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14606398 No.14606398 [Reply] [Original]

I recently found out that you're not supposed to use shampoo daily. What about conditioner though? Should I use that daily?
And am I supposed to wash my body with shampoo daily?
I've been ignoring skincare and showering for way too long.

>> No.14606400

I'm a guy with short dryish hair in case that matters.

>> No.14606413

1.) Don't condition everyday, just like shampoo.
2.) you really should use a body wash instead of shampoo for, well, washing the body, but it's probably better to shampoo that everyday than nothing. Unless you're shampooing your body hair.

>> No.14606443

Don't use conditioner daily if you're not shampooing daily, it's a waste.

>> No.14606541
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Ok thanks.
Last time I was at a shop that sells skincare stuff I bought something called a "shower scrub" thinking it was a body wash. I really like it but I'm not sure how often to use it. I read online that it's something you're supposed to use like once a week, is that true? It's from Creightons and it has small things that feel like sand or stones in it.
I'll go buy some body wash and good conditioner today. As a man, should I stick to the brands targeted towards men or does it not matter?
Finally, what exactly is body butter used for?

>> No.14606654

Wash ever 2-3 days. Use dry shampoo if you don't like greasy hair.

>> No.14606816

I shampoo every day and was voted "best hair (male)" in high school. I got a picture taken in the yearbook with the winner of "best hair (female)." I still have great hair, while hers looks like shit

wash your hair mongs

>> No.14606846

i shampoo everyday but i only use a shampoo with sulfates maybe twice a week at most

>> No.14607723

i have washed my hair with only water for the past 3 years and very rarely has my long hair looked greasy, i quit spending 100s of dollars on skincare products and my acne and pigmentation has finally began to go away

stop feeding the industry goys, just live naturally and stop feeding your body literal poison

>> No.14607966

based blessed retard

>> No.14607989


People in high school have shitty hair

>> No.14608020

keep shampoo and conditioner the same if you're going no poo.
gendered stuff is just marketing, there's no difference. use what you like (don't think that using a particular body wash is too important).
not sure what happened to the skincare general, but have a look for that in the archives for skincare shit.

>> No.14608044

I am of greasy descent so I shampoo daily. No one has ever said anything bad about my hair and more often then not people praise it.

>> No.14608052

Conditioning is for treating hair especially after shampoo removes build up. If your hair or scalp is noticeably dry, it'd be okay to use small amounts of conditioner preferably something like Moroccan oil or moisturizing specifically.

Wash hair every day or two with cold water, use warm water on body with a good body wash. Shampoo every few days to remove oil, product, etc. condition after shampoo especially. Let the conditioner sit for like 5 mins too while you lather your body

>> No.14608228

condition every time your hair gets wet don't listen to the people saying only condition as frequently as shampoo that's retarded otherwise you'd only condition once or twice a week

>> No.14608235
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>am I supposed to wash my body with shampoo daily?

>> No.14608245

I also won best hair (male) while doing no poo and still have great hair (male) while doing no poo
I guess we cancel each other out

>> No.14608432

so if you shower everyday...

are you supposed to only wash your hair with water?
are you supposed to wash with water then use conditioner everyday?

what do you guys suggest.

>> No.14608680

OP here, I did some shopping and reading. Yesterday I started off by using shower scrub on my body and shampoo in my hair, then I washed it off, then I put conditioner in my hair and body wash on my body and washed that off. After the shower I used deoderant, and I put lotion on my hands because they were dry. Today I just used body wash on my body, washed it off, and after the shower I used deoderant.
Does this sound right?

>> No.14608765

based, my face exclusively has pimples when I wash it daily. Hot water every other day for the whole body seems to do the trick, though every two days I shampoo for oiliness prevention

>> No.14608774
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I went a couple weeks without shampoo to see what would happen.
My hair looks great, no oil at all, but I get dandruff.
Is there any way to keep dandruff under control without shampoo, or should I just go back?

>> No.14608777

Were you all raised by wolves? How do you retards not have a basic understanding of hygiene? How did your parents fail so miserably? Fucking shower and wash your hair daily.

>> No.14608898
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My parents taught me that you should wash your hair with shampoo once if you showered yesterday and twice if last time you showered was two days ago. We didn't use any kind of body wash or anything like that. My sisters used conditioner but I legit had no idea what conditioner was until I googled it as a 19 year old. My parents told me not to use their shampoo and conditioner, so I assumed it was just a girl thing like makeup, deoderant and lotion.
My dad also refused to teach me how to shave when I was 13 so I learned it from a Youtube video.

>> No.14609031

Might have to oil your scalp every so often. Not sure how it work for nope though.

>> No.14609040

shampoo twice a week
bar soap everyday