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File: 150 KB, 1080x1270, 67356573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14566598 No.14566598 [Reply] [Original]

Give me one legitimate argument against SEXcore

>> No.14566600

There isn't one.

>> No.14566604

Sex should be between a married man and woman.

>> No.14566605

It looks tryhard and feels uncomfortable to wear
I'll stick to my minimalist loose Japanese streetwear thank you very much

>> No.14566607

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just what sheep’s wear.

>> No.14566613

What in gods green earth is he wearing. He looks more like a jedi than a normal Citizen

>> No.14566620

there's nothing wrong with this fit, but it bothers me that literally only wears all white sneakers

>> No.14566626
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1538119635186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually being this autistic

>> No.14566637

This fit is barely “sexcore,” the pants should be way tighter. The problem with sexcore is that it looks way too tryhard. And the tight clothes look even more ridiculous irl than they do in pictures. +uncomfy as fuck.

>> No.14566648

The image you posted is not SEXcore.
Pants aren't tight enough. I don't see any rips/tears. Coat isn't 2 sizes too small. Shirt and sweater seem to fit as well.

I hate his stupid ass haircut.

>> No.14566676

That guy is definitely a manlet. That wheel can't be bigger than 20 inches tire and all

>> No.14566712

It looks bad /thread cya later

>> No.14566715

>minimalist loose Japanese streetwear thank you very much
enjoy your virginity

>> No.14566740

It only works if you're attractive

>> No.14566766

The German guy who popularized SEXcore is named Daniel.
Daniel is a name often attributed to the virgin in Virgin VS. Chad memes.

>> No.14566767


>> No.14567079

i don't want sex i want a loving relationship. what core will give me this anons

>> No.14567116

Based and breadpilled

>> No.14567119


>> No.14567122
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, 1565973381926m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14567123

can’t sport sexcore if you’re a virgin, therefore op is unable

>> No.14567129

jap shit

>> No.14567131

ok grandpa

>> No.14567139

This isnt sexcore, where are the gucci loafers and ripped skinny jeans

>> No.14567176
File: 28 KB, 645x773, FB_IMG_1566050820104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can wear it, only some can pull it off.
What's wrong with wearing cheap things.
We are anti-fashion.

>> No.14568137


>> No.14568138


>> No.14568139

Virginity isn’t bad retard

>> No.14568165

that guys way too short to be wearing that long of a coat and look at the scarf, it's literally almost at his knees, it should be at his waist or higher. Scarfs are usually 6'-6'8 long, this a 6 foot scarf should chop your silhouette in two or just shorter.

Look at his hair too, that's adding like 3 inches of perceived height onto him.

It's really quite a mess of a fit, but he has a good face and

>> No.14568192

That guy is clearly above 6 foot afaik

>> No.14568357

The headlight on that car only comes up to my knee. He's a manlet.

>> No.14568408


>> No.14568419

Ok, virgin

>> No.14568425

bsnes mercury

>> No.14568473

based as long as holding out for marriage
begone thot

>> No.14568511


>> No.14568562

I would give back my virginity if I had to wear fucking skin tight jeans

>> No.14568627

its not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not interesting to look at for people who would consider fashion as a hobby.

it wouldn't be called sexcore if there was something unattractive about it would there?

>> No.14568637

Its always the same guy on this images

>> No.14568683

If a virgin wore sexcore it might make his peepee fall off

>> No.14568691

Where is the source for this guy who is always posted. Just who the F is he??? Does he have some IG or something?

Yeah he looks short but people always post he is over 6ft.

I'm 6ft and have little legs and a long body like that guy but I still think he looks a lot shorter than me.

>> No.14568784

25yo lad core. This is what working class young adults consider fashionable. You can find it in major European cities at 5pm Saturday

>> No.14568787

There's nothing wrong with skinny jeans
What makes the fit look ridiculous is the combination of tight pants and loose top.

>> No.14568914

The idea of dressing up specifically for sex is fucking ridiculous.

>Women will want to fuck you for your clothes.

Nah bruv, they'll want to fuck you for your facial looks and personality. Clothes do play a part, but not THAT big of a part.

>It makes me feel confident.

If you feel confident in that, you could feel confident in something that doesn't look like you cosplaying as David Beckham

>Men will want to be me, because my clothes are a symbol of my status.

No sane person will ever give a fuck about what you wear.