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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 117 KB, 1152x2048, signal-2019-07-30-134554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14536779 No.14536779 [Reply] [Original]

Man I've been using /fa/ since 2012, back when SuFu was around and active. The fits that people posted in the WAYWT threads were actually well thought out/designed, and quality overall.

Since the original userbase of /fa/ left due to it progressively turning into a shithole, there's just been an influx of dumbfuck kids who don't know how to dress, telling other dumbfuck kids how to dress. The WAYWT threads are piss poor, just people trying to emulate what they think is "trendy" or "popular" in order to look cool when in reality they're just lemmings whose fits are uninspired.

Every time I go into a big city, I see people aged 18 to early 20s (I'm 23 for reference) dressing like they're from the 90s with those gay-ass tucked in shirts and loud tacky outfits. They all dress like fucking detritus.

Tl;dr: wear whatever the fuck you like regardless of what people think and WAYWT is full of know-nothing faggots, so don't listen to em.

>> No.14536803

>be into 90's shit since 13, 26 now
>all these normies biting my style
Life is pain.

>> No.14536817

>ye olde "4chan used to be good" thread

>> No.14536858

t. guy who came here in 2016
>uhm sweaty i've been here since '06
sure you have big guy

>> No.14536859

Because it actually WAS good. I've been using 4chan since 2007, so yes I'm a true oldfag.

>> No.14536873

Make ur own discord server, it would be nice to talk to some actual /fa/ggots

>> No.14536882

We went from pretending to be retarded to actually being retarded pretty quick. You used to be able to actually have conversations here

>> No.14536883

>20 and got into fashion last few years
>I will never experience the magic of 00s/early10s fashion boards
>can barely imagine a 4chan that isn't infested with poltards
Why was I born this late every discussion board is shit now :/

>> No.14536925

fa has an archive
learn to use it, search for things that interest you and read old posts/threads
sure you don't get to participate but it doesn't mean it's gone forever, the information is still there and largely applicable today as well

>> No.14537055
File: 246 KB, 840x673, 8KRm0gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked those threads

>> No.14537057

has anyone the blue sweater white shirt binge drinking dude and /lit/ version if it saved?

>> No.14537071

>can barely imagine a 4chan that isn't infested with poltards
Yeah that never existed, this place has always been racist as hell, back in those day it we just didn't have pussies that cried about racism everytime someone said nigger.

>> No.14537101

OP here, 4chan 2007-2012 was highly left leaning. I remember when the 2008 presidential elections were going on and everyone was rooting for Obama. Of course racism existed, but back then you'd get trolled to no end just for being a bigot. 4chan is somewhat toxic as a whole, but back then it was more just fun and shitposting. Mass griefing in Habbo Hotel, "pool's closed", the whole nine. /b/ was the go-to board for shitposting and nonsense, then it switched to r9k (the original, not ROBOT9001) somewhat.

The problem with /pol/tards is that they take their assbackwards "THE NIGGERS R STEALIN R WITE WIMMINZ"-type beliefs and plaster them all over 4chan, they're taking the site way too fucking seriously lmao. It's childish.

>> No.14537134

this is literally some leftist trying to rewrite history btw

>> No.14537162

That was a extremely round-a-bout way of saying "FAKE NEWS!". I was around for that time so I can speak on it, but let your cognitive-dissonance guide you bruh.

P.S. I don't align myself with any political ideology because politics are ultimately uninteresting to me.

>> No.14537182

He's half right, 4chan was always anti-establishment so there was a lot of bush hate and but it wasn't truly left leaning and the racism was only half joking though you could get through to people. To misquote someone who saidnit better than me "every community that gets its kicks from pretending to be foolish will invariably be flooded by actual fools who believe they're in good company". Our days of pretending are over boys...

>> No.14537198

A very small amount of 4chan users were for obama in the 08 election. It's always been anti establishment and anti government like >>14537182 said but it's never been leftist. The most leftist thing about 4chan was maybe the overwhelming amount of atheism but to say that "everyone was rooting for obama" and that bigotry was trollworthy is just being dishonest.

>> No.14537236


I don't intentionally spread false information, what do I have to gain from it? Maybe the "everyone was rooting for Obama" bit was somewhat of an exaggeration. In respect to trolling, what defines something as "trollworthy" is purely subjective.

>> No.14537246

I mean Obama did get a sticky on /b/ when he won, so it isn't exactly a stretch. Though 4chan was also receptive to Ron Paul too.

Also, good job Hiro for making this site break every day for 15 minutes at a time. Brilliant, master work.

>> No.14537253

Unless you were on the hugbox boards this place had rampant racism and everyone was perfectly fine with it, inculding the niggers.
Yeah that shit is annoying as fuck, for the last 10 minutes this stupid shit has been telling me i mistyped the captcha, even though I see the fucking green check mark.

>> No.14537255

>mistyped the captcha
get a load of this poor bum

>> No.14537256

>not buying a pass

>> No.14537272
File: 3.40 MB, 588x588, 1541020559763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying a pass
>Bragging about it

>> No.14537274

Anyone who would win the US elections would get a sticky..

>> No.14537281

When I was pretty active on 4chan from 2007-2010 I mainly used /b/, /s/, and /hc/ and I don't remember rampant racism on there. Those were pretty much the only boards I used. I took a break during 2011 and got back on here to use the OG /r9k/ after one of my friends told me to look into it. Around that time I became more interested in fashion and that's how I ended up here.

>> No.14537282
File: 5 KB, 250x216, Exasperated wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being poor

>> No.14537288

>buying a pass for this dysfunctional broken site
Literally why.
That's not really true. Only on boards full of edgelord teens like /b/ or /new/ did the racism ever get out of control. If you want to consider "nigger" racist then yeah all of 4chan was, but here "nigger" and "faggot" are just insults, I mean this is a place that uses -fag as a suffix for almost everything.
It certainly wasn't flooded with the retardation it has now where you can't even have a normal thread without some lunatic screeching about Jews or BLACKED or commies or trannies or wh*tes or whatever the boogieman of the day is over there.
Don't get me wrong I don't care if you're a raging antisemite or a racist or whatever but please keep that shit contained to the shithole not fashion threads or threads about animal crossing or whatever.
The fact is nowadays this site is a destination for those people and they not only attract more of their faggotry but also the people who feel the need to raid 4chan because its "le ebil site"

>> No.14537292

>Creating and paying for an account on a free anonymous message board.
>Bragging that you can pay $20
Please keep posting, I'm high as fuck on some expensive ass weed I got from the SQDC and your post are actually making me laugh out loud.

>> No.14537294

4chan was definitely vastly better when it was an insular enthusiast community.

>> No.14537319

So I don't have to do captcha and shitpost as much as I want without breaks. In short it's worth it

>> No.14537326

That's just lazy, then again I was doing them when there wasn't any choice so I got used to it, when the pass showed up everyone mocked it, I figure only newfags use it. Plus if you post some illegal shit but forgot to log out you're fucked.

>> No.14537329

it's always been pretty awful tbqh

>> No.14537333

The pass helps fund the site too, I enjoy contributing. Plus I can't remember the last illegal thing I posted.

>> No.14537345

Stfu go back to weddit

>> No.14537350
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1538119635186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving cash to hiroshimoot

>> No.14537356

>giving free ai training to google

>> No.14537436

One will, unfortunately, happen regardless, the other is so starved for money he actually split 4chan in 2 different websites to try and make it appealing to advertisers so that he can line his pockets.

>> No.14537458
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are other benefits to buying a p*ss such as being able to post using common vpns and being able to block the google connections captcha makes

>> No.14537682
File: 37 KB, 510x618, bffbae0f57ceb90dba6664ca5fdb7804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooo struck a nerve there didn't I? Reddit is absolute garbage my guy, I stick to anonymous imageboards.

>> No.14537713

>Habbo "pool's closed"
>Swastika's made out of niggers
>Y-you used t-to get trolled for b-bigotry back then

Listen to yourself

>> No.14537767

all of the faggots who say dumb shit like "it was never good XDD". just go to archives and take a look at designers threads from 13/14 or just search anything from that era its full of tons and tons knowledgeable anons with sophisticated taste.
the old effay was a truly fashion oriented community. now its full of trends, normalfaggotory and almost no designer scene.

>> No.14537804

It went downhill when the newfags arrived, they just want to dress like rappers or get reccs on hype clothes. Or some off-topic question or some gay shitpost.

>> No.14537857

You must've been happier than a faggot in a tree full of dicks after making that post. It's okay, we all have our own ways to cope.

>> No.14537860

trips you are low iq

>> No.14537862

Tripsk, am I correct?

>> No.14537867

>Designers unable to give new design
>Designers went full collaboration money cash grab
>Designers now have social media to advertise
>Hurr durr it's DA newfags!!

>> No.14537889

>current state of fa 4chan
>posts nigger bait pic
Yup, seems like it always was

>> No.14537905

>posts a nigger bait pic

It's one panel from an Eva meme, dumbfuck.

>> No.14538003
File: 32 KB, 399x652, NZdCha8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole post

>> No.14538005

peak /fa/ was ~2012-15

>> No.14538014

shut the fuck up im a 2015 newfag

so just like every other creative medium?
all of thing that you have pointed except social media are there from the start
and how often you see active designer threads with more than 20 posters?