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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 755x1024, 1563778489012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14515528 No.14515528 [Reply] [Original]

Well it's official. Tattoos are gay. https://theharrispoll.com/tattoos-can-take-any-number-of-forms-from-animals-to-quotes-to-cryptic-symbols-and-appear-in-all-sorts-of-spots-on-our-bodies-some-visible-in-everyday-life-others-not-so-much-but-one-thi/
55% of millennials in 2015 have at least one tattoo, and women have slightly more than men.
You don't seriously expect us to "wife up" whores who desecrated their bodies with indelible graffeti, do you?

>> No.14515542

>Nearly half (45%) feel those with tattoos are more rebellious than those without – though it’s worth noting that this percentage continues to decline (54% held this belief in 2008; 50% in 2012), likely a byproduct of tattoos’ continued trend toward the mainstream.
>On the other end of the scale, nearly half feel those with tattoos are less attractive (47%) than those without, 44% feel they’re less sexy and a third (34%) believe them to be less respectable.
>Meanwhile, between a quarter and three in ten think those with tattoos are less intelligent (29%), healthy (28%) and spiritual (25%)
hahahaha inb4 tattoo copes

>> No.14515556

Imagine caring what other people do

>> No.14515563

If you didn't care why are you here lmao

>> No.14515588

>he wears clothes for other people

>> No.14515595

Line trap?

>> No.14515774

imagine being a dumb faggot like yourself

>> No.14515831

Lol. Yep been feeling this way for a while now. Ask yourself: why do you want to get a tattoo? Sure artwork is cool but you can get prints of art which aren't permanently attached to your skin. A lot of the appeal of tattoos is in presenting oneself in a rebellious/dissident manner, playing against social convention. This is why tattoos have been viewed as 'cool' in pop culture, and likely why so many young people are so drawn to them. Problem is that we're reaching a tipping point in terms of tattoo popularity. They're socially accessible. What used to be associated with bikers, gangsters, punks and those on the fringe now exists on every other middle class white millenial coffee shop liberal. In the coming decades as tattoo popularity continues to rise the coming generations are going to have a completely different conception of tattoos given they will grow up in a social context where they're completely uncool.

>> No.14516356

Holy shit this is hilarious

>> No.14516614

I heard it said once that all people with ink have some sort of issue.

>> No.14516638

No shit LMAO

>> No.14516691

>unironically starting an argument with the word imagine
>not caring about the collective image of your society
go back you filthy slob

>> No.14516846

fucked a girl like the one in OPs pic last week. she sucked me like a thirsty mexican crossing the border

>> No.14516898

>You don't seriously expect us to "wife up" whores who desecrated their bodies with indelible graffeti, do you?

Gen X fag here. It's fucking great. I don't know what you're complaining about. Women look better than ever on average. While you insufferable faggots are busy complaining about tattoos because they're trendy or because you can no longer get them to feel special and individualistic, I'll be banging the shit out of all your hot girls while they're in their prime. Literally all the female fashion right now is peak aesthetics

>dyed hair
>art hoes
>metal chicks
>punk chicks
>short pixie cuts
>ravey / cyberpunk streetwear
>great asses
>sexually freed up
>leather harnesses for lingerie

but also

>flowing, classy garments on young people
>makeup is better than ever
>socially acceptable to be dark or edgy and still considered beautiful
>trad women if you like that sort of thing
>girls with long flowing hair
>hot gamer girls

You edgelords will say you don't want these aesthetics, but that's largely because you're too weak and afraid to be bold enough for where women are at today. In terms of hot young women, this is the best timeline. You fags have never had it better, but you'd never know that because:
a. you are testosterone deficient
b. you are plagued by the illusion of a desire for bucking trends, like all young people
c. youd rather complain than put in the effort to get these girls

so please stay at home and whine about it while I go reap all the benefits of our history and culture. You can't put the genie back in the bottle, so you might as well get out there and enjoy the ride.

t. Gen X Oldfag
>in b4 "go away grandpa"
>in b4 "I don't want these hoes"
>in b4 any other weak, lame ass excuses

>> No.14516911

Tats have always been shit

>> No.14516919

>writing this all out and thinking it sounds good
I'm glad I'm not autistic

>> No.14516923

Oof yike mr Reddit man

>> No.14516929

who cares

>> No.14516934


>> No.14517020

Tell us your ways of getting the girls? I also put in the effort and want to see if we have anything similar.

>> No.14517026

lmao post your shitty tattoo

>> No.14517033

I have a fuck buddy who I would wife up if she didn't have stupid tats. Which sucks because her kiss / touch / sex hits different from all da other hoes I'm involved in.

>> No.14517039

I dismiss anyone that has tattoos as a complete and utter moron. Hasn't failed me ever.

>> No.14517076

Same lol

>> No.14517079

What kind of tattoos does she have?

>> No.14517102

I will 100% marry a thicc hipster qt with tattoos on her back and thighs.

>> No.14517107

flower on the back of her arm and small sun on the other arm

>> No.14517110

the amount of people I see with a single tattoo in a random place is shocking, random charizards on calves or some dumb zelda sign on their forearms. Makes me want to go to sleep.

>> No.14517116

I have no tattoos and don't plan to get any because I can't really think of anything I would want to have on my body forever. But on the other hand, I don't really get the extreme hate that tattoos get here. Like I wouldn't get plastic surgery, but I don't violently hate the people that do. I mean shouldn't it be our own choice how to alter our bodies? Not to sound too hippie but like, why is it your concern?

>> No.14517118

For me my issue with tattoos is I've never seen someone look better because of them. It only makes people look worse

>> No.14517157

What's worse, dumbass pop culture tattoos or trashy Monster energy/Nascar/confederate shit

>> No.14517217

just think. the most normie zoomer opinion is being anti-tattoo. anti-tattoo is literally the reddit of zoomer opinions (about tattoos). which means it's less normie and more unique to be a zoomer that likes tattoos.

>> No.14517243

Kek why is that so bad? Sounds like it could be cute and it's on her arms, not on her neck. Arms are the most vanilla location for tattoos

>> No.14517251


sure boss

>> No.14517252

I'm 32 years old

>> No.14517256

TRANSLATION: I'm an autistic techfag who didn't start fucking on the regular until I started making lots of money in my late 30s so now I gotta act like modern women are the best thing in the world because they're finally giving me peepee touch

>> No.14517262

Squares. Stay bland.

Everybody has issues. You are not excluded from that, so don't pass judgement. Rigidity is a sign of mental health issues just as much as being a chaotic mess. If you cannot accept the reality around you with flexibility, empathy and understanding, then you are by definition maladapted. Fix yourself before you judge others.

>> No.14517270

Imagine projecting this hard. I feel bad for you millenials and zoomers. You actually think you understand the world because you have the internet, when in fact, reality cannot be reduced to a set of memes. And thus, you miss the mark 100% because you think you've seen it all, when all you've really seen is a screen your entire life.

>> No.14517304

cause my mom is a hardworking conservative argentine who taught me tattoos look shit on people. Also my only parent and I love + trust her more than any thot with tattoos

>> No.14517315

based redpill. I see this shit all the time in Seattle

>> No.14517320
File: 6 KB, 320x180, okay-hand-gesture-satisfied-business-man-ok-sign-happy-one-positive-businessman_nozlleyix__S0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw didn't fell for tattoo meme

>> No.14517329

That's what the OP is about, tattoos becoming mainstream and therefore "bland". I have no problem with people having them unless they're really tasteless, but I'd never even entertain the thought of getting one.

>> No.14517356

didn't read this but I know you're from reddit

>> No.14517358

brainlet detected

>> No.14517366

>55% of millenial have tatoos
stay faggot larper

>> No.14517373
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, 1527320400195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just over a quarter (27%) say it makes them feel more rebellious and two in ten (20%) feel more spiritual as a result of their tattoos. Fewer say it makes them feel more intelligent (13%), respected (13%), employable (10%) and healthy (9%).

>Meanwhile, between a quarter and three in ten think those with tattoos are less intelligent (29%), healthy (28%) and spiritual (25%).

>> No.14517376

but OP is wrong and just being contrarian. When you take the larger population in consideration, tattoos are still relatively rare and do catch the eye more than just having blank skin, blank clothes, blank everything. They show commitment to your aesthetic rather than just being a neutral anon that slides through life making no clear declaration about what you value

>> No.14517390

>loudly announce what you like and dislike, your politics, and your love everywhere you go
Did you have a single mother?

>> No.14517395

>They show commitment to your aesthetic rather than just being a neutral anon that slides through life making no clear declaration about what you value
You're making the same mistake as those who judge tattooed people. There are countless ways to express oneself trough appearance, we're on a fashion board after all. I'd argue that if you manage to declare your values without literally spelling them out on your skin or your clothes, you're already more interesting than the "eye-catching" people.

>> No.14517419

imagine starting an argument with "unironically"

>> No.14517431

>Squares. Stay bland.
getting tattoos is like putting corn syrup on your food

>> No.14517456

people with tattoos have poor taste... period... it is exclusively a form of peacocking; expressing yourself and status to others the same way you would if you wore a bright yellow blazer. both are fucking gay but at least you can take the blazer off and burn it... what you wear on the outside is always connected to what you feel on the inside... people with as much as one tattoo are only telling me they have bad judgement and are only interested in attracting others who also have bad judgement

people with tattoos are charlatans of Cool. simple as. there is a reason people don't buy homes for $1000 in detroit... it's because those properties are fucked up and dirty, in a bad area, covered in graffiti, and scrapped of all value by local vagrants.. having tattoos on your body is basically being a home in detroit... i gotta wonder how many people have squatted in you when i see your tats

>> No.14517469

imagine saying that in a discussion board

>> No.14517574

based squatter poster

>> No.14517580

>g-g-guys... s-stop having strong opinions about other people
Cannot be bothered to respond to all of le list argument but
>Women look better than ever on average
I'm sure increased obesity rates help with that one and
>Literally all the female fashion right now is peak aesthetics
>>girls with long flowing hair
>>hot gamer girls
fucking lol

>> No.14517585

>Gen X fag here.
stay irrelevant dumb fuck... didnt read your post at all past this

>> No.14517641

>Rigidity is a sign of mental health issues just as much as being a chaotic mess. If you cannot accept the reality around you with flexibility, empathy and understanding, then you are by definition maladapted. Fix yourself before you judge others.
based & astute

>> No.14517666

I've always seen it as wearing a graphic t-shirt 24/7 on your skin. The type of people who wear those kind of things are often obnoxious and lack imagination, and probably have motivational phrases on the walls of their apartment too.

>> No.14517673

Incredibly based

>> No.14517681

that's moonlight rollerway and i literally fucked dana :)

>> No.14517684

You think those 23 year old bimbos you take out on tinder dates think you're deep and smart but they just like how deep your pockets are. Go listen to Nirvana unplugged again, faggot.

>> No.14517686

That's retarded. So what if she told you tattoos look like shit. Form your own opinions moron.

>> No.14517698

>imagine unironically believing I used the word unironically to start my sentence unironically

>> No.14517710

How fucking young are all you guys? Tattoos have been gay ever since every scene kid started getting them in the 2000's

>> No.14517732

Her opinion is incredibly based and her advice has never failed me. You're just a faggot with no strong maternal figure in your life.

>> No.14517784

>Form your own opinions moron.
typical modernist faggot philosophy... the ancients have already figured all of this shit out 2500 years ago

>> No.14517787


>> No.14517796

Can't you see that your alt tastes have become mainstream, so you're stoked? But all those things that held significance during your adolescence have different meanings to different generations. To you they marked free thinking rebels and people willing to put self-expression above fitting in. Now, they mean nothing. They're creative and rebellious as often as they're unoriginal and conformist. And, as usual, the masses coopt the styles of early adopters without measure or reason.

>> No.14517802

> unironically believing your life decisions are in no way influenced by the people around you

embarrassing, shameful even

>> No.14517808

your fashion statement is already going to phase out within the year and look retarded

>> No.14517813

As an old millennial with tattoos I feel like they are nothing unordinary when I am around other millennial but legit boomers and gen z make me uncomfortable

>> No.14517817

Do you unironically think women care if incels who think tattoos are grafitti don't want to "wife them up"? I've never met anybody in real life who is anti-tattoo like these weird group of people on 4chan are, apart from 60+ year olds, because it's simply weird.

Maybe some small subset of women with serious daddy issues will find somebody with this weird conviction against tattoos attractive or even acceptable, but an even smaller subset of them will be mentally stable or attractive, and an even smaller subset of those will be attracted to the average holder of this view like OP, some zoomer who dresses up in a dress shirt and leather shoes to go to their gen eds at 8 in the morning.

>> No.14517822

Tattoos are art. Just like any other art form, there is a spectrum from shameless Andy Warhol and Mickey Mouse drawings to renaissance tier murals

TLDR your tats are only as tasteful/degenerate as your choice is in Artist who draws them and your choice of image

>> No.14517824

Imagine being this larpy

>> No.14517826

I'd bet my paycheck that 90% of the people this thread that think tattoos are desecrating their body, are out of shape scrawny skeletons or skinnyfat slobs who don't take care of themselves. What irony.

>> No.14517830

Probably your mom associates tats with the criminal lower class bc that’s what she grew up around

>> No.14517832

literally lol'ed, a grown man who can't think for himself and bases his opinions on what his mommy tells him.

>> No.14517835

>t. 15 year old with retarded parents

>> No.14517837

dude no woman is gonna fuck you for defending them online, you retarded cuck

>> No.14517849

Where did I defend women? I was simply explaining one of the reasons women find you disgusting.

>> No.14517851

retard I don't just absorb the opinions of others like a sponge. I take an objective look at issues. Then realize my mom was right! 99% of tattoos look like shit. lol

>> No.14517858

at least he gets peepee touch, can't say the same for you

>> No.14517859

oh your one of those, "no one is better than my mommy" bet your porn is filled with mommy and son

>> No.14517860

Yes, you're objectively a retard. You're also unattractive to the majority of people with and without tattoos, you have to be quite the fucking weirdo to not date somebody because of a flower tattoo

Maybe autistic is the correct word, I wouldn't be surprised if everybody with this viewpoint is actually autistic. I can understand if somebody is tatted the fuck up and you find that unappealing, but if you're some weird fucking purist who's disqualifying partner is a small rose tattoo, you're just autistic. You sound like you have some psychological issues though since you're a grown man and said my mom knows best for me, I'm guessing people who share your viewpoint have similar experiences where they let their boomer parents shape their views, must be why they get so bent out of shape over ink

>> No.14517862

You're fucking multiple people, yet you're worried about some tiny tattoos on her arms. kys degenerate

>> No.14517864
File: 68 KB, 900x900, AAuE7mANbqqyxzQcyX72bYHFVLEhmBki6Q00N3s_fw=s900-mo-c-c0xffffffff-rj-k-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even understand what you are saying? Women with tattoos are women you shouldn't marry and your retort to that is "Well they wouldn't marry you."
If that were true that would be a good thing, idiot! If anything it is a blessing for our generation that avoiding the most poisoned women is as simple as checking them for tattoos. These women promise nothing but misery, divorce and HPV.

>> No.14517874
File: 2.32 MB, 2947x1308, 20190729_213554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count me one of the 10%. Tattoos are for retards.

>> No.14517877

No, you misunderstood my post and made a false assumption. You think that women with tattoos will be offended that you find them disgusting and not be attracted to you was what I said, which is wrong.

The point is that a woman or man with such a fucking weird and abstract standard over something so minor points to mental problems, which is unattractive for any woman, tattooed or not.

>> No.14517879

Exactly my point, you look like shit and only train arms which still are underwhelming. Your chest somehow looks like it's going inwards.

>> No.14517880

agreee, blessed those men who won't marry a women for a tattoo because most likely they wont marry at all and wont pass on their shitty, mommy issue to anyone else. Saves the future from pathetic man and leave the rest to fuck.

>> No.14517882


>> No.14517885

All right, fair enough. I did jump in this thread just now and I am not fully awake yet so I apologize for putting words in your mouth.

I would however say it's fair to disqualify women for having tattoos. Is it GUARANTEED that they are shit-tier? No, they could be fine. But you get one life and you get one chance at marriage, or one chance at first marriage if you prefer.
So I think it makes perfect sense to play by probabilities. No one has enough years of their life to check if every tatted-up slampig is worthwhile or not.

>> No.14517900

>When you take the larger population in consideration, tattoos are still relatively rare
>relatively rare
Did you read the OP? It says 55% of millennials. It's actually more common than not having tattoos for our generation (I'm assuming you're not a literal boomer).
>They show commitment to your aesthetic rather than just being a neutral anon that slides through life making no clear declaration about what you value
Lol. What if your aesthetic doesn't involve being tattooed? You're implying that people with no tats all dress poorly and look basic wheres people with tattoos are like cool and fashionable and not basic. How many people do you know? Lots of people with tattoos dress and look like complete shit and have no aesthetic sensibility. The two most fashionable people I know both have no tats. I'm not hating on tats (although I personally don't have any) but thinking they make you unique and fashionable is super deluded.

>I've never met anybody in real life who is anti-tattoo like these weird group of people on 4chan are, apart from 60+ year olds, because it's simply weird.
Yeah I mean nobody's going to just like shit talk tattoos for no reason especially because lots of people with tattoos are insecure and sensitive about how they look so it's not like I'm gonna roast people for having basic tats. Just look at the study linked in OP- nearly half of people without tattoos perceive people with tattoos as less intelligent, attractive, etc. The takeaway, if you have any friends with tattoos there's a good chance they feel that way and just don't say anything about it to you.

>> No.14517911

> You think that women with tattoos will be offended that you find them disgusting and not be attracted to you was what I said, which is wrong.
My girlfriend has tattoos and knows that I'm not a fan (not because I said anything, but because she basically forced me to admit how I felt) and she's super insecure about it. Not a dealbreaker obviously because I'm not autistic like the other guy you're replying to but yeah the whole "people with tattoos don't care what you think" is so obviously not true lmao why get tattoos if you don't care about presenting yourlsef a certain way to others? Gonna call bullshit on that.

>> No.14517938
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>> No.14517961

That is true. Anyone that says "people with tattoos don't care what you think" has never witnessed the aftermath of a millennial being told his tattoos are shit.
Watch as a grown man becomes a 14 year old girl and gnashes his teeth for an hour.

>> No.14518297

>Stay bland
Very telling of why you value tattoos anon. Problem is that by your own metric (being not-bland) tattoos should be now less desirable than ever. Tattoos are pretty bland, and will likely soon be corny. Stay bland anon, bland and corny.

>> No.14518308

And we will all soon associate tattoos with Becky who works at Starbucks and posts ukulele song covers on youtube

>> No.14518320

>roblem is that by your own metric (being not-bland) tattoos should be now less desirable than ever. Tattoos are pretty bland

You are conflating conformity and blandness. Not the same thing at all.

>> No.14518323

>Go listen to Nirvana unplugged again, faggot.

this is actually good advice

>> No.14518326

the sad thing about this thread is how many of you guys think tattoos are for the approval of other people rather than for the satisfaction of the person with the tattoo. says a lot about how you all think and feel

>> No.14518332

shut the fuck up boomer

>> No.14518337
File: 855 KB, 1000x2480, iCK2Uwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mistake you're making is thinking anon's pattern recognition is completely wrong when it could be a "correlation does not equal causation" situation.
Anon has quite rightly noticed that the people with tattoos all tend to also be dull normies.
It's not unreasonable to attribute the actions of dull normies to conformism and seeking the approval of other people because most of what normies do is related to that.

>> No.14518345


Here's an example. Actually I don't think POF lets you view specifics without logging in now so I better quote them. This girl is a 26 year old single mother and beautician.
Her profile says:
She has no problem thinking that being tattooed is a personality. So many people think like this that POF makes it an archetype in their personality options.

This is what she wrote as her bio:

>Tattooed. 25. Single.

>Just want to hang and chat with some new and exciting people. Hit me up if you can actually make conversation :)

That's the whole bio. She literally mentions being tattooed as the first thing in her bio and there's precious little else in there.
This girl is not an outlier there are thousands of girls like this out there.
Completely dull NPCs. Let's say you have tattoos because you're very very interesting and cool. Well, 99% of people with these tattoos are not like you: they are like this.

>> No.14518392
File: 34 KB, 1330x186, effay truth (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro this entire board is for people to talk about how to dress to exude confidence they don't really have, and look like they are things they clearly aren't. What clothes to buy to look like a terrorist, lunar colonist or mars colonist, or a Miami drug dealer from the 80s. The average user here has exactly the same amount of personality as someone who thinks being tattooed equals personality.

I agree that tattoos are trash but god damn you're fucking dumb.

>> No.14518410

>>g-g-guys... s-stop having strong opinions about other people
But unironically why does it bother you so fucking much?

>> No.14518424
File: 23 KB, 469x468, 1563182509136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you go to the gym "for yourself" too right

>> No.14518426
File: 563 KB, 1572x1440, 1563928860188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only girls who like me always have tattoos

>> No.14518427

/fa/ didn't used to be quite like that so I don't accept that it always was or always will be. The "how do i dress to get x girlfriend?" style of thread didn't exist just a few years back.

>> No.14518432
File: 45 KB, 320x256, 1563897729524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting tats to be "different" in 2012+7 LOL

>> No.14518436

Lmao is this that fucking MDE dude? He has one of the saddest looking faces I've ever seen. I wonder what he's up to these days

>> No.14518447

The period in my life where I got the most pussy I was SLP skinny. I go to the gym for personal health.

>> No.14518516

Cursed fucking thread. I'm the mom's advice poster. Girl I mentioned having a special connection to just sent me a snap of her new tat: a small dagger on her inner arm.

>> No.14518563

*Just sent her entire contacts list her new tat


>> No.14518976

Super-omega based

>> No.14518989

>I'm so cool and independent.

Nice opinion edgelord.

>> No.14519170

>mommy told me
can't make this up

>> No.14519176
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>> No.14519521
File: 850 KB, 1289x1018, 56858289_p2 - お仕事情報です♥.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get you anon, i am also trying to find a girl thats like my mom. God i want to fuck my mom so bad.

>> No.14519619

>why does it bother you so fucking much?
It doesn't bother me. My typing out that something looks awful takes virtually no effort and does not impact my day. I'm literally chilling. I can say I hate tattoos and yay my opinion's out there. I don't spend my days brooding over tattoos.
Anyone who tries to call out people for being bothered by internet comments is genuinely projecting and are only worth a reply to continue to be provoked irl. You're part of the absolute worst type of people online. Quit shitting up boards with moron-tier arguments and bitching about the existence of opinions.
>w-wow anon seems like this comment was written with a lot of vitriol a-are you okay
Once again I'm fine dumbass

>> No.14519630

Fuck you. You’re such a loser you think listening to your elders correlates with a desire to fuck them? Like some other poster said: the ancients figured out everything long ago.

>> No.14519649


don't worry about it, no girl will ever want you as a boyfriend, much less husband, either

>> No.14519684
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>> No.14520106

I don't really care what someone from the most unimportant generation in recent memory thinks. Why don't you listen to Nirvana and complain about your boomer parents some more. All while pretending to be all depressed and shit. Imagine being a almost 50 year old man and having nothing better to do in life than to go to nerd conventions and bars to fuck 5/10s with daddy problems. I'm not complaining about our current culture i'm only making fun of you grandpa.

>> No.14520160

you've only dug yourself further into the cuck hole with this response, retard

>> No.14520165

what the fuck is all this projection lmao
people with tattoos are almost always impulsive and low iq, regardless of the amount. of course there are exceptions, but this concept has rarely failed me. your defensiveness over your shitty 'ink' is only further proof of this

>> No.14520183

okay brad

>> No.14520621

But anon what is the basis of this personal satisfaction you're referring to? It's not purely artistic satisfaction. If that was the case you could just buy a print of the tattoo image and keep it in your house and stare at it all day. The personal satisfaction from tattoos is ultimately in visual self-expression. And there's little value in any kind of expression without others being there to experience said expression. As much as you're against the idea, tattoos have almost as much to do with others perceiving the tattoo as your perception of them.

>> No.14520628

tattoos are cool

>> No.14520633

What is blandness if not oversaturation, uniformity, unremarkableness? Aka conforming to norms. Conforming to norms which are seemingly rooted in a desire to be different/standout is not only bland but also corny.

>> No.14520767

okay, fair enough. I get what you mean by your example. And no doubt there's a lot of people out there like her. I'm not trying to say that all people with tattoos are brilliant individualists. Far from it, lol

But it's also possible for someone with tattoos to still be a vibrant, unique person. I just don't think tattoos are the defining factor either way. The truth is that most people are walking automatons regardless of how they dress or if they have tattoos or not. Most people are just dead inside, asleep, conditioned. And no amount of youthful contrarianism will fix that. Trust me on that last point.

Regarding thinking being tattooed is a personality, that's obviously idiotic. But there *is* a small grain of truth to it, in the sense that:
-many people don't like tattoos and so announcing you have them gives people fair warning
-if you like tattoos, you might also value certain other things that a person without tattoos might not.

it's correlation, not causation. And no, it's not a personality. But it does imply a lifestyle.

Regarding blandness: I myself am not tattooed. I have dressed stylish yet minimalist for most of my adult life. I have a classic, tasteful haircut. I am in many ways "bland" in appearance myself. When I'm around people with tattoos, or jewelry, or any other "eye candy", it becomes plainly obvious that the eye is drawn to these things, regardless of whether I find the person attractive, likeable, or interesting as a personality at all. The attention goes there anyways. It's nothing personal, just a trick of the eye.

My other point is this: obviously not everybody with tattoos has the same personality. Like any demographic, you're going to find variety among fans of tattoos. But this thread would have you believe otherwise. And I think such a basic, gross generalization show a massive lack of imagination, honesty, and social intelligence.

>> No.14520769

cute. seethe harder

>> No.14520776

parity between the idealized image you carry of yourself and how you currently look. If it makes you feel good, then wear it, right?

If you only wear things for other's approval, you'd have to change your outfit for every situation you're in. If you wear things to get (presumably positive) attention, then when you go into a different scenario, those same things could get you a lot of negative attention.

ultimately, you have to dress in a way that leaves you feeling right with yourself, so that you can let that all go and relax into letting the best of you shine out.

>> No.14520782

blandness is lack of stimulaton. Underwhelming. Under doing sensory input. modern westerners are so hung up on individualism and uniqueness that we can't tell the difference between common and bland.

Do tribal people who ornament themselves, who are both unique and yet clearly marked in the same way as each other feel bland? I doubt it.

Oatmeal is bland. Pizza is not bland. Both are common, neither are unique.

>> No.14520799

>live in toronto for film vfx job
>everyone's skin looks like a high school desk

what plebs

>> No.14520811
File: 55 KB, 1024x1024, IN-06__32092.1553184634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering getting this on my chest

I'm not military but 3/4 of my grandparents served in WW2

>> No.14520823

sad they didn't get merked before passing the seed

>> No.14521665

Narrow definition, but a fair distinction to make

>> No.14521862

Nice cope nu male skelly

>> No.14521961

definitions should be narrow enough to be specific. Mastery of language is mastery of the mind. Distinctions are important. Generalization is a cognitive bias we have to avoid spending extra calories thinking. Whenever possible it's better to be specific and clear in thought and speech

>> No.14522260

Anon consider more deeply WHY it makes you feel good

>> No.14522290


>those weak replies

>> No.14522298

>55% of millennials in 2015 have at least one tattoo, and women have slightly more than men.

it's that much already? that's way too many people. 20% should be the norm or better yet 0% because tattoos should be outlawed just like degenerate drugs and other degenerate items.

>> No.14522333


And how did tattoos trigger you today?

>> No.14522338

Self expression, nice paragraph explaining how triggered you are

>> No.14522343

This guy gets laid and you dont
you failed

>> No.14522349

I have a beard, covered in trad tattoos and 60% of my wardrobe is adidas, I fuck arthoes all the time and get a boner while reading hate from underage faggots on /fa/
Life is good niggers

>> No.14522363


>> No.14522385

nice coping mechanism you have there, loser

>> No.14522408

nice projection, retard

>> No.14522414

>arguing with holes.png

>> No.14522450

Women covered in tattoos. Aka at least one arm or leg mostly covered are fuck toys.

Don't treat them like human and your life would be better.

Hit em up to fuck if they're not into it ghost and work on the next bitch

>> No.14522462

he has/works for a house-building company

>> No.14522594

dudes at gay clubs don't have tats whatsoever

>> No.14522895

>Anon consider more deeply WHY it makes you feel good

again, your implication that we all share the same motivations is incorrect. I have explored it deeply. And as I said
>parity between the idealized image you carry of yourself and how you currently look
which is actually a very deep psychological mechanism. Deep enough for guys to cut their dicks of and get breast implants, so...

>> No.14523141

this is some mean shit anon.

>> No.14523145

This is a cope post.

Nice try stereotypical unsuccessful millennial.

>> No.14523153

I'm sorry I don't think highly of you. I'm not angry just mildly disgusted

>> No.14523230

>get prints of art

>> No.14523823
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, Kawaii-Soy-Milk-@clareclarity-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your tattoo bro

>> No.14523835

>this is what tattoofags defend
Kek, I honestly think that everyone regrets their tattoos, but they already spent money on them, so they just pretend to like that shit on their body.

>> No.14523982

I am not projecting anything, nigger

>> No.14524383

We have to go DEEPER anon

>> No.14524589

lmaoing at ur life gramps

>> No.14524616

God what a cunt.

>> No.14524653

literal wall of autism

>> No.14524963
File: 2.99 MB, 378x286, 1447502869964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teenagers on /fa/ so desperate to 'different from the masses' they're arguing that not having something is now cool counterculture

I'll just continue to enjoy my tattoos.

>> No.14525032

Millenials are a lost generation. Whatever they do, I do the opposite.

>> No.14526124
File: 91 KB, 612x612, 1558643024662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women look better than ever on average.

Everything you listed is undesirable and thankfully my wife does not fit any of them.

Also you forgot to list
>Land whales are the norm

>> No.14526128
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally chilling

>> No.14526135

Well damn, good for him then

>> No.14526150

>dude ban everything I don’t like I literally cannot sucking government cock because of my authoritarian power fetish
t. hates tattoos but not a /pol/tard

>> No.14526171

Isn't the whole point of giving a shit about fashion is caring how others think of and perceive you.

>> No.14526451

anon ignore any post that starts with

>> No.14526457

>Society doesn't exist

Kill yourself.

>> No.14526502

Pop culture stuff is worse, redneck tattoos are more true to form.

>> No.14527047

Ew an incel

>> No.14527050

They’ve been popular in mainstream for decades
The only things that change in popularity is the styles

>> No.14527052

You shouldn’t listen to everything Nick Fuentes says

>> No.14527058

Citation needed
And a YouTube compilation of some crazy college Americans dosent count.

>> No.14527064

As opposed to all those non tattooed girls who never get tattoos or sleep around?

>> No.14527066

How many people did the survey cover?
And almost everyone is insecure about something

>> No.14527069

“I was rude about some random shit in public and I think I’m not the autistic”

>> No.14527074

Maybe she puts it there because she dosent want to attract someone who doesn’t like tattoos and lead to awkward first date.
Same reason people put their religion there I guess.
Also being heavily tattooed is it’s own aesthetic in itself which some people might like.
I have none so I have no idea

>> No.14527077

You do know people sometimes ask to hear other people opinion about things?

>> No.14527659

Based and wholesome.

>> No.14527907

>make retarded post
>everyone else in thread gangs up to call you a fag
>mass reply to all of them
>"Haha look at all these people I TROLLED"

Just admit that there's no cure for the amount if autism you have.

>> No.14527910

You sound like a very unattractive person anon.

>> No.14527918

>T. tattoocel
Imagine getting tattoos to complete a look and style that you will inevitably grow out of aafter a few years but be left with hideous drawings on your body.

>> No.14527966


>> No.14528041

Maybe to weak söyboys like you

>> No.14528057

>As opposed to all those non tattooed girls who never get tattoos or sleep around?

Are you slow? Mostly, the only reply to this would be to repeat myself.
You can practice discernment and judge people and have much greater odds of a happy life than if you were a retard that pretends red flags don't exist.
You probably want to be a white knight but I am whiter than thou in that I am saying that, through discernment, you can avoid bad women and be with the good ones that do exist.

>> No.14528583

everyone has issues you dummy

>> No.14528664

The replies in this thread make me realize just how detached /fa/ is from reality... You guys bitch about everything under the sun and when one person voices an opinion different than you're, you just can't take it. Edgy contrived tweens desperate for some kind of individualism

>> No.14528666

Girls with tattoos are generally whores. Every girl I’ve banged with one gave it up on the first date.

>> No.14528692


>> No.14528694

it's almost as bad as your face

>> No.14528698

Too true. of all the boards I visit, /fa/ is probably the one most out of touch with reality. Here or /mu/. Maximal tryhard

>> No.14529910

It's an absolute waste of money