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14600620 No.14600620 [Reply] [Original]

Do women like long hair on men or is it just tolerable?

>> No.14600626

regardless it is too high maintenance and a waste of your time

>> No.14600811

Unless you have really terrible hair, length has nothing to do with how attractive women find you. A haircut can't fix ugly.

>> No.14600812
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As I've had a lot of haircuts in my life (currently have long hair to my nipples) I've had a lot of girls coming up to me asking about my hair, how do I style it etc. (since I dye it and apply a lot of products to it)

A lot of long haired guys think women do not like long hair, that is wrong. Women dislike unkept long hair, which is very different

>> No.14600825

Also, you gotta have a good face, physique and dress well, otherwise you'll just be the strange kid in the classroom that everyone thinks he listens to iron maiden or some shit.

>> No.14600830

long hair is cool, but cutting mine was the best decision I've made in the last few years.I realized I was trying to cover my lack of personality by being one of the "cool long haired dudes" at my uni.
Also, fuck man buns, I can't fucking stand do look at this shit anymore man

>> No.14600845

i fucking love long hair on men. i blame it on my weeb upbringing, being exposed to sesshoumaru late at night on adult swim. whew lad.

>> No.14600869
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Medium length. Let your hair grow for 6 months to a year and see what you get. If you have good hair genetics and a good looking face you'll look like a Greek god. Also work out. That's the look I'm going for and have had people describe me as "classical" and like a statue. My dick is average though so my ideal form is ruined

>> No.14600879

idk she likes having something to grip and comb her hands through and I like the look but it crosses a threshold around 9-10 inches when it suddenly becomes high maintenance

>> No.14600885


>> No.14600903

It depends on the woman and it depends on how you look with long hair. Sometimes when I make eye contact with them they get this expression like their ovaries just exploded and they have to change their pants. I did alright with short hair, I kept it buzzed from high school to about 22. Growing my hair out was the best thing I ever did. It's more work than having short hair, so that is something to think about. It also comes with a whole set of problems that I never considered, like falling in my face when I brush my teeth, and pulling it when I roll over in bed. Worth it though.

>> No.14600921

Always looks ugly on grown men, younger boys can rock it.

>> No.14600937

In my experience (hair just past nipple area), younger girls like it and older girls less so. I am 29 and granted I have a young face, but since my hair has been long I have been getting attention from 18 to 20 year old girls and feel pretty much invisible to girls over 24. Dont know if this is universal or not though.

>> No.14600943

For me it's the opposite. I'm the same age and I'm getting more attention from women my own age than when it was short. But I don't even know where I would go to meet 18-20 year olds. I would feel like a pedo just talking to them. Also, I'm able to pull hotter women more consistently than when it was short.

>> No.14601166


>> No.14601883

i guess everything has already been said here.
I'm average at best but got a fucking ton of positive attention due to long hair, its a almost a cheat code to get girls.
Its very high maintenance and you're fucked if you have volumous hair, you don't really need to put a bunch of products on it, just take proper care, but its still alot of work, don't even bother if you don't have the time.
The shittiest part is to calculate when you will have to go out and look good and match with when you're going to wash your hair, different hairs needs different washing routines, if i washed mine everyday it would look very frizzy, but 3 days without washing it would look disgusting.
I recently cut mine since i'm running and working out alot and the hair was getting in the way.
If you have the time and know to take care of your hair, go for it, just make sure you don't look ridiculous with it, but you don't have to be model tier to pull it off

>> No.14601887

you're gonna die someday so my advice is to keep it short so nobody can grab you by it.

>> No.14602263

I feel like it's not a definite "cheat code," but it certainly gets people to look at you. I'd say if you're 5/10 and up it couldn't hurt.

>> No.14602318
File: 1.03 MB, 1136x640, 8456D954-B6D6-4AD3-B80A-0292089FD6BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I grow it out or cut the sides?

>> No.14603213

Having short hair (unless it's a buzz) is like not even being alive, you're just another worker Joe fronting faux altruism

>> No.14603252

only works on already good looking men. but the women who are into it, are REALLY into it. by that I mean they will have a big crush on you

>> No.14603279

Imagine being so pathetic you base your identity around your hair lmao
I hope you're underage

>> No.14603281

this ain't the thread for that homey

>> No.14603284

Women like/hate everything all at once so just do what looks proportional to your face

>> No.14603295
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Are you Greek God Anon?

>> No.14603308

Do you have a good, non-greasy lotion? After you get it super clean, get a little lotion on your hands just a tiny bit and then run in through. Then brush for a bit to get it nice and evenly incorporated. Don't neglect the roots. Do it until you think you're almost there, then stop before you get there. Takes a small amount of tweaking/experience, but it's not really that complicated if you have healthy hair and scalp. Just remember that less is more.

>> No.14604383

They like it, but only if it looks good on you and makes you behave confidently. They also like short hair for the same reasons.

>> No.14604403


when i was crusing at work i had long hair, when i wanted a 16k raise I went short hair and got it.

>> No.14604413

well it really is up to the individual person, but statistically women prefer shorter hair on men.
Its probably safe to say that short hair is the safe choice, but if youre feeling it, long hair is a fun adventure to go on. Personally i havent had that long hair before going back to short, but the thats just the way it fits me the best.

But at the end of the day, women like men who do what they like. Nothing is more unsexy for a woman than a guy who is insecure about the choices he makes.

>> No.14604415

very based, i love my hair when its long but it is such a burden to maintain it. (very thick wavy light brown hair) now i just have it medium lenght and tidy up from time to time

>> No.14604440

I really don't understand people who say it's "high maintenance". It literally takes me 5-10 minutes in the shower to clean my hair and 10 minutes to dry it if I need it dry quick, otherwise i just let it air dry.
And my hair is past my shoulders, mind you.

>> No.14605180

send pics?

>> No.14605184

only with shit genes. I have long hair that is mostly straight with a slight wave to it, and I rarely ever have to brush it because it doesn't get tangled. a bit of sea salt spray for volume and that's it

>> No.14605208

Not going to post pics of me on 4chan, but are you implying it's low quality hair because it doesn't take me much time to clean it? It sounds like a reasonable amount of time if you don't want to exaggerate on the styling / straigthening.

>> No.14605220

I wish I had hair like that, damn.

>> No.14605224

this. i've been working out for ~4 yrs now and 5 months ago i decided to start growing my hair out for classic aesthetics. my hair is still a bit too jewfro for my liking but it's finally starting to lay flat

>> No.14605363
File: 312 KB, 1060x1428, Screen Shot 2019-09-03 at 23.33.09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14605437



>> No.14605482

No, keep growing it brother

>> No.14606065


just change up your style. looks weird with that hair

>> No.14606081

Don't cut, wash and condition

>> No.14606084

Keep the hair, ditch the beard.

>> No.14606124

>always wanted long hair
>hair is frizzy and wirey
>somehwere between curly and wavy
>cowlick that completely makes it flat in the back
>split ends

I've tried everything,
i've gone no poo, baby shampoo, conditioner only, cold water only, coconut/spearmint/argan oil, tree tea
i just wanted something like Daryl from the walking Dead, but fuck this.
i give up anons

>> No.14606141

Cut. At least get rid of the man bun

>> No.14606184

His hair looks greasy as fuck. I'm sure it's not actual grease because he's an actor but they definitely used plenty of some sort of product in it.

>> No.14607223

The panino's wrapping suggest me the pic was taken in Italy, the size of the bread and the generosity of the filling would further point somewhere in the south?

>> No.14607236

this guy looks like a bunch of guys that goes to sao paulo university and that looks like a infamous PÃO COM MORTADELA, i'd say he is a fellow sopa de macaco like me

>> No.14607245

No poo works for me. If I wash my hair it looks like literal straw since it's blonde.

>> No.14607248

I have shoulder length hair, I don't care about women I am just thinking if it would be more convenient to chop it off.
It gets super oily in 3 days without shampoo, even quicker if I brush it.
I have wavy thick brown hair

>> No.14607250
File: 110 KB, 951x713, 5b64e2cd7d3ef84a99a99a3ba9a3ee12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, but do they have mafaldas too in sao paulo?

>> No.14607260

never heard this name, but we call everything "lanche" here, which means snack or something like that, so maybe we have it and just call it lanche lol

>> No.14607301

I literally wake up with my hair almost done.
DiCaprio hairstyle btw

>> No.14607388

This but my hair is curly.
I hate it feeling oily at all but if I shampoo then it goes frizzy. I love my hair on the off occasion everything goes just right but I honestly think it would just be easier to snip.

>> No.14608259

This, take the mediumpill. I work as a cashier and get compliments on my hair daily

>> No.14608266

Fabio and Brad Pitt yes
disgusting meth head heavy metal fags no thanks

>> No.14608580
File: 462 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-316908420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grew this in a year max. had a two block hairstyle(kpop esq)

>> No.14608591
File: 321 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-310988637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's before. slicked back, thinking of going back to this but I would pass as a 16 year old( I'm 21 now)

>> No.14608617

Grew my hair out for 2 years several years ago. Thick and wavy. I’d wash once a week, after gym I’d just towel dry and wear a shower cap. If it got too greasy midweek I’d use a wave brush(highly rec’d). Women would be amazed then disgusted they asked about my process. In the process of growing it out again. For the most part I wash daily, no poo, conditioner once a week.

>> No.14608762

this but unfuckingironically

>> No.14608848
File: 115 KB, 680x521, 5312351235125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you lads use shampoo and/or conditioner?

>> No.14608852


>> No.14608856

mirin that chin

>> No.14608912

Shampoo every 2-3 days, conditioner every day.

>> No.14608965


I notice i get more female attention if i have long hair

I guess long hair on guys are like short hair on women. People like it because its different from normal

>> No.14608968

What type of hair and face do you need for long hair to work?

I have a VERY thick, straight and brown hair.

>> No.14608975

I am growing my hair at the moment but I dont give a fuck what women like. I want to try the look. If it doesnt suit me I will cut them off.

>> No.14609148

never. my hair was always pretty dry but once i tried the nopoo meme, my hair has gotten so much better.

>> No.14609163

im ugly per se but im just too fucking ugly with short hair, i look like someones 40y/o uncle whos always drunk and hits on teen girls.

>> No.14609439
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i hope so

>> No.14609894

is hair like this easy to mantain?

>> No.14610319
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, LNGR_0013.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do women like long hair on men or is it just tolerable?

type this into google for your answer:

>>site:lipstickalley.com men with long hair

An abundance of opinions, straight from the horse's mouth.

>waste of your time

No. It's not.

I'm a dude with long hair and nearly 40 years old. I didn't start growing my hair out until about two years ago. It's curly and shoulder length now.

In all the years I've been living, I've never worn my hair long and I can definitely say it has improved my life dramatically in the following ways:

1. I get a ridiculous amount of attention from women compared to when I had typical short hair. I get random women coming up to me all the time trying to make small talk. This is especially true for my online dating profile. I would go months without anyone liking my profile. I decided to give it a shot with my long hair photos and I'm getting several likes a week, usually on the weekends.

2. Management at my current workplace is dominated by women. When the female employees screw up, they let it slide, but when a male employee screws up, they get chewed out or punished. I'm the exception. No matter what I screw up, they let it slide like I was one of the girls. I believe it's because my long hair is providing me with a sort of feminine camouflage.

3. Relating to 2, my mane has landed me in some awkward and interesting situations that would have never happened if I had short hair, such as being mistaken for being a woman and getting catcalled by straight dudes, being asked to be an extra on the set of Mr. Robot because they thought I had a "unique look", and getting drinks sent to me by random women who said they liked my hair.

4. Overall, in general, I feel I have like this golden aura around me (not a literal aura, but one of self-confidence) that I didn't have before. I just feel better about myself in general and my mood/outlook on life is more positive/upbeat than it was before. Life is just better now.

>> No.14610875

I did the same thing and I'm glad I did.