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File: 136 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14538734 No.14538734 [Reply] [Original]

>"Hapas are ugl-"

>> No.14538762

y, get fucked gook

>> No.14538766

I'm a white male
I just think hapas look cool, and I'm going to create one someday

>> No.14538790

your kid will get bullied mercilessly

>> No.14538816


>> No.14538819

good looking people are good looking no matter the race

>> No.14538835

Except philipinos, blacks and greeks.
God I hate greeks..

>> No.14538943

>white beta male on 4chan wanting to have kids with an asian women

wow that's not a stereotype at all...

>> No.14538959

why do you hate greeks and how are they they not good looking?

>> No.14539015

Modern Greeks are turks larping as greeks

>> No.14539065

Modern Turks are Greeks larping as a mongolian horse raiders.

>> No.14539192
File: 133 KB, 800x450, breh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japs are pretty. Chinese and indians are disgusting

>> No.14539519

But he's right, true Greeks literally got fucked out of existence.

>> No.14540247

Nah, that is false. Greeks still exist and are whiter than ever before.

>> No.14540252

>lonely asian seething about wmaf
hey there chang#45234

>> No.14540260
File: 124 KB, 1024x615, article-2271585-17477AAA000005DC-730_1024x615_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hai, anon-san~

>> No.14540277

This is false. Despite being under Ottoman rule Greeks never mixed with Turks the same way Turks mixed with Greeks in ancient times. I'm not a historian but I'd say it would be mostly because of how difficult Greece is to traverse and even today a substantial of the population lives in villages. Greek settlements in Smyrna and Asia minor meanwhile had much more Greek/Turkish interaction and is the reason why modern Turks almost always have Greek haplogroups somewhere in their DNA while Greeks have close to none.

>> No.14540284

This. The only people who mixed well with greeks are Italians
And they say stuff like Una raza
Smh americans know nothing about the most based sea and its dynamics.

>> No.14540328
File: 35 KB, 426x425, E122C54C-F3B0-4B5A-89DF-796E5FE770A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m Italian, G*rman, and Thai decent. I’d never call myself beautiful but I seem to be popular with Asians immigrants. (and gays?) Honestly most people don’t even notice the Asian

Hey! My teeth do that! (Pic related) I’ve just been lucky enough to have had braces to line my teeth up.

>> No.14540371

>most people don't even notice the Asian
post your eyes. or face if you don't mind

>> No.14540381

yeah except mongolians

>> No.14541283

If you really want to see my le 56% face, I can post later

>> No.14541286

Unironically W2C hapa gf please

>> No.14541315

Problem with philippinos bro?

>> No.14541449

Are you going to fly from the slums of Manilla to throw hands with him?

>> No.14541463

It’s just the same guy before and after he lost weight

>> No.14541476

Most hapas are more alpha and better looking than the average Asians but they’ll never be more alpha than some of the top Asians

>> No.14541501

Philipinos look good wtf that guy talking about?

>> No.14541512

Average height of the Filipino male: 5'4
Show me an attractive Filipino male

>> No.14541791
File: 551 KB, 750x1279, 579BED98-6349-4873-93BF-050FAE447D29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon

>> No.14541798

If I saw you on the streets I don't think I would even classify you into an ethnic group because you're pretty ambiguous. You look like a politician

>> No.14541880
File: 141 KB, 339x343, E36718A2-6A77-4BD1-A986-A0DE6C1F8E59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beautiful. Seamless integration with the native species of this planet has been achieved.

>> No.14541886

White male here. Just because someone calls you out for being a degenerate with yellow fever doesn't mean they're an asian male. Also kek at that racism towards asian men when wmaf makes asian children. I hope you never have a son

>> No.14542168
File: 219 KB, 421x621, Chou-en-Lai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and zhoupilled

>> No.14542392

Not bad

>> No.14542396


>> No.14542407

In most cases hapas seem to be the two extremes, very good looking or fucking ugly. Not too many average ones

>> No.14542410
File: 97 KB, 640x789, b9eqllb1ll421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely going to create a bunch of hapas, I love basting my qt HUGE TITS gf with my load on the regular with my 7 inch cock.

pic semi-related, looks like her kinda, same boobs but less slutty and cuter

>> No.14542422
File: 101 KB, 537x800, main-qimg-badd2e8bc19b809a17405bcd12835e3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. White x Asian is patrician race mixture.

>> No.14542426

Do people even say hapas are ugly? Ugly hapas are pretty rare. What's this thread about?

>> No.14542634

And good looking people almost always have Caucasoid facial features - low eyebrows, small eyes, high nose bridge, narrow nostrils, etc.

>> No.14542746

tfw no vampire gf

>> No.14542752

Fucking kys samefagging fuck. Hapaism is a disorder and literally the most toxic nation wrecking elliot rodger tier autistic-psychopathic microdick vermin after jewry.

>> No.14542755

This was awesome

>> No.14542767

T. urk

>> No.14544118

Genetics lesson. If you're a man, you have an X chromosome and a Y chromosome. You always get your X chromosome from your mom and since the X chromosome carries so much more genetic information than the Y (magnitudes greater), if you're a guy, you basically get >50% of your genetic material from your mom, which is why guys usually take after their mother in a lot of physical ways.

Asian dad+white mom=handsome son, cause he gets the strong white features from his mom's X chromosome with some dominant Asian features found on autosomal chromosomes, like the hair and eyes.

White dad+Asian mom=Elliot Rodgers-tier, X chromosome comes from mom and fucks his whole life up.

The lesson is, don't marry an Asian woman if you want your son to ever have a chance.

>> No.14544123

Elliot Rodgers wasn't even badlooking. What are you on?

>> No.14544151

only hapa coming from beta mutt dad are ugly, european hapas are alpha as fuck

>> No.14544166

>you look like a politician
he's a fucking kike

>> No.14544173
File: 26 KB, 339x300, Elliot-Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite what this board believes, Elliot Rodger was objectively attractive. I remember the day of the Isla Vista shooting I had a news article up on my phone with a pic of him, and this girl looked over and said "who is he, he's cute!" Cue look of horror when I explained what happened, but yeah, Elliot's issues clearly stemmed more from his creepy personality this his physical appearance. Watch any of the videos he posted and once you see him in motion, it instantly becomes apparent why he scared off girls. His, posture, his mannerisms, his way of speaking—everything. I know this board gets delusional sometimes, but come on now. Elliot wasn't ugly in the slightest. A bit feminine, sure, but not ugly.

>> No.14544196
File: 68 KB, 601x136, 745845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes. If anything, having the Y-chromosome from a low testosterone loser who gets bullied in school is the worst thing possible.

>Adult Asian men also have smaller testicles than European and Hispanic men, average testicle weight is about 33% lower in Asians than in Caucasians. Estimated daily sperm production in Chinese men is also less than half of that estimated for Hispanic and Caucasian men, according to the same study.

>> No.14544199
File: 345 KB, 635x882, 63431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not fair, guys!

>> No.14544204

What a retarded thread.

>> No.14544254

not if I make him study the blade

>> No.14544278

lol fucking broscience, stop the fucking cherrypicking and pseudoscience
There's some 6'7" hapa chad at my uni with a wide as shit frame and huge muscles, and he has a white sounding last name so I'm guessing WMAF. Protip: There is no discernable phenotype difference between wmaf, that's just shitposting from mentally ill redditors at r/asianmasculinity

>> No.14544280

>gets framemogged and skullmogged by a non-lifting chink

>> No.14544295

This anon is right. I don't understand why asian women with white fever or white males with yellow fever berate asian men when their children will most likely look asian.

commie and handsomepilled

>> No.14544342

No, he is shorter too.
Cringe. We get it, you have a big baby blob head, it never looked good or made you any more desirable.

A fat head only makes ugly features more ugly.

>> No.14544359
File: 216 KB, 1500x1126, 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We get it, you have a big baby blob head, it never looked good or made you any more desirable.
t. headlet

>> No.14544366

i am literally half chinese and i get told i look nothing like an asian and i look more like a slav or european

>> No.14544401

Is your mom asian or white?

>> No.14544419

If Mark Wahlberg fucked a thai hooker. You'd be the kid

>> No.14544432


>> No.14545725
File: 44 KB, 564x752, 0e51a6e3ac98123341ae6bd96d40b1ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takeshi Kaneshiro, not a Hapa, fully East-Asian (Southern Chinese/Japanese) and very good looking. I like his slim face, medium long protrusive nose, sharp small eyes, deep jaw, high cheekbone without being too mongoloid.

>> No.14545786

l2perspective, the chink is standing further in front, he's 1" taller than the italian and has about 2" of bideltoid on him
jfl at not noticing frame differences, next time just post a better example instead of a semi-mog

>> No.14545845


>> No.14545852

ugly 1.50 mts manlets, that look like apes

>> No.14545859

jajaj fake surgery face, fake surgery boobs, im sure no legs, no waist, no ass, because surgery cant fix that shit. you are a looser bro