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>> No.14491956





>> No.14491958
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>> No.14492107

I dont fucking understand how you kids constantly gush about leather/civet/vetiver/oud/pineapple frags, they smell terrible. Eau Sauvage gave me a headache after simply testing it. How many animalistic frags do you need? Diversify, there are so many great notes out there that arent overrused.

>> No.14492110
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>Bleu de Chanel

>> No.14492152

Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.14492225

Kindly suck my ass.

>> No.14492281

Done right, I adore it. Tuscan Leather is the greatest smell on earth to me. ADP Leather is just too harsh and I don’t know why you’d want to smell like a car seat.

I haven’t tried anything except Kouros and that has so much else going on I don’t mind it, but I can imagine on it’s own it’s one of the more acquired tastes

Despite Grey Vetiver being one of my favourites, I don’t like Vetiver. It’s so harsh.

I only know Oud in things like Tobacco Oud and Oud Wood so I’m not too familiar with it in its own right, but I love them both. Oud Wood got me started.

I only know Aventus and I love that, but I can see how it might be too sweet for some. It just has enough to offset it.

>> No.14492284

well, this place seems fun
what else do you talk about?

>> No.14492288

Usually we just talk about fucking faggoty tripfags are, maybe we get around to talking about what your moms vag tastes like.

>> No.14492291

well, guess this is my new home.

>it tastes like pepsi cola.

>> No.14492293

very based my friend

>> No.14492294

I only have one of these . . .

>> No.14492335

Yeah, you can call me daddy, or Chaddy, whichever.

>> No.14492389
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For me?

It's Cool Water.

>> No.14492475

so does eros really get you sex? is it alpha?

>> No.14492486

My paycheck this week was a lot more than I was expecting.
Should I splash out on a bottle of AHS (Eau Extreme is too minty and woodsy for me to wear really, I'd prefer a lighter frag I can wear in the heat)
Or should I cop samples of TV, Interlude, OW and CDG Kyoto??

>> No.14492504

I’d opt for the samples. I seem to be the minority that prefers VPH over AHS anyway.

>> No.14492533
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This is probably the snicest frag I tried but I just can't think of an occasion to wear it.

>> No.14492586

When you want to remind people of the fireplace of course

>> No.14492603

If I like the tobacco/lavender combo in Spicebomb Fresh, what about getting a bottle of Dreamer dirt cheap as my casual winter frag instead of Individuel/Bentley Intense?

>> No.14492627

Hoe long does it smell like a fireplace though? I remember it being overly sweet after a while
Also give me your favourite summer scent /frag/ mine is Eau de Citron Noir

>> No.14492650


>> No.14492690

Not him, but for me it smells beautifully smoky for an hour or so and then just becomes marshmallow sweetness.

>> No.14492755
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what do you think of this stuff

>> No.14492758

faggot, go be poor somewhere else

>> No.14492779

Yeah that was my experience as well. Any reccs for frags that have that smokey smell the entire time?

>> No.14492803

>Eau Sauvage
>any of these ingredients
U wat nigga

>> No.14492812
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me in a nutshell

>> No.14492813

1-2 hours

>> No.14492822
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I see pic related in a lot of collection shots that match my taste but I’ve never really seen anybody talk about it specifically. What’s it like?

>> No.14492884



>> No.14492888

Performance? How long does it last?

>> No.14492898

It's been mentioned a few times in the last couple of threads as being a good frag to use in high heat. Never tried it tho.

>> No.14492903

Light, minty, ginger, lavender, citrus, some dry wood. Pretty airy scent, does smell a tad on the synthetic side, but that’s fine, especially given how cheap it is. Just a very pleasant casual summer scent with pretty good performance.

Honestly worth picking up and is a pretty safe blind buy. Not everyone will absolutely love it, but no one will hate it.

>> No.14492947


Yup. Dreamer's really great

>> No.14492952

Take the cool water pill anons

>> No.14493027

But don't last long...

>> No.14493085

Smells good, but also exactly like skin bracer. You can just get skin bracer because its $7

>> No.14493093

When you want sex

>> No.14493136

Most of us have already. You guys have to take the Sung Homme pill now. When people say urinal cakes smell like Kouros they really mean they smell like Sung Homme. It has that obnoxious Kouros urinal cake soapiness layered with Irish Spring, and a caraway note that adds a poppers or novacaine feel to the whole thing. Fucking godly brahs

>> No.14493141

Le labo is really the best shit around imo
none of that toxic saccharine smell like bigger houses scents

>> No.14493170

Le labo is good if you’re an sjw betamale who works in “diversity in tech”

>> No.14493206

Le Labo is honestly overpriced hipster shit.

>> No.14493207

Le Labo is swill garbage juice that appeals to people because they get suckered into the experience of having their own fragrance "made" in front of them.

>> No.14493290

>Eau Sauvage
I universally hate all of Margielas. However, you've got a point. I have many fragrances that I feel that way - great but not many occasions to wear it. That's why I sold my Byredo Pulp, Serge Lutens Daim Blonde, Jo Malones and am on fence with selling my beloved CdG 2 bottle.
I'm a big fan of it. That was one of my 3 choices (along with Bright Neroli and New York Intense) for my trip to US where it was over 80 degrees every single day. Tomorrow I'm going to NY at it is supposed to be 100 degrees there and I regret that I didn't take more than 5ml of Carven with me and have only Bright Neroli left. L'Eau Intense does wonders in high heat. You feel like you went straight out of a cold shower with it on your skin. I can get mint, lavender and citruses out of it. Then it morphs to a refreshing mint-cucumber mix for some reason reminding me Hendricks gin. Lasts for 4h+ in high heat on my skin which is one hella achievement given how moist my skin gets in heat. I'm typically against blind buys but with this one I can second the other anon - it's quite safe blind buy.
Yea, maybe if you are a (((creative))) job yuppie from NYC who also buys Kinfolk for his coffee table made of bricks and a piece of glass in an overpriced apartment paid by Bank of Dad. For Le Labo pricetag you can get so many better things.

>> No.14493325

Has anybody tried menditorossa ITHAKA ?

>> No.14493514

What frags would you and your gf wear during intimate moments?
I was thinking of her wearing Mon paris and me wearing Eau Sauvage Parfum or perhaps ADG Profumo if it's really warm.
Dunno if the movement and tension from lewd things would make the frags stronger?

>> No.14493520

Now just where the fuck do you think you are, son?

>> No.14493529

Kouros for both

>> No.14493530

Considering I'll probably be kept tied up and given a handjob for hours until i can't take it, that could work...

>> No.14493537

Secretions Magnifique for both

>> No.14493570

My actual girlfriend loves almost everything on me and we have sex every day we are together so I don't think about choosing a perfume anymore. I remember what I was wearing for our first time. I put some effort in picking up the right fragrance for sidejobs though. Right picked scent can help make amazing memories and puts me in the right mood for the girl I want to fuck. It's really fun.

>> No.14493572



>> No.14493585

Literally anywhere.

>> No.14493610

Have you tried Google you fuckin dork

>> No.14493616
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Is the history true?

>> No.14493631

Last summer I went for for lunch (work pretty close to home). Gf was wfh...we ate a bit and then had sex. Mind you it was a got summer day and for whatever reason that day the AC was acting up. So it was pretty sweaty sex. After we finished I realized that I was going to be late for a meeting - so no time to shower. Quickly got dressed and sprayed on 3 sprays of Himalaya by Creed and ran out the door. That afternoon, the amount of compliments I received was crazy. One of our senior partners said something along the lines of "which Cologne is that you smell delicious" - which I found hilarious considering I just met her that day for the first time formally.

>> No.14493632

Kek Office For Men is in the "this perfume reminds me of" section of Secretions Magnifiques

>> No.14493642

So /frag/ is it better to have a small collection of bottles you enjoy and can use in most ocassions/outfits? Or should I branch out and get a bunch of different samples? I have enough samples as it is but another bottle or two in my collection once the samples run out would see me nicely...

>> No.14493648

I am back from my 3 day ban you fags. Previous thread was fucking embarrassing.

>> No.14493652
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>> No.14493704

50:50, also you should always first go through a sample or decant before going for a bottle. Otherwise you'll end up with an embarrassing collection of random stuff that you'll realize you hate over time like the other designer trash anon a couple threads back.

>> No.14493705

Depends on what kind of collection you want. I did the big scent library bit for a while but recently I decided to lock away all but my favorite 5 bottles for a few weeks. Turns out I really liked the structure and clarity of choice (not to mention shelf space) that having a small and focused collection gave. But some people enjoy being able to wear a different fragrance every day of the year.
But if you have the means, I’d say get a bunch of samples. Get a sample of every fragrance you have even an inkling of wanting to smell. For the price of one or two niche bottles you can get like 40 samples and really learn what you like. Then when they’re all out, get bottles of your favorite 5-10. That’s what I’d do if I could start over.

>> No.14493760
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Finally got to sample Parfums de Marly Layton and holy fuck if it wasn't a huge disappointment. It's a huge sweet synthetic mess. The tonka and vanilla are really skanky. People that call this unique are literally noselets. It's just one step above 1 Million. It kinda resembles and reminds me of CH 212 Sexy Men, but that is definitely smoother and actually has some depths. This really made me question how much the YT fragcomm shills know or have a taste for perfume.

>> No.14493766

>synthetic mess
Pleb opinion detected. Develop your nose and learn to critique scents like an adult before posting here.

>> No.14493775


Has the fragrance world ever recovered from this scene?

>> No.14493788

>all this Le Labo hate
getting mad over the marketing gimmick is the same as falling for it if you can't see they have some really great scents under their belt (imo The Noir 29, Iris 39, Ylang 49, Bergamote 22, Patchouli 24, Lys 41, Vetyver 46) and their mediocre stuff and failures are usually interesting at least. and the marketing isn't even that irritating considering all fragrance advertising is pretty cringe in general, and as for the pricing, at MSRP, is not close to what /frag/ favourites Creed and Amouage ask for a bottle, just to name a couple of brands. they are priced mid-level in niche terms

>> No.14493796

What is the irl Sex Panther?

>> No.14493797 [DELETED] 

Bond no. 9 are legitimately a better house than Le Labo no matter how hard you white knight your previous Estée Lauder sub brand.

>> No.14493802

>>14493788 #
Bond no. 9 are legitimately a better house than Le Labo no matter how hard you white knight your precious Estée Lauder sub brand.

>> No.14493812


>> No.14493817

>Bond no. 9 are legitimately a better house
half their lineup is glorified clones and all of it is harsh chemical garbage

>Estee Lauder sub-brand
first of all, iirc theyve only released 2 or 3 new scents since being bought out, so the rest of the lineup doesn't have that "taint" if that's how you see it. and they are far from the only niche brand to not be truly independent

>> No.14493828

>harsh chemical garbage
Mindless, meaningless meme criticism. You and synthetic mess poster both really need to develop a vocabulary and some critical analysis skills. Regardless, Bond are still vastly superior to Estée Lauder Special Reserve.

>> No.14493832

>n-no you can only use words i want you to because i have no real defense

>> No.14493837

You clearly have no real experience with the house and are reciting memes. I bet you've just started learning about fragrance within the past 9 months. Pathetic desu.

>> No.14493841

No one buys Amouage or Creed at MSRP, though, we buy them on discount sites, which Le Labo isn’t available on. So prices are comparable. Amouage and Creed also have some all-time classic scents, whereas everything I’ve tried from Le Labo, while nice and natural-smelling, was mediocre in my opinion. If Le Labo scents were about half the price, there are a few I’d probably buy, but as-is, you’re paying for a gimmick.

>> No.14493866


>> No.14493979

Le labo might have 2 scents that's are worth their price

>> No.14493999

Yes, all incels are basically volcels because Eros is a thing.

>> No.14494052
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Make way for the King, plebs.

>> No.14494173
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I think I might pick up a bottle of this tomorrow. I got a sample right after it came out and it is what I've thought about the most this year. Would be perfect for this time of year but not exclusively summer in my opinion.

>> No.14494225

How different is it from the original Mefisto, if you’ve tried that? I’m interested in it, but I have the original, so not sure if it’s worthwhile or not.

>> No.14494226
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>got my bottle of silver mountain water
>it smells even better than the test sample
>walking dog down the reservation, which is almost 2 miles long
>mires all down the road because a baseball tourney and pow wow happening
I don't care if they liked me or my dog today was insanely confidence boosting.

>> No.14494243
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Running low again, any suggestions for an alternative?

>> No.14494329


I've only smelled the original Mefisto on paper but it was next to Gentiuomo and I found them very very close on strips. The sales associate just said "more lemon" which honestly might be true. If they got rid of one or the other I don't think customers would take issue with buying the one that stays in production.

>> No.14494761

Is there a similar guide for deodorants?

>> No.14494872

they are all retarded hipsters that would prefer to smell like some hobo who hasn't showered for 2 weeks as long as it's "niche", fuck em

>> No.14494877
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based and coolwaterpilled

for me? it's also cool water


agreed. You will smell better than 98% of people wearing any fragrance and better than 99.99% of nichefags on this board

>> No.14494902

Godly frag. I had this years ago before I was in the "frag game". If only I knew how great it was - i would've savored it.

>> No.14494919

all day and into the next one if you spray in the evening

>> No.14495000
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Does anyone have any experience with Phaedon as a house? I've tried Tabac Rouge and loved it but it seems they have quite a lot of other frags too, just that Tabac Rouge seems to get all the attention.

>> No.14495063

Is Eau Sauvage Parfum too old man smelling?
Any frags similar to it I can try out?

>> No.14495115
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Blind bought this on a whim while visiting NYC.

Smells really good, everyone I talk to loves it.

Thanks GEOTUS.

>> No.14495241

It’s good shit. It smells more modern than Eau Sauvage. More thick and less of that barbershop smell. It’s a paradox to me because it somehow manages to be heavy, but with a lightness to it.

>> No.14495292

Alright, cool. I may sample it if I get the chance, but it seems like it’s probably not worth it until I finish my bottle (which I likely never will, given the size of my collection).

>> No.14495315

Anyone else got the problem of wanting to buy samples of more cold weather suited frags, but you have enough you can't justify it?
I just want to try Code Profumo, Noir Extreme, Layton and Dunhill Icon Elite when it gets cold but I have like a dozen samples of autumn/winter frags as it is.

>> No.14495327


Layton is alright but vastly overrated. Have a 5ml decant I have used like 3 times. It does what eros and ultra male could do for 2-3 times the price.


Hyrax is the most brutal animalic I have ever tried. By the way I am selling some zoologist samples and things on ebay if you guys want in. I have my lot of camel, moth, hyrax, and civet going. And a 10ml of bat going. Im sure you can find my ads if you plug it in and are interested. They arent bad but I'm just downsizing what ive got. I posted my feelings about them a thread or two ago so at least I am honest.

On another note. I got a bottle of creed MI for a great price and a bottle of nasomatto baraonda. Idk how to feel about MI, its a lot more marine than I was expecting and less fruity. Really good summer frag but its not a love from me. But I guess the thots like it so whatever. I hate summer frags but I needed something. Baraonda is BASED. Nearly jizzed my pants. Excited for the fall to use it

>> No.14495333

I now have approx. 30 fragrances and think I’m done. I’m always interested to try new ones, but 30 bottles is more than enough to give me variety without being excessive. Sometimes I wonder why I did it, but then I think there are people that spend thousands on cigarettes so I’m not doing that bad.

>> No.14495344

You never posted your review of Bat. What did you think about that one?

>> No.14495354
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Gotta try Sung Homme brehs. Not better than Cool Water but equally in that sort of vaporous late 80s soapy mode and a bit more obnoxious. Industrial strength too.

BTW guys I got rid of Blue Depths. It was giving me a headache. Real Cool Water is lighter but it allows the separate accords to breathe, and it's just better.

>> No.14495402


Baraonda is my favorite Nasomatto. Its hardly mentioned when people talk about it but I get a plum or wine note in the opening not unlike Dark Rum by Malin & Goetz just darker.

I have to try Hyrax now. Civet is my favorite I've tried from them and really one of my favorite perfumes that I don't own.

>> No.14495412

I have TR, amazing fragrance. So calming and beautiful. Kinda reminds me of tobacco vanille but with honey and benzoene instead of vanilla

>> No.14495464

Yeah Tabac Rouge is great, was just wondering if anyone had tried anything else from them.

>> No.14495528

is it me or does the drydown of Lynx Africa smell like Fierce?

>> No.14495602


Sorry bud didn’t mean to blow it off just got sidetracked.

Bat: it was very foreign and alien smelling. Never smelled anything like it. Very earthy. I’m talking ground, rocks, roots, water dripping from a cave. When people say it smells like a cave it really does. It sounds “comfy” on paper but it’s challenging once your nose is on it. It does have fruit but it’s so well blended it’s not clearly discernible fruit. It’s just a sweetness. Zoologist blending is very very good for better or for worse. So the notorious banana note wasn’t so notorious at all and to clearly pick out the banana amongst fig, tonka, “fruits”, and myrrh is to my nose impossible. In layman’s terms the fragrance is “damp musky cave rocks with a veil of sweet”.


I shill padon here every now and then, but baraonda is so good. It’s high 90’s in the southeast US here to its too hot to try outside my home. Blow away its exactly what I’ve been looking for smell wise.
If you liked civet then you could be ready for hyrax. Civet is baby animalic compared to it though. Civet was a friendly mostly inoffensive. It’s very good just not what I’m looking for... Hyrax does legitimately smell pissy and somewhat fecal. However it’s overtly sexual and to the point with it. In the hands of a chad it could be a serious weapon but you need confidence with it. This is not a timid or weak fragrance and will be noticed. You need to confidence to stand with it. I have a sample of kouros and this makes it look like an effiminate cuck. Sorry kouros posters

>> No.14495603
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>Christ anon! you smell like the 70's. its gross.

Fuck 'em. Olfactory plebs. I love my vintage equipage and rive gauche. I wear what I want.

>> No.14495634

I mostly agree with your assessment. I definitely do get the banana note, as well as some tropical fruit, maybe even coconut, though it’s not listed. 100% with you about the dank, earthy cave smell. Definitely not a “comfy” scent. I love it for what it is, but it’s certainly not easy to wear.

>> No.14495768


I get a “fruityness” but the banana isn’t clear at all to me. Could be a batch issue though, it is a very small house. I also didn’t pick up the raspberry in dodo. I think my skin could absorb some fruity notes and that’s why it’s so muddled to me

>> No.14495780

Could very well be. Also, my bottle of Bat is a couple years old, so it’s had more time to macerate.

>> No.14495863

Lol at cucks paying to smell like a forgotten bathroom in a rural Oklahoma truck stop. Buy cool water and eros.

>> No.14495874

Kek. Jokes on you pal, I bet I smelled and sampled hundreds of designers, niche and indie perfumes and trust me it's pure garbage. Opening is vomit tier. Performance is lack luster as well.

>> No.14495881

unironically this, but those faggots won't listen, they think they know better, then they end up repelling everyone on the street within the radius of half a mile

>> No.14495886


>> No.14495897

The closest I get to niche is a couple of Creed and a few TFPB. I suppose Tuscan Leather and Tobacco Oud are as daring as I go.

I completely respect the craftsmanship behind the Zoologist fragrances, but I do often wonder about the practical applications of them. I see fragrances as art so I don’t care what people pay for them or how they enjoy them because I’m sure some people don’t understand why I pay high prices for whisky. It’s about appreciation.

>> No.14495903

Stop replying to obvious bait, retards.

>> No.14495910

yes everyone has his own taste but there are limits to everything, if you want to spend a shitload of money just to smell like some earthy piss or some other cow poop because you think it's "challenging" then there is clearly something wrong, it's like a porn addict constantly going for more and more obscure and fucked up things for total degenrates

if something smells like wet soil/piss/feces/ that's not "challenging", that's simply called "smelling like shit" regardless of how expensive it is.

>bb-but muh niche
>m-muh trained sophisticated nose hurr durrr

>> No.14495932

whose baiting?

>> No.14495936

fragrances that use those types of notes don't typically smell *exactly* like those things, but combine with other notes to make something pleasant

>> No.14495937

What about Duro, Black afghano or hindu grass

>> No.14495941

What? Did you respond to the wrong user? Nothing about my post was angry at all lol

>> No.14495943


Brut aftershave and Azzaro Pour Homme makes best combo, senpai

>> No.14495947

Name one niche scent that literally smells like shit or piss.

>> No.14495951


>> No.14495956


and you prolly meant Muscs Koublai Khan rather than Musc Ravageur

>> No.14495959

dude, it doesn't even have to smell like STRAIGHT piss or shit, even a tiny hint of something like that makes the whole thing completely unpleasant for the normal person

some clueless normie on the street will smell 10x more pleasant with his $9 adidas than your $300 wierd ass niche bs, that doesn't smell like anything you would expect from a fragrance and will be neutral to other people at best or repell them like hell at worst (more likely outcome).
why would you want to wear something that smells like a fucking cave or soil or whatever the fuck, what kind of addict rabbit hole do you have to go into to end up like that

>> No.14495982

>wah! Stop liking what I don’t like!

>> No.14495983

Eros doesn’t seem to be powerful for me. Ferragamo uomo seems to be working for me

Idky Eros has good reviews it’s very weak

>> No.14496034

It’s a massive pleb filter. Just look at all the triggered poors ITT. Their bergamot is one of the best in the industry, and their take on vetiver is extremely complex and god tier.

>> No.14496043

Pretty sure you're the guy who cries everytime somebody posts kouros wolf memes.

>> No.14496064

vetiver 46 is literally a work-in-progress version of cdg 2 man

>> No.14496078

I’m Hookerfag, so I’m definitely not even remotely a poor. I have not been impressed by any Le Labo frags. I don’t feel they’re worth their prices. I do want to try the Amsterdam exclusive, maybe next trip, but other than that, none of their scents interest me.

>> No.14496079

Based and redpilled

>> No.14496091

>muh quality is a meme
:The post

>> No.14496095

a super realistic recreation of some object that smells like shit still smells like shit, doesn't matter how good the "quality is"
>synthetic bad

>> No.14496113

No one said anything about synthetics. Synthetics are fine. Almost all frags, niche and designer, are mostly synthetic.

>> No.14496144

I actually bought Cool Water the other day and it smells like shit. Even at $20 it wasn't worth it.

>> No.14496145
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I'm buying this blind. Am I retarded?

I own and love Givenchy Pour Homme and Armani Eau d'Aromes.

>> No.14496149

Cringe and yikespilled

>> No.14496229

33°C - 37°C fragances?
my city is hot af

>> No.14496232

t. fag

>> No.14496238

Molecule 01, 02, 04
Sample first, it smells nothing like you'd expect from the Fragrantica breakdown. It has a fruit mix opening with an white floral undertone. Dries down a little more masculine

>> No.14496255
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>> No.14496333

Tried blue Chanel and Dior sauvage

Both r pretty good

>> No.14496364

I would like to thank the based based catposter poster who has taken over in my stead. This general is in good hands.

>> No.14496396

You're welcome. I admittedly am usually some hours late, but managed to post in every thread since you left, I guess.

>> No.14496498

Eros isn’t actually weak. You should know this but fragrances you wear you can become anosmic to. Eros’ scent is very powerful and you become scent blind to it, other people though, you’re probably smothering them.

>> No.14496503
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My personal favorite

>> No.14496591

Eros is not even Parfum though, it's not pure, it's diluted. "Eau de Parfum"... Not Absolute. Eros is weak compared to CChanel blue, Dior Sauvage and also Ferragamo Uomo. It's jus tmy take. I still want Eros, it is fine. Just weak.

>> No.14496597

>certain parfums will be more powerful and last longer depending on your skin.

Is this a meme or not?

>> No.14496666


Bat poster who kicked this off here. This is a fragrance board and I’m talking about fragrance. Strange new and different ones. You can talk shit calling me an autist but I’ve contrubuted more to this communities knowledge and experience than you. This is about enthusiasts and appreciation. If you want a panty dropper just take your Eros and fuck off and don’t come back to this board. If you don’t want to talk fragrance why do you even come here and waste your time. Sauvage is good. Ok everyone know that. Your great question is solved. If you have nothing else to contribute or learn just leave. People bring new knowledge and you discourage them. You’re a cancer to people who have true enthusiasm for a hobby. You belong on Jeremy’s channel. Not here

>> No.14496668
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>blocks your path

>> No.14496737
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reccomend me a fragrance
i look/dress like pic related and the only thing i know about cologne is that i once smelled fahrenheit and liked it

>> No.14496748

nice blogpost faggot

>> No.14496870
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>wanting to smell like curry and incense

>> No.14496921
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what shoukd I buy next?

>> No.14496923
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>just spent $500 on two fragrances

>> No.14497002

CH Men Prive

>> No.14497005


>> No.14497007

Something a bit different, seems there's lots of things there that all do the same job. Maybe Azzaro Wanted By Night or Viktor and Rolf Snicebomb.

>> No.14497010

What two?

>> No.14497011

Allure Homme Sport Chanel

>> No.14497015
File: 30 KB, 375x500, GGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't get enough of the scent of pic related. I just put a little on and I'm not even going out anywhere

>> No.14497044


>> No.14497069

it's a meme, it depends more on the temperature, whether you're in motion or stationary etc, muh skin chemistry is just fucking bro science when it comes to fragrances and their performance

>> No.14497107
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Looking for an affordable animalic recc. Looking for "dirty old goat" stank rather than kouros urinal stank

>> No.14497110
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Is he ok guys?

>> No.14497113

Does anyone even take half the shit that moron says as legit?

>> No.14497117

Unironically copping a bottle for summer since VPH doesn't even last 2 hours on me

>> No.14497118


>> No.14497119

Sonic youth suck

>> No.14497198

sweat, hair grease and Bilinda's fishy hairy pussy EDT

>> No.14497334

Can somebody make a gif of those frames where he’s spraying Eros on that hard part pedro on the beach?

>> No.14497341

Eros might not last 8 hours but it isn’t weak. The silage is a noxious cloud. You don’t smell it anymore on yourself after about 15-20 minutes, it doesn’t mean its gone. It just means your nose is accustomed to it. You have to take this into account with any fragrance because otherwise you’re spreading a chad miasma and you don’t even know it.

>> No.14497396

When I was new to fragrances I thought I was being courteous by spraying Tobacco Vanille well before I left the house. I worked out that after an hour or two it was much less noticeable and I wouldn’t choke people out. I went to work two hours after spraying it. “Fucking hell, somebody has a lot of aftershave on”. Turns out it wasn’t less noticeable, I was just used to it.

>> No.14497665

What are the absolute best traditional cologne-style fragrances? Looking for things in the vein of Colonia Essenza, Eau Sauvage, Pour Monseiur, etc.

>> No.14497673

Colonia Essenza, Eau Sauvage, Pour Monseiur, etc.

>> No.14497687

Although I’m joking a little, Essenza is my favourite. The opening of Eau Sauvage is my favourite, if you don’t care about performance then buy that. However, if you want something that will last longer with a nicer drydown Essenza is the way to go.

>> No.14497703
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Anyone experienced the same phenomenon that fragrances smelled better one other people, while you for yourself can't notice the frag anymore or think it's not special wearing it by yourself?

Seems that fragrances will be smelled/or described different from other people than yourself who wear it...

>> No.14497726

CDG 2 Man is the old person version with shit longevity designed by the same dude.

>> No.14497753
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I really liked how this smelled when I sampled it, but it didn't last for even 30 min. Anyone know something similar? Smells mostly fresh and airy with a little ginger ale.

>> No.14498008

it's because when you smell it on others it's usually in the air around them or already dried down, it's not 'skin chemistry' or other bs, it's just different distance or when you catch a whiff passing by someone etc

>> No.14498014


Based boomer bankrupting Dior and Armani

>> No.14498034

i love it too but its disgusting to others

>> No.14498055

If you think skin chemistry is a meme, go get a friend or family member, spray on your skin and on their’s, and smell. I think you’ll be surprised. I understand this is 4chan, and we’re a bunch of reactionary brainlets, so anything people say regularly, regardless of its basis in reality will eventually be called a meme and discounted as broscience, but body chemistry is absolutely a real thing. To think otherwise simply demonstrates a gross lack of knowledge of biology and human anatomy.

>> No.14498114
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For me, it's Acqua di Parma's Bergamotto di Calabria

>> No.14498182

“Wow, you smell nice. What is it?”

“Oh, thanks, it’s Chanel Allure Homme Sport Eau Extre- Oh, you’re gone...”

It should be illegal for fragrances to have such long names.

>> No.14498201

>L'intense de Guerlain pour homme eau extrême

>> No.14498227

Is it normal to use fragrance and deodorant or just fragrance?

>> No.14498234


>> No.14498257

For me, it's Cool Water. The best aromatic fougere. I even ask for samples and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for a sample and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly SA laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three samples. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local Sephora.

>> No.14498273

encre noir is dank

>> No.14498274

Deodorant is there to mix with the sweat and stops bacteria from producing odors. This is different from antiperspirant. Fragrance is layered on top. People like to use scentless deodorant/antiperspirant in order to avoid conflicting scents.

>> No.14498282

wow was not expecting a meme this classic to still be going strong

>> No.14498302
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Fuck off, cunts. It’s really good and you know it.

>> No.14498307

Dank in the actual sense of that word, yes. That’s a pretty accurate way to describe it.

>> No.14498309

It’s fine. There are better blue scents for less money, but it does what it’s supposed to.

>> No.14498319

reminds me of terre d' hermes in it's lushness but with a spookier vibe to it
i'm digging it

>> No.14498338

I genuinely don’t like it. It has some weird note in it that smells like wet cardboard to my nose. I generally like ambroxan and I’m a big fan of peppery scents, but Sauvage just doesn’t do it for me.

>> No.14498347

the bottle and the cap look super cheap to me, like something that could be easily faked, that's why I'll never buy it

>> No.14498427

Fuck off, cunt. It’s too peppery and you know it.

>> No.14498442
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Thoughts on Old Spice Colognes?

>> No.14498478

Original was a classic, but it hasn’t existed in that form for years now. The new formula is a shadow of its former self, adjusted for teenage fuccboi tastes. The various flankers should never be worn by anyone over 20, ever.

>> No.14498488

Not him, but what ones?

>> No.14498493


Is this actually good? I tested it in a shop and it seemed nice, maybe a tad cloying? Any thoughts from actual users?

>> No.14498580


I ended up with just Mefisto as Gentiluomo was out of stock. Are you a fan of anything else from the Casamorati line? When it comes to "luxury" leaning brand this is as high as I'll go. Mefisto I think is the perfect blend of lemon and lavender. I smelled 1888 and it had an unexpected candy/root beer vibe but I wouldnt mind a 30 ml bottle of it. I'm not a fan of their regular line really. 40 Knots was my favorite from the Join the Club line.

>> No.14498600

Only other one I cared for was 1888 as well, though I felt it leaned a bit feminine for my taste. Been a while since I smelled it, though, so I might have to try it again. See if my tastes haven’t changed a bit in the last couple years.

Mefisto is pretty fantastic. It does Creed SMW better than SMW. I love that aromatic-floral-rose-citrus combo. Very elegant and very refreshing. One of my go-tos for summer.

>> No.14498610

If you’re interested in root beer scents, try AdP Mandorlo di Sicilia. It smells like a cross between cream soda and root beer, and it’s pretty reasonable. I got a 150 ml tester on Fragrancebuy for like 90.00 a while back. Performance isn’t amazing, but it’s inexpensive enough (as niche goes, anyway), that you can reapply it.

>> No.14498629


Not the poster you are asking but can say that Duro is beautiful and should be sampled, Black Afgano as well.The base of Black Afgano can be found in some of his Orto Parasi line. Megamare his newest one 100%, I'm forgetting which others at the moment. Baraonda is the only one I would pay retail for.

>> No.14498642

That video is like 2 years old. He deleted all his old videos a while ago and is slowly reuploading them.

>> No.14498721

I used to wear it a lot and it was always well received, but it’s going to depend a lot on your personality and how you dress. It’s a big, loud, sweet scent, and if you’re introverted or dress conservatively it’s not going to fit.

>> No.14498729

Luna Rossa Carbon, BDC, even the Sauvage EDT all come in cheaper than the EDP, and in my experience they all project better than the EDP. The EDP beats them all in longevity, but I find it kind of muted compared to the others .

>> No.14498733

Nah, the EDP fixed that. Smoothed it right out by ditching the black pepper and putting in the star anise. Now it’s like a better LRC. Almost like a salty absinthe smell.

>> No.14498817

What do I buy if I want to smell like a grizzly bear?

>> No.14498835

It’s not loud at all . It’s notveven parfum

>> No.14498881

eau de parfum =/= huge sillage
you’re mistaking sillage with longevity. EdP doesn’t mean more sillage. An EdT is usually louder and more intense than an EdP because the EdT burns off more quickly which is how people smell the fragrance by the particles entering their nose.

>> No.14498888

M8, Eros is one of the loudest scents out there. I don’t know what you’re on about, but if your bottle of Eros is “subtle”, you either got a fake or it’s gone bad. Eros is an absolute monster, virtually everyone says the same, and no matter how many times you try to tell us otherwise, it ain’t gonna make you right.

Also, concentration has very little to do with projection. There are super strong EDTs, and rather restrained EDPs/extraits.

>> No.14498892

Also be aware that you cant smell your own fragrance after a short period. You might barely smell it and it might not even be there but other people can definitely still smell it in full effect.

>> No.14498902

Fragrance One: Alaskan Wilderness for Men

>> No.14498908
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Rate my rotation

>> No.14498920
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Jubilation xxv and tom ford tobacco vanille.

>> No.14498926

Massive cope levels in this post

>> No.14498927

pick one

and you don't arbitrarily choose a "signature," a scent becomes yours when you find yourself reaching for that bottle way more than your others

>> No.14498933

Chanel blue literally mogs Eros in lasting power, it’s like a blue beam of lazer comes back after 5hours and pierces your soul. Bc it’s p.

>There are super strong EDTs, and rather restrained EDPs/

>> No.14498940

Take bleu off the list for signature, way too overused.

>> No.14498967

Are you from fucking Bizarro Land, m8? BDC is almost universally agreed to have rather poor projection and longevity. You think BDC is a monster and Eros is weak? Dafuqouddahere!

>implying there aren’t powerhouse EDTs (Eros, 1 Million, Ultra Male), and weak EDPs (many Creed scents, BDC EDP, etc.

I don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about, but you’re aggressively adamant about it, which means we could have a new supergroup on our hands, and that’s always exciting!

>> No.14498972

*sperg. New sperg on our hands. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.14499021

It's really good, especially for the price. Think of a classic fougere "barbershop" type scent with lavender and spices and woods. And then over top of that you have a very bright and fresh combination of mint, ginger, citrus, and birch. A little old school, a little new school. Fantastic casual daytime scent for warmer weather.

>> No.14499035

>don’t think you have any idea what you’re talking about, but you’re aggressively adamant about it, which mea

It’s not what u say it’s how u say it.

>> No.14499036

Bdc is pure parfum. Eros is basically watered down trash that is marked up

>> No.14499051

i have a old spice white water EDT for nostalgic reasons. Besides the opening which of course smells like a lot of alcohol and sorta medicanal after that is smells pretty darn similar to MFK aqua vitae. I know the EDT is not sold in america anymore, but I believe so many years ago there still was a splash version overseas. Although then again no idea if thats the same as this like 20 year old EDT I have.

>> No.14499055

How do people enjoy eros? bought a bottle and it smells sweet, and synthetic as fuck, smells like something a dirty arab would wear.

>> No.14499084


>> No.14499091

Eros is a cashcow for versace. It's like the chuck allstar of fragrance.

>> No.14499120

>no mention of Perry Ellis 360 red
I feel like it's more ADG profumo than regular ADG. I think it smells nice when it's on my neck, but when I put it on my elbows and smell it it smells too sweet. Also I've never been complimented for my colognes, I've worn Perry Ellis 360 red and Dylan Blue. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.14499127

It's a clubbing/festival fragrance only.

>> No.14499265

Yeah. I guess it’s the definition of Chad miasma...

>> No.14499284

OFF! Deep Woods

>> No.14499349
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What’s OP’s favorite frag tho?

>> No.14499412
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 663F808C-CC81-4AA9-90E7-9F4810554CE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m coming back to Europe after a night in NYC and oh boy it was intense. I popped in to Arabian Oud shop at Times Square. The owner is a very kind and passionate man. He walked me through their collection starting with EdP and ending with intense oud attars. I think for the first time I smelled the real thing and it’s nothing like what TFOW taught us oud is. Honestly I was immediately taken back when I was trying to smell the more intense attars he got there. They were just too much for me and were reminding me of the smell of stables over hot summer days that my father was taking me to to teach me horse riding when I was a kid. But there’s something really alluring in that medicinal, horse dump smell of these attars. Shit is also insanely complex and scents vary from oud to oud. But the common denominator shared by all of them is precisely that medicinal horse dump smell. I was tempted to buy one of EdPs (Desert Falcon) but I didn’t want to carry it with me everywhere around NYC. They also got one of the best oriental women scents I’ve smelled in their offer - Madawi. It’s like TFTL but done by someone smarter than Tom Ford. We made a bet with the owner that if Desert Falcon will survive on my overnight I’ll come the next morning to buy it. I didn’t really believe that as my skin is a fragrance eater and it was 100F in NY on the day. He was right though, I can still smell the perfume on my skin 1.5 day after spraying and a shower later. I didn’t come back to buy it though as I got wasted over the night and all I could think of was escaping the oven that NY has became over my stay there but I’ll come back to this later. I was really enjoying my Arabian Chad miasma that was surrounding me for the whole day

>> No.14499431
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, 3C0DE3F2-2A48-4B08-9E5F-73FEDACC4DBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon afterwards I popped in to a couple of my fav places and started chatting up girls on streets just to ensure I’ll have a good time in the evening and so I would be actually let in anywhere as I was a solo dude lol. Typically I’m a smooth motherfucker and don’t have problems with that but this time I only got a number from a pair of Quebec cuties who eventually ditched me. Every other girl seemed to be genuinely pissed of by me chatting to them taking their precious time. I definitely didn’t remember NY that way but that was my first time there without a group of friends so fair enough. During a dinner I started revisiting my plans realising that I don’t really know anyone working in promoting biz anymore here and I’m looking like the ultimate Eurotrash in my pair of white sneakers, oversized shirt with 5 undone buttons and a PRL hat. They also closed Provocateur night club where I used to know some people working and there was absolutely no way they would let me into Boom Boom Room, 1Oak or PHD. With my attire and being a solo dude it’d be a success if people were not giving me looks at some random meatpacking dive bar kek. I got a couple of drinks and decided to at least see how hard they’ll reject me at the door, so I went to PHD rooftop in a quite good spirit looking to have some fun anywhere really. In the line I was lucky that a group of hotties joined it soon after me. That was the lottery ticket I was waiting for, especially that one of them was a model. I started talking to them. Most of them were visiting from DC and never been to any upscale nightclub in NYC. I’ve been to plenty but could make it to none without them. We immediately liked each other so didn’t really have to struggle to pretend to be a group. I still expected that they’ll tell me to fuck off at the door, but things went smoothly.

>> No.14499434

4 good looking girls could get in even Eurotrash looking boi like me. PHD has changed a bit. It got more expensive as I spent almost $500 on vodkas with some finance bros I’ve met there from another bank. That’s like half of my annual membership fee for Arts Club at London. Crowd was as hot as usual though and we had a blast this night. At some post I went to a toilet at to my severe amusement there was a dedicated person serving soap who was also of charge of keeping an eye on Creed Aventus bottles on the shelf above sinks. Little did he know how much I hate Creed and how funny I find it to find it in this place. After washing my hands I reached the Aventus bottle but the guy working here asked me to tip first. I had a laugh and gave him a $5 bill then sprayed it like ten times in the air saying ‘nice air refresher you’ve got here mate’. The club closed around 4-5AM and the girls wanted to take me to some after party but thankfully I didn’t go with them as I was so tired and wouldn’t make it to my flight otherwise. I’m back at London now waiting for a bus. Can’t wait to collect my MDCI bottles from post. thanks for reading my blogpost and hot that subscribe button

>> No.14499449

Please kys

>> No.14499458

El cüm negro

>> No.14499459

I hated it at first, 'cause of the aggressive pepper note. Weared it after a long time again and somehow i like it more... It's like you need to get used to it.

>> No.14499705
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What frags will make smell the least gay?

>> No.14499714

I smelled all the range from Acqua di parma, you guys are full of shit.
They all smell terribly bad. Only person i can picture wearing any of that shit is 70 year old pedophiles.

>> No.14499718

stick to Lynx, child

>> No.14499766
File: 137 KB, 1000x541, 1021462196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here never got a compliment on their fragrance? I haven't, and it sort of bothers me, i get told I'm cute or hot looking but never about my choice in fragrances.

Would be nice to know if someone else appreciates my Jubilation XXV, or even Tuscan leather at work.

>> No.14499777

Why are you being such an insecure little bitch???

>> No.14499823
File: 630 KB, 2048x1537, F866BC61-107F-49E6-9B79-B74F21C49722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just collected my stuff. The guy from MDCI was too kind for me. I mentioned in our email exchange that I’ve got a friend who might like Invasion Barbare, so he included a 12ml bottle and another golden travel spray for free for me. I also got my Wonderwood and I think I’ll keep it.

What triggered you big man?
For sure not this one.
I’m on a kinda same boat but I don’t give a fuck. Are you European by any chance? I got more compliments from US roasties about my fragrances than in Europe over last couple of months. It might come of as a surprise but people lie on internet.

>> No.14499896

I get compliments all the time when I wear mY Savuage, Invictus, and Eros :+)

>> No.14499904

Seems like a lot of asians, fat white bitches, and some dude staring angrily at you in the bottom left corner as you take the pic.

>> No.14499923

You’re aware that when people say Bleu de Chanel, they’re usually talking about the EDT, right? The Parfum and Eau de Parfum variations are flankers.

>> No.14499940


>> No.14500007

What are some perfumes with a strong or noticeable sweet pea note?
It's my mum's favourite flower because my dad has been cutting and putting trimmings of them in the house every summer for the past 20 years and I'd like to get her a scent that reminds her of them year round.

>> No.14500011

No I wasn’t

>> No.14500013
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Rate my summer scent

>> No.14500016

I was very disappointed by it. I’ll be selling my bottle for three times what I got it for next summer because it’s been discontinued.

>> No.14500020

W-what? I have the parfum version

>> No.14500038

I don’t think you have any idea how concentrations work in the fragrance world. I’m also pretty sure your retarted.

>> No.14500054

Fragrance One: sweat, hair grease and Bilinda's fishy hairy pussy For Men

>> No.14500063

Bond No.9 Shelter Island
Heeley Sel Marin
Creed Erolfa
Armani Acqua Di Gio


>> No.14500085

Fragrance one - office for men

>> No.14500110
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>> No.14500176

just say it's Chanel, you unbelievable autist

>> No.14500201


Girls only compliment your frag if they were attracted to you to begin with. Look at Jeremy then look at most frag neckbeards. What frags will do for you though is give the girl an opening to say something if she was too nervous (95% of the time) to say something. Frags are just another form of peacocking. Like a feather boa or cowboy hat. Will work against an autist but if she likes you its an easy way to just say "hi you smell nice". Convo opened....Moral: dont buy expensive frags unless you actually like them for yourself. most females are noselets. I literally had a girl tell me eros was spicy. I was like "not sweet? like do you get any vanilla or mint?" She said no. Females are noselets, buy them for you.

>> No.14500216

Which came out just last year. The EDT has been around since 2010 and is what people mean when they just say BDC.

I personally like the parfum version better. But just because it's a higher concentration doesn't mean it has stronger performance. IMO the parfum version has good longevity but it doesn't project far.

>> No.14500233

For me compliments on my fragrance are few and far between and I tend to get more compliments on my outfit or shoes than my fragrance
Plus at work at least I know a couple of people that have sensitive noses that don’t like scents in general much less when I come in reeking of something

>> No.14500235


I have edp. In my opinion the best balance of both. Expert of none though. But its my safe dumb reach. Everything else I have is niche

>> No.14500242

Well i don't know specifically what fuccboy means but im 19yo so i guess it would be worth to give it a try

>> No.14500328

I usually just say the name of the fragrance. "thanks, it's Allure"


Old Spice is very based. I have the "Pure Sport" version that I use sometimes as an aftershave when I don't feel like using Skin Bracer. Pure Sport smells like a nice oriental with a massive ambergris note and what smells like bay rum.

>> No.14500401

Anyone have any experience with Buly 1803?

>> No.14500433

Fragrantica and Basenotes have a "search by note" function that might help you.

>> No.14500442

>new jeremy vid

>> No.14500482

Trolling is a art.

>> No.14500493

This guy gets it. That's why 90% of mainstream female designers is pure sugary shit

>> No.14500523

gonna get my gf to sit on my face and squirt in my mouth whilst wearing Kouros

>> No.14500564

Finally ran out of my go to bottle of Burberry from literal years ago and looking for a replacement. Thought about some YSL L'Homme Ultime but a friend of mine just got some not long ago and I don't want to be wearing the same fragrance as him. Any suggestions fellas?

>> No.14500568


>> No.14500583
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you don't get compliments from strangers retard, only if you look like pic related, also you buy a fragrance if you like it, not to get compliments you're not that cunt jeremy. >>14500201
this guy is right

>> No.14500599

nichefag pencilneckbeards on suicide watch.

>> No.14500616

That’s exactly the opposite of his point, brainlet.

>> No.14500629

His point was that it literally doesn’t matter what frag you’re wearing, because if girls like you, they’ll compliment you, if they don’t, they won’t, so just wear whatever you like. You couldn’t have gotten it more wrong.

>> No.14500672

Acqua Di Gio has great performance, the longevity and projection are unreal. I put two sprays on 11 hours ago and it's still pretty strong on me.

Does it perform like this for everyone?

>> No.14500828

>wearing fragrances for anyone's appreciation but your own

I shiggy diggy do.

>> No.14500869


>> No.14500924
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took me forever to find a sample and once i got it and tried it was nauseating. i don't know how the sillage smells compared to when you just smell it off you own arm but it's so thick and metallic and dusty. night time wearing black at a club or something. i can't think of any other instance

>> No.14500973


That whole explanation was from me the zoologist blog review autist believe it or not. But I have eros and ultra male when I go out because I am an autist on here but somewhat chad in real life (27 yrs old btw). I just cant discuss my hobbies and interest with that crowd in real life. I cant tell "stacy" that im excited to smell a perfume that smells like a shitty bat cave. We can be autists on here, but realize this is a lonely hobby. We like to hope and imagine this hobby will bring us attention but it really wont change societies perspective of you. I only go wild on here because I have no one to discuss it with in real life. It's a lonely hobby. I also collect dinosaur fossils but thats also "uncool" so the only people I show them to are my little cousins.

>> No.14500979

realist doomer: the post, frag edition

>> No.14500991

See, I don’t really give a fuck what people think. I have certain frags I wear for dates or other such events, I have my crowd pleasers like MI and Tuxedo when I travel, but for the most part, I just grab whatever I’m feeling that day. It’s not for other people, it’s for me, and if I do get someone asking me about my frag, which happens from time to time, cool. I don’t really care about what girls think, because they’ll basically like whatever anyway, I can hook up easily enough, and if I can’t, well... I’m called hookerfag for a reason. I get more than enough sex, I get it when I want, so why bother trying to impress people? Life’s too short to worry about what other people think of you. I just do me. Simple as.

>> No.14501050

I might actually enjoy posting here if everyone had this mentality.

>> No.14501100

You know, man, I just love frags. It’s a passion of mine. The whole hookerfag thing started because one of the girls I saw asked about my frag, we wound up having a bit of a conversation about frags, and I posted the anecdote here. People seems interested and asked me to keep doing it, so I did.

I just don’t understand the mentality some people here have. You don’t like niche frags? Cool. Some people do. It’s like going into a bar, going up to everyone and telling the, they’re a fucking pencilnecked virgin dweeb for drinking anything other than Budweiser. Like, drink what you like, don’t worry about what other people are doing. Let people talk about what they want, those posts aren’t for you. There are plenty of posts that don’t really interest me, so I just don’t reply to them. Live and let live, y’know?

>> No.14501143


Keep in mind I'm coming from a very niche are here. I have more wearable niche like my nasomatto and kilian. I didnt mean to come off as afraid or timid. But you wouldnt wear bat out either. It would frankly be a waste of it anyway. I dont wear any of the really good stuff somewhere it doesnt at least have the potential to be appreciated. Pearls before swine right? I said eros and ultra male because its cheap crowd pleasing juice thats loud. Pearls before swine wearing moth or camel in a club dripping with one million and jerememes. Thats all I meant. I also see fragrance as a reflection of my mood and personality that day or night. If im down I wear something down, if im up I wear something up. Part of how I pick it based off my mood. I dont just grab whatever. I try to wear it as insight to a stranger of who I am and what I am like

>> No.14501149

Santa Maria Novella Patchouli

>> No.14501151

I have worn Bat out once or twice, but it’s definitely not something I do often at all. I wear something every day, even if I’m staying in, or just going out to buy groceries or whatever, so whatever I felt like grabbing that morning is what I wear. I’ve worn stuff like Roja wearing just jeans and a T-shirt to run to the grocery store. It’s not because I’m autistic and wanted to impress people, it’s just what I felt like wearing that day.

For dates, though, yeah, I usually go for something like MI, Tuxedo, maybe Black Phantom, PVI, Roja Elysium or Enigma, or something. I don’t break out the “challenging” scents when I’m socializing.

>> No.14501161


>> No.14501509

>human anatomy
Physiology, maybe. Anatomy? Fuck off. You're still right about skin chemistry not being a meme, though.

>> No.14501557

Do you have to return some tapes?

>> No.14501577
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Bought this one for spring/summer
Really good one. Very rich and multilayered but ultra fresh at the same time. Recommend it

>> No.14501597

Here's to hoping based kourosposter makes his return in the next thread.

>> No.14501612

He got driven out by the Eros chads

>> No.14501619

>two sprays
>11 hours
Well I don’t see any reason for you to lie so I congratulate you for your skin I guess.

>> No.14501648
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I have never purchased fragrance. Do I have to purchase 20+ samples, try one each day, and document which I recieve compliments with? I assume that I want to smell masculine, and I suppose that you want to smell warm/earthy/spicy in the fall/winter and cool/fresh in the spring and summer but otherwise I know nothing.

>> No.14501687

If it's just for compliments sure. If it's for personal enjoyment of course not, just go to a department store, figure out what you like and go from there.

>> No.14501700

>Do I have to purchase 20+ samples, try one each day, and document which I recieve compliments with? I assume that I want to smell masculine, and I suppose that you want to smell warm/earthy/spicy in the fall/winter and cool/fresh in the spring and summer but otherwise I know nothing

if Autism was a perfum, this post would be 100% Pure Parfum

>> No.14501706
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>> No.14501796

I'm not lying, it's the only fragrance I have that does this.

Diors Sauvage which everyone says is super strong is weaker on me than the Gio.

>> No.14501807

Kinda weird desu

>> No.14501816
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>> No.14501820
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>> No.14501824
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New thread:

>> No.14501846

Thoughts on Aesop's Hwyl? Everyone seems to really like it since I bought it. Unisex but leaning towards traditionally masculine, woody scents

>> No.14501853

Smells the same, what's different is your perception and maybe your family member has dryer skin so it goes to the base earlier. Same thing with blotters, they just absorb it and therefore evolve slower, so you think it's different that on your skin. Biggest bs ever.

>> No.14501856

Nah, it's obnoxious that's what it is.
Now Luna Rossa Carbon on the other hand...

>> No.14501859

Throw that aldehydic shit called Cedrat Boisee away. Otherwise pretty good

>> No.14501863

>>14500063 I say Heely

>> No.14501891
File: 60 KB, 1024x1004, 1535610364984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the cheapest decent scent i could buy off amazon?

>> No.14502236

honestly, even if you don't like the guy, this was entertaining. it's obviously not meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.14502339

i'm gonna check this out thanks. is it very unisex

>> No.14502347

Based catposter