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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 600 KB, 1184x1884, gU006fxqM8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14607270 No.14607270 [Reply] [Original]

What core is this?

>> No.14607514

Everyone hates you, faggot

>> No.14607528

Really? How come?

>> No.14607553

the chadcore

>> No.14607610

They hate him cause they ain't him. Everyone fears Igor.

>> No.14607655
File: 382 KB, 850x510, CCA9B9E9-8787-4B57-9E3F-94AEEA89F134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever core pic related is.

>> No.14608586

Pictures of my uncles from the 90s and early 2000s in photo albums core

>> No.14608589

Shut the fuck up igor. We hate you because even you can't find meaning in your own life.

>> No.14608595

midlife crisis

>> No.14608611

You just seem like you hate him because it's the in thing to do.

>> No.14608712

How are you posting without hands, I thought that would shut you up for good

>> No.14608732

>Falling this hard for memes

>> No.14608803

5'9 kike core

>> No.14608813

>hiding your bald lego head

>> No.14608837
File: 417 KB, 1440x2560, EDZCrWtXkAAHTmj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you change the proportions from that to this, within days?

>> No.14608838

Both are the same physique, just different shooting angles and distance.

>> No.14608845

He's trying really hard to mask how short he is with weird angles and blurry pictures. Igor is an extremely insecure individual.

>> No.14608847

Igor look so light on his feet

>> No.14609316

You look high on drugs

>> No.14610560


>> No.14610965

No. I hate him, because he possesses all the qualities I fear developing as I age.

>> No.14611045
File: 1.42 MB, 1958x2611, 159817db42809c3b8b0ce46a3561aa3ca2c56d177743805f3336a7464073c4e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha you honestly think he cares about being bald, zoomie? He owns that motherfucker like you would never do. Post your fit so I can laugh at how ugly you are.

>> No.14611051


this dudes so short lmfao and hes wearing heels. 5'6 lookin ass

>> No.14611142

lmao he looks like such a hard gay pozzer midget

>> No.14611147

Sucking this 5'6 shizo kikes mutilated dick online is even more pathetic than he is

>> No.14611313


Blatant samefag if I ever saw one.

You Igor haters are hilariously pathetic, you obsess over a Chad who doesn't even care about you.

>> No.14611351

i like igor

>> No.14611358


>> No.14611418


kys igor nobody would call you a chad at 5'6

>> No.14611673

Where do I buy jackets like this? I have been looking all over the internet, should I visit to trhif shops?

>> No.14611686

That one is London Fog I got from goodwill for $5

>> No.14611712

looks like coping manletcore.

>> No.14611717

everyone is coping

>> No.14611721
File: 68 KB, 1216x280, igor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Igor, go watch AMS on youtube and pull yourself some bitches. Life is short

>> No.14611740

it's such a shit show to see this grown man (not really, he's barely taller than a midget) think he's something when he's nothing.

Absolute human waste core

>> No.14612208

Young Epstein core.

>> No.14612211

Hes more than most of us. Id say hes more than most people

>> No.14612218

nah fuck off

he's a 35+ welfare shizo

>> No.14612226
File: 306 KB, 1776x1436, a23b120c06f1c97ec4db6478f20d89e3-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vintage igor

>> No.14612232


>> No.14612248


>> No.14612681

Back when he had someone else to take a picture of him. (aka his mom)

>> No.14612755
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1540306638909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>46 posts, 22 IPs
the samefagging in this thread is pathetic
Igor has none of the traits of being /fa/ (except maybe frame, minus height) and yet still has a better sense of fashion than half the board; he's the true chad of /fa/ that will kill off all the underage newfag zoomers and redditor twinks

>> No.14613275

You realize that those samefags ARE igor, right? You're not just some dumb frogposter? Right?