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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 17 KB, 250x326, 82950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14480211 No.14480211 [Reply] [Original]

The greaser look is better than 95% of everything here.

>> No.14480218

Yeah but it’s completely decontextualized now so anyone with a leather jacket looks like a wannabe rockstar larper

>> No.14480223

Yeah but ony if you have faggy clothing with your leather jacket, if you have a pear of plain jeans, a white tshirt, a leather jacket (real leather) a comb, a butterfly/switchblade with a 1911 or other pistol of the era you fit the greaser look without looking like a retarded millennial revisionist.

>> No.14480333



Alright, prove it then. Post a pic of you attempting to pull off this look.

>> No.14480342
File: 59 KB, 500x750, 6ED3A423-D3E9-407B-8101-2142DDE9867F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14480353

>a butterfly/switchblade with a 1911 or other pistol of the era
was based until this. cringe.

>> No.14480358



James Dean rocked it well

A leather jacket would look bad, but a denim/chore jacket or a bomber would be better for a 21st century greaser look

>> No.14480370

if you have a jaw yeah

I have a fucking pinhead

>> No.14480379

if you don't have a jaw then you're ugly and should just wear tshirt + cargo shorts + birkenstocks + fedora

>> No.14480865

What are you some sort of leftist anti gun faggot?

>> No.14480877
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>> No.14480880
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Ah I fucked it up.

>> No.14480915

>black skinny jeans
>untucked shirt
>retard shoes

>> No.14480930
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Top-knot-man-bun-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, nigga.

>> No.14480937
File: 124 KB, 666x1000, _bomberjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A leather jacket would look bad
T. Guy who can't pull off a leather jacket. Most people can pull it off, just because you can't doesn't mean you need to try and drag us down with you
>bomber would be better
Bomber jackets are made of leather, imbecile (pic related)
>better for a 21st century greaser look
>Trying to "modernize" a classic look
Holy shit you're gay

>> No.14480950

Gresers were proto-hypebeasts because the entire subculture was based on buying very specific products.

>Schott™ Perfecto® 618
>Levi's™ 501®
>Converse™ Chuck Taylor All-Star®

>> No.14481009

Hot take but incorrect. Those were just the affordable, working class brands of the time. Levis in the 50s would be like buying dickies today. Cheap and practical.

>> No.14481022

leftists are pro gun

>> No.14481034
File: 386 KB, 474x641, D218F7D8-B696-4668-989F-706E7F1790C0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14481181

>He obviously meant "liberals", but I'm gonna play semantics instead of coming up with an actual argument

>> No.14481314

ah yes, that's why every leftist government ever has disarmed the population

>> No.14481334

>every leftist government ever
/pol/ brainlet detected

>> No.14481337

cool minus the shoes

>> No.14481356

what an embarrassing thread for you, OP. holy shit

>> No.14481387

Oh my

>> No.14481440


>> No.14481600

T. Leftypol niggers

>> No.14481665

Looks good in black and white, too bad the world has color.

>> No.14481729
File: 947 KB, 4124x2072, 1526505773018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14481867

am i a retard for thinking most of those fits are perfectly fine? that recent meetup would be more apt for this

>> No.14481875

i was rooting for you anon but you really screwed the pooch here. what the fuck are those shoes? is this a meme? please tell me this is copy pasta

>> No.14481878

it's a generic look and the greasers that you see are usually models dolled up with the brightest minds in fashion and makeup. No normie could pull it off to this degree, but with the money behind this photo I bet he could wear a trash bag and still get you boomers to salivate at his lookbook.

>> No.14481887

most embrassing thing I have ever read

>> No.14481888

stop using based, you're so pro establishment and you let others control you. You're literally cringe and I hope you lose subscribers. Secondly the 1911 would only be cringe if you tried to put it in your waistband or pocket since it's a large gun. However if you had it holstered on the inside of the jacket it'd look good.

But you probably dress like someone who gets pegged by fat women.

>> No.14481915

going from left to right its i'd rate it to be meh, bad, bad, bad, shit, shit, meh, alright, alright, good.
if they were just some randos then it would be fine, but i would expect alot better for a fashion board

>> No.14481958


Oof said the faggot nigger

>> No.14481960
File: 8 KB, 339x397, 1562441385518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, this is what happens when /v/ tries to get into fashion

>> No.14482069

Those are megellan boots Whats the problem?

>> No.14482077

I don't understand, whats the problem?

>> No.14482079

Problem is they look like shit. Put me in the screencap.

>> No.14482084

Yeah and? Greasers wear work boots what am I supposed to wear a pear of leather dress boots that cost over 9000$ that I can't wear for more than 2 seconds without drastically reducing the value, thats some poser crap if you ask me.

>> No.14482109


i would literally recommend anything other than modern workboots for greaser clothes. If you have to, just wear converse or some older looking sneakers

>> No.14483216

Have sex (with a biological woman)

>> No.14483217


>> No.14483228

>a butterfly/switchblade with a 1911 or other pistol of the era
stop being autistic

>> No.14483272

Shut the fuck up queer

>> No.14483275

>Carrying weapons is autistic
Are you a eurocuck, or just a run of the mill liberal, trying desperately to make being an unarmed victim seem cool? Kill yourself, freedom-hating faggot.

>> No.14483291

Come on faggot Why do you need to carry a fucking pistol on a daily basis? It balances you small dick energy or what?

>> No.14483309

>Small dick energy
Give back to twitter, cunt
>Why do you need to carry a pistol
For self defense. I would rather not rely on my fists alone to defend myself and my loved ones. Also because I can. I live in a free country, and I will do as I please, faggot. You're free to wander around bad neighborhoods unarmed, if you so desire.

>> No.14483466

>Small dick energy
Go back to twitter, cunt
>Why do you need to carry a pistol
For self defense. I would rather not rely on my fists alone to defend myself and my loved ones. Also because I can. I live in a free country, and I will do as I please, faggot. You're free to wander around bad neighborhoods unarmed, if you so desire.

>> No.14483477

>Go back to twitter, cunt
you feel so special using 4chan, don't you? different from those normies on twitter and reddit, right? hell yeah
>For self defense. I would rather not rely on my fists alone to defend myself and my loved ones.
you're carrying guns for shooting the bad guys? do you think you're in a movie? kek

>> No.14483480

Fucking /pol/tard.

>> No.14483741

He is probably actually from /k/

>> No.14483771

nice denim blanket you got there

>> No.14483856

>calls someone a faggot

>relies on the police to fight for him

kys hypocrite.

>> No.14483910

greasers didn't carry guns though. mostly they were teenagers.

>> No.14484225
File: 90 KB, 736x945, wings on point hot damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your greasers and raise you teddies
>tfw no trad tomboy gf

>> No.14484238

Everything looks so uptight and rigid. It doesn’t look the least comfortable or nice to look at

>> No.14484376
File: 50 KB, 249x249, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pear

>> No.14484434

and blacks didn't have rights so they didn't have to fear for their life.

>> No.14484631

>you feel so special using 4chan, don't you? different from those normies on twitter and reddit, right?
Unironically yes
>you're carrying guns for shooting the bad guys? do you think you're in a movie? kek
Yeah, no one in real life has EVER defended themself with a gun. Except wait, plenty of people have defended themselves with firearms. Just because you're a freedom-hating statist cuck, doesn't mean there is no danger in the world. Go stroll through Chicago in the middle of the night unarmed, and see what that gets you. Do I think I'm John McClane or some shit, ready to take out dozens of terrorists in one fell swoop? No, obviously not. The "gun owner who thinks he's an action hero" is a liberal strawman, not someone who really exists. I just think that a gun could help me if I ended up in a dangerous situation. "Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it"

>> No.14484634


>> No.14484635
File: 223 KB, 690x369, 1473987129437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shittttttttttt

>> No.14484737

you're a cuck you can't say kek, you're a pro establishment normie who buys into the "we wuz killers cause we own guns and shiiiet" mentality. If you came at me with a knife and I unholstered a revolver and put your fat ass down you better bet I'd feel cool as hell the town would give me a medal and they'd burn your blubbery body like trash hopefully let me take a dump on your ashes.

Point is you should rope yourself, with a metal cable since I sense you're a male feminist.

>> No.14484744

have sex

>> No.14484753

>Trying to beat trips with dubs

>> No.14484830

says the fat lard that hasn't had a single romantic interaction.

>> No.14484977

jesus christ you're actually retarded

>> No.14485560
File: 54 KB, 417x511, 1555124894008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord, I start a thread about greaser wear, I mention the 1911 and it turns into a shitpost fest of /k/ vs reddit.

>> No.14485578

This is the worst thread on 4chan right now

>> No.14485627

I agree.

>> No.14485686

As one of the participants in said shitpost fest, I would like to apologize

>> No.14486006
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1539504399573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /g/! Please please please read the sticky...

>> No.14486192


You're supposed to wear Frye engineer or harness boots, and go ahead and ditch those faggy blue pants for some Levi's 511s while you are at it.

>> No.14486273


>> No.14486288

>magellan boots
>no magellan button-down
>probably never wears a hat

I bet you don't even fish

>> No.14486293

everyone who claims to be from /k/ is actually from /tv/ though

t. /int/

>> No.14486890

and yet you failed to punctuate your sentence, slit your wrists.