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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 240 KB, 1472x1232, cdx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14540890 No.14540890 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys believe a woman with the body type (plus size) of the woman on the right can never be as /fa/ as a woman with the body type on the left?

>> No.14540898

Because she can't fit into effay clothes.
Don't get me wrong though; would.

>> No.14540908
File: 1.30 MB, 350x197, 69BCBE7E-CC10-45D7-868A-7063AE21EC60.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*jaw drops*
*eyes pop out of head*
*tongue rolls out*
*picks up jaw*
*fixes eyes*
*rolls up tongue*
*buries face in milkies*

>> No.14540934

because the one on the right is disgusting. wouldn't even smash

>> No.14540953
File: 117 KB, 1200x619, field puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14540960

Because is is ugly. Why? Why does someone ever find something pretty? It is ultimately an irrational phenomenon with mere attempts to rationalize aesthetics, such as the principle of symmetry; however, as we all know, there ARE attractive asymmetrical objects, and the same exceptions exist to every notion like that.
Most people simply are repulsed by fat people, maybe because they subcounciously know that it is unhealthy, maybe not, it does not matter.

>> No.14541113

not taking basic care of you body is not /fa/.

>> No.14541242

name on the right?

>> No.14541254

imagine being so fat you can't even walk without your skin ripping itself to shreds

>> No.14541255
File: 30 KB, 1176x234, chubrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14541256
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1565226369727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Plus size" doesn't exist, the correct term is "fat as fuck" - you not only cease to be a woman, you cease to be human if you look like the OP.

>> No.14541260

More of the fat chick please. Name?

>> No.14541264

Well that explains the bands on her thighs.

>> No.14541419
File: 299 KB, 692x920, hunter-mcgrady-wedding-watermark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because is is ugly
>not taking basic care of you body
>imagine being so fat
>fat as fuck

If she's so disgusting and un-/fa/, how come she was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and why did this absolute Chad choose to marry her when he could of had a woman like the one on the left? How do you explain that, geniuses?!

>> No.14541424
File: 1.84 MB, 1510x733, fatbhldn5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how come she was on the cover of Sports Illustrated

because pandering to overweight women is profitable for companies right now, do you live under a rock?

>choose to marry her

because you're allowed to marry anyone you want

>> No.14541506

>how come she was on the cover of Sports Illustrated
because the average American woman is 5'3 and 180lbs, you dumb fuck
>why did this absolute Chad choose to marry her
this twink "chose" to marry her because he is a pussy and thought this is what he deserved. He was probably right

>> No.14541547

>she got married, checkmate incel she must be /fa/

>> No.14541558

whos that on the left

>> No.14541607

Because she's obese and it's a health risk

>> No.14541614

That boy's gay. He's just with her for minor fame and to get his parents off his back

>> No.14541620

Because empowering fat women is tolerant and forward thinking goy!
Also he has a fat fetish.

>> No.14541646
File: 1.06 MB, 549x830, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you guys believe a woman with the body type (plus size) of the woman on the right can never be as /fa/ as a woman with the body type on the left?
There is an idiom where I'm from: "Even if a monkey wears a golden ring, it still remains an ugly thing".

No amount of /fa/ can fix the ugly soul that is so weak cake is its God.

>> No.14541689

the guy is fat too

>> No.14541940

Can tell she's got a flat ass. What's the point of even being fat?

>> No.14541976

Based Dutch guy

>> No.14542023

Because fashion is to some extent a portrayal of identity. When you're fat, being fat is your whole identity. Also clothes are made for boyish bodies and look better on who they're made for. Even if you aren't fat like this and just got a fat ass and big boobs you just look sexy unless you choose to wear a sack that doesn't look very fashionable.

>> No.14542065

Found ass pics, it's true. Though she has enough fat on her to do a fat transfer, give her a flatter tummy and a huge Ss.

>> No.14542808

Show me, I'd still love to see her flabby ass.

>> No.14542815

Yeah let's just idolize chronic fucking fat fatfuck syndrome. That's a good direction for humans to go as a species.

>> No.14542822

I like both in your photo

>> No.14542854

because plus size is just a nice way to say obese, and obesity is the manifestation of a lack of self-care and/or weak determination. not attractive imo

>> No.14542867

Why this threads are always about fat women and never fat men

>> No.14542870
File: 3 KB, 203x215, 8668576389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not "plus" you faggot tumblerina. That's a planet.

>> No.14542873

Fashion is absolutely irrelevant for a woman's sex appeal.

>but anon I dress for myself
Then you shouldn't be concerned about whether you're effy, or not. Just express yourself.

>> No.14542975

thanks for the image anon, do you have any more?

>> No.14543939


>> No.14543944

Because no one pretends that fat men are attractive. Feminism lol.

>> No.14543988
File: 431 KB, 282x375, 1564086690753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman on the right (besides the shitty hairstyle of course) is much more attractive. Very few THICC girls can be effay, the fat needs to be distributed properly to keep the female form (wider hips, smaller waist, etc.) I hate hambeasts with a burning passion but I'd make an exception for that brapper

>> No.14544410

the gays do

>> No.14544431
File: 213 KB, 570x424, ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post physically disabled models
that's my fetish

>> No.14544683

If they ware clothing that goes with their size than yes. But if they wear some weird -ass bullshit like OP's pic than no

>> No.14545004
File: 21 KB, 400x266, stock-footage-man-basking-in-the-sun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have asian gf
>Almost literally impossible for her to balloon up into a disgusting fat shit
Man, why is every other race like a goddamn raft? Black, White and especially Hispanic. Fuck man.

>> No.14545053

everyone that brags about having an asian gf has one of the brown skin, wide nosed ones.

>> No.14545054

Nah, she's chinese, and I'm black. And I'm not bragging really, moreso complaining everyone else becomes a disgusting fat fuck.

>> No.14545058

>brown skin
>wide nosed ones

Nah, she's chinese


>> No.14545063

Well this got boring, you hit the "pretend to be retarded" segment of typical 4chan discussion way too quickly. Work on your foreplay dude.

>> No.14545071
File: 33 KB, 630x354, young-chinese-woman-mat-wright630x354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what the average attractive chink looks like m8

>> No.14545113

I already hate fat people, but fat girls with flat ass and small tits is the worst thing in existence

>> No.14545178

men are something like 14 times more likely to have a fetish

>> No.14545241

Aren't you supposed to be in prison, Larry?

>> No.14545344

>Sports illustrated
So she's a sumo wrestler cool
>Trying to hide her gut with the flowers

>> No.14546178

how do they even get to this point. i eat a lot at 5'8 and i'm only 160 lbs.