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14495828 No.14495828 [Reply] [Original]

Does Finasteride fuck up your dick? I’m hearing some bad things about it.

>> No.14495882

People say that it create problems in only 10% of the men that decide to take it but judging by the shit I’ve heard on the internet I’d say that percentage has to be at least double that. I’d love to keep my hair but fin just sounds to risky.

>> No.14496315

Yes, just work hard and become a capitalist business man and save money for a hair transplant.

>> No.14496322

idk kinda

>> No.14496332

>go bald and women never want to fuck you again
>use fin and you'll never be able to fuck again
a horrible curse

>> No.14496387

Very low chance, and if it does happen to you it'll go away after stopping. Very very few individuals suffer from persistent fucked up dick after discontinuing medication

>> No.14496395


I understand what you are concerned about. I've felt the same apprehension like no fucking way. But I found this guy that explains how the fear of erectile issues is bullshit. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ysGYRSYF6A

>> No.14496445

took it for 2 months
>libido died
>penis didn’t want to stay hard
>no morning wood
Stopped taking it
>morning wood returned after a month
>erections back to probably 90%
>still lose them quicker than before
Ya it’s not worth it unless you’re hideous already and being bald would be GG

>> No.14496491

Ive been on fina for a few months, libido and dick are exactly the same. hair stopped falling out

>> No.14496500


Post a scan of your prescription so I can make a fake

>> No.14496502

I've literally been on it since I was 21 (29) and if anything I'm too horny. It might but for me it hasn't.

>> No.14496506

>go to bulk billed doctor
>say i need fina
>can you make it 5mg cause its cheaper and im a jew
and thats the story of how i pay $30 for 3 months of hair

>> No.14496514


do you live in a box on mainstreet?

>> No.14496533

where did i say its expensive?

>> No.14496548

I took antidepressants that made me borderline asexual for a couple months and if i wasnt in a relationship id honestly have really liked it. Sexual urges suck booty

>> No.14496553
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>> No.14496577
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>> No.14496583

been ~0.5mg a day for 4ish months, the first 2 months my libido sank pretty bad, after that it's been on the rise and as of right now i'd say it's pretty much what i was before starting, I decided to wait it out because i've heard people stop getting sides after taking it for a while and i guess it worked out. i have pretty good regrowth on my hairline too so that's cool, it's slow though but it's deff regrowth, good luck

>> No.14496606

ive only ever seen his reccomended by youtubers. when did you strt seeing the regrowth?

>> No.14496618

as quick as a month i started seeing little light colored hairs popping up

>> No.14496663


>> No.14496673

Sexual urges are good things

>> No.14496684

nice, ive seen a few little ones 2 months in, hoping for full regrowth

>> No.14496744

I won't take it because I'm already fucked up enough. Already have depression and had hormone problems. With my luck fin would 100% fuck me up bad. It seems like it's worth a try for people who got their health and life under control. If you go to r/tressless you will see a huge amount of anxiety, people constantly worrying about their dick and libido and whatnot. Rather lose my hair than my dick.

>> No.14496797

fin doesnt screw with you mentally

>> No.14496815

Figure out why you care about your hair so much, don't try to hold on to it desperately. Bad shit happens to everyone who tries to defy nature without knowing what they're doing. In this case it'll create a domino effect of problems starting with breaking your dick and ending in mental issues.
If I ever go bald, I won't do anything about it.

>> No.14496824

Based. Fuck medicine

>> No.14496876

I've been on fin for three years. 3 years ago my hair was shit, now women compliment it all the time. No side effects. And the best thing: I don't think about my hair anymore, I just take 1 pill per day and it looks great.

>> No.14496882

I got lightheadedness/dizziness from 1 mg

>> No.14496884

Taking a (((pill))) that mentally ill trannies and old farts with big prostates take.


>> No.14496897

>take fin
>one month later dick can’t get hard no matter what I fucking do
>feel hungover 24/7
>ball pain
>very little libido
>hair stops falling out lmao
>shit goes back to normal in like 2 weeks
>hair starts falling out

Now I pay $210/month for RU58841 and get no side effects but I’m still balding just slower

>> No.14496900

t. armchair doctor

hrt rarely if ever utilises finasteride

>> No.14496902

this. I have all my hair but if I ever start balding I would rather let it go than be a medicine taking cuck

>> No.14496903

>drug thats not approved by the fda or legally available

>> No.14496914

I've been using it for like almost 3 years and didn't have any problems.

>> No.14496966

sirs why aren't using the morr-f? good topical application for finas for scalp and regrowth can buy on ebay very good no side effects good smell goodbye hair loss!!!

I recomend for you to trying it stop my hair

Please e look at video
Gold results

>> No.14496970

the people who end up getting it are just super vocal about it, the one's who retain their hair never come back to post it

>> No.14496979


some people probably just accept mild sides (slight brain fog, no morning wood) because they know they'll keep their hair

>> No.14496985

>Literally taking a drug that hinders male hormone dht production

>> No.14496990
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>Disgusting nasal pajeet voice
Jesus help me

>> No.14497026
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Was thinking this over recently and did a little of my own research - I was told if you use the shampoo and don't take the pills you're less likely to have dick problems. I also heard something about zinc supplements helping to offset the effects.
I hear its difficult to get fin shampoo in the US but has anyone got any experience with either?

>> No.14497065

I’m 44 and taken it for @20yrs and don’t think it caused any sexual problems for me. Got a full head of hair unlike most other people my age.

>> No.14497068

It's a very small percentage of people who get those issues. I've been on it for about a year with 0 side effects, shedding stopped. Take 0.5 if you are worried, if you are thinning but don't have bald spots yet it's enough.

>> No.14497073

Interested to hear from someone who's been using it for a long while, tell me, is it true it works perfect on the crown but you still get a widows peak? It wouldn't bother me to have one, jus curious.

>> No.14497128

With that amount of spending and a year of saving you could get a fancy transplant.

>> No.14497143

ive been on finasteride and minoxidil for ~6 months to give it a shot and see what happens. i have not noticed any side effects. for whatever thats worth.

>> No.14497149

what shampoo?

>> No.14497154
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My balls ached for the first 2 weeks then nothing. I got some weak boners at one point in the 4 years i've been on it, but after I lost some weight I realized they were just that way because I was seriously fucking fat.

Give it a try though you literally have nothing to lose, propeciahelp "permenant side effects" niggers are mentally ill.

>> No.14497168

>My balls ached for the first 2 weeks then nothing.
the leydig cells in your balls literally died, you will never recover pre-fin androgen sensitivity and production

>> No.14497175

>leydig cells
Any studies that directly correlate fin usage to them "dying" or are you another one of these angry baldlets who think fin made them into a golem?

>> No.14497179

inhibiting dht conversion increases circulating test which signals your testicles to downregulate production

it's like roiding but you don't get DHT and you're not doing anything to block excess estrogen

>> No.14497270

yes congratulations thats what it does, reading comprehension 10

>> No.14497312

Been on the big three for over a year.
Almost no side effects, only periodical itching from the minox.
Have had some minor swings in libido but that could be due to stress, diet etc.
Dick works just fine.

>> No.14497326

>having to take medicine for the rest of your life

just shave it off

>> No.14497389

this, meds and all other methods are shit that will fuck you up, a hair trnasplant is by far the safest bet you have and even then you will still expirience some side effects, I'm beginning to save up for a HT because being a hairlet at 21 is depressing me a lot.

>> No.14497407

hair transplants need meds or it just falls out again

>> No.14497415

Former fin user here, I would strongly recommend you do not take it under any circumstances. I have Post Finasteride Syndrome from it which is basically a collection of sides you develop from fin that do not cease after quitting. I have been off fin for 5 years now yet have the same sides I had whilst on the drug. Research into PFS is slow and has low funding but so far they've demonstrated epigenetic damage, neurosteroid deficiencies and endocrine disruption - no cure, no treatment available.

Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.

>> No.14497429

Really? From what I'm seeing you still need to go in for checkups and stuff like that but the word is the hair won't fall out if it's taken from the back and is kept healthy
>Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.
Any more info on this?

>> No.14497439

source is his optimistic arse. yeah we COULD have the tech soon but theres so many regulations and zealots in place that it will take way longer. its like how alzheimers meds can regrow teeth, shits gonna take forever to be approved if that because a whole industry will be fucked by it (thats a good thingL

>> No.14497442

Replicel are one the bigs boys who will be first to market, but after that it should be common place no matter where you are.

>> No.14497447

damn, why was I cursed with my mothers shit hair genetics, my father is 50 and still has most of his hair and I'm out here looking like a chemo patient…. I might as well just try a transplant then, I don't care if it falls out in some years, I just don't want to spens all of my twenties feeling like shit because of it

>> No.14497547

you could just cope

>> No.14497552

Saw palmetto over a long period of time inhibits DHT on a level similar to finasteride, you just have to take it twice a day for several months.

>> No.14497564

yeah that's what I've been doing, still sucks

>> No.14497587
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Total baldness at age 20 is awful, but a receding hairline on a man in his 30s or older is sexy.
I would rather have your hard cock than a few extra hairs on your head.

>> No.14497606

iktf bro, allg

>> No.14497637

I have amazing hair and unfortunately for me it's related to my confidence. But I recently noticed my hairline is thinning (age 22). I already have a 5 head so it sucks. Gonna look like megamind when I go full bald mode

>> No.14497654

>Stem cell based hair transplants will be on the market in under 5 years and common place in 5-10, this is the solution just wait it out.

Sorry bro I don’t $20,000 saved up somewhere in my house to make myself one of those

>> No.14497679

Not for all, but for some. Those who get the side effects have to face the ugly reality that its irreversible.
Its like putting a revolver to your head and hoping your chamber is empty.

Took it for 2 Years, did help, no side effect. But i still stopped, because i heard of this problem.

>> No.14497717

>that its irreversible.
I doubt they're completely irreversible, you might not fully go back to pre-fin stage, but you will definitely be able to alleviate sides after discontinuation with time.

>> No.14497740
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why does nature have to play this cruel joke on men, why?!? Why was so fucking handsome when I had hair and now I'm just some fucking bald guy with a weird head shape, get me off this fucking ride!

>> No.14498000

Works for me. And my dick still works fine. Try it for a few months, see if you notice any adverse reactions. Then make the decision. Also try Minoxidil if Fin is too scary for ya. It's at Walmart n other bigger stores for about $30 for 3 months worth.

>> No.14498012

I've been on it for about 6months or so, my dick works just find anon. I think it really depends on how high T the person who's taking is, if you're like giga chad T levels then i'd assume you'll have a higher chance of impotence.

>> No.14498742

It really depends on how aggressive your hair loss is, some guys get to norwood 2 and pretty much completely stop balding from there so they'll only need 1 hair transplant. Other guys will continue to recede further and even with topical treatments may need one or two more hair transplants. If you're smart and get a good doctor who does the transplant at your natural hairline you should have enough donor supply left regardless to not have to worry about it. All that being said we will probably have more or less something close to a cure within the next 15-20 years and in between then and now there will probably emerge even more effective topical treatments, dht blockers with less side effects etc. that emerge on the market so the future has still never been brighter for guys wanting to combat hair loss.

>> No.14498747

I've taken it 9 months without issues with costco rogain and 90% of my hair came back.

>> No.14498750

wouldn't call a receding hairline sexy though there is something to be said about mature hairlines like Brad Pitt, George Clooney. A receding hairline in your 30s is definitely more acceptable in terms of attracting the opposite sex, if you're 35 and you have a receding hairline you're not going to find many complaints from women your age since it's pretty much expected but if you're into younger women you're pretty screwed.

>> No.14498811
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A reciding hairline actually looks very good and elegant I know pic related is Jude and he he’d look good no matter what but lots of dudes around me can rock the “I’m balding but hair is still not tinning” look just fine

>> No.14498864

Fuck off. I hope there's never a legit hair loss cure. Not until manletism gets a cure.

>> No.14499067
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Finasteride will turn you into a tranny.


>> No.14499102

The real risk that a lot of people don't seem aware of is there's a risk of getting gyno and it could end up being permanent even if you stop taking it
Sexual side effects can happen but they usually go away if you just stop taking it this is what you should really be worried about


>> No.14499107

Brain fog is the one that I can't abide. I get enough hard wood as it is. I think I'd be more productive, if anything, it wasn't hard all the time.

But I work in an extreme attention to detail, fast paced job. I don't have time for confusion or distraction. I got on nicotine for the focus effects. I'm not shedding an edge just to keep stupid hair.

>> No.14499109

Then you can't afford a decent transplant either.

>> No.14500098

Not OP, but that video was helpful since I started using Finasteride four months ago. Thanks anon

>> No.14500255
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This thread AGAIN?
An even better question, does being a brainlet make you bald? less blood flow and all that...
Seriously tho it can have side effects to a small amount of people one that becomes negligible if you take 0.5 which will still help if you just have some thinning.

>> No.14500256

Interesting, just reading on it now, seems a bit controversial tho.
Do you have any further info on that I read contradicting stuff.