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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 517 KB, 1799x1207, B407A73A-CBB2-43AA-B31F-5C4944773D25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14587032 No.14587032 [Reply] [Original]

[steve McQueen Edition]




Not being updated anymore:

The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Boat shoe complex lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/

Where to find clothing:
https://pastebin.com/XuddAMgt (Provisional, European)
https://pastebin.com/bJdJnvHm (Fair Isle and other sweaters, European)
https://pastebin.com/Tsu6xGLg (OCBD, General)
https://pastebin.com/GhgkWB72 (Spanish shoes, European)

Previous Thread: >>

>> No.14587036







>> No.14587054


>> No.14587156

McQueen has the only good fit in that image. The fit on the right isn't too bad, but it looks sort of "off" to me. The left fit is batshit insane. Utterly fucking atrocious.
>sweater tucked into pants
>suspenders over the sweater

>> No.14587165

The more I look at the left fit, the worse it gets
>Tiny black bowtie
>Jacket lapels popped like a fratboy's polo collar

>> No.14587170

Well shucks maybe you should cry about it

>> No.14587175

>defending an objectively shit fit

>> No.14587177
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>> No.14587397

As said in other threads, give something better

>> No.14587474

Is anyone else here as autistic as I am when it comes to matching certain fabrics and constructions with each other to maintain formality? Matching button-downs with chinos exclusively etc.

>> No.14587477
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Based sartorial black man.

>> No.14587481
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>> No.14587486
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>> No.14587510


neck + chin area ruin these fits


>> No.14587528

Where to buy a trad navy blazer?

BB -- get forcibly redirected from the US site, shitty AU site doesn't have the good stuff
J Press -- no patch pockets
O'connell -- best I can find, but few details for a very big investment

I've been trying to find second hand stuff on etsy/ebay with not much success.

>> No.14587575

>J Press -- no patch pockets
>O'connell -- best I can find, but few details for a very big investment

You really have to go to the actual stores to get their full selection of clothes. As a brit I feel your pain. eBay is really the only option here.

>> No.14587578

>psychopath general

>> No.14587587


>> No.14587588

cringe loafers

like the pants

No, I also match button downs with jeans many times

>> No.14587591

Pretty cool. I love double breasted jackets but it's hard to find them second hand in my size.

>> No.14587630

The guy seems to wear exclusively Ralph Lauren trousers and apparently it's all bought second hand.

>> No.14587644
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>> No.14587653

who is he? some guy from SF?

>> No.14587718

What sort of boots do you own? I have a pair of chelseas and a pair of jodhpurs

>> No.14587867

just some plain cap toe allen edmonds boots in nubuck. probably going to get something with some brogues soon. maybe alden or crocket & jones.

>> No.14587961
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>> No.14588014

How about just taking them off why promote shit.

>> No.14588044

some have good landscapes and some fits are not bad at all

>> No.14588118

>being a massive autistic spermatozoon

>> No.14588138
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, _lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He actually tried to wear a sweater tucked into his pants, everyone laughed at him and made him cry, so now he defends that outfit on a Zimbabwean land speculation blog

>> No.14588183

Right outfit is perfect if you remove the faggotry:
>put socks
>remove the waistband
>change haircut

>> No.14588699

shameful bump

>> No.14588829

Whats exactly the problem with those girls?

>> No.14588872

Uniqlo's comfort jackets. Certainly not for formal wear, but I like them because they're casual enough and I can toss them in the washer instead of dry cleaning them.

>> No.14588878

Summer's over and I gonna need a coat soon.
Are duffel coats fine?

>> No.14588884

If you're waiting for snow, yeah.

>> No.14588890

Yeah, ideally I'm looking for something to handle +5 to -15 °C range.

>> No.14588902

You can't go wrong with one. The hood makes it less standard than a single-breasted top coat or a car coat, so you've got that uniqueness to it.

>> No.14588939
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Me when I first learn about "layering" without reading the entire article.

>> No.14588975

Damn JFK looks muscular in this pic

>> No.14589414
File: 40 KB, 323x412, 8608F404-CA5E-40DC-ABAB-BA80F31AFEB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks pink pants look good on men

>> No.14589443

they're salmon you absolute mong

>> No.14589448

Aren't salmon pants just faded red pants?

>> No.14589464

there's a lot of variation but sometimes yes

>> No.14589563

Why is everyone such a shoulderlet

>> No.14589564

Pastel pants are more dudebro/fratboy than sőyboy imo

>> No.14590221

salmon pants are awesome

>> No.14590236
File: 149 KB, 990x990, 60310605_147748593020172_3782791425536076408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14590272

my favorite top layer rn is an air conditioned office

>> No.14590278

Lovely jacket, but disgusting loafers

>> No.14590325
File: 23 KB, 192x239, 14164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not pink they're salmon you absolute mong
>salmon pants are awesome

>> No.14590346

My favorite jacket is a navy blue linen blazer. Do I have to suddenly stop wearing it now that summer is coming to its end? What season/weather is acceptable for this type of garment (consider also the rather dark color)? Thanks.

>> No.14590464

When does it start getting colder where you live <60 F

>> No.14590484


>> No.14590501

In less than a month i would guess

>> No.14590503

In Texas it starts cooling off at the end of September

>> No.14590507

Having difficulty finding a 3/2 blazer with patch pockets. Sack and swelled edge preferable. BB has one but they've been out of my size for months

>> No.14590602

If you're American it's easy (thrift). If not you're shit out of luck and have rely on eBay and Etsy.

>> No.14590735

Until its cold

You wont see any soy_boi with them

>> No.14590808

Heading to Lima so never, I suppose.

>> No.14590945
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>> No.14590961
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Obligatory Plein Soleil/Alain Delon pic.

>> No.14590981

Lopez Aragon

>> No.14591003

Which model and fabric? Hopsack?

>> No.14591023

What are you doing down in Lima

>> No.14591051
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Three Cambridge model looks like the closest thing to a sack jacket. Still looks very structured and European though.

>> No.14591059
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>> No.14591071

6 month internship. Finally managed to get to do something of my line of studies.

>> No.14591078

Cool, and where are you moving from? I only ask because I'm wondering what the culture shock will be like for you, or if you live in South America/Central America already. I've been to Central America multiple times.

>> No.14591104

btw, I saw the other day this thing: https://www.man1924.com/es/kennedy-jacket

What do you think?

>> No.14591113

Quality wise they seem very good

>> No.14591117


>> No.14591154

Ur gay

>> No.14591165

They look nice. Quite short though.

>> No.14591232

salmon is worn almost exclusively by fratboys and dudebros, not basedboys lmao

>> No.14591254

You could say I'm moving from Spain so the language isn't a problem at least. Otherwise I will have a lots of adapting and getting used to to do.

>> No.14591278

A por panchitas :)

>> No.14591397
File: 104 KB, 982x684, C.QP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you know of C.QP shoes?

>> No.14591452

First time I hear about them, they are a bit expensive, most sneakers over 275€

>> No.14591470

They seem high quality, but... who knows in comparison to competitors at the same price class. They do look very nice tho. Did you have a look at their webpage?

>> No.14591517

>Did you have a look at their webpage?
thats what I did, I personally dont like them much, I prefer leather over suede sneakers

>> No.14591643

Not prep

>> No.14591644
File: 55 KB, 836x950, m006_mens_charcoal_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to pull the trigger on this one from Original Montgomery.
Would go for camel, but I'm afraid it'll blend too much with my skin and hair color which are about that tone as well.

>> No.14591656

What would you say is a prep sneaker? If I had to guess maybe a plain canvas sneaker. Maybe sneakers aren't prep at all though

>> No.14591672

I'd say it's definitely prep

>> No.14591673
File: 818 KB, 1920x1440, tretorn-white-nylite-canvas-product-1-20197601-4-326510394-normal.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A white plimsoll, such as a Tretorn Nylite (pic related). If it looks like something you would actually play tennis in, it's a preppy sneaker.

>> No.14591678

And, if I were a bit less polite than I am, I'd say that you're a complete fucking dumbshit.

>> No.14591685

But you're not polite

>> No.14591688

The joke
Your head

>> No.14591690

You're a joke, I agree

>> No.14591696
File: 31 KB, 601x508, _maskofsmugness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a joke, I agree

>> No.14591713

Those are nicelooking. So a low profile canvas seems to be it

>> No.14591788

It doesn’t need to be canvas.

>> No.14591792

Mmmm ahh yes I get it now

>> No.14591821

opinions on doc martens?

>> No.14591833

Not TPI for sure. I wouldn't buy docs or solovairs if you paid me. Go to boot general for recs

>> No.14592004

Good length. If you can, try to get one with lighter-colored tassles - unless replacing them on your own is easier. Overall, solid pick.

>> No.14592175

Edgy colour choice.

>> No.14592270
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>tfw a middle aged lady called me handsome in Big Y today.

>> No.14592364

What were you wearing?

>> No.14592519

I would go for Camel anyway

>> No.14592618

Do you have any good dufflecoat inspo?

>> No.14592935
File: 85 KB, 1024x1434, gloverall-whitby-deck-duffle-coat-11726387445830_789_1024x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think gloveralls whitby looks really nice and a bit more contemporary than the classic design.

>> No.14593001

Truly hideous. What are you thinking.

>> No.14593021

is this bait?

>> No.14593100
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>> No.14593111
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>> No.14593133
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I was close to buying chatham blue chinos this year, that fit looks great

>> No.14593318
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>> No.14593334

i feel like the rise on those trousers ought to be higher. not a bad fit overall

>> No.14593343

Need a winter coat recommendation, preferable something ivy esque

>> No.14593356
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a polo coat is the obvious choice for the true Ivy Style™ purist my dude

>> No.14593470

Duffle coat, peacoat and other military jackets from ww2 and >>14593356

>> No.14593476
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>> No.14593725


>> No.14593879

Well, the girl that appears with the "virgin" is way hotter than the 2 of the "chad". Quality>Quantity, a basic of these threads. Prove me wrong

I personally like more the fit from >>14593100 than the one I posted >>14593476

>> No.14593913 [DELETED] 

The girl>>14593100 in the white skirt is more attractive than the girl in >>14593476, imo. The blondes in each pic are about equal.

>> No.14593915

I find Chad's girls more attractive. Perhaps our tastes just differ.

>> No.14593917

They look like they come from money. They have a very New Englad WASPy look about them. Difficult to explain but that's how very very rich girls often look

>> No.14593988

lol ok

>> No.14594026

Is it me or this NB thread has many acceptable outfits? https://www.reddit.com/r/NavyBlazer/comments/cw4zns/tuesday_waywt_august_27_2019/

Better than average

>> No.14594033
File: 162 KB, 1200x1200, F813E57B-D74F-4789-A1ED-37347BD05827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple pants done the right way

>> No.14594058

Do you have the time to listen to me whine

>> No.14594071

That's a fucking nigger. Keep that filth out please.

>> No.14594160

I hope all niggers dressed like that and not like the fucking monkey clothing they usually wear

>> No.14594318

George Costanza

>> No.14594360

A gold plated turd is still a turd.

>> No.14594371

Model looks a bit dumb and outfit is meh, but, honest to god, I do like the jacket.

>> No.14594378

>socks in boat shoes
put on a pair of fucking bluchers if you want to wear socks u disgusting bitch

>> No.14594382

>Socks in three eye mocs will look better than socks in two eye mocs

>> No.14594392

Shut up incel

>> No.14594487


>> No.14594658

There is nothing wrong with boat shoes+socks

>> No.14594672
File: 414 KB, 2690x2113, what to wear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shoes do I wear to this basic dress style?

>> No.14594681
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I follow him on insta, he seems pretty authentic to the ivy look, his blackwatch outfits are not my thing but to each his own.

>> No.14594846

Honestly looks like basic bitch style. You're better off going to MFA. I feel like /tip/ should really be for posters who have figured the basics of wearing clothes out already.

>> No.14594853

White common projects or some shit

>> No.14594855

Jeans are shite

>> No.14594870

I come to /prep/ivy/trad/ because those are the people I want to have my tips from.
I know I dress basic, it's pretty much always a combination like that, jeans or chinos. I didn't want to trigger any autism, but if you don't mind I would like your two cents on the matter.

Yeah maybe, how about some chukkas, does that work?

>> No.14594905

Desert boots in beewax or Brown Penny loafers

>> No.14594918

swap for a crew neck sweater with no branding and is wool. get some brown loafers or desert boots (chukka i guess?). get OCBD shirts. you won't need a heavy jacket yet but something for fall could be a Harrington.

>> No.14594945

Most of my sweaters are already crew neck, so I fully agree on that. Branding? Eh, I find that most sweaters have some kind of branding, albeit I prefer it as mininalistic as possible. Thanks for these tips.

>> No.14595028

this evening...

>> No.14595058

Sorry don't mean to offend. I just think a particular style is better suited to people who already know the basics. MFA really isn't bad (despite the memes) and you can master the 20's young professional look quite effectively using their advice.
Anyway here's my non autistic advice: darker jeans, straight with a slight taper (to avoid sex core). Levi's or Uniqlo even are perfectly fine for this. Get a belt (braided is nice, otherwise regular brown) in the same colour as your shoes. Suede chukkas are a good shout, as are boat shoes. I recommend darker chestnut brown for these things. I would only wear blutchers and boat shoes with chinos. Jeans work better with white tennis sneakers/suede chukkas. Jumper wise, go for a crew neck Shetland. Merino wool is a bit formal and the v neck only increases the feeling that you just stepped out of the office. Think of getting a jacket like a corduroy. As others have said, get some ocbds. Jeans are nice but see if you can get a khaki colored Chino. Super versatile. Oh and you can wear boat shoes with socks. Fuck the haters. They're the perfect sneaker alternative.

>> No.14595065
File: 136 KB, 1080x1080, 1566676259722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got nice watch suggestion? The watch thread is full of retarded autists.

>> No.14595228

>Branding? Eh, I find that most sweaters have some kind of branding
I think he meant the polo horse of RL, most of the sweaters that appear recommended or shown here dont have any visible logo, but anyway, I think that polo horse is not offensive at all since its small and not very visible with the colour it has.

>MFA really isn't bad (despite the memes)
True, the problem with it are just some shitty posters

>They're the perfect sneaker alternative
You couldnt say it better

I personally love simple watches like the one you posted. I own an Orient Bambino V1, I also like Seiko SNXJ89, I know its a Rolex knockoff, but its fine

>> No.14595237

I am a non-retard from the watch thread. I can give you non-autistic advices if you want. But I think I need something more to go with, like budget, and preferred style. If you like the watch in your photo, then it is a perfectly fine watch to buy.

>> No.14595299
File: 74 KB, 900x674, Sinn-Spezialuhren-103-St-C-Format.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy a Sinn or eat a BULLET

>> No.14595319

So white sneakers are perfectly fine for an adult?

>> No.14595342
File: 290 KB, 785x1190, Lisbon-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't dress /tip/ because I want to look like an adult. I wear these clothes because I think they look really nice, they're comfortable for work, cosy as fuck, and add an air of respectability (particularly important because I'm a school teacher). White sneakers are perfectly respectable as long as they don't have a big logo on them.

To be honest, If you're an adult you can wear whatever the hell you want. If anyone is telling you what is and isn't respectable, they're probably some kid or someone who hasnt realised that high school is over.

>> No.14595347


>> No.14595383

Alright. Who produces high quality sneakers and who produces high quality suede chukkas?

>> No.14595385
File: 113 KB, 980x654, 27368758_10155835421681251_234373563507761059_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meant to say acceptable the second time.

>> No.14595392

States or Europe?

>> No.14595398


>> No.14595403

haha ive always thought that rule was kinda arbitrary.

>> No.14595417

Expensive: CQP, Magnanni, Grenson
Middle priced: Veja, Muroexe

Suede Chukka
Check the spanish shoe list + british brands + Orbans

>> No.14595419
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20190830_172357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent purchases. One from drakes (green) one from the charity shop (red) for a tenth of the price.

Oliver Bainbridge. Made in England but never heard of them.

>> No.14595447

These are horrible because none of their sneakers have ankle supporting or whatever that is called so they feel slippery when you walk, even with a size smaller than I normally use.

>> No.14595449

Loake, Crockett and Jones and trickers all do really nice chukkas. I have a pair of trickers myself..

>> No.14595451

Thanks. I'm looking now and see that CQP mostly do suede leather sneakers. Is that still good?
Magnanni have a lot of colored leather that looks ridiculously high quality, but I suppose white ones are what I should be looking at?? I will be looking at Grenson too.

>> No.14595457

BTW as suede chukkas good for rainy weather?

>> No.14595460

I would go for the Magnanni ones if I were you, over the suede ones. With Grenson check this >>14595447

White sneakers I think are the way to go, but anyway, other options are viable. If its a canvas sneaker any colour is fine (except black)

>> No.14595463
File: 992 KB, 2000x1500, salmonpantsboatshoesandsocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salmon pants + boat shoes with socks

>> No.14595464

>canvas sneaker
Difference between this and a normal sneaker?

>> No.14595469

Something like these would go well?

>> No.14595471

As good as any leather, I.e. not great. You can buy a spray to protect your shoes. Water just drips right off. Suede in general is a pretty hard-wearing material apart from the rain. Just need to give it a brush.

>> No.14595475
File: 1.54 MB, 1255x1019, canvassneaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They say you can use suede shoes with rain perfectly if you take a lot of care about them with different treatments. But I advice against that from personal experiences, avoid suede in rainy days because even if you spray it, you´ll get spots on many places because the spray wasnt homogenous through all the surface. Nobuck is a bit better for rainy days from personal experience and leather even better.

Its the material, see pic, thats a canvas sneaker. Instead of being of leather, its of cloth.

Yes, those are nice. I would prefer one like this one: https://eu.magnanni.com/shoes/sneakers/elonso-lo-white-and-red.html

And is because of the following thing, I´ll take a picture

>> No.14595478

So if I live in a place with a lot of rain, not to say that I will be walking in big ponds and so on, but there will be wet ground and splashes no matter how careful I am on such days.

>> No.14595482
File: 2.46 MB, 3315x3201, problemswithholes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the pic. That kind of sneakers, after some use they tend to break slightly in the areas of the little holes they have above, they act as a stress concentration and the sneaker tends to break in those areas because is the easiest place for breaking. The holes are fine because it breathes better, but after some use they break a bit there and they become a bit uglier.

>> No.14595490

Shit, that is not good. How long do you reckon it takes for wear like that to appear? Shame that the red color in your example is not blue tho (for me), because I like the blue a lot more.

>> No.14595492

Wear dark leather, take care of your shoes, use an umbrella. I live in England and my shoes have lasted years.

>> No.14595494

I like these ones. I suppose they are good because it's dark? https://www.clarks.co.uk/c/Atticus-Limit/p/26136738

>> No.14595501

The ones from pic are Onitsuka Tiger GSM I got for 45€ on a sale and I have been using them since April-May 2018 around 2-3 times every week, the cracks appeared some months ago, dont know when. My sneakers are much cheaper than the Magnanni ones so maybe with a thicker or better leather they last more.

>> No.14595505

btw, you can also get Common Projects from Endclothing (UK)

There are also these:

>> No.14595530

>Common Projects from Endclothing
It is a little annoying with those numerals on the side.

Somehow I did not like the look of it, maybe it's just the picture tho.

>> No.14595606

hugo boss sneakers in same style look high quality too, do you know anything about it?

>> No.14595766
File: 117 KB, 1524x865, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these, they seem to be alright, right? Looks like they are last seasons models since the webpage does not have them anymore.

>> No.14595816

>Oh and you can wear boat shoes with socks. Fuck the haters. They're the perfect sneaker alternative.
i don't understand where the whole no socks with loafers thing started. they're fucking great with socks.
>So white sneakers are perfectly fine for an adult?
almost zero branding is always preferred.
i usually get the most minimal branded calvin klein white sneaker. they usually last about a year but i also beat the fuck out of them.
these look fine. it's a minimally branded white sneaker.

>> No.14595838

Do they appear tall to you, or is that just the image?

>> No.14595864

they're a bit tall. i will give you that.

>> No.14595905

They should not be am I right?

>> No.14595927

They look as tall as my sneakers (>>14595482)

They look great btw, they are like the ones from >>14595475 but without the red thing

>> No.14596000

Which article?

>> No.14596164
File: 56 KB, 500x500, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true effay

>> No.14596168


They're fine. If you can afford it get something goodyear welted. It will last you much longer.

Herring shoes are great quality for the price (This one is blake stitched though)

Loads of other options here:

>> No.14596182

Monkstraps? Single? Double?

>> No.14596193

The clarks aren't goodyear welted?

>> No.14596203

No. Generally if it's not mentioned, you can assume glued or at best blake stitched.

>> No.14596206

Pitti? Pitti.

>> No.14596301

black double monks are peak City of London kino

>> No.14596546
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, bradley uppercrust iii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE fit

>> No.14596810

Imagine not being a Monk and trying so hard to be one.

>> No.14596818

I'll never like Nantucket red pants. Shorts, sure. The pants always throw the outfit off to my eyes.

>> No.14596968

They arent, they actually released a GYW version of Desert Boots for double the price (around 280$)

>> No.14596991

I never wear brightly coloured trousers at all. They always unbalance the outfit.

>> No.14597003

With blue or white tops are easy to wear them, very easy actually

>> No.14597005

Does prep fashion exist/work in mainland Europe at all?

>> No.14597013

Of course?
Or what exactly do you mean?

>> No.14597058


>> No.14597136

Yes, some countries (UK, Netherlands, Sweden) more than others (Germany, the entire East etc.)

>> No.14597149
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>> No.14597151
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>> No.14597159
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>> No.14597209

Yes but it doesn't involve the sack jacket. The cuts and fit are completely different with Euro-prep. The culture is similar. That's all.

>> No.14597272

How does this work?
1 eyelet (camp moc) -> socks OK
2 eyelet (boat shoe) -> socks forbidden
3 eyelet (blucher moc) -> socks OK

>> No.14597360
File: 17 KB, 236x332, A910B1E3-3D05-4F3C-8B22-CEF4618DC7DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

William F. Buckley Jr.
Bad politics but aesthetic as fuck

>> No.14597365

That fuxxin colorway. Got dang. Straight fuckin fire.

>> No.14597435

Slacks recommendations? Reasonable price preferred

>> No.14597476

Not him but what’s the alternative? I agree with you about jeans and don’t wear them but I don’t know what else to wear besides sweatpants.

>> No.14597494


chinos, this is the official chino thread

You should especify what is reasonable price for you

>> No.14597519
File: 865 KB, 1536x2164, 1ABFF247-6601-4A4E-B1A2-D5A529821873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can buy some decent pair of pants similar to the Uniqlos EZY models? I want something nicer but not over $150.

>> No.14597527

Can anyone recommend a good tailor in nyc (brooklyn or manhattan preferably). Need someone to make some alterations on a navy flannel blazer. Its brooks brothers from the 50s/60s and i want to make sure the job is done well so willing to pay whatever it costs

>> No.14597531
File: 298 KB, 1542x2665, 52DFF71B-B1F6-4827-90ED-8B2C9F70279B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I’m just starting out, I just wear a band t shirt and sweats for max comfy but, I’ve had a lot of people at my work tell me that they are surprised by me when we talk. I think my wardrobe is hindering my opportunities and I want a change but not so much.
I know it’s basic bitch status but is pic related an acceptable entry point in how to look? Is it better to leave the OCBD buttoned up or can I tuck in my T-shirt and leave the OCBD open?

>> No.14597541

I’m taking about wearing it like this but without the hat and sneakers. I don’t want to be too prep unless it’s called for then I feel that I can just button up the shirt and tuck it in.
Kek, talking about it like that makes me feel like a superhero.

>> No.14597555

Just dress like the guy in that pic

>> No.14597577

Checked and will do.

>> No.14597627

Shirts (all or mostly all OCBDs):
Light blue
University stripe (blue or pink)

Light olive green

With those you can do many inoffensive mixes and go well toghether

>> No.14597891

The fit could be greatly improved with the substitution of the ill-cut trousers with something that has a natural rise, and by tossing that anemic-collared ocbd for a full-sized, unlined, rolling wonder.

>> No.14597936

What's wrong with those trousers? They look fine to me.

>> No.14597951
File: 168 KB, 852x1024, DT0zc55W0AAnEKs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The waistband falls rather short of the fellow's natural waistline, and hugs the whole length rather tightly instead of tapering cleanly, as seems to be the current fancy.

>> No.14597958

lol what are you on about, those pants dont look slim at all

>> No.14597979

those pants are fine dude

>> No.14597984
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>> No.14598024
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>tfw have expensive taste in clothes but am still a poorfag

D-dress for the job you want, right fellas??

>> No.14598120
File: 131 KB, 486x538, 1549805642800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a young man in this day and age, this might even be an admirable fit. However, the fit and drape of these trousers betrays the malignant influence arising from the slim fit low rise jinns, a veritable sign of Jahiliyah. I am not even arguing against slim fit, for this was the mode for much of the period of the Five Rightly Guided Caliphs. However, even at this time, the trousers came up to the natural waist, and the narrow leg trousers were cut so as to provide a clean, straight line down to the hem. Such shirq as depicted in these graven images can turn even the noblest of gentlemen into a murtadd.

Take Ivy with caution my friend, and follow the words of Ishizu Kensuke (pbuh).

>> No.14598132

Holy mother of BASED

>> No.14598161


>> No.14598165

Those pants aint slim chef

>> No.14598213

God amongst men

>> No.14598234

Basado y pillado rojo

>> No.14598415

Those pants are a superb pleb filter. Theyre fine for most people but really. If you have a longish torso and you don't have perfect proportions, low rise pants are very unflattering.

>> No.14598516

they aint slim fit

>> No.14598519

Your mom ain't slim fit

>> No.14598565
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>> No.14598584
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>> No.14598587
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>> No.14598589
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>> No.14598609
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>> No.14598613
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>> No.14598877

aka jew prep

>> No.14598937

Salmon pants

>> No.14599110

these are like 1/3 polyester

>> No.14599272

>Baxter for the politically correct
RMW: owned OS but made here
Baxter: owned here but employs maybe a dozen people

>> No.14599287

What are the rules when it comes to jacket sizing?

I'm fairly confident I'm a 40R, maybe 40L, but I've spotted a beautiful 3-patch, swelled seam, etc etc, old Brooks navy blazer on ebay that's a 43L.

How much can one upsize, and what can/can't a tailor do to correct oversized jackets?

>> No.14599370

That's way too big probably. Find the shoulder. You never want to upsize much on the shoulder.

>> No.14599380

What's the trad/prep equivalent of a hoodie?

>> No.14599396

The Prep Jihadi is probably my all-time favorite meme.

>> No.14599399

A pullover

>> No.14599502
File: 9 KB, 300x209, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hoodie (but only tasteful ones)
Madras parka/sailing smock
The Take Ivy anorak
That yellow LL bean raincoat
A plash palatka
the 60/40 parka (Sierra, LL Bean, REI, etc)
The M1943/M1951 field jacket with hood attached
A harrington jacket
A track top (pictured)

>> No.14599613

What are the British/European equivalents to LL Bean, Brooks Brothers, etc? Of course there's Barbour but other than their two coats it's not so great.

>> No.14599637

> Of course there's Barbour but other than their two coats it's not so great.
Their sweaters and troussers are also good, dont know about the rest.
You also have Cordings in England, el Ganso in Spain, Lacoste in France. Maybe you could add Fred Perry and Hackett in England as well

I am talking about brands that offer a wide range of products that fit into TIP

>> No.14599867

El ganso is pretty cheap and goofy imo.

>> No.14599888

Yes, lower quality than the rest. Some articles are good, specially accesories or rugby shirts. Some other stuff is quite average, on sales is fine.

>> No.14599900

>white socks
Interesting, is this a real prep thing in US? Might consider accommodating it to my style but can someone post actual photos of guys pulling out them?

>> No.14599903


This is hard to pull off as you look like a school boy

>> No.14599911

That's true. The guy on the photo didn't pull of it at all. I think one needs to be quite ripped for that unlike most of trad/ivy/prep twinks posting (and being posted) here.

>> No.14599923

Lavender shirt + khaki chinos is good combo?

>> No.14600157

I have a medium-ish Afro, should I get an undercut?

>> No.14600163
File: 945 KB, 828x1413, 61ACA4BF-8412-44B8-86AF-539258F82520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Lands End ever come back?
I’ve had their Sail Rigger Oxford for a while and It hasn’t gone bad.

>> No.14600186

>Classic brand that went madeinchink and sacrificed quality for stockholders bank accounts.
>Rowing blazers
>Ironic wink wink brand that laughs at the idea of authenticity.


>> No.14600272

Finally, some good fucking content

>> No.14600294

Yeah, I think so.

>> No.14600554

Rowing Blazers is pure cringe

>> No.14600622

I truly despise this brand and hate that it gets coverage in "ivy" type blogs. It's idiotic

>> No.14600676

Amazing how they manage to ruin something so simple as a navy blazer.


>> No.14600678

>what’s the alternative
Solid dark wash jeans that aren't pre faded. LL bean makes some pretty good ones

>> No.14600680
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Posting screen shots since the picture is a funny format.

>> No.14600683
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>> No.14601120
File: 33 KB, 600x600, _smugtux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK Rowing Blazers, Fuck Jack Carlson, death to false prep

>> No.14601365
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>> No.14601376


>> No.14601396

No. No. No. "hoodie" is a hoodie. There are no tasteful hoodies. Hood's are for raincoats, and fisherman.

>> No.14601411
File: 18 KB, 474x315, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white socks

white socks are gym socks. unless they are white dress socks, which work while wearing suits. White socks just add extra pop to the formality, and look good with white dress shirts.

>> No.14601416

"hoodies" are sweatshirts with hoods on them, they are what Boxers wear when they train, or what hoodlums where when they go into a store, to avoid being noticed. Hoodies and the use of that term is african american, and not Prep, or Trad, or Ivy.

>> No.14601447

Holy crap

>> No.14601451

and to think he's been selling this trash since 2017... who buys this? how does he stay in business?

>> No.14601458

Idk, on the pictures they look like gym socks tbf. I thought that it's the point. Also I don't really agree with popping the formality. It looks like he was changing very fast for the event and couldn't find any appropriate pair of socks. But I'm an European and we don't do this stuff here, so might be biased.

>> No.14601473

Its an american thing mainly. I know it was popular in Spain and Portugal in the past (80s I think)

I dunno. I have to admit that they have some cool clothing such as classic rugby shirts, belts, some shoes, some OCBDs and some pants. Their polos would be fine if it wasnt for their huge logos

>> No.14601479

>and to think he's been selling this trash since 2017... who buys this? how does he stay in business
Blazers production cost is between $35 to $75. Retail cost is $1000 that’s at least $900 profit. He sells ten blazers that’s his next collection and everything else is a bonus.

>> No.14601494
File: 163 KB, 711x1024, IMG_2685_c28ef55a-9ff7-40cc-9097-aa79bb16207b_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish someone would take the idea of signal flags as shirt pockets and make something without obnoxious logos.

>> No.14601631

White shirt with one of those aberrations on top, I hope nobody does that

>> No.14601667

J.Press F/W 2019 Preview:

>> No.14601673


The white socks Letterman is wearing in that photo are dress socks. You can tell by looking at his ankle; gym socks are thick enough that it wouldn't be so pronounced.

>> No.14601777
File: 38 KB, 1127x565, loafer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are these loafers going to stop hurting me?
Do you get blisters?
I've been wearing them around the house for a month or so,trying to "break them in" but I'm doing tests,for example,walking for 20 min straight,in the heat,and 20 minutes seems to be the threshold.By the end of that I'm fucked and they start hurting.

Anytips? I've already tried some silicone pad that go on your heel but it's bollocks.Will it ever go away?

>> No.14601787

My loafers have never hurt me, not even the first day

>> No.14601788

thats what wigwam 625s are for

>> No.14601998

Can a twink dress preppy? I like the style but i'm not sure if i have the right proportions to pull it off.

>> No.14602138

Of course, try to use Slim fit

>> No.14602235

yes, but avoid extremely baggy stuff

>> No.14602321

I getting really fucked off by this heat.

>> No.14602517

what heat? summer is ending

>> No.14602553
File: 930 KB, 270x270, dank_ass_sandboarding_son.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo, Purple Noon has lots of inspo and shits all over Talented Mr. Ripley

>> No.14603519

We don’t use words like “yo” in tpi

>> No.14603741
File: 2.93 MB, 480x368, top drawer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top drawer my good man, top drawer.

>> No.14603883

Black bait

>> No.14604180

Is there any JPress retailer in EU?

>> No.14604262


>> No.14604331

Finally got an OCBD from Michael Spencer. Man it rocks, can't recommend them enough. Took about a week to be made, I'm gonna order more

>> No.14604442

any pics?

>> No.14604511

when I get home I will. I'm wearing it right now

>> No.14604514

meant for >>14604442

>> No.14604784

Do you post in any other general on /fa/?

>> No.14604786

Fit pic is preferred

>> No.14604791

yes, that would be even better

>> No.14604824
File: 498 KB, 1188x2067, 8267497B-928F-467E-BC41-4B1CE14D4CAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I stopped home for lunch. Wearing the double breasted RL blazer I thrifted the other week. Forgot to take a pic without the jacket sorry

>> No.14604842

It looks alright. Pants are olive or dark khaki?

>> No.14604852

What do you mean? Virtually all of the posters I've seen in these threads were twinks

>> No.14604914

lol try taking pics at a different angle

>> No.14604915


>> No.14604999

Orvis has a "trim fit" chino that I like. it's certainly not slim fit, it's what the 65 year old men who shop at Orvis would consider trim, but it works for my chicken legs

The BB Golden Fleece trousers are usually a nice not too baggy, not too slim leg. They're not always high waist so look closely, and they're expensive when not on sale (which luckily is almost all the time)

>> No.14605009

New thread, this one is over 310 messages

>> No.14605080

Shit we both made a thread