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File: 36 KB, 500x375, left (top) vs right (bottom) part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14485715 No.14485715 [Reply] [Original]

Do you part your hair on the left or the right?

>> No.14485721

I used not to care and switch every once in a while to let one side rest, but since around 2016 I started doing so exclusively to the right to trigger sjws

>> No.14485722

When I have shorter hair I comb it to the right. But when I have larger hair I comb it to the left. Idk it looks better.

>> No.14485723

to my left

>> No.14485728

im bald so i cant

>> No.14485737

do you mean you comb it to the right? like top or bottom?
so do you mean you comb it to the left? like top or bottom?

i always parted my hair on the right like the bottom guy but apparently that's the "wrong way" and most people part it like the top, on the left. So I started parting on the left recently but my crown is on the right side of my head so it feels weird. idk.

I kind of like it now though. But I got my haircut as a right part, kind of like a longer version of the bottom guy, so it's a bit weirder looking parting it on the left.

>> No.14485738

This. I noticed that I get more volume with longer hair by switching

>> No.14485740
File: 100 KB, 1024x1004, 1552150505304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the right be cause my hair grows in that direction

>> No.14485741

my left, it looks like the bottom pic

>> No.14485750

which one is you?

yeah you do. OP here, switch the way i parted, going against my hairflow and parting on the left despite my crown being on the right gave me way more volume. weird.

>> No.14485755

>which one is you?

>> No.14485756

I used to comb it to the right but I got a cut that became a scar so ever since then I have combed it to the left.

>> No.14485761

my whole life until now (23) i have combed to the left since my crown is on my right. never realized most people parted on left and combed to the right until now.

>> No.14485820

Both sides.

>> No.14485823

>mfw there are degenerates who part their hair on the right

>> No.14485842

Left for 20 years, started going right because I'm too indecisive to actually change my hair so I settled for the closest thing

>> No.14485853
File: 21 KB, 387x461, Uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a meme because i honestly do part whats left of the hair on my head on the right, done it all my life

>> No.14485918

I typically part from my left side of the head, to my right, for when my hair is short. By the point it grows medium length, my cowlick in the back becomes more pronounced, and better supports a nearly central parting. Usually, with an off-center part, I have one side combed back more, and my right side having a fringe falling to the side.

>> No.14485923

boh sides since my hair starts going full retard when I part too much time to the same side.

>> No.14485989

down the middle

>> No.14486076

Please post pic

>> No.14486330


>> No.14486364

I do it like the one on the bottom because my hair has a natural cowlick that causes like 2 square inches of it to stick straight up if I part it like the one on top.

>> No.14486479

I part so fringe covers left part of my face
when I'm tired or really high my eye goes lazy so I just cover it

>> No.14486581

>trigger sjws
You're stuck in 2015-2016.

>> No.14486869

To da right but when my hair grown to 3 inch or more naturally part to the left

>> No.14486882

To the right because I'm a good christian boy

>> No.14486883

>part hair on left
>am gay
>do drugs
your move god

>> No.14486926

>centre part because im a madman

>> No.14486929

when i was a kid i used to comb it to the left until someone told me only faggots comb it that way, ive combed it to the right like for 15 years now.

>> No.14487138

center parting because i have long hair and don't want to look like jimmy saville

>> No.14487148


>> No.14487154

they said it couldn't be done

>> No.14487161

My left side has a balt spot so I always do it from the right

>> No.14487294
File: 159 KB, 1097x767, f0af1148703999f06b2d96e0d7a84366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither. . i unironically have this haircut

>> No.14487742

On the far right. Always. Fuck the commies.

>> No.14487755
File: 334 KB, 960x1280, 2273D55C-97E3-48C9-8DCC-0E05E83D0461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14487876


>> No.14488025

middle part gang

>> No.14488034
File: 74 KB, 602x375, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the right of course.

>> No.14488088
File: 53 KB, 360x450, hotla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wtf he parted to the LEFT? I never noticed this. The right left parting theory shattered in one photo.

>> No.14488089

Your mom parts it for me so whichever direction she decides

>> No.14488166
File: 22 KB, 400x386, 1563305424419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow he's just like me

>> No.14488255

Comb it to my left, so like bottom guy

Although I noticed it's changed a couple times over the last decade

>> No.14488288


More proof that Hitler was a fag. Gays have much higher incidence of hair whorls going the wrong way, and hair part is largely about the direction of the whorl.

>> No.14488301

what do i do if i like scripture, violence and rock music

>> No.14488309

Shaved, duh.

>> No.14489121

Post a pic you glorious conqueror

>> No.14489774
File: 19 KB, 600x253, tragedy%20of%20macbeth%2001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently growing my hair for the macbeth look

>> No.14489795

in the middle.

>> No.14489884

top in pictures. but bottom in the mirror. mind = blown

>> No.14489919
File: 93 KB, 905x726, Capture d’écran 2019-07-18 à 12.08.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]