo

>> No.14619769

Fuck off to b you knife wielding maniac

>> No.14619790
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>> No.14619816


I'll take the "I'm a convicted felon/was involuntarily committed/under 21" package please.

>> No.14619823
File: 174 KB, 1152x768, DSC_7928sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14619825

absolute fucking chad precussion pistol core

>> No.14619828

Are you literally retarded?
It's clearly a fucking joke, he doesn't carry a foldable wood saw or a single shot black powder pistol.
WHy is everyone on this website so fucking retarded lately

>> No.14619831

Goddamnit, you got me with the pot

>> No.14619833

what core is this?

>> No.14619933

Benevolent autism

>> No.14619941


>> No.14619975


lurk more if you dont recognize this photo

>> No.14620031



>> No.14620058
File: 1.50 MB, 3487x2051, IMG_20190908_200058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I think that I am based.

>> No.14620078

what's the story behind it

>> No.14620199

Every goddamn time.

>> No.14620406

>Reddit spacing
Ah yes

>> No.14620680
File: 2.65 MB, 3302x2652, 6F8B9D2D-70B0-4779-8BAB-A3558FFE9FBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14621037

the poster is a FBI agent/spy wannabee.

>> No.14621067

>carrying a gun
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.14621099


>> No.14621117

You can't fool me, Texas Red.

>> No.14621942

t. faggot

>> No.14621947

Imagine having such a wrong opinion in 2019 holy fucking shit. Unironically kill yourself in real life you dumb woke cunt.

>> No.14622012

fuck off bobby

>> No.14622013

>not exercising your rights as a human being
absolutely not /fa/

>> No.14622025

What kind of pen is that?

>> No.14622026

Ahh, I see you're a man of hyperstitional culture as well

>> No.14622033

only in America is a firearm a human right. Why can't you niggas just chill for five minutes? I'm getting tired of seeing all your bloodbaths on TV

>> No.14622034
File: 752 KB, 2638x2176, IMG_20190820_201611__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only difference is I have a small backpack now with bike lock and puncture repair kit

>> No.14622054

That tiny bottle of coke is trippy as fuck. Or is everything else gigantic? How much are those massive pound coins really worth

>> No.14622065

>that NERV passcard

>> No.14622073

Weeb, but not in a bad way
t. Tsarnaev
offbrand james bond
based cyberpunk
you're not fooling anyone
based vancouver bike courier, I'm jealous

>> No.14622091

>no 4chan pass
it's not the same

>> No.14622379
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, photo_2019-09-10_20-27-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not pictured: moto g7 power and some cheap 18650 flashlight

>> No.14622386
File: 30 KB, 720x471, _eurosoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Eurofags such fucking pussies?

>> No.14622390

is gonna go to jail for fighting back when 6 brown dudes jump him

>> No.14622424

Is it 1865?

>> No.14622438


The poverty is palpable. Get a good carry gun.

>> No.14622461
File: 281 KB, 1500x994, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ripping off new James Bond instead of old James Bond
Not based

>> No.14622557

nice european larp

>> No.14622563 [DELETED] 

You have a rolex and drive a mazda?

>> No.14622565

why does your watch cost more than your car

>> No.14622568

What about that is Bond other than the watch strap?

>> No.14622570 [DELETED] 

To be frank, it’s all retarded, welcome, to the internet, baby fucking...we in here!

>> No.14622574
File: 2.27 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190910_215623816_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am but a simple person

>> No.14622575

To be frank, it’s all retarded, welcome, to the internet, baby, we fucking...we in here!

>> No.14622577

Walther PPk knockoff

>> No.14622580

Lol yeah what a twisted world can I get an amen

>> No.14622584

ignoring the obvious memes, i just carry a wallet and my keys. Larp aside, what do you need a pistol AND a knife for?

>> No.14622586

...that's not a PPK knockoff

>> No.14622588

I could buy about 6 of the watches for what the car cost. You know the watch is like 20 years old, right?

It's mostly the strap, but the watch definitely looks at least a little like a seamaster.

>> No.14622589

>what do you need a pistol AND a knife for?

Pistol is for defense. Knife is for utility reasons. I only very occasionally carry a gun but I always carry a knife, sometimes two if you count a multitool. I'm always cutting or prying shit. But I don't plan on fighting anybody with one.

>> No.14622590

Well according to them it’s for theoretically killing blacks and browns except pajeet and Ching Chong Chan. Although, sometimes them too.

“Just in case” bro.

>> No.14622607
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1152, aqualad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14622610

>I'm always cutting or prying shit.
like what?

>> No.14622617

The UPS guy always gets uncomfortable when I answer the door brandishing a gun, but what else am I supposed to use to open my packages?

>> No.14622630

Anything that needs cutting or prying (although I try to limit the prying because knife.) Today was a bunch of packages and popped the bottom off a laptop. I use the other tools you find on a Swiss army knife too.

>> No.14622640

And you needed to do all this while you were out and about? If you're at home or at work, places where you would be more likely to do these kinds of things you should have tools available. I have a multitool in my vehicle but I don't carry it around all day.

>> No.14622662

But why bother when you can just save time with a small knife in your pocket? There's no reason not to unless you travel through airports all the time.

>> No.14622763

Why do you have a wallet and a card holder?

>> No.14622836

Seriously, what's with that tiny soda bottle?

>> No.14622947

It's a novelty lighter

>> No.14623083

Pistol is for self defence and for the looks. I like the whole theatrics of a little black powder pistol. The "knife" is a foldable saw and it is a useful tool. You would be surprised how versatile it is. It also looks good

>> No.14623094

nice weeb knife
I wanted one without the moonrunes but I'm afraid it will open in my pocket and cut me dick off (not that I use it anyways)

>> No.14623251


>> No.14623413

gotta get that SEX bro

>> No.14623438

You typed the N word. Your correction agent has seen this and will see you shortly.

>> No.14623439

Keys, phone and wallet

>> No.14623458

I would be anxious as fuck carrying a gun around all day. Do you guys actually do that or just add it for EDC picture?

>> No.14623461

After market mini grip? Looks good.

>> No.14623465

Why would you be anxious? It's not like it's gonna go off on its own. Your chances of ever using it is nearly 0 too. Biggest problem carrying a gun is that it's kind of heavy.

>> No.14623473

I’d always be walking around thinking “is today the day I have to shoot someone?”. Always thinking about getting mugged or being a bystander during a mass shooting or whatever. And what if you’re taking a shit in a public bathroom and the gun falls out of your pants and slides across the tile floor. Could cause a panic. I don’t live in a ghetto so it just seems like way more trouble than it’s worth.

>> No.14623498
File: 2.41 MB, 4032x3024, 7D422B84-EB25-4D59-82FF-70DE08DD57B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big gamer moment

>> No.14623510

Why wouldn't you be equally worried about muggings and mass shootings while not carrying a gun? It's not like getting killed with no ability to defend yourself is more relaxing.

>> No.14623512

I have been killed with no method of defence several times and it is more relaxing than you would expect

>> No.14623533

thats a saw

>> No.14623725

Howdy pardner

>> No.14623727

>meme rhetoric
well done, look at all the /fa/ggots taking the bait

>> No.14623764

>I'm a big man who needs a gun to protect myself from all the bad people out there who I will never actually meet

>> No.14623821
File: 1.03 MB, 1019x746, 1528569632206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carryng a knife/gun

>> No.14623843

Can we have a "things you shouldn't carry" thread for people who want to act less autistic?

>video games
>anime swag
>fountain pens
>dedicated MP3 player

>> No.14623852

America is essentially a post-apocalyptic hellhole, the pistol (black powder ofc for ease of manufacture - can be made from shart) is useful for defending yourself against raiders or police officers, depending which race you chose at character creation
the knife, on the other hand, is usually used for crafting arrows and skinning mutant dogs - also for finishing off wounded enemies as to not waste ammo

so yeah - self defense and utility

>> No.14623864

They seem rich as fuck tho

>> No.14623865

That's a Saturday night special. They're like 60 bucks and work 60% of the time.

>> No.14623882

>knife is for utility reasons

Why not carry a Swiss Army knife? Seems like it would have more utility

>> No.14623886

That's a $500 gun. Not a particularly good gun, but they're boutique items that used to be made by one dude and had a waiting list.

t. /k/

>> No.14623889

I usually carry a SAK by itself. If I'm going to be doing more physical work I'll add a locking folding knife, and sometimes replace the SAK with a Leatherman.

>> No.14623905

Seeing this, nobody here really works , right ?

>> No.14623916

You're on 4chan. It's a given that nobody here works.

>> No.14623927


Why wouldn’t you carry cash...

>> No.14623929

I'm not a drug dealer, I have plastic cards.

>> No.14623930

In civilized countries carrying cash means you're a criminal or couldn't get a card for some reason.

>> No.14623955

Right. Everyone has credit cards big boy. Still a good idea to carry some cash. Some places around where I live still don’t take card. And if ur in a situation where u need cash and don’t have any you will look retarded with ur big boy plastic cards. Might wanna look into some metal cards too if ur not poor which I highly doubt.

>> No.14623958

Only strippers and drug dealers carry physical money on them in this day and age.

>> No.14623962

No. It isn’t. It’s completely normal to have both credit cards and cash. Please go outside.

>> No.14623965

They are fucking loaded.
It wouldn't surprise me if they go on to eventually join the FBI for real.

>> No.14623981

You must be American. In Europe the police will probably talk to you if you show cash in a store.

>> No.14624014

you stop thinking about that after a few weeks at least
>sitting down at the restroom
>gun falls out
kek don't carry on your waist then

>> No.14624037


ITT: yurocucks/basedboys jealous they can't even carry a butter knife or handle a 9mm

>> No.14624062

>In Europe
Theres your problem

>> No.14624072

I am American. That’s honestly Orwellian as fuck if u just get stopped immediately for having cash. I get that everyone uses card. I do too. My parents just always taught me to carry some cash.

>> No.14624081

everybody getting mad at this is just mad they cant afford half of this shit

>> No.14624112

Countries that have better developed infrastructure have basically made cash obsolete. You know those stupid copper plated dollar coins they keep trying to get you to use in the US, and how you look like a dork if you do? That's how paper money works in other countries. The number of places that take cash is a lot less than the places that take card.

Keep in mind, technologies that are fairly new in the US like chipcards are so obsolete they're being phased out in Europe. They've been transitioning to tap-pay systems over years while in the US that's still being rolled out.

>> No.14624117

The cops in the US can still stop you for having cash and summarily take it all with no recourse on your part. You're not as free as you think. It's just in the US they won't do that over a 50 bucks in a store.

>> No.14624128
File: 2.82 MB, 3629x2722, EDC_FR_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14624139

What is the thing on top of the key chain?

>> No.14624141

my house keys and some money usually £5-20

>> No.14624143

Windproof Lighter

>> No.14624145


actually Europe is pretty conservative with money, just like Japan

>> No.14624146

Is that a kazoo?

>> No.14624147


>> No.14624152

I'm American and all of my cards have chips and contactless payment, I don't know what you think it's like here. That doesn't mean I can't also carry a little cash for an emergency or because it's my damn right to use a more anonymous form of payment whenever I feel like it.

>> No.14624176

the gear came free with the book, right?

>> No.14624182

This. Idk wtf ppl in this thread are talking about. My dad/grandpa/etc are business owners and still carry around hundreds of dollars in cash.

>> No.14624245

I'm just joking, but here in norway you pretty much can live your whole life comfortably without ever touching cash. Most people have cash on them rarely here. Banks don't even carry cash anymore here, if you rob a bank then all you can get are brochures for accounts and loans and possibly information about local real estate. Pretty sure most people working don't even carry cash.

It is perfectly legal to carry knifes here. And guns if you are carrying it to your car to go hunting or go to the shooting range.

Just euros being euros

>> No.14624266


>> No.14624277

>$550 pencil
>$180 eraser




>> No.14624293

Is that true? How do they look like? T
I see a few pencils. I don't see any erasers. Where is the evidence they cost so much?

>> No.14624304
File: 147 KB, 1244x877, GvFC_Perfect_Pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14624343


>> No.14624348
File: 22 KB, 975x731, dixon-13882-no-2-pencil-black-lead-yellow-wood[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me /fa/.

What separates this $450 pencil from a $0.15 pencil?

>> No.14624354

after a google search, that book looks really interesting! any examples of writing inside?

>> No.14624425

Maybe you can't read the anime signs, but I've been to the pit and back.


This is a 'tist with a trust fund

>> No.14624434

sterling silver

>> No.14624524
File: 7 KB, 384x253, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn i finally got my pencil in the mail-!

Awesome! lets see how it writes!


>> No.14624527

Which is worth about $18 an ounce.

>> No.14624570

Expensive pencils don't break as often. Even Blackwings, that are like $2-3, rarely break

>> No.14624652

good thing your new expensive pencil has a sharpener at the other end

>> No.14624660

zoom harder

>> No.14625045

What gloves are those

>> No.14625051

It says Mechanix right on them.

>> No.14625099

Why do you carry that little section of belt? Is it in case you have to load your ma deuce or something?

>> No.14625330
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>> No.14625822

I don't know who that is, can you ask him what kind of gloves those are for me?

>> No.14625844
File: 1.79 MB, 1600x817, pockets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinda faggot needs anything more than this?

>> No.14625851

sun glasses are fuccboi tier, and your pape is for manchildren.
what Suzuki you drive though?

>> No.14625916

And she's pretty hot. Check soc for a recent thread, she's got a nice lil cunt.

>> No.14625937

>usb stick
>incel glasses
>no car or house keys (takes the bus and parents let him in)
>no phone (no friends or job)

>> No.14625986

Leather Mechanix gloves, I do a lot of random furniture moving so they are really nice to have around

>> No.14626072

do you just hang around here 24/7 WAITING for this thread to come up

>> No.14626249

i do that too. wallet is bulky, but just a fancy pouch for worthless local currency, would not run after if grabbed by a thief

>> No.14626272
File: 31 KB, 800x450, CE75F27B-AA7B-45F5-9AAB-69CD97A94514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14626306

Yeah I'm going to make a habit of browsing fucking /fa/ lol

>> No.14626484

Must be a bot. He's always the first.

>> No.14626502
File: 754 KB, 2034x1896, EDC-8-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14626507

You EDC a full size BHP?

>> No.14626580

I'm wearing it now, I just throw on a outer layer like a Hawaiian shirt in the summer or a flannel in the winter and It covers perfectly, plus it's an aluminum frame so the weight isn't too bad compared to the glock i carried before

>> No.14626587
File: 90 KB, 800x600, IMG_1636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a big guy. I've carried a Sig P6 and I ended up downsizing to a J-frame because it printed too easily and I was feeling the weight.

>> No.14626600

4 U, like I said just throw on a loose outer layer and printing wont be a problem, I carry an LCP when it's really hot out or when I'm wearing tight clothing but I mostly have the hipower

>> No.14626633

How do you like the LCP? I have a TCP but I trust Ruger a lot more than Taurus.

>> No.14626675

it's jammed more than I like with under 100 rounds through it, which is why i rarely carry it, i'm looking at getting a CZ rami to replace it

>> No.14626690

Looks like it's dead. Was still up over the weekend, prolly in the archive. She started a rate thread for herself, saying she was drunk or high and lonely/depressed.

>> No.14626918

He's the /edc/ equivalent of the fag who obsessively spams his Stax photos in every /hpg/ on /g/ and the ! furfaggot manchild who posts his shitty room in /bst/ on /v/. They're as bad as tripfags.

>> No.14627019
File: 23 KB, 240x251, 1549824573494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14627206

You’re rich, why not iphone?

>> No.14627285

I had some iphones and then Sony flagship phones and then a Pixel. They all fucking break after two years anyway, so why bother. This Nokia is great I love it.

>> No.14627360


>> No.14627378

zoom zoom retard

>> No.14627417

youve already posted this shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.14627434

I love these

I'd keep either the wallet or keychain (probably the wallet) not both. Those red earbuds looks really nice.

That's a sexy gun

>> No.14627463

Factory grip. Seecamps are such shit and the owner's community is insufferable. I owned two and sold both because almost anything is better.

>> No.14627508

iPhones are the only good apple product and are better than the other smartphones. I’m in my 30s.

>> No.14627527

boomer doesn't know any better

>> No.14627565

fantastic book

>> No.14627679

Boomers are the best though, they lynched fags.

>> No.14627683

I'm reasonably sure that the text is still available free online in a pdf.

>> No.14627790

>I’m in my 30s
So a millennial, rather than a zoomer? That's not much better.

>> No.14628217

How much of this stuff do you use on a daily basis?

>> No.14628229

Lol imagine actually living in a country that NEEDS its citizens to carry weapons lol. Whats it like in the third world

>> No.14628790
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x1960, 20190913_165524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wrestled my dog on my bed hence the dog hair

>> No.14628862
File: 35 KB, 300x388, _europe terrorism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14628911

when was the last muslim terrorist attack in Europe. tell me. this meme has been dead since isis collapsed

>> No.14629056
File: 43 KB, 548x500, _eurofat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when was the last muslim terrorist attack in Europe. tell me. this meme has been dead since isis collapsed

>> No.14629458


why is it always the crinegest shit ever

finally a realistic human being

>> No.14629501

what do u use the auto jigglers for??
you don’t steal shit, right anon?

>> No.14629622

smart watches are for fags and thats the true true

>> No.14629829

>finally a realistic human being

What do you mean finally realistic? He doesn't even have a black powder señorita pistol for when people want to steal his shit. Or a saw for the corpses

>> No.14629888

what's underneath the voice recorder?

>> No.14629909

IRC when she explained that post originally it was some sort of hi-res media player.

>> No.14629979
File: 476 KB, 1080x668, Screenshot_20190913-184534_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my tranny /noguns/ edc

>> No.14630010

Its not legal to carry knifes in Norway unless its for work releated reasons, literally 15 second on google you fucking muppet

>> No.14630028 [DELETED] 

The miniature bottle is fucking my mind, either that or this anon is a literal giant.

>> No.14630041

in the future year 2019, people frisk themselves online for weapons while the police reads.

>> No.14630084

>not questioning the snorkel?

>> No.14630100
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x2304, P_20190913_203953_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14630107

>a fucking old ugly explorer
>a mazda
>thinking iphones are expensive and a symbol of wealth
There's so much wrong with this post.

>> No.14630109

the only ones here committing bloodbaths are jews and niggers lmfao real america is just chilling. good luck when muslims are raping your wife and sister faggot

>> No.14630121

the more you look the better it gets

>> No.14630133
File: 61 KB, 300x351, question, reaction, 41e6e960dce1f2a1506da186c8120ff17c0181aae7e0447ca95e3522fa675ea8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a choker? Post Pic wearing as proof os tranniness.

>> No.14630144

These threads are always pure autism and proof that you guys have no confidence. You're all willing to stuff a bunch of eccentric, impractical, and expensive shit in your pockets, but you're so afraid of wearing any interesting.

To my few /fa/gs who only carry their life/work/study necessities and those rare few who actually take chances with their clothing, god bless.

>> No.14630163

>t. NPC or small inventory noob

>> No.14630188

Post your edc then. Wanna know what you mean by interesting and taking chances.

>> No.14630360

America did a complete 180 and became the wild west again. I think it's America's natural process for eliminating the weak. In this transitional phase it's important to adapt and carry.

>> No.14630418
File: 654 KB, 2304x1536, DSC_9275sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>became the wild west again

>Marty Robbins playing in the distance

>> No.14630453

My EDC: Keys, billfold, sunglasses, and sometimes phone.

The whole point of my post is that I think you all are lame as fuck for carrying around a bunch of eccentric shit when most of you are afraid to wear anything eccentric. This is show-and-tell for autists and larpers. I only clicked on this thread to see a Spy-LARP-femanon's mental illness had progressed.

>> No.14630460

kino knife taste

>> No.14630461
File: 894 KB, 2300x1505, DSC_1051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted some pretty silly EDCs in these threads, but my realy daily EDC is wallet, keys, phone, chapstick, and a swiss army knife. I might carry the rest of the shit sometimes, but that's for long day trips or hikes into the woods or whatever.

>> No.14630462
File: 634 KB, 2304x1536, DSC_1704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually use it, too

>> No.14630463

I can respect that.

>> No.14630465
File: 245 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like these threads. I don't care if what gets posted is legit or not.

>> No.14630554

Just say that you use the knife to scrape dirt from your keyboard then.

>> No.14630560

extremely fa ruger no.1

>> No.14630764

I am in New Zealand, I barely pay for anything except for with cash. You would have to be retarded to tell any organisation all your purchases and so on.

>> No.14630798

In Germany there many small takeaway places where you can only pay cash and cash is accepted everywhere

>> No.14630815


Just in case there's a "sharpie in ass" thread coming at you.

>> No.14630832

These threads are completely ridiculous

>> No.14630858
File: 2.64 MB, 3050x4066, my name is jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was bullied in school, go easy on me

>> No.14630867
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, my ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also theme: https://youtu.be/yE6H5olNA-o

>> No.14630914
File: 2.58 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190912_190320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine. Plus distil union shades, keys and phone

>> No.14630973

I hope you don't wear that jog ultra mâle every day
That timex weekender is great

>> No.14631030

I just spray it once every morning because i get a lot of complements with it. I used carolina herrera men prive for a whole year and it was good too

>> No.14631326

what knife is that bro?

>> No.14631351

It's pocket jewelry nigga

>> No.14631354

Unironically based and cowboy pilled

>> No.14631377


>> No.14631665

If any of these are real, then this thread is definitive proof you should disregard every opinion you see on this board.

>> No.14631789

>Why yes I do carry a .44 revolver, ten anime figures, and a $500 pencil everywhere I go

>> No.14631798

>not carrying your 1944 manufacture obrez

never gonna make it

>> No.14632301

based kiwi

>> No.14632328
File: 114 KB, 960x720, ADC3BD55-615D-4B13-849D-76B9710FF2BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minus the iems and interconnect on the left, these are the few things I absolutely never leave the house without.

>> No.14632989

What's the DAP? Hidiz or am I wrong?

>> No.14632991

based state, horrible edc esp for state

>> No.14633145

is that a portable dac

>> No.14633479

Based PAW Gold owner

>> No.14633495

What kind of nutter carries a knife around?

>> No.14633592

I've got a Cross Century 2 fountain pen. Very robust and great writer

>> No.14633609


>> No.14633810

I'll never understand people who have a problem with a utility item. What's so wrong about having a little convenience on hand?

>> No.14633857

Americans. They live in fear of the coloureds having equal rights.

>> No.14633862
File: 3.79 MB, 2646x2797, 1563906944295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and placebopilled

>> No.14633921

It's so retardef to have all of that shit and then wear open back headphones where all the quality you supposedly gained is washed out by ambient noise.

>> No.14633924

that's not how sound works

>> No.14634013

not sure, its a cheap switchblade i got from my dad, it doesn't have any markings or labels or anything so i'm assuming its just some off brand thing

>> No.14634670

iPhone 4 or 4s?

>> No.14634684
File: 82 KB, 1180x842, 4f46ccb6-306a-40f6-9691-54fcdc4b2464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stay /fa/ while concealed carrying and not wearing baggy stuff?

>> No.14635115


>> No.14635123

It's probably a handmade italian one.

>> No.14635127

Be a big guy for me and appendix carry a ppk.

>> No.14635385

basically this. carry somehow not on your hip. inside of the thigh or on your quad would look bad ass

>> No.14636251

Funny thing is, you'd be more likely to be robbed for an outdated iPhone than these expensive as fuck back to the future looking DAW's.

>> No.14636257

er thnx, 4-dr swift 3rd gen with the LED daytime lights, wife uses it mostly

neither its a 5C bought as a temp phone, it sucks balls, I've since successfully migrated to a Samsung android