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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 745 KB, 500x2410, 1531182100247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14600773 No.14600773 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts and honest opinions???

>> No.14600780

/pol/tards dressing up to impress their boyfriends warms my heart <3

>> No.14600785
File: 460 KB, 539x718, 1560118186179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol must be gay because I am gay.

>> No.14600792
File: 225 KB, 372x340, 9CD9B2EB-44B0-461F-97B5-8FC2759242DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I support gays let alone borderline schizophrenic trannies

>> No.14600866 [DELETED] 


>> No.14600889

Take off the Antifa reference. You didn't even need to reference the Patagonia item at all. It reeks of attention whoring.

Don't be fooled by the brand name "Polo". RL did not invent the Polo shirt, nor does he make the best one. Lacoste (the original), Hilfiger, and Penguin make exceptional Polos.

Most guys aren't spending $155 on one pair of Khakis. I don't care how good they are, it just doesn't make sense. Even if they last forever, they can rip and stain at any moment just like any other pair of pants.

>> No.14600896

>implying I made this shit

>> No.14600956
File: 7 KB, 250x241, _annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread again

>> No.14600967

Based and redpilled

>> No.14600978

closet homo tier

>> No.14600990
File: 326 KB, 894x894, YP84tl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing an in-depth guide to dress like a generic WASP
utter autism

>> No.14601075

>projecting so hard
nice try faggot

>> No.14601420

absolutely repulsive, what the fuck is up with those chris chan shirts

>> No.14601422

Thanks for the new costanza, didn't have that one.

>> No.14601435

The best part of this guide is that /pol/tards will still fall for it to this day.

>> No.14601638

Quarter zips are cringe central.

>> No.14601674

>Those rugby shirts
>CWC ring
>Manchester high school

/pol/cels will still fall for this though kek

>> No.14601707

I again will point out, for what seems the umpteenth time: What man wears a fucking engagement ring?

>> No.14601856

implying that any of that fat pigs left their parent's basements.

>> No.14601970

They only leave the basement when the FBI grooms them into active shooters

>> No.14601973

Chrischan-core kek /pol/tards are fucking pathetic

>> No.14601976

Married men?

>> No.14601978

That would be a wedding ring, pal. Two different things. Normally, a man offers a woman an engagement ring in the proposal proscess

>> No.14602002
File: 153 KB, 680x626, 156086064281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jeans and quarter-zips are for poorfags, and you should never wear a belt

>> No.14602003
File: 1.67 MB, 1800x2332, Official pol guide for both genders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14602009

In America, men wear engagement rings too. And most people wear a high school ring before finding that special someone

>> No.14602018

Who tf is wearing a high school ring.

>> No.14602023

nobody. its a laughable thing to do

>> No.14602032

I will trip you in public if I see you wearing this.

>> No.14602042
File: 285 KB, 300x168, 1546638438720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tee, jeans, and sneakers

>> No.14602043


>> No.14602296

A good example of the either literal underage children or autistic manchildren that inhabit /pol/ that they require a fucking guide to dress up like a Dilbert cartoon.

>> No.14602313
File: 130 KB, 664x676, Screenshot_20190604-134103_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as I'd say about reddit's Male fashion advice. Its definitely fine normiecore basics, and almost certainly an improvement over what most neckbeards are wearing. Buts it's also stale as cracker shit and theres no reason to doom yourself to blue polos for life because some rando on the internet said so.

Also, rugby shirts look fucking ridiculous

>> No.14602317

Literally nobody wears their high school ring

>> No.14602326

>rugby shirts
>expensive khakis
add in
>dickies khakis

those boots are pretty homo. nothing wrong with a leather shoe for more casual outfits, like a boat shoe or jack purcells

>> No.14602502

not a fan of the khaki style. The khaki style in pic is that of a middle aged man. for $155 lol. I wear khakis daily btw. I like the shirts recommended, btu I wear t shirts as polo is too expensive. I bought a pair of boots because of this style guide similar to the wolverine but cheaper ($40) on amazon.I wear sperry's daily as I have no reason to wear boots at a community college LOL. I I don't wear class rings. Also I wear a casio watch that I haven't taken off since for over a year. all in all, the dress guide is nice if you don't buy name brands and go for cheaper alternatives. Also don't wear a class ring and that specific khaki brand, that's boomer-wave. Paying $45 for 1 polo and $155 for old man khaki's, $200 boots, and a $300 highschool ring is poor financial management. Miight as well smoke marlboro red's if you follow this guide to the T.

>> No.14602511

It's a troll to make you dress like CWC

>> No.14602523
File: 125 KB, 900x598, Despair4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell whether this was posted again by fashion-savvy leftypol false-flaggers or actual unfashionable /pol/ wignats. I'm just tired of it, bros.

>> No.14602544

Flavourless, provincial, and very caucasian. Just makes me think of something a thwarted middle American father would tell his son to wear.

>> No.14602545


>> No.14602556 [DELETED] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1739x5835, CODE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only REAL guide lads.

>> No.14602575

So dressing /pol/ is basic American prep according to the graph? Not dressing like a hobo is alright if you adhere to ideologies that claim order and form, but that style just screams "I want the 1950s back and my dad is a lawyer btw"

>> No.14602582

I honestly and unironically cannot comprehend the fact Americans genuinely think bean boots look good

>> No.14602611

For wannabe forester urbanites perhaps

>> No.14602784

Americans are actually sub humans
fuck I hate how they think they know how to dress.
The most basic fits that aren't even good just telling people not to dress like a sperg.
Actual retards. 100% of black people are smarter then anybody who needed this.

>> No.14602800

Nothing is more pathetic than Europeans who think they are culturally superior to Americans when every American trend lands here within 1-5 years delay at max
Try getting our continent back in shape before rubbing off on burgers

>> No.14602826

>Nothing is more pathetic than Europeans who think they are culturally superior to Americans
I am not European and they in inherently are

>> No.14603748

hot desu

>> No.14603757

how desperate and lonley are you if you'd fuck a fag?

>> No.14603788

>how to dress like a capable adult
Pol tards aren't even adults..

>> No.14604121

Europe doesn't even have a culture, unlike America.

>> No.14604138

this is satire, right?

>> No.14604141

>Europe doesn't even have a culture, unlike America.
poor bait

>> No.14604204

The USA is the dominant cultural force on the planet; where America leads europe will follow, that's just the nature of things.

>> No.14604213


>> No.14604214


>> No.14604217

This, any reside of pre-Americanised culture either gets devoured by consumerism or vanishes over time. Europeans are Americans at heart.

>> No.14605381
