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File: 512 KB, 1537x2734, 1E88A415-3E98-4132-B859-754C02FCCE76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14559478 No.14559478 [Reply] [Original]

rate my fit

>> No.14559482

W2c those pants

>> No.14559483

just average

>> No.14559486

go to the Waywt thread you fat slag, but i like it all except the vans 7/10

>> No.14559492

id love to take a steamy hot shit on your naked chest

>> No.14559494

this anyone who says otherwise is blinded by the fact of your pussy

>> No.14559495

i think this is it

>> No.14559496

Because she looks better under all that

>> No.14559498

I can tell you like your hair pulled like a warrior swinging his enemys decapitated head

Not sure how I know that

>> No.14559535


>> No.14559554

the way you're leaning against your bed makes you look like an actual clown proportion-wise

>> No.14559565

Its a tranny

>> No.14559593

Its Just fucking tee with black pants and vans what the fuck do you except? 10 for a fucking 10? Go to r9k attention whore

>> No.14559596

And what the fuck is wrong with your legs? They fat as fuck bitch you better squat

>> No.14559675

fit ok, outfit boring, shoes ugly
and the belt too

>> No.14559679

Wear no show socks or high socks. Those ankle ones are an awkward length with that type of pants

>> No.14559682

Yeah because squatting makes legs smol

>> No.14559709

entry level art hoe. do you live in a flyover state, cuz you look like it

>> No.14559756


The fit is a good basic one too.

>> No.14559769

4/10, very trendy but uninventive. Basic

>> No.14560392


>> No.14560600

swap for cargo pants and have interesting stuff like knives and gund and drugs in your cargo pockets and u will get infinite peni$

>> No.14560681


mmm looks like you have a wide hips and a big nice ass

>> No.14560814

pls have a dick

>> No.14560823

basic as fuck

>> No.14560827

Are you the long leg short torso femanon where you posted that 3d model?

>> No.14560843

If I had like 8 beers in me and you touched my leg I wouldn't say no.

>> No.14561242

coming from another girl,

lose weight

>> No.14561331

id rape you
either way, 5/10

>> No.14561336

not him but yeah this

>> No.14561343


>> No.14561349

Anime and Black Mom Pants
I recommend a field shirt with something racist on it.

>> No.14561520

based. i'd fap to that

>> No.14561526

It's a School Shooter shirt, which makes it even more exquisite.

The shoes doesn't work color wise though. Or not necessarily the color, but beige/white is low contrast while the rest of the fit is high contrast.

>> No.14561548


>> No.14561817

me likey

>> No.14562910

great fit but the pants are too high and too large, they're too big to be mom jeans so it just gives off a nursing home grandma vibe

>> No.14562911

next time post in waywt fuckign whore

>> No.14562918

is that shirt from a twitter personality? it's faintly familiar. please don't do this.

>> No.14562923
File: 36 KB, 500x547, 1419345909037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your hehesilly shirt. I'd probably ask for your number if I saw your irl.

>> No.14563498
File: 268 KB, 2048x1365, 19023473_229158430908603_3529166625520754323_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and thinspo pilled

>> No.14563646

loose weight

>> No.14563925

mediocre at most

>> No.14563952

you look like a little baby wearing a diaper

>> No.14563974

you look like you cut yourself and have bad hygiene

>> No.14564029

gime that school shooter shirt fattie

>> No.14564161
File: 392 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190817_135134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negative xp merch thread?

>> No.14564299

super qt, love the hair and the smol gun

>> No.14564476

>Negative xp
w2c shirt

>> No.14564549
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2321, IMG_20190610_230105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

negativexp dot com slash merch

>> No.14564789

hi pizza

>> No.14564965

it's another foids ruin a good thing because they cannot stay away from that which rejects them due to their undying need for attention episode
thanks a lot roastie

>> No.14565114
File: 185 KB, 846x1503, 20171108_163259-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi anon

>> No.14565141

iPhone sticker on Samsung phone you filthy wanker

>> No.14565151

I crack myself up desu

>> No.14565152

i’m just gonna say i was leaning against the bed in this pic and i’m not actually this fat

>> No.14565155

You look fine, they just wanna find things to complain about.

>> No.14565157
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1545345485348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait... is this seriously pizza? wtf.. i forgot her instagram.

>> No.14565163

op's pic isn't her

>> No.14565173

this is the only thing that hurt my feelings in this whole thread
ty but no ty
i knew it wasn’t groundbreaking and that it was basic when i posted it lmao i just wanted to know if it was decent
most people where i live dress like shit so i get nervous when i wear something slightly different
yea they’re from when i was much fatter (like 160) i’ve been meaning to tailor them
they’re actually yellow in real life the picture quality is just shit
you’re right they don’t really go with it tho
i live in illinois

>> No.14565182


>> No.14565686

the pants are great tho.

>> No.14565694

look like youre wearing a diaper

>> No.14565709

I like it, it's very comfy
But that t-shirt is awful

>> No.14566014

go for long sleeves dude. itd suit your wonky ass disproportional upper body better. make sure your sleeves aren't terribly long

>> No.14566077

Lame alt-arthoe core. Something id see everywhere.

>> No.14566079

Cute. Large thighs are hard to work into a fit but you seem to have done it

>> No.14566095

north or south of chicago?

>> No.14566112

>implying this is your everyday fit
please tell me you have more personality than whats presented

>> No.14566120

this is every outfit ever of any girl that tries to be different

>> No.14566158

get better vans, there are a ton of cooler limited editions that will set you apart from the 16 year old 5'4 puffy-faced festival-going teenage delinquents. i was just at a street festival in LA last night and i saw so many remedial-reading level girls wearing these Vans. but then i saw random pairs of Vans that definitely had a level of attention to the design that intrigued me.

>> No.14567370

Nice nails. Do you use matching lipstick? I wouldn't pay much attention to those clothes on the rack, but on your rack they look good.

>> No.14567430

why wont you fuck shooter

>> No.14567449

Why won't the high waist meme finally die off for good?
People say it's for >muh proportions, but everyone that wears it looks like shit.
You look like a hobgoblin with that short torso and ridiculously long leg silhouette.

>> No.14567585

He said I'm too old.

>> No.14567988


>> No.14568010

Lose weight
Then MAYBE id pee in your butt

>> No.14568014

Utter shit

>> No.14568037

She's probably British. They wear this style a lot; it looks totally retarded. Like those green dudes from Rocko's Modern Life

>> No.14568038

Remindsmeofmyex/10 kill me please

>> No.14569282

youre not fooling anyone with that face or those shoulders

>> No.14569408


>> No.14569716
