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File: 2.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3261[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14510791 No.14510791 [Reply] [Original]

6ft 5and a half inch 89 kilos grams 7 inch by 6 inch weenie
highly autistic tho

>> No.14510795
File: 28 KB, 403x537, 1419866852202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you kinda got a zach hill vibe

>> No.14510798

whose that? dont tell me a school shooter

>> No.14510854

He's not telling you. Now you know why.

>> No.14510861


>> No.14510882

A musician that is now memed cos he filled the roll of drummer in Death Grips.

PS. I would date you so long as you had an interesting and non-asshole personality, but i'm just a femboy.

>> No.14510889

Look into Death Grips, pretty cool band, Zach is the drummer, start with their EP Exmilitary, back on topic, yes, just fix your hair

>> No.14510892

you look like shit.
hit the weights, cut your hair, wear a proper manly beard or shave it all, shower, smell good- I can continue for quite a while.

>> No.14510893

he has solo projects too but his main focus rn is deathGrips

>> No.14510918
File: 5 KB, 164x250, 1564192030592s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

femboys are cool haha my personality is abit shit tho desu

>> No.14510920

i dont know what kinda cutt would suit me? i normally buzz cutt once per year before summer and let it grow out during winter
i do lift weights ;c

>> No.14510922

Here's a tip: get a decent haircut, even if it costs a little more. Girls don't overly notice hair when it's good (unless it's reeeeally good) but they sure as shit notice when it's bad. So just don't have a bad haircut

>> No.14510929

U literally look like apiece of garbage. God bless

>> No.14510949

haha jesus thats harsh u dickhead

>> No.14510955

So do I just go to the barber and say "give me a good haircut"?

>> No.14511020

okay, don't be too hard on yourself then. Keep lifting and push yourself harder every time you do.
long hair is a good thing in few specific cases, which yours isn't. Cut it short, check out your face shape (or google face shapes and see which one is similar to yours) and see what haircut would suit you.
You want your head to be "tall" rather than "plump", if you catch my drift.
Asking these sorts of questions is the first way to stop sucking and start looking good. So at the very least, you're in the correct path. Just gotta keep on going.
t. legit 9/10 who started as an uglo in high school

>> No.14511032

I like the face shape senpai.
Hit the gym eat more protein, drink plenty of water love you

>> No.14511046
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit dude you look just like the guy from Oldboy but white

>> No.14511055

the autism is your biggest hurdle, there are ways to overcome it. Study reasonably socially succesful people who are introverts and have girlfriends. Their behaivors and personalities should be close enough to your own that you can succesfully make the transition. Don't try to copy extrovert ultra-chads who have dozens of thots begging for their dicks, that gap is too big for you to overcome without fucking it up due to your autism.

Wear clean, well-fitting normie clothes. Don't chase the latest street fashion trends, you will just fuck it up.

go to a hair stylist who actually wants you to look good when you leave their chair, not a 5 dollar barber who just buzzes your hair down as quickly as possible and kicks you out

>> No.14511104

holy fuck that is not a good look

>> No.14511159

okay thanks
love you to
yeah autisim is hard

>> No.14511191

>6ft fucking 5
>Big dick
>Decent beard and face as well
>Good hair to work with
Literally just work out, go to a barber and tell him to get a "nice, modern haircut" literally anything will fit you.
Then get tinder (and be fucking sure to mention your height as the first thing in your bio, preferably in a funny why so the girls will think "OMG he's cute AND funny") and swipe right everything you wanna fuck. I will guarantee that you'll be swimming in pussy soon afterwards

>> No.14511199

i do workout haha lost 28 kilo grams in 7 months but yeah i need a new haircutt i know but some bad things happend to me when i was little and i cant have people be behind me touching me are there youtube vids i can learn to do it myself?

>> No.14511203

Have you been abused? That sucks man I'm sorry bro
It you can't trust a barber i probably won't be able to convince you to try overcome your fear, but maybe ask your mom to cut your hair for you, if you trust her more?

>> No.14511205

I don't know how you aren't already drowning in pussy

>really tall
>strong face
>fully head of hair
>not fat

just make a tinder

>> No.14511211

no hair cutts i just buzz it myself once ayear since i was a kid

>> No.14511213


>> No.14511215

>highly autistic tho
yeh no shit

>> No.14511241

thinking about getting some snoop dog hair cutt

>> No.14511258

maybe if you turn 90 degrees

>> No.14511277


>> No.14511278


Buzzcut or high and tight haircut (curtain side part hair), earrings and denim jacket + jeans + boots

go to concerts or bars that have "art hoes" and pick up girls there

>> No.14511282
File: 91 KB, 575x800, chadpitt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone like Brad Pitt would drown in pussy.

OP looks like your average 30 year old boomer in the suburbs.

>> No.14511283
File: 60 KB, 1300x651, hannibal-season-3-a-feast-of-news-on-the-series-return-will-graham-hunts-the-tooth-fair-332753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look a lot like this guy,you should have no problems getting some

>> No.14511285

Wtf are you talking about? This guy fucked his hot daughter that got separated with him when she was young. Hes based as fuck

>> No.14511286


OP doesn't have that strong of a jawline tho

>> No.14511287

wtf im only 26

>> No.14511290


That's just a movie.

>> No.14511292

fix your hair and you're good to go. If you want you can start working out too.

>> No.14511296

would that improve my looks?

>> No.14511300
File: 125 KB, 443x382, Chadd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes. A haircut can change a man's overall looks.

dis dude on fit went from some soiboy lgbt supporting hipster to SEX

>> No.14511301

very true

>> No.14511308

OP looks good and has the height to back it up. He'll drown in so much pussy.

>> No.14511311


Needs to improve on hair and maybe his clothes

Yes, he's a tall dude but he says he's autistic too lol. Guy needs to gain confidence and talk to people to get rid of the autism

>> No.14511317

im very anti social and people often dont like me at first i think they think im rude and im very quick to trigger i got into a fight last weekend when i went out with my friend first time in like 4 months i punched his head alot and kicked him in the face a few times when he was trying to get up i was so mad i wanted to break him and all i did was smile at him i was drink and thought i was being polite

>> No.14511320

not my friend* i didnt word that right i didnt fist fight my friend it was stranger at a train station and he through the first punches

>> No.14511339
File: 1.11 MB, 3088x2316, IMG_3349[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buzz itt?

>> No.14511347

looked better before

>> No.14511360
File: 1.08 MB, 3088x2316, IMG_3354[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511364

hot? nah
you might get a fat midget roastie with that face. chad only for average girls

>> No.14511375

that makes me wonna kill myself id rather fuck a hot trannie than an ugly girl

>> No.14511599

Looks good. Lose weight and work out and your golden

>> No.14511612

Can't believe nobody mentioned the double bags under the eyes. Really adds to the slightly crazy look in the eyes. Get some sleep. Every night.

>> No.14511615

i've seen nu-goths with dudes like you, some even worse
you'll be fine

>> No.14511622


>> No.14511826

Yes and no, you will be able to get a hot girlfriend but she will be a trnny

>> No.14512413

learn how to rotate your images before even thinking about that buddy

>> No.14512425
File: 81 KB, 720x709, 1563685895997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like Robert Downey Jr when he was a fat druggie. You got potential.

Looks are no problem, it's the autism. Chicks will flock to you but as soon as you open your mouth they will dissipate like fart.

>> No.14512432


>> No.14512435

if chad gets average girls then who gets the hot girls?

>> No.14512478


>> No.14512550

Can you stop making these threads? It's pathetic.