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14556557 No.14556557 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to be /fa/ and concealed carry?

>> No.14556585

america is fucked

>> No.14556592

Literally the only free country, also not the most violent by any stretch
Keep getting memed on by the cathedral media you brainlet

>> No.14556593

Is it possible to be /fa/ and not conceal carry?

>> No.14556600

No guns are necessary

>> No.14556614

Your country is so fucking broken to the lengths that there's no going back, so yeah keep your guns. Enjoy getting shot in the head over a scrap of food.

>> No.14556620

Not even American though, I'm a bong
America is still the only free country on this planet, and those burgers are still fucking it up

>> No.14556630
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>> No.14556641

How blue pilled do you have to be to think anyone except the insanely wealthy are free in America?

>> No.14556647

Last time I checked no other country has the equivalent of the 1st, 2nd, 4th or 5th amendment you brainlet
I bet you're brain-dead Marxist with a materialistic definition of freedom

>> No.14556655

what a great get with such a retarded comment

>> No.14556659

Shoulder holsters

>> No.14556660

america is one of very few countries whose citizens would have a chance if their government turned on them

>> No.14556661

Sorry friend, I meant "No, guns are necessary."

>> No.14556677

Your constitution doesn't really matter when you keep killing yourselves and the people around you

>> No.14556685

And that's not just guns it's all the morphine you guys munch on aswell as having an economy that makes living comfortably almost unattainable

>> No.14556686
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Only like this and with shoulder holsters

>> No.14556687

I'm not fucking American you brainlet

>> No.14556690

No it's trying too hard

>> No.14556691

American wages are so absurdly high, I don't know where they spend all their money on

>> No.14556694

Still trash

>> No.14556703

Only because of the top earners. It's a 3rd world country

>> No.14556723


>> No.14556731

Wrong, if I was working the equivalent job in America I'd earn double or more what I make in the UK.
You're delusional

>> No.14556734

The last thing you'd see would be the shadow of a drone. People are way too apathetic to rise up, the country is way too large and divided to do anything close to what's happening in places like puerto rico or hong kong.

>> No.14556735

*No, guns are necessary

>> No.14556741

This is what Americans like to believe.

>> No.14556750

They don't have any benefits at all, and the only affortable dentist is in Mexico. I wouldn't be jealous.

>> No.14556762

I understand the downsides of America, I think they're spoiling the best chances a country could have

>> No.14556765

maybe youre right, the governent would have to push the public for anything to happen but do remember the amount of protesters Tiananmen Square and how big china is
im a britfag

>> No.14556779

Pocket carry

>> No.14556784

But I have small pockets

>> No.14556790

America is great.

t. former yuropoor living the glorious US and A

>> No.14556798

>im a britfag

Doesn't matter. It's a meme they like to perpetuate. Do you think some hicks or ranchers stand any chance against drone attacks or any professional army.

>> No.14556805

>You need to give up your guns because the government will drone strike you anyway
Very convincing

>> No.14556826

i think that a few thousand armed people stand a chance against the military in a urban environment

>> No.14556852
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>muh drones

>> No.14556909
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You cannot control an entire country and it's people with tanks, jets, battleships, drones and whatever else you think trumps citizens ownership of firearms.

Tanks, jets, battleships and drones can't stand on street corners and enforce "no assembly" edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick down your door at 3AM to search your house for contraband.

None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. Those weapons are for decimating, flattening, and glassing large areas and many people at once and fighting other state militaries. The government does not want to kill all of it's people and blow up it's own infrastructure. These are the very things they need to be tyrannical assholes in the first place. If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington D.C. into glowing green glass then they would be the absolute rulers of big, worthless, radioactive pile of shit.

Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why it's vital that police have automatic weapons while civilians have nothing but their limp dicks.

BUT when every random pedestrian could have a glock in his waistband and every homeowner an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now police are outnumbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.

If you want living examples of this look at every insurgency that the U.S. military has tried to destroy.

>> No.14556927

18 years of fighting sand niggers says yes

>> No.14556929

Anyone with a weapon on them looks like a fucking tool 100% of the time.
When I see people open carrying to the fucking grocery store I laugh out loud

>> No.14556935

>When I see people open carrying to the fucking grocery store I laugh out loud
I'll bet you do, tough guy!

>> No.14556939

I think people would care if the government started dropping drone missiles in the suburbs. How could you defend a government that does that to it's own people?

>> No.14556944

This is about concealed carry. Please stay on topic in my thread, thanks

>> No.14556963

The only effay way to carry is to stick your gun in your waistband. Shows you have excess space (thin waist, have extra room to shove a gun in pants) and that you don't give a fuck (disregarding risk of maybe shooting yourself in the ass or dick).

>> No.14556970

okay fellow american

>> No.14557013

Too small for an LCP2?

>> No.14557029

Because they already do, cops kill people all the time and walk away with a pension. Tell the people it was an immigrant neighborhood, trumptards would love it.

>> No.14557037

if the government turned on citizens, the citizens will just turn on each other
America does not have to social fabric required to unite and fight against the government. Anyone with the will has had their mind destroyed by retard tier Democrat vs Republican cancer.

>> No.14557051

I print in my fw13 crash denim, what do?

>> No.14557070

What are they gonna do, shoot me in the store? Sure thing, bud.

>> No.14557072

>live in america
>think that someone wont just shoot you one day

>> No.14557452

Keep listening to CNN you söy guzzling commie lmao at least I can shoot the savages we have here instead of being accused of racism for trying to defend myself

>> No.14558068

/k/ is my main board, and I hate when those fags try to cross-post to show their power level on other boards, so I won't bump this thread, but with the stupid shit and cope going on here with the eurofags, I was going to post exactly this pasta

>> No.14558275
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But it was a legitimate question

>> No.14558374

>crying emoji

>> No.14558380

am i even in /fa/ anymore dorothy? what the fuck is this why is this even a topic its such obvious bait for this offrail shit

>> No.14558386

if you want to be /fa/ you have to look cool and detached, not so afraid that you carry a gun everywhere you go. gives off beta vibes.

>> No.14558426

Post body

>> No.14558458
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>The last thing you'd see would be the shadow of a drone
Oh hey nice.
Never thought I'd get to post this here.

>> No.14558459

I’m American and I’m far less likely to be involved in a (((mass shooting))) than you are to be acid attacked or raped

>> No.14558462

Puerto Rico and hk are fucked m8. They will get nothing but the same because the govts there have nothing to fear, same with yellow vests. Oh and btw PR is full of hue tier monkeys who all want to move here anyways.

>> No.14558468

Based. If sand monkeys can give us fits with rusted aks and 80iqs the Jewish banking cartel is fucked against whites with better gear, they know it too which is why they stage all these fake mass shootings to try to justify disarming us. Their dream is United Cuckdom tier bullshit where you get swatted for a nazi pig video, or swatted for complaining about getting raped by Muslims. The Muslim rapists then get your house and something nice for Eid.

>> No.14558471

The niggers cops kill aren’t people dumb dumb. And they’re just about always chimping out to deserve that bullet. In fact our local Jewish ngo’s have pushed to outlaw body cameras on cops because they show too much blatant chimping which gets posted to YouTube. Check out the channel “police activity” it’s a goldmine of burger cops super sizing the local fauna when they get out of line.

>> No.14558479
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Why bother concealing?

>> No.14558517

>citizens would have a chance if their government turned on them
redpill: the government has turned on us.
they love us fighting about shit that doesn't matter (trannies in bathrooms, the latest school shooting vs muh guns, etc) so it drowns out all the corporate tax manipulation and how a company (if it's big enough) can basically buy the legislation they desire

they want you to fear eachother and be contrarian to fellow citizens, not to the government. You are serving an important purpose for them.
if the army comes to town*, you aren't going to hold them off. You'll just identify yourself early as the troublemaker they trained you to be, and theyll disappear you because they don't need discord anymore, they need compliance.

*they won't, of course, because the current status quo is insanely profitable, and you're already doing a bang(lol) up job being a mouthpiece for their causes

>> No.14558523

You got a great get yourself, bud.

>> No.14558538
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>Is it possible to be /fa/ and concealed carry?

>> No.14558542

The teachingmensfashion guy conceal carries, he posted a video on it a while back so yes it is possible.

>> No.14558592

true but also >implying americans would be willing to die for their freedom

>> No.14558641

If it got bad enough they would. Also
>Implying cops would be willing to die in droves to keep us oppressed
Cops chimp out when ONE of their own dies. They would eventually give up if it were dozens per day.

>> No.14559408


>> No.14559499

>improvised warfare isn't incredibly well documented with a tiny barrier to entry
>mysterious crates of AK-47's wouldn't start appearing at the first sign of civil war in Europe anyway
>it's hard to throw a spanner between the gears of modern logistics and infrastructure with it's razor thin margins
>western defence forces are at all competent and have high morale
Anything above 10% of the citizenry would have a fucking fieldday.

>> No.14559511

Because not all states are free, and even then as evidenced by walmart, you can go to jail and be charged for open carrying even if its legal to do so.

>> No.14560491

So that you aren't a target? If someone comes in to a store to kill people they are gonna go for the buy lugging the rifle openly. You won't even get a chance to save the day, meanwhile the Chad with the concealed pistol in his shoulder holster will have a chance to be the hero.

>> No.14560493

*guy lugging the rifle openly

>> No.14560570

Or could very well be a situation like in Syria where you just gas the shit out of your own people, destroy the hospitals and watch them gurgle on their own blood. Gun nuts love to jerk off about how they would be the great heroes with their big fancy guns and pew pew militia, but it's not going to do shit against a militarized police force. Fighting middle east insurgencies is like the away game, on their own turf it's a whole different story.

>> No.14560933

Well we don't do that to civilian populations even overseas just to kill the insurgents among them, so you're arguing against your own premise. If asked to carry out orders to kill civilians, there will effectively be no police or military left as they simply won't show up to work. You don't realize the type of people that the vast majority of our police and military are made up of. They will turn on anyone willing to carry out those orders immediately. You're crazier than any gun nut if you actually believe this, also a pussy

>> No.14561240

>He actually believes the "Assad gasses his own civilians" hoax

>> No.14561615
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No. Just open carry like a normal person.

>> No.14561696

If you think there aren't retards in the military and especially in the police that wouldn't ruin their pants after being told to open fire on civilians then you are an even bigger retard.

>> No.14561726

What sorcery does he use to fit a gun in fitted clothing?

>> No.14561896

When this thread 404s, how do i stop the political argument?

>> No.14562470

i conceal carry like my fashion - IDGAF

>> No.14562483

t. Non-American

Americans come together when it counts, and the country is polarized, but more superficially than the news media would have you believe.

>> No.14562491


>> No.14562497

>advertising that you browse /pol/
LARPers are the worst

>> No.14562509

It was a good idea for a thread before butthurt no-guns europoors derailed it

>> No.14562520

There are tons of legitimate points to make as to why an american insurrection would fail, like >>14557037 mentions, yet you still decide to harp on the "you can't fight the military/cops with your little guns" adage. If it comes to that point, then successfully fighting the government basically doesn't even matter. Insurgents are willing to give lives, governments are not. This is the key reason they always win, it isn't about who has the most guns or the best organization.

>> No.14562523

literal faggot

>> No.14562524

Lmao at any retard that thinks Americans would do any sort of armed resistance. We willingly let Eli Lilly & Company charge 300$ for a vial of insulin, effectively killing people unable to afford it. Like what >>14556641 said only the wealthy are free here.

>> No.14562536

the govt has already turned on us in many many ways, especially poorer people

>> No.14562539

concealed carry IS fa

>> No.14562543


self-hating, shucking and jiving europeans and ignorant foreigners in general are some of the staunchest allies to america when it comes to the right wind retardation infesting it

>> No.14562939

What is it that causes countries to willfully follow a government into dictatorship without a successful rebellion?

>> No.14563127
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 12-Miami-Vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, easy.
>Watch Miami Vice
>Buy a shoulder holster
>Buy a Bren Ten
Done, now youre /fa/ and concealed carrying

>> No.14563491

loud noises scary me rather get stabbed or ran over by van

>> No.14563516

>300$ for a vial of insulin,
No It's your shitty patent system, they keep improving the delivery systems while the insulin is always the same.
FDA isn't allowing generic competitors
>Muh capitalism
Fuck off, end intellectual property

>> No.14563760

He's talking about the fact that Americans at this point will pretty much lie down and take anything large entities do to them.