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/fa/ - Fashion

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14604287 No.14604287 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you all are trying to dress better in order to lose your virginity?

>> No.14604289

I dress better cuz it makes me feel good. I lose weight/bulk up when I want to get laid. Two different types of mindsets. Clothes unfortunately won’t get you laid unless you’re attractive to begin with or your garments display wealth.

>> No.14604307

I lost my virginity at 14. Looking back at 28, I wish I wouldn't have wasted all that time and money on bitches.

>> No.14604447
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20 year old virgin. Had women compliment me many times on physique and shit. But 'tism seriously hinders me. I can analyse everything that happened in the past and what I should have done to get laid. But in the moment I can only think of aspie shit

>> No.14604457

Lmao this

>> No.14604461

Dont bother about losing your virginity, just live your life, show interest in girls and it will come.

always remember rule #1

>> No.14604469

this is kind of my experience, about to turn 20. Were you an ugly kid? I definitely was and never got any attention from girls until about a year ago but I think growing up with 0 self confidence seriously set me back.
I'm not worried though, it'll come eventually

>> No.14604472
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As a 32 year old let me clue you in. Shower, shave and don’t talk about autistic shit to girls. ESPECIALLY fucking video games or politics.

>> No.14604476

If I were to be truthful. People have rated me as a 7/10. My Chad friend is equally as aspie and I'd rate him an 8/10 (he used to be the fat aspie kid, then he slimmed down and became the good-looking comedian) he's got laid about 4 times for the girls that look past his aspie Ness. But he gets dumpped within a month or 2 of a new relationship cus he's just so aspie.

But... His friend is a solid 9/10 maybe even a 10 to some. You could dress him like a homeless man and he would still look drop dead gorgeous (his dad works for a modelling agency in London and his mum was a model) thing is that he is super aspie. Like only a couple pegs away from being special needs autism.

When ever we are in town we are always stopped by girls asking for his number. It's annoying to the point where we can't do anything in town as a group for the sake that we are always interupted

>> No.14604482

Yeah definitely. When I was 15 I still had the face of an 8 year old but covered in acne. Only when I got to college at 17 did my jawline start moving forward and become more chisseld

My friend had a similar situation where he was super fat
(Story related)

>> No.14604499

i lost my virginity when i started smoking weed. i dressed pretty shitty looking back.
hemmed jeans
dr martens
some short sleeve collar shirt i got from my dad.
i met her off tinder & would just text while i was high as fuck. i was reading lots of philosophy at the time so we talked about that. one night she texted me a pic her copy of being & time covering her boobs with her tongue out & asked if i wanted to see more. i told her no. but i really wanted to meet her & take her to dinner. she agreed. 30 mins into the dinner date, she invited me back to her parents house & we fucked.

>> No.14604550

while i do agree clothes won't get you laid, dressing a certain way will make it easier to approach certain groups, so if you're aiming for a type of girl it helps in a small, but meaningful way

>> No.14604555


>> No.14604561

easy. literally just always say something cool or minimal (but do it in a chad, non autistic way). and then never say anything awkward or cringe.

>> No.14604562

wouldnt that make me boring. when i try that. ppl say i act emotionless

>> No.14604576

or stop being faggots

>> No.14604583

Oh lord.

My autism works 2 ways:

Either I try to be fake extrovert and talk autistic shit

OR I try to play it safe and come off as cold and robotic

I got into fashion just to get laid or increase my chances but honestly it isnt my looks...
It is all mindset, atleast in our case

>> No.14604598

>Either I try to be fake extrovert and talk autistic shit
>OR I try to play it safe and come off as cold and robotic
holy shit this is me. faking it only works for a couple weeks

>> No.14604622

Dressing for sex is a total meme and only incels keep believing it.
I dressed like shit when I lost my virginity. I had beat up skate shoes, a hoody and t-shirt and glasses when I lost mine to a really good looking girl.
When I had sex with the next girl I dressed even worse, I was wearing wireframe incel glasses.
Nowadays I've totally changed and dress much better, but I looked bad. It's all personality, I dressed like shit but had the comdidenx and personality to make up for it.

>> No.14604644

Started having sex in high school but still had to date this girl for two years before she gave it up. Thought I was ugly, so took a lot of bullshit from her. We broke up my last two years of high school, and all these other girls started approaching me after that.

Your goal should be good sex and good relationships. I'd rather have no sex than be in another shitty stressful relationship.

>> No.14604650


>> No.14604663


None of you are aspie/autistic by your description. Just shy/not great at socializing.
You need to stop finding excuses and build social skills.

You can do it. There's no magical mental health issue stopping most (certainly not all) of you. Go for it.
Confidence is key. Work on valuing yourself and you'll get laid much, much easier.

>> No.14604669

fuck the police?

>> No.14604744

1. be handsome

>> No.14604807

no not if you aren't autistic

>> No.14604831

im not trying to dress better lmao

>> No.14604837

have sex

>> No.14604909

I lost it 5 years ago at 22. Sex doesn't change who you are as a person. The reason people make fun of incels or what ever you want to call it is because if you just relaxed and went with the flow sex would be extremely easy to come by. Would it be with the hottest women? Probably not but it could lead to that as you get more comfortable with the opposite sex and start to see them as human beings than some unattainable object.

>> No.14604913

How can you be a virgin in 2019 lmao. Like bro literally just go out

>> No.14604939

milk truk just arrive

>> No.14605024

who gives a fuck, im treating a female like any other. I don't have any interest in getting laid because im religious and remain virgin till marriage.
Fuck degenerates.

>> No.14605026

faking it drains my energy, I end up sperging out when I get fucking tired of being muh cold badass edgy nigger

>> No.14605050

I first got into fashion a few years ago for this reason, but eventually gave up on it and started just dressing however I want, which I much prefer. I went from streetwear and hypebeasting to rick and yohji, best switch I've ever made.
I lost my virginity at an anime convention, so fashion wasn't a huge part of it, though I was cosplaying.

>> No.14605948

Say what you want but she's the hottest autistic girl out there.

>> No.14605968


>> No.14605969

When are we gonna get some good pics of those fuckin udders god DAMn

>> No.14605970

try not being fake cold badass OR spergy, that would probably work

>> No.14605989

Don't talk about /b/?

>> No.14605996

Once shes no longer popular.

>> No.14605999

Do you dummies talk to women outside of clumsy attempts at sex? It sure would go a long way.

>> No.14606004

Women don't appreciate me. I'm introverted and awkward. Whatever. I have a great job and I can do what I want in life

>> No.14606364

i wish smoking weed was enough to impress girls.

>> No.14606377

31 year old here.....if only most men followed the advice you just gave.....Took me well into my mid 20s

>> No.14606383

Remove the word "sex" from the equation....You should dress to represent your best self....I know that sounds gay AF, but every guy here would look a lot better with clothes that fit, and colors that match their complexion. Just wearing nice fitting jeans and a dress shirt will give you a little more confidence, and people will notice that.

>> No.14606753

to anyone ITT who is awkward/spergy/introverted there is an easy fix - limit internet use to 1-3 hours a week maximum, go outside alot. make eye contact with waitresses, cashiers, etc. do small talk with them. also stop having social anxiety.

>> No.14606808
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When I was younger I think the only value I put on women was for sex, never talked to them unless I wanted sex from them, didn't have anything to do with them unless they were fuck able

Wrong mindset to have

Better off talking to 4's and not giving a fuck if you get pussy or not and you're less spergy.

I'm not nervous around girls anymore, but I'd still be nervous around chicks I want to fuck badly, like spoony

>> No.14606811

I don't wear sexcore

>> No.14606814

Words to live by, remember cops aren't there to protect you, they're to keep the government in power, fuck em all

Remember the saying, m193 for the pig in 3a when shtf

>> No.14606914

Focus on getting better, looking better, getting smarter, knowing how human psychology works, making money. And the hoes will come to you. But don't spend money on them, or the same amount they spend on you :0

>> No.14606943

jesus christ i wanna fuck her

>> No.14606946

you bulk up to get laid? wtf :D

>> No.14606968

No I want to dress well because I want to start an insurance agency, and need to look and be charismatic and attractive. Unfortunately I'm not charismatic, and have perma-manboobs from when I was still a fat ass. Hoping to gain muscle and lose fat with this new compound I'm on, but we'll see.
/fa/ how do I work out my personality? I think I'm just such a dreadfully boring and pessimistic person that it shines through whatever façade I try to wear over it. I don't even know where to begin, my sense of humor is so devolved, and my general outlook on things is so negative, that I'm not sure I can recover, I can't relate to people at all, and I don't even understand how to communicate in a way which doesn't involve the direct communication of information.

>> No.14606976

To tack on to this, I'm not unattractive I don't think, but once girls get to know me they always leave. I even dated a model for a couple months, but like all women she just ended up wanting nothing to do with me.

>> No.14607026

Maybe, but good/interesting/unique/beneficial kind of cope

>> No.14607577

I do. But not because good clothes themselves would make my disgusting face more attractive. The thing about dressing nice is that it gives me a huge confidence boost and suddenly I'm walking like Peter Parker is Spiderman 3.
Damn, I wish I wasn't a poorfag and could afford more good clothes though.

>> No.14607585

How do I learn those dance moves

>> No.14607733

You should be dressing better because you respect yourself, not because you're trying to defile your body with some thot. If you're doing the latter, you're going to end up some s o i soaked half-faggot who identifies as a male feminist and who may never have sex with a woman, let alone one who doesn't smell like piss and BBC.

>> No.14607770

I'm a 25 yo khv so at this point I'll try anything to get laid besides actually talking to women.

>> No.14608188

underrated coment

>> No.14608197

Clothes won’t help you lose your virginity, I lost my virginity in 501’s and a uniqlo u shirt. Work on your confidence instead.

>> No.14608200

I fuck hookers idgaf about normal hoes so I dress for myself alone

>> No.14608628

more like GAYlish lmao

>> No.14608640

>muh personality
It's fine, just be yourself. What is important is character. Develop a good and outstanding character

>> No.14608784

I used to as well, but then I worried about slipping seconds so o just tindered to get my fix years ago

>> No.14608829

>all these "attractive" but aspie people itt
>meanwhile I'm buttugly and never had a single woman be attracted to me in my entire life
there is only so much rejection I can take before calling it quits. this can't be good for ones psyche
I wish I was one of those people that actually enjoys or doesn't get bothered by being lonely

>> No.14609076


>> No.14609086

I lost my virginity at 15 with a woman and at 20 with a man. I regularly have sex so I only dress up for myself and to impress my peers.