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/fa/ - Fashion

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14491509 No.14491509 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the eboy look?

>> No.14491529

awful 90s-early 2000s harajuku inspired trend based on impostor (read:fake) nostalgia for things that the people partaking in the trend never actually experienced or were involved in

it will blow over. leave harajuku to harajuku

>> No.14491538
File: 281 KB, 562x562, twinkzoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yah it's a pretty cringy and a bit faggy of a trend
Normies will catch on to it in 2020 or 2021

/fa/ users will probably move on to the next big thing by then

>> No.14492292

literally every 13-25 year old where I live

>> No.14492336

disgusting and bluepilled
those people look like clowns, no exception good thing I live in a third world country and nobody dresses like that
some of those fits (OP for example) would look passable without those shitty accesories from a dropshipping scam website or fucking zara or whatever
less is more

>> No.14492337

who fucking cares which decade and specific location "inspired" your outfit, that'll neither improve nor worsen it

whats matters is whether it looks good without being tryhard (it doesnt)

>> No.14492339

i wonder why 156% of them are korean, what is it about hangook that makes them dress like this

>> No.14492709

i quite like it but all the chains and the utility vests look like shit

>> No.14492792

when you have a retarded brother sitting on top of you at all times, you tend to just do whatever

>> No.14492817
File: 138 KB, 704x904, c69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I think of the eboy look? let me think.

I love tactical and I love tech and I love 90s nostalgia influences when done correctly, so I dig many of the broad influences in the eboy aesthetic. I also love their female counterpart, and would inseminate every last edgethot if I could desu

and I really, sincerely do think that there are many things the zoomers are bringing and will continue to bring to fashion that are fresh and cool. they're clever kids and I think they're gonna do great things. I love change and I love innovation, and am excited for the future.

so please understand that it's not because I'm just some crotchety old mfa-core millennial normie when I say that the eboy look fills me with a fucking rage SO INTENSE that I cannot begin to comprehend it. it is the FAGGIEST FUCKING THING I have seen in my entire goddamn life, and I loathe EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL.

where to begin?
the clownish 1461s or whatever dumbass chunky oxfords they wear?
the high ankled gaylord suit pants?
the tactical belts?
the holsters and shit, like literally what the fuck are all these pouches?
the disgusting crisp dress shirt collar under a t-shirt thing? WHO COMES UP WITH THIS SHIT??
I can't decide which dogshit element looks most retarded, I guess it's a tie! what a disgrace for humanity as a whole.

they look like fucking clowns and I want every last one of them to have the skin peeled from their prepubescent dicks as their mothers gets raped in front of them. kill all eboys, or fucking kill me so I don't have to see this shit ever again.

like am I fucking gay or something? is it that I'm just now discovering at 27 years old that I'm gay and can't stand the fact that their twink bullshit is finally speaking to me like nothing ever did before, and I resent them for it? dunno man, grasping at straws but I'm pretty desperate for an explanation for why I'm carrying a gun with a bullet for the next one of these fuckers I see.

>> No.14492915

what's left after that...

>> No.14492921

t shirts over dress shirts, slacks, big shoes etc

>> No.14492926
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yeah because you didnt live it and you're just a poser you dumb faggot. leave the style alone and be yourself you NPC.

>> No.14492969

oh ok so gay, gay, and gay you mean

no fuck you retard, they're saying they're being themselves and you're saying "be yourself you NPC." you're really calling someone a poser for dressing a certain way because they weren't there in the 90s? kys painfully

>> No.14492975


Eboy shit is pretty faggoty, you are right

>> No.14492985
File: 81 KB, 446x435, 1550220912997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>they're being themselves wearing NPC clothes

>you're really calling someone a poser for dreassing a certain way because they saw some magazine or some instagram/tumblr profile

why would i kms? thats stupid too you dumb cunt, stop trying to be a copycat, find your own style you sissy.

>> No.14493031

I don't like eboy even slightly, I just thought your gatekeeping was both pretentious and incomprehensible.
you'd kys because your life is bad, remember? or had you forgotten for a moment, in the thrill of the image board

>> No.14493060
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>gatekeeping is bad
>doing what the herd is doing is good

you must came from reddit or you're either a woman, anyway. you should just go back to wherever the fuck came from and never spout advice ever again, and no. life is awesome to kill myself, but thanks.

>> No.14493152


A style for under 18 faggots and college cukks

>> No.14493169

you mean

>> No.14493190



>> No.14493217

I hate that they co-opted black nails
Fuck eboys

>> No.14493285

It's like trying to be rock n roll without actually being rock n roll. This whole fucking generation of zoomers are all s o y corrupted manboys with baby faces who try to look more rock and roll than they actually are. If youve got no T, you have no business LARPing as a rocker. Do you think that faggot actually plays an instrument? Is he actually rebellious? Does he do anything cool? Or is he just some internet shut in who is addicted to opioids?

>> No.14493500

for once i agree with a frogposter
i am >>14491529, not >>14493031
the problem with this trend is not that the people wearing it were not alive in the 90s, its that they wear the trend without understanding the context surrounding it. its the equivalent of wearing a band tshirt of a band you dont listen to or know anything about