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14584820 No.14584820 [Reply] [Original]

No long hair general? Lets fix that.

If you have long hair or want to grow one, please join us. You can also share long hair care tips and how to style your hair through the awkward stage.

>> No.14584876

A few tips:

Split ends are annoying as fuck. They're like a warning sign that your hair is dried out. Don't mess around with them because it will just create more of them. Instead try using conditioner or changing your shampoo to something less abrasive.

If you have curly or wavy hair it will look curlier/wavier and have more body when it's humid out. When it gets dry out, it will look straighter and flatter. If you want to combat this I recommend looking into curling creams.

I don't care if nopoo is a meme or not, you're gonna need to at least clean your hair more if you want it to look good.

If you have terrible dandruff, use Selsun Blue. Wash with Selsun Blue then use conditioner (especially in the winter; see above). I do Selsun Blue every other day.

You can develop "rats nests" (really fucking annoying big clumps of knots). To get them out, wet your hair, put some conditioner on it, and brush it out.

Invest in hair ties. You'll need them for shaving your face and keeping the hair out of your eyes.

>> No.14584915

Is argan oil a good way to keep your hair from getting knotted or drying out? I've been using it occasionally and it makes my hair feel great, but I'm just wondering if it makes your hair a bit more brittle in the long term

>> No.14584927

What a hottie

>> No.14585608
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Is this the ultimate hairstyle for a Med male?

>> No.14585643

Yes to both. It's nice oil but I wouldn't apply it daily in hefty amounts, only when needed and don't use organic shampoos to clean your hair while using argan oil.

Your own scalp oils and the argan oil will buildup and make your hair very greasy and possibly loose hair. Take it from my experience. Thick oil straight long hair here.

Also organic shampoo sucks ass. I think the coconut oil is the culprit.

>> No.14585660

Has anyone used this hair balm?

Apparently it's liquid gold, has omega 3 and keratin protein which is tier god keys to amazing hair, minjmal frizz, smooth hair, thick and strong and works well in humidity :3 Which I live in a humid climate.

>> No.14585678

I agree wholeheartedly on the split ends. It literally makes the hair look healthier and smoother.

Selsun blue gives me a stench when I'm under the sun, like my hair is burning with the smell of the shampoo. How do you combat this? What do you think about T/Gel & T/Sal by Neutrogena? Do they work?

>> No.14585789

What's the status on shampooing frequency? When my hair was short I used to wash it once a week, but with longer hair it starts looking shit after like 3 days

>> No.14585798

Also what kinda shampoos, I was thinking stuff that's more organic than chemical but >>14585643

>> No.14585985
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need advice for hair thats on top of your head that wont be part of a lock. how do you make it look smoother?

maybe its just cus i work on a farm and i get cowshit everywhere perhaps i should just get a short cut and embrace the farmer life

>> No.14586003

I've always found it the opposite. Short (and sometimes bald) needed daily shampoo to combat excess oils, while long hair is weekly shampooing with a rinse now and then.

>> No.14586009

I've been trying to grow my hair out, but it's hard fighting the urge to get it cut. I haven't cut it since the spring, and I keep thinking about just going back to hitler youth

>> No.14586162
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>> No.14586262

my hair has been what I can only assume to be very dry recently, and so thick its difficult to take my wide tooth comb or fingers through it. In the last few months I had to wear a hat some days for my part time job, so I was washing it more. I quit and Im back to my regular schedule, but its still dry. I didnt wash it this weekend and it got back to being more oily, but its back to being very dry after a condition and wash. Should I be washing less?

>> No.14586284

>going back to hitler youth

2008 is over, and hitler youth/any kind of undercut is deep pleb. ride the patrician wave with glorious long hair

>> No.14586306
File: 498 KB, 1557x2046, 4B4117E1-3646-4EC5-A38E-DF253D2B067D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i stop my hair from getting so frizzy?

>> No.14586314

I noticed that too. I've always wondered why.

>> No.14586425
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>>14584915 Haven't tried pure argan oil, but I do use Moroccan oil (which is argan oil but with other stuff in it) in the winter. So far it hasn't done me any harm, but it could be dependent on hair type.

>>14585678 I haven't tried T/Sal before. Ironically I've used T/Gel before and it's smelled fucking awful. I think it's fine, but you need to wash your hair really well to get the smell out. Personally if you want your hair to smell better and still use Selsun Blue, I would recommend the type in the pic because it has the most appealing smell imo.

>>14585985 Not sure what you mean here. Is it like a cowlick or just some bits that just fall in your face?

>>14586262 Maybe you're using shampoo that's drying your hair out. I don't have any great brands off the top of my head unfortunately.

>>14586306 The best thing I did was using something to keep it in place. Heavy styling gels are better with shorter hair, while using smaller amounts of oils make longer hair look better. Maybe try using a sample of something once and see how it works out for you (ofc I'm biased).

>> No.14586592

It's pretty obvious. Your scalp doesn't know you've had a haircut, it only knows that there's normally a bunch of hair up there and that hair needs oil.

Going from Tarzan to Jarhead will mean a period of excess oils until either your scalp adjusts or you grow your hair back out.

>> No.14586602
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once again, I am posting my face

>> No.14586610

I've got realy long hair and usualy wear it in a ponytail.
My hair is long enough for a 40 cm ponytail, naturaly straight and dark blonde.
I'd like to try something new, any suggestions?

>> No.14586823

I just got my split ends cut, my hair looks so much better and even. I was scared she was going to chop of noticeable length but it's still retained

>> No.14587310
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Not a cow lick, it just looks a bit messy and chaotic.. any advice?

>> No.14587326

blow dry it on low heat when its damp

>> No.14587330

What kind of journey should I expect? Began my hair growth progress 2 months ago.
Starting point: sides guard number 2 faded to the top which is slightly over eye -length.

>> No.14587348

Having long hair is too much exigent and I'm not in position to waste my money like that. Another reason to hate capitalism.

>> No.14587388

alright will try it out, thanks brah

>> No.14587648

>>14587310 I'm definitely not a professional but your hair looks pretty dry. Dry hair is generally what causes things to look frizzy. You could be using a shampoo that's drying your hair out or it could just be the weather. I would try using conditioner. There are a lot of types out there, maybe just try a regular one and see how it works out. There are also some de-frizz sprays that I've heard are good for this sort of thing, but I haven't used any yet so no guarantees.

>>14587330 There's an awkward phase in between nape length and shoulder length (not sure how else to phrase it), and if you have an undercut it will grow into a mullet. I learned the hard way. If you want to try growing it out, get it cut into a style that will look good on the length it's at. When it grows out, get the style changed. Because you have a fade, your hair will grow in unevenly and you will have to take steps to avoid this.

>> No.14587656

god thats fucking gross

>> No.14587659

Don't brush your hair when it is wet, as that's when it stretches most and is weakest. You really don't need a normal brush for anything, the best way to get tangles out is a wide toothed comb- start at the bottom and slowly work your way up to your scalp, patience is honestly the key for nice, long hair. After getting all the tangles out you can go over the length of everything with a boar bristle brush.

>> No.14587662

so combing in the shower is actually bad?

>> No.14587676

Yeah, it leads to more breakage, not to mention the hair follicle is softened which makes it easier to pull hair out unintentionally. I find that finger combing loosely while I'm conditioning helps get the snaggles out, but try not to force it. Also, when you dry your hair don't just tousle it in the towel roughly, do the female head wrap or just use the towel to softly squeeze out the excess water and let air dry. If blow-drying only use on cool.

>> No.14587729

>>14586306 too much shampoo. Don't dry it completely, leave it damp instead

>> No.14587818

The top layers and fringe of my hair are super dry and frizzy, brittle to the point I can snap strands off halfway up, rough feeling with crinkles and sharp bends. Is there anything I can do to fix this shit or do I just need to take the buzzpill? The rest of my hair is pretty much normal wavey. I've tried washing it less, avoiding sulphates, silicone, soaking it in conditioner, using argan and coconut oil. None of it really seems to change anything.

>> No.14587828

yeah its caused by farming work conditions i think, i havent used conditioner in a long time so i'll try to use it again

>> No.14587838
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Same here, it's very hard not to cut it, and I probably will go back to undercut before september and university begins, even if it's zoomer-tier at least it's clean/easy to style

>> No.14587875

It also looks like shit
You should reconsider, it really doesn't suit you

>> No.14587908

I used to have very long hair until 5 or 6 years ago, they went all the way down to my butt. Had some split ends but they weren't too bad. I decided to cut them because I was working in a factory and hitting the gym and they became an annoyance. Plus I was tired of being associated with rockers or whatever. I kinda miss them now and I think I'll grow them back a bit, but I really don't miss all the maintenance they required. Maybe I'll keep them shoulder-length.

>> No.14587932

just dont cut it

>> No.14587979

Do women like long hair? If not I'm planning to cut my hair

>> No.14588317

as long as you're still self-assured and full of yourself, of course
cutting your hair because some useless nag happened to sound off about it is incredibly unattractive, you will literally never recover from a pussy move like that

>> No.14588371

Some do, some don't, most don't have any particular preference about it.
All of them hate dirty or unkept hair though

>> No.14588435
File: 109 KB, 1000x450, timothee-hair-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do i say at the barber if i want pic related hair?

my hair is the right length and curliness. i just need to ask for it.

would it be worth asking for hair thinning? my hair is thicker than pic related

>> No.14588452


>> No.14588501
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Any tips for my shitty frizzy hair?

>> No.14588572

Get on one of those curly hair programs.

>> No.14588606
File: 18 KB, 360x382, fagit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats not long hair you absolute clueless faggots, thats just gay hair

pic relate is actual definition of long hair

>> No.14588627
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Take the buzzpill
All of you

>> No.14588647

Just go for the Hitler youth haircut, scowl a lot and wear all black while you hak to hardcore music like every Dutch farmboy

>> No.14588651

howd u know i was dutch

>> No.14588661

Because of this >>14585985
Judging by the water and boat this is somewhere in the Zaanstreek?

>> No.14588665

das rite!!!

>> No.14588722

Your head is probably over-shampooed and thus oily as fuck. Not everybody treat their scalp like shit

>> No.14588760


These are the ultimate Evropean aesthetics. If you have curly hair, grow it out. If you have straight hair, buzz that shit off or you'll look gay.

>> No.14588787

>curly hair not the ultimate gayes girly look on a male
found the curlyfag

>> No.14589282

2 years of wanting to say fuck it and going back to short hair but you just gotta stick with it through the bad times

>> No.14589349
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, F17533CC-E33D-407F-95FA-8FD4756F1315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a rate + some tips on this? Decided a few months ago to grow it out and haven’t really done any touching up. Only got a little bit of sea salt spray in it in this pic.

>> No.14589354
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From the side a bit

>> No.14590132
File: 328 KB, 348x458, hctp32534324t52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I attempt to grow my hair out or buzzcut?

>> No.14590136

r u chris pratt

>> No.14590178


>> No.14590195

Is this just a troll picture of Chris Pratt?

>> No.14590201
File: 888 KB, 2126x2126, IMG_20190828_115809_894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i keep on growing my current shit
also do i shave
also i was high

>> No.14590239

I won't ever get a serious answer huh

>> No.14590243

I have thick long hair that gets really dry, straight, and unattractive after I wash it. I have tried all kinds of cheap and higher end shampoo and conditioner. There are slight variations in how it feels, but it looks pretty much the same either way.
If I go a few days or even a week without washing it, it gets super nice and full while falling nicely and staying non-greasy basically forever, but I get dry scalp and then have to wash it.
Are there any products that can fix my hair after a wash, so I can shampoo it two or three times a week and still have nice hair?
The only half-fix I have is to use an insanely expensive, ridiculous artisan type hair paste with argan oil that I mix with tons of water in my hands and comb small amounts of into my hair while wet, but I cant get it to work consistently. Sometimes it gets greasy, sometimes it dries up like normal after a couple of hours.
Any advice?

>> No.14590264

keep growing dont shave and get rid of that gay stamp in ur ear

>> No.14590268

i have exactly the same problem
this summer i went 2 weeks without washing them and only had to because i also got a realy fucking dry scalp and no grease what so ever
anyway i never realy went for anything jewish so i didnt try any artisan products but i tried putting some aloe vera in it before bed and it fixes the dry scalp for a couple of days and not washing them thoroughly keeps them the ever so slightest bit greasy and makes them not so wet noodly like
however its probably not optimal so if anyone has a better idea im open to try it out

>> No.14590269


Buy a humidifier, you need humidity for your thick hair (genetics gave it to you to combat humidity over thousands of years). Go no poo, your dry scalp with get fixed by the humidifier when u sleep.

>> No.14590271

oh yeah its not pure aloe vera its some shitty moisturiser blend with a bit of aloe vera in it but it

>> No.14590302

this is disgusting

>> No.14590370

that is particularly long hair, you mongo. anything shoulder length or more is clearly long hair.

>> No.14590378
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First haircut in almost 3 years. Did I do the right thing?

>> No.14590382

its really hard to see anything properly, but my first thought is that it looks nothing like an actual haircut, but exactly like youre in the process of growing it out to have it cleaned up at a longer length.
Not offensively bad or anything like that, just not a haircut

>> No.14590386 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 777x862, Screenshot_20190828-141117_Messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i grow it to match the long hair on the front or just cut the back to be the same length?

>> No.14590387
File: 350 KB, 960x1280, 03EC25BF-45C1-4D0F-80D4-4A0F10A98B2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering how long it used to be it’s definitely a haircut, I just wanted something that was a little more layered

>> No.14590391

would look more powerful longer imo

>> No.14590468

long hair is for women and hippies, they're also a huge strategical disadvantage

>> No.14590481


>> No.14590533
File: 546 KB, 1803x1558, IMG_20190828_162352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you save it haha I'm both flattered and scared.
Trynna archive Jesus-core

>> No.14590589

>strategical disadvantage
in what scenario is long hair a

>> No.14590644

Danny "Sexbang" core.

>> No.14590700

So is having a dick, but you don't see people evirating themselves to avoid getting hit in the genitals in a fight.

>> No.14590779

Hey it’s Chris Pratt again

>> No.14590849
File: 9 KB, 254x321, ba2217059e6805874ff089b86830a8acad21527d594c9fcf3cc15142d8c63136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strategical disadvantage

>> No.14591061

pretty hot, just do whatever you want with it.

the part/styling you posted looks kind of uncanny with your facial hair. you could probably find something to do with it that looks better - it doesn't seem like you have bad texture or anything.

if you post your body and actually look like a roman legionnaire you could almost have a basis

>> No.14591102

balsam. And let it bet in your hair for a few minutes before washing it off

>> No.14591184
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Does this count as long?

>> No.14591257
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Facing a big urge to cut it but I don't know if it'll look good. Might try a new cut.

Second pic is when I had it all shaved (my first time letting it grow).

Also, I want to put minoxidil to grow a beard (genetics have failed me), would a beard combine with this hair?

>> No.14591259
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>> No.14591267

Look man, we can't see your facial features so we can't tell you. Anyway, you have curly bangs which is a pretty feminine haircut. A slight beard would offset this well but honestly man, just let it grow. The buzzcut is just boring. Long hair is best for everyone my man.

>> No.14591286

if you style it a little bit a beard would be cool, safer bet would be short cut with a beard

>> No.14591288
File: 152 KB, 720x960, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you can see more of my facial features and flaws.


>> No.14591294
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Which style would you suggest?

>> No.14591300

jon snow's hair in the early seasons

>> No.14591305

Thanks, I never knew what style of haircut I had. I just go to the hair stylist (a gay dude) and I only told him to do what he thinks it's best

>jon snow's hair in the early seasons
My curls isn't as open as his.

>> No.14591310

well yeah grow it out and see what happens i guess

>> No.14591312

What should I do with my bangs? Just throw to the side from one side to the other or split in the middle to both sides?

>> No.14591316

whichever u like best

>> No.14591319

Ok, thanks.
I'll let it grow more instead of cutting it.

>> No.14591535

based hair man, im jealous

>> No.14591571

Completely agree, it's the most versatile cut, looks good on a majority of people unless it's super disconnected.

Hitler youth really isnt out. Maybe on this fashon board which is out of touch with what people actually have, but most people have some kind of an undercut now these days. It's stayed popular for a reason because it's easy to style and looks good on most. Probably won't be going anywhere for a while.

>> No.14592178

cute :3