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File: 936 KB, 2000x1125, mewing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14592464 No.14592464 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is mewing and is it legit?

>> No.14592491

she's literally just looking more upward in each pic

>> No.14592497

So posture is the secret to a good chin?

>> No.14592498
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 73EECE07-4917-45C2-9C52-23F726DB70E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14592499

Yea, actually.

>> No.14592501

Its fucking basic tongue/teeth behavior
>no mouth breathing
>tongue resting at the hard palate

>> No.14592505

You may as well do it seeing as even if it has no long term benefit you'll still look immediately better because that sack of flesh under your chin will tighten up.

>> No.14592508

EPIC image response!

>> No.14592513

How do you do it properly?

>> No.14592526

You know when you cough or wretch and you feel that muscle under your chin expand and loosen? Tighten that up.

>> No.14592536

and having good chin

>> No.14592547

I'm having trouble doing that without clenching my teeth

>> No.14592556

your teeth should be in light contact yeah

>> No.14592981

>>14592556 are your front teeth meant to meet or do the upper set go slightly in front of the bottom set?

>> No.14593011

so she messed her nose up to get a chin? lolwat.

>> No.14593048

mewing? more like jewing, look at that honker growth

>> No.14593071

they should meet, unless you have a really pointed chin then you'll want to take it back a little.

>> No.14593391
File: 100 KB, 1125x1109, Dk48KgSU8AAwzpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mewing? more like jewing, look at that honker growth

>> No.14593435

What about her nose shape?

>> No.14593581

it's the same in every pic just covered by the red line in some. also its fucking horrible id never date or fuck her

>> No.14594050

Do I just press my tongue against my hard palate and keep my teeth closed, touching together, to make the magic happen?

>> No.14594162

Tired of this stupid meme. It doesn't work. Maybe if you're 5 years old when you start doing it, sure.

>> No.14594460

She looks like a bird

>> No.14594557

>ayyy babe u luk liek a birb
>wana show me ur nest? ;^)

>> No.14594582

he jew nose got bigger tho

>> No.14594599

She's a goodess in last pic. Does someone know her name?

>> No.14594601

No that is wrong your teeth will grind together and wear down the incisors.

>> No.14594602


>> No.14594667

Sounds like you have a slight overbite. Don't shift your jaw just to make your teeth touch, just do what feels natural. The part that matters is pushing your tough against your upper palate. This will create the same tightening sensation without grinding your teeth

>> No.14594671

tongue, not tough

>> No.14594695

I tried pushing against my palate hard for 10 hours straight once (I was bored)
Next two days my eye sockets hurt like all fuck
Dont fall for the mew meme, but if you breath through your mouth stop that shit instantly. It doesn't only fuck your jawline or whatever it actually destroys your third eye.

>> No.14596055

You don't need to force it that much. After few days my tongue naturally rests on the roof of the mouth. And that instantly removes that skin under your chin

>> No.14596062

Just rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, you will get used to it, and even sleeping like that will become comfortable. Look in the mirror how it improves your neck(the skin under chin)

>> No.14596148
File: 538 KB, 816x816, 1566940307112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is legit if you do it while on puberty, but after that it probably won't make any difference.

>> No.14596161

I call bullshit on this one. If that is even the same guy, looking at how much his brow developed he obviously just got hit by puberty hard as fuck in general. A low-T guy couldn't have achieved those same results by mewing

>> No.14596195

It is the same guy, and he actually did mewing, he posted on a forum if I recall correctly. I understand your point that it could just be puberty, but still, when you put your tongue in the correct posture your chin does actually look better from the side, you can literally try it right now.

>> No.14596215

Oh I know, I've been sort of doing it unintentionally for like a decade now (I basically was just trying to stop being a mouth breather and in the process developed a healthier tongue position). It made me look maybe 10% better but I think people have some unrealistic expectations about the technique.

>> No.14596218

Yeah, I totally agree with you.

>> No.14596346

she looked best left

>> No.14596378

no, it can give you bruxism though so gl with that

>> No.14596411

>tongue resting at the hard palate
yes, i started doing this in 2014 while also sliding my teeth more forward (i have a bit of an overbite) and my jaw went from like a 2/10 to a 7/10

>> No.14596415
File: 10 KB, 225x224, 1507819034594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even hardcore mewing can fix jew-nose disease

>> No.14596427

>TFW my tongue naturally rests on my palate and have an amazing jaw and face structure but pol claims I'm lying because I'm Peruvian
Funny thing is my white blue eyed Italian girlfriend is a jawlet
I doubt this works btw, I heard you can wear some apparatus to force your tongue and jaw to align but it's probably useless unless you're young

>> No.14596773

Sliding forward your bottom teeth?

>> No.14597023

yeah its legit you just need to learn how to rest your whole tongue on your palate and keep doing it while sitting in front of your pc for instance

>> No.14597231


>> No.14597456
File: 1.22 MB, 785x754, 1549230472147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now that I'm calm, Mewing does have some good principles, growth can be directed, especially during large phases of growth such as puberty. But orthodontists already do this with functional appliances. And now if we look at Mr Mew's regime for kids what do we see? (https://orthodontichealth.co.uk/for-kids/)) Well, we see that in phase 1, 2 and 3 Mr Mew has his patients use appliances... appliances that have to be worn for 18-22 hours a day for 18 months. So Mr Mew is selling already established orthodontic principles with a new coat of oil paint to trick all of you retards. Even worse though are the fools who somehow think that as an adult they can have any impact on their bones. That is not how bones work you dipshits, if we could morph our bones with a little bit of pressure from the tongue do you think manlets would still exist? Why wouldn't they just stretch their fucking bones out????
t. Dent student

>> No.14597897

I don't buy into mewing, but if you're a dent student: is there any detriment to holding your tongue in that position? And if not: does it become more subconscious with time?

There's no doubt that my jaw looks at least a little better with that little bit of flex

>> No.14597918

Ho yeah? Then why Stephen hawking's skull was all slouching because he could not mew??

>> No.14598097

another oldcel coper frauding mewing progress

you can't shift 30 years of established bone structure with your tongue over the course of a few weeks

Takes fucking years and you'd MAYBE see tanfible results... maybe

>> No.14598109

Could you post it I have a overbite.

>> No.14598373
File: 217 KB, 404x337, 1557078241624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barely noticeable but it brings up/tightens a few muscles where your jaw connects to the neck. It doesn't do anything that losing weight wouldn't do.But if you naturally have a double/recessed chin sure, do it in public, just remember it won't actually gradually fix anything. It's a "hack" like clenching your jaw.
t.114 pound skeleton

>> No.14598986

>tfw Asian with no jawline whatsoever
At least I'm 6'4 r-right guys?

>> No.14599053

You have small frame

>> No.14599093

more importantly, w2c this qtpi?

>> No.14599138

>It doesn't only fuck your jawline or whatever it actually destroys your third eye.
Nah, being sedentary is probably what gave you hemorrhoids.

>> No.14599149

Mew mew mew mew, mew mew, mew mew mew mew.
Mew mew mew

>> No.14599231

why do people with bird noses always have weird jaws?

>> No.14599770

>I don't buy into mewing, but if you're a dent student: is there any detriment to holding your tongue in that position? And if not: does it become more subconscious with time?
Nothing wrong with putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just dont expect to reshape your maxilla like all the mewfags claim. If you do it enough I'm sure it will become subconscious, but if your resting posture has your tongue somewhere else already, its probably because of your unique anatomy.

>There's no doubt that my jaw looks at least a little better with that little bit of flex
This is the real benefit of mewing, tensing the shit out of your facial muscles to reduce your butter face. I wont deny that mewing can increase the size and change the shape of muscles, which will definitely help, but it will never fix your malocclusion.

>> No.14600112

;_; it's not fucking fair

>> No.14600182

Guys, maybe you just lose fat from your face lastly/the least? Because I know I do. After even just a solid week at the gym after starting back up again I can see slight progression. Shit I even have a pic of full blown jutting out jawbone's and that gaunt look. So don't fret, just maybe try working out? Even if you have a small jawline or chin working out will make it look better :)

>> No.14600207

idk but I noticed this too