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/fa/ - Fashion

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14478716 No.14478716 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.14479402

Know how yo get rid of hives? Amy new sheets didnt get washed and all the chemicals broke me out.

>> No.14479718

Okay, so it's quite hot out even at night when I take a stroll. Will a misting fan be fine if I have moisturizer on my face? Also, how long should I wait for the moisturizer to set in completely, as I tend to sweat easily, the moment there's no AC or fan.

>> No.14479809

what’s the consensus on benzoyl peroxide for moderate acne, and how to apply it? just a couple of dabs spread across the whole face?

>> No.14480008
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anyone used this for ingrown hairs? it's got a lot of good reviews, hoping it will fix the problems on my neck

ingredients: Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Phytic Acid, Mediacalm Complex (Boerhavia Root Extract).

>> No.14480269
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What are these bumpy spots and how do I get rid of them? Also my face is combination/oily, with large pores on cheek and forehead.

>> No.14480529
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Anyone use these vitamin c serums? Are they effective?

I'm considering picking up pic related since I have a small discount on Amazon for one but £15 for 15ml still seems expensive.

>> No.14480599

Every skin is different and for most people tropical creams don't work for most and just create more acne in the start of the routine then it should die down. You're supposed to dab it on problem areas

>> No.14480912

benzoyl peroxide is good at treating active acne, but it also works as a preventative if you apply to your entire face. it goes deep into your skin and kills bacteria that would have caused future pimples.

anyone here on Adapalene/Differin? how is it working for you? i recently started it for the second time. the first time around, i applied it nightly like the packaging says and it burned my face so bad. this time i'm applying every 3 nights at first and i'll work my way up to nightly. i'm moisturizing and using sunscreen of course.

>> No.14481118

just ingrown hairs bro, wash ur face dont eat proccessed food should be enough

>> No.14481498

anything that helps with hyperpigmentation?
already using witch hazel & sunscreen
is that the best i can do ?

>> No.14481938
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How do I fix my splotchy stupid skin? I’ve tried everything including accutane. I use neutrogena pore refining cleanser, differin, and a gentle moisturizer. My skin is very sensitive. Is korean skincare worth looking into or is that more for women?

>> No.14482047

Effective for what?

I use them to reduce hyperpigmentation. Results vary depending on which brand I'm using. The ones listed on Amazon I find aren't that effective, as they are some weird blend. Best results I had was from Wishtrend 21.5. If you need a cheap alternative, look into the Ordinary line. Try out the Ascorbic Acid 8% + Alpha Arbutin. Yhe Vitamin C 30% with silicone is ok if you want something stronger but will pill up.

>> No.14482234
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pores on nose need to be cleared and shrunk. How do?

>> No.14482467


my skin is very sensitive too. i stick to using johnsons baby soap, and i wash my face every day and watch what i eat. GLOW recipe products are also pretty good.

>> No.14482764

best methode to reduce post acne red spots? BHA?

>> No.14483125

red spots are harder to fade than brown spots. it's called post inflammatory erythema (the brown spots are post inflammatory hyperpigmentation). laser therapy at a dermatologist office is the best treatment, but the spots can fade with time.

wearing strong sunscreen daily and not picking at the spots will help in time.

>> No.14483126

got my 1% retinol in squalene and used it last night, had no ill effects from it whatsoever
what else should I add to my routine if I have somewhat oily skin and i'm prone to sweating?
I also have blemishes i'd like to eradicate

btw I got it from the ordinary, should I just get all my moisturiser and so on from them? I love their designs

>> No.14483481

Salicylic acid is good to treat ingrown hairs so at least the formula is correct.

>> No.14483493

There are cheaper ones out there from the Asian markets. Namely Timeless and Melano CC.
Witch hazel seems to be better for bloodflow induced pigmentation. For melanin related pigmentation arbutin, hydroquinone and vitamin c seem better.

>> No.14483511

My moisture barrier seems to be fucked, at least I think.

Out of the shower, I apply toner, hydating essence and hydrating serum, all spaced apart well enough. And then my skin is oily as fuck. Is it because of the damaged moisture barrier?

Can anyone recommend a cleanser for oily/sensitive skin and damaged moisture barrier.

>> No.14483554

>got my 1% retinol in squalene and used it last night, had no ill effects from it whatsoever
Please update us every single day. I want to know exactly when you start to scream your eyes out.
Oiliness is not a sign of it. If your skin is oddly wrinkly and scaly only then consider that the moisture barrier may be damaged. Also look for extrensic factors, like overly dry weather whether hot or cold.
Overproduction of oil on the other hand is caused by stripping too much of it from the skin in some way. Are you sure your showers aren't hot? What is this toner you are using? What do your serums contain?

>> No.14483600

Regardless of the oiliness, the best way to treat dehydrated skin is by maximizing moisturization and minimizing trans-epidermal-water-loss (TEWL). This means dropping any products other than the ones that add to moisturization and introduce occlusives. Such a routine would look like this:
1. Gentle gel cleanser, or better yet an oil cleanser, to not strip away too much oil from the skin. Alternatively, washing with water only can be done once a day.
2. Humectant such as hyaluronic acid
3. Moisturizer with urea (even better if it includes ceramides on top)
4. Occlusive (Aquaphor, Cerave's Healing Ointment or if you're cheap then vaseline)
Because this routine is quite heavy it's best to apply in the evening. The duration taken to fix the skin can be from a few weeks to several months depending on how bad it is.

>> No.14484462
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I know nothing about skincare and was wondering if you guys could help me out.

>lost 100-120lbs
My face in general I think has lines around my nose from when I was fatter. My stretch marks have faded and my loose skin is minimal but is there anything you guys would specifically recommend for someone in my situation? I've heard cocoa butter might help but no idea if it's true.

Thanks friends

>> No.14484641

what are some face cleanser brands that should be avoided?

>> No.14484735

benzoyl proxide is the best

>> No.14485111
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I'm planning on getting some collagen and hyaluronic acid supplements to improve skin health. Any advice or things I should know before I do this? Anyone else have any experience with these supplements or things I should look out for?

>> No.14485118

Also thoughts on vitamin A and vitamin E for skin health.

>> No.14485125


Anyone know if there are any benefits of a vitamin C serum rather than ingesting vitamin C?

>> No.14485130

is scalp health accepted in this thread?

>> No.14485140

it is better applied topically because then it has anti-microbial effects

>> No.14485156

your scalp is skin so i don't see why not.

>> No.14485198

here it goes then

I've been facing dandruff for years. It gets better and then worse and repeat ad infinitum.

I've tried farmacy shampoos against Malassezia, head n shoulders, dermatitis shampoos, apple cider vinegar... nothing works.

If I stop shampooing, it will get extremely oily and scaly.
If I wash, it gets dry and flaky and scabby.

I've had problem with my skin under the beard as well, but I've noticed that if I scrub with water only and avoid any product, the flakiness disapears.

Any experience with this kind of shit? It's not actual dandruff, it's just yellowish scales that itch and sometimes scabs that get reddish.

>> No.14485581

Sorry can't personally help, but try asking on /fit/ as well. They often deal with weight loss and ensuing loose tissue, maybe there you can find some guidelines.

>> No.14485776

Something in sunscreen is seriously irritating my skin. I get a burning sensation whenever I put too much on. Particularly on my face and neck. What might it be? It's happened with every sunscreen I've tried.

>> No.14485994

>It's happened with every sunscreen I've tried.
Look up every one of them on cosdna and determine which sunscreen components repeat. Do not buy a sunscreen that contains them.
If you want absolutely zero irritation then go for mineral-physical sunscreen that contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

>> No.14486084
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How long are you supposed to leave cleanser on your face after you first lather your face with water? Pic related is what I use but it doesn't specify how long I'm supposed to leave it on.

>> No.14486150

appreciate it anon :)

>> No.14486167

Is tanning really that bad for your skin anons? I'm bald and extremely pale

>> No.14486635

My nose is covered in small black dots, wtf do I do and what are they

>> No.14486661

niggas i got terrible backne and horrible middle eastern body hair
i'm not trying to go full shiny but i'd probably lose a few pounds just by shaving my whole body, i need especially back hair to go though

1- wat do for backne? I tried changing diet, replacing sheets weekly, i wear a different shirt every day plus i shower in the morning. the only thing i haven't really tried is shampoo and new detergent but i only have acne issues on my back
2- is a bakblade useful?

>> No.14487789

Until it forms into a foam, then you should wash it off. Cleansing with circular movements from the bottom of the face to the top are also suggested. If the label doesn't specifiy otherwise then do as so.
Open comedomes. More common with oily skin type and areas of the face that on average product more sebum, like the nose. Large open pores permit sebum to oxidize which in turn makes the top layer dark. Best way to treat them is using salicylic acid/BHA exfoliation.

>> No.14487812

Any UV exposure increases the risk of skin cancer and definitely makes the signs of ageing show up faster and more aggressive, like sun spots, saggy skin, wrinkles.
I do understand the importance of a tan when trying to pull off the moonhead but you should watch out and not overdo it. Even when tanning, sunscreen is still necessary. To lessen the need for the sun you can also take beta carotene supplements, they help to make the skin slightly more yellow without no ill side effects. https://academic.oup.com/beheco/article/28/2/570/2990210

>> No.14487909

i went to my doc for an ingrown hair cyst the other week and got given some antibiotics for it, and fuck me has my skin improved using these. what should i do after, /fa/?

>> No.14487911

how do these compare to kojic acid soap?

>> No.14487946

Bad photo but could be rosacea. Look into it.

>> No.14487957

Sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. No experience with it unfortunately.

>> No.14487964

If they’re small, they’re most likely blackheads. You’ll need to exfoliate and cleanse for that. If they’re small, they’re probably sebaceous filaments, which everyone has and are benign.

>> No.14487967

If you have cystic acne you can just go to your doctor or dermatologist and talk about starting one something.

>> No.14487980

the cyst was on my ass from shaving it and sitting down too much, it fills with blood and pus then shrinks again every so often. doc says this should clear me up. it also seems to have massively helped my face tho.

>> No.14487985
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just betacarotene-maxx, 20 carrots a day

>> No.14487995
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Or just take pills.

>> No.14488009


does applying saliva in the morning while fasting is healthy?

>> No.14488765

does anyone know any sunscreens for brown skin? i don’t wanna look like casper anymore

>> No.14488783

is salyclic just a toner? i use it 2x daily an it keeps my acne mostly under control, but it could be better. Do I add a cleanser? I thought salycilic was a cleanser...

>> No.14488854
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i think it's from sun exposure, but can anyone tell me how to fix my nose being somuch more discolored from the rest of my face? i don't even go outside often and wear sunscreen every time i do but it's not diminishing. am i just fucked?

>> No.14489344

how great is aloe vera the plant for treating hyperpigmentation?

>> No.14489348

should dry, partially-attached "face dandruff" flakes be rubbed off or left alone? what about the same but localized around pimples?

>> No.14489784

another day of me getting drunk and forgetting to use my retinol

>> No.14490547

looks the same to me

>> No.14490638

Not to females though. The top right is more yellow.
TONER is a texture. Because of the semi-light consistency it goes either at the beginning or in the middle of a routine but that's about it when it comes to similarity between any of them. Evidently anything can be a toner.
Cleanser is meant to remove light impurities from the top of the skin and to wash off products applied previously. All this can minimize pore blocking. A few of them contain salicylic acid. As cleanser is part of the basic skincare routine you should get one too, it can help with fighting acne.
Search for tinted sunscreens that match the colour of your skin.
Aloe vera is anti-inflammatory which can lessen pigmentation that is the result of that, but it won't help with what's left post-acne. For that you need niacinamide (PIE), arbutin/hydroquinone (PIH), vitamin C topical (both PIE and PIH).
Anon! Alcohol is bad for your skin and makes you age like shit! You are past your teens, you shouldn't be doing this if you want to keep those cute retinol gains.
The flakes may be attached to healthy skin so you'd be ripping at it too which shouldn't be done. They will fall off on their own or under some natural pressure like washing your face. Apply a moisturizer to minimize their garrish look.

>> No.14490728

my skin care routine works perfectly when I'm not working out, but when I do the extra sweat fucks everything up, any good post workout products?

>> No.14491443

from what I've been able to gather, niacinamide, tea tree extract, honey, hylaronic acid, vitamin C (in a toner/essence/serum) and rice extract will help you as you have oily skin. More moisture in your products + water holding chemicals (like hylaronic acid) will help keep your face hydrated so you don't get oily. I believe niacinimide will shrink your pores so you don't get a ton of junk in there. Vitamin C, Vitamin B, caffeine, and rice extract will help your pigmentation and smooth your skin.

FYI, more moisture/moisture holding effects in your products will not make you more oily. We are oily because our skin freaks out when we strip the oils during cleansing.

Also, better cleansers and gel moisturizer (rather than lotion) will help overall with skin pigmentation, and oil.

Lastly, exfoliate with a chemical exfoliant (BHA, AHA). BHA is better for us oily niggas...and WEAR SUNSCREEN on your face. That will help massively in pigmentation. However, get a lightweight (as in not a heavy lotion), oil free, mineral based sunscreen.

I'm still fairly new to face care so please correct me if I'm wrong on anything anons.

>> No.14491459

Snail mucin, caffeine (in a serum), hyaluronic acid, collagen, protein blends, black tea extract.

You should go to target, look in the Korean section of the body care isle, and use a cream from there. There are tons of them. The Koreans know what they're doing.
Or look for (Korean/Japanese) products on Amazon made for reducing wrinkles and tightening skin. COSRX, Innisfree, Too Cool For School are well known and well respected Asian beauty comapnies.

>> No.14491466

>tfw perfect facial skin without any products
Later skinlets

>> No.14491481

based skinposter.
Niacinimide, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, Vitamin B, pumpkin seed, aloe vera, tea tree oil, collagen are all amazing for my skin. I just started learning about this stuff after a bad breakout and copped a bunch of products. I want to cop the COSRX snail mucin 96 so bad now.

May I ask what PIE and PIH stand for?

>> No.14491683

going to try out the baking soda mask tonight. what are your guys' thoughts on this. its supposed to dry out the pimples and help stop breakouts

>> No.14491703

Easier to see the complexion difference on the thumbnail. Top right has a more golden tone.

>> No.14491704

What are you asking? Use nosweat face lotion if you dont want a beady face

Ingrowns. Exfoliate

Oil cleanse. Chemical exfoliate. Moisturize.

I used glycolic and it helped. Use sunscreen

Sounds like build up. What's the water like in your place? I have hard water and thought I had dandruff until I realized it wasn't itchy. I used a clarifying shampoo and it worked. My hair isnt flaky/has build up or awkwardly waxy. I use it every three days and shampoo once/as needed.

Moisturize nigger
If you chemically exfoliate it'll help too

>> No.14491716

How does it fuck up your skin?
If you sweat at the forehead get a band to suck it up

Dont do it you fucking baboon!
What's your skin problem?
Read the OP
Find the type of skin you have, learn how to keep it happy and learn how to address problems
If you have pimples, apply some BP overnight and use a clay mask instead

>> No.14491719

I'm just asking if a misting fan be fine if I have moisturizer in my face? If not, I'll just get a handfan or one of those fancy battery powered handfans. I tend to sweat a lot regardless if I put something in my face or not.

>> No.14491733

lots of swollen pimples and dark spots on my face
i applied a clay mask last night so cant today. ill put some bp on my acne tonight though and thanks for responding. im currently using aspexia shower gel, aspexia acne astringent lotion and the spot treatment which has bp

>> No.14492112

I had a pimple that was quite large, and I popped it. It's been like a week and the bump is still there, but no whitehead, blackhead, or irritation. I use a solid regimen - Cleanser, toner, serum, essence, moisturizer. Double cleanse at night + all of the above, and a night pack. Yet the bump won't go away. I've tried BP cream but it won't reduce.

What can I use to get rid of the swelling?

>> No.14492833

PIH - post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is actually due to overproduction of melanin which then darkens the skin and darkens even more if exposed to ultraviolet rays. This is more common with people who have darker complexion.
PIE - post-inflammatory erythema. Pigmentation that is a result of increased bloodflow to the area. Best way to determine if you have this is by gently pressing the area and then moving the finger away and see if the skin is bright before darkening again.
Here's a good video that covers the treatment of both:

>> No.14492860
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Why am i getting these really gross pimples around the corners of my mouth? I don't ever really get pimples or breakouts anywhere else apart from near my eyebrows on on my hairline.
But the ones near my mouth are always coming and going, it's gross and insane how many appear over night. I do drink about 4 - 6 liters of water a day and eat usually only dinner. Could it possibly be because of dairy in my diet or something?
I also apply lip balm two or three times a week on my face. Could that possibly be rubbing off onto my chin?

My routine is
2x a week Sukin Facial Scrub (usually after shaving)
Cetaphil cleanser
Australian creams goats milk moisturiser
5% Benzac cream on my acne

Cetaphil cleanser
Australian creams goats milk moisturiser
5% Benzac cream on acne

I don't really get acne anywhere else excpet for eyebrow are and chin/mouth.
Any tips or help on changing routine or diet would be appreciated!

>> No.14492895


I have the same problem. I can't tell you anything conclusive but those spots are effected more than others by shaving and that toothpaste residue or the sulfates contained therein may irritate the area. Could also be hormonal, and thus associated with dairy, which appears to be the case since girls tend to flare up in a similar pattern if their system is out of whack.

>> No.14493056

>which appears to be the case since girls tend to flare up
Isn't that because of hormones though?
Also here's a recent video by Lim on acne treatment, this is mentioned there too.

>> No.14493923
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Daily or Bi-Daily

Whenever skin is dry:
Moisturizer or Mist spray
If you have acne:
'skin drying cream'.

Mist pray

Go for as natural as possible and do routinely as possible. Antibiotics are a no-no for skin. Avoid them unless they are the last last last resort.

Basic routine that I forget some days but has cleared my skin up and makes it look cleaner & refreshed.

Thinking about getting CC cream (For general redness and for super even skin tone) but I'm unsure, I'd look close to picture once acne & redness are gone. Thoughts?

>> No.14494195

Anyone know of good creams/face masks that actually improve scars/wrinkles?

>> No.14494219

What face cleaner do people here recommend for combination skin?

Tried one made by Garnier (no idea if that was a bad move, I'm ignorant of good brands for this stuff) and it left the corners of my mouth horribly cracked and dry. I had angular cheilitis a long time ago, and I was convinced it had come back until I stopped using the cleanser - then it went away.

>> No.14494229

Have any of you read the studies done on phenoxyethanol?

>> No.14494270

Is there a product that contains the items you listed in one?

>> No.14494607

Dude...nose has slightly pinkier tint if you re a Caucasian. Its normal.

>> No.14494615

Your doing something wrong with shaving. Maybe buy some razors and shaving products for sensitive skin and try to shave in more subtle way.

>> No.14494722

What do you use to treat lips? I've been applying hyaluronic acid and an occlusive on top for the past several weeks but the lips still remain chapped once those are washed off.

>> No.14494831

Im 25 years old and didnt have Acne for 4 or 5 years. But in the right light I still see the some scars. Is it safe to say that I will have them for life?

>> No.14495032
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Poorfag here, is there anything I could with this without spending too much money?

>> No.14495052


>> No.14495065

Won't Benzoyl Peroxide help it ease even a little bit?

>> No.14495073

Why'd you ask something you know

>> No.14495131
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Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution

Is there room for/should I incorporate a moisturizer in here? Seems like the only time I would have a chance to use it is midday or in the winter before i go out for the evening. I've heard both the sunscreen and the retinoid work better without interference from a moisturizer

>> No.14495233
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just got fried in the bahamas, whats the fastest way to get rid of what ever tan I get other than avoiding the sun for several years?

>> No.14495340

You need to speed up the skin cell cycle rate and for that AHAs and strong peels are the best.

>> No.14495377

For the pimples definitely, but the surface of the skin won't improve without professional intervention.
Watch this vid btw

>> No.14495390

>ran out of moisturiser and haven't been able to wash my face in days


>> No.14495410

Where do you get your water from then? Just use that.

>> No.14495644

I'm considering the laser treatment but the thing is sometimes it's like that for a few months then will be gone again but not totally.

>> No.14495684

Any recommendations for a good moisturiser for dry skin? My face is quite dry around my cheekbones and my eyebrows/just above my eye lids.

>> No.14495942

Should I be popping pimples everyday like basically doing a facial? Or should it be once a week ? If the former, what if I get a whitehead or a pimple that's ready?

>> No.14496093

Hey guys first time in this general. I had enough of my skin, it's oily and none of my mothers products help with it.

Please recommend me a few products to use that I can order online (i.e asos).

I just want the smooth skin look, thanks.

>> No.14496374
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I really need your help guys. What are these tiny bumps and how do I get rid of them? They appeared out of no where. Recently started washing my face with hot water, could that be why?

>> No.14496434
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I’ve had these blemishes for a long time. How do I get rid of em after almost 10 years?

>> No.14496685
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has anyone else read pic related? Just wondering if avoiding fluoride / taking iodine has helped anyone.

>> No.14496743

How well does lactic acid work on PIH?

>> No.14496869

As far as I know, very well. Don't forget that wearing sunscreen is crucial when you are trying to fade hyperpigmentation. Kojic acid could also help.

>> No.14496899

Thanks. How long would it take for there to me any noticeable changes? A week or two?

>> No.14497289

I want to try dermarolling to fix the scars on my cheek from cystic acne I had years ago. Problem is I still break out every now and then. Not cysts, but just one regular zit or pimple

Should I still try it if I break out in that area?

>> No.14497302

Is there any way to wash your face without breaking your pimples in the process?

>> No.14497361

Yes, I’ve been doing it a couple of times a year for 3 years and my scars are about 60-70% better. Do it yourself tho: checkout owndoc.com

>> No.14497435

my derm gave me vitamin c to ingest for sun protection and hyperpigmentation

>> No.14498006

Be very gentle around those points, lower the pressure on the skin and don't rush.

>> No.14498991

like a pill bottle? could you link me to it?

>> No.14499501

Why does my skin get worse when I cleanse and moisturize it compared to when I'm lazy, smelly and do nothing?

>> No.14499509

Specify what worse means to you. If it looks more irritated then you are probably using the wrong products for your skin type. Not all products work well for everyone.

>> No.14499578

stop using so many products and stop eating sugar / dairy

>> No.14499594

Should I use cold or warm water when applying lather to my face and rinsing my razor? Does it matter?

>> No.14499608

I generally form the lather on my hand instead of rubbing it into my face. Is this retarded?

>> No.14499611

I usually just use a mist setting on my shower head to get stuff off. However I've only had acne 2 times in my 22yrs of existence so take it with a grain of salt.

Is there a way I can protect my skin when outside and not look weird? I plan on going to an amusement park sometime in august but I don't want to come home looking like a sun damaged boomer. I thought about wearing a long sleeve shirt and a sunhat with regular length pants paired with sunscreen. Is that enough or are their more steps I can take?

>> No.14499677

Been fighting adult acne for a while. Went to dermatologist and said this shit is ruining my social life. She then put me on isotretinoin (accutane). Any survival tips? I hear the side effects get interesting.

>> No.14499680

Worse means I break out in weird spots, like randomly getting a whitehead on my upper arm or earlobe.
If I only wash with water I generally don't get those. It doesn't really matter which products I use, and I always use a fresh towel.
I thought it might be an allergy so I tried switching to sensitive products but it really didn't make any difference.

The filthier I am the better my skin looks.

>> No.14499687

side effects from accutane are actually very rare. most of the claims that accutane makes you depressed comes from people who are already somewhat depressed

>> No.14499918

help bros, I have massive nose pores with occasional blackheads.
current routine:
rub aveeno brightening cleanser on face with hands in the morning
rub everyman jack body wash on face with hands in the shower at night

>> No.14500092


>using body wash on your face


>> No.14500118

Everything you listed is correct, though sunglasses are also suggested. However what really perfects sun protection apparel is a parasol, but no one is chad enough for it.
The article in OP explains how to do with without fail:
>I generally form the lather on my hand instead of rubbing it into my face. Is this retarded?
As long as the cream is consistent in texture there is no difference. I myself mix it all on face to not get hands greasy.
How does cleansing and moisturizing your face lead to pimples on arms or ears? This doesn't make sense. You're not telling us everything.
Get a BHA/salicylic acid exfoliant.

>> No.14500285

Has anyone here whose experienced acne noticed the phenomena where the less you think and worry about acne the better it magically gets? My best explanation is that the less I worry about it, the less stressed I get (stress causes breakouts?) and the less I touch my face (leads to spreading acne bacterium). Don't know if that's legit but it's a real thing.

>> No.14500300

>Dry skins, around eyes and cheek bones
>Large pores on nose, slighty around nose and lower it mid forehead

Any product recommendations? Going to have a Google around anyway but i'm looking for a Cleanser, exfoliant, and moisturizer.

>> No.14500320

>stress causes breakouts
Yeah it can.
>The results indicated an increase in stress severity strongly correlated with an increase in acne severity, which was statistically significant (p<0.01). Subjects with higher stress scores, determined using the PSS, had higher acne severity when examined and graded using the GAGS.
>and the less I touch my face (leads to spreading acne bacterium)
Touching is actually about not having grime and dirt get on the skin which can then block pores rather than the spread of bacteria.

>> No.14500696

My boyfriend seems to have this problem too, not caused by any skin condition. He uses neutrogena t-gel shampoo and it seems to work because if he doesn’t use it for a bit the symptoms come back.

>> No.14500726
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Dark skin/black skin support.

If you guys need help let me know i can answer our specific issues.

Currently on
tretinoin .1%
Use a kojic acid
20% zinc oxide sunblock

Previous issues were hyperpigmentation

>> No.14500933


>> No.14501052

Third guy you replied to here, I meant the lather of a cleanser, sorry. After reading about pores from that link though should I be using hot water, cleansing, then cold water?

>> No.14501061

howd you remove your hyperpigmentation?

>> No.14501331

a lot of small bumps on my forehead and cheeks
currently doing this morning and night
1. cetaphil gentle skin cleanser
2. stridex 2% salicylic
3. thayers toner (sometimes)
4. cetaphil lotion

>> No.14501386

What's your favorite shower gel for men that doesn't dry your skin up? Not too expensive if possible.

>> No.14501503

Physical Sunblock mineral sunblock

Sun avoidance (hats for example or just not being out until after they fade away for the most part.

Exfoliation with kojie san or Lukas papaya soap

Moisturizers/serums with high vitamin c can be helpful but I didnt do it

Msm powder helps with brightening

But most importantly retin-a and sunblock helped the greatest.
Nice cetaphil is great but tretinoin is helpful for these minor things along with sunblock.

Salicylic acid broke me out, toners that are astringent too weren't helpful for my oily skin. In fact I realized oily skin was really important for my over all skin appearance. Once in stopped trying to remove the oil the bumps went a way in time so long as I exfoliated.

>> No.14501521

how do i combine vitamin c serum, toner and occasional salycitic acid wipes in a daily or weekly routine, i know cleansing first and moisturizing last + sunscreen.

>> No.14501528

use dove because its ph balanced

>> No.14501541

How do I get rid of blackheads for good?

>> No.14501565

Wash, wipes, vit c toner, moisturizer, sunblock.

>> No.14501754

no. what do they say

>> No.14501854

that's not possible.

>> No.14501938

are you supposed to use a salicylic exfoliant every day? what's the routine look like?

>> No.14501946

Not that anon, but how can people stand putting on so much at once? Even with a thin layer of moisturizer, I can tell its there. Putting C and sunscreen ontop of that would feel horrible all at once

>> No.14502074

Thx men

>> No.14502254

White 22 y old male. Never really took care of my skin before just normal showers.
My face got some of those sebaceous filaments and is on the oily side.
Recommend me a routine some specific products and where to get them in EU

>> No.14502454

26 M,

My face had a fucking breakout and I have a important date tonight. Lots of redness and small little acne spots.

My skin is very oily usually.

I'm willing to do just about anything to get it as clear as possible in the next 5 hours, does anyone have any suggestions?

>> No.14502587

That link concerns shaving so none of that applies to cleansing. To cleanse, first wash the face with cold water, afterwards apply cleanser and spread it in circular motion from the bottom of the face to the top until foam forms. Thouroughly wash it all off with cold water.
>should I be using hot water
Skincare elements that are meant for pore treatment can permeate the skin without hot water. For shaving it's only useful to lossen hair strands so they offer less resistance.
With any chemical exfoliant it's suggested to start out once a week and over time increase the rate of application as long as the skin can stand it and you are happy with the results. At most you'd be applying in the morning and in the evening, same brands suggest once a day as well. For BHAs it doesn't matter if in the evening or the morning.
>what's the routine look like?
Cleanse, apply salicylic acid, following with whatever else you have and then moisturize. Moisturization is important because salicylic acid dries out the skin.
You get used to it and barely feel a thing past a month or so. However if there's a sense of something on top of the skin then it's more likely the products applied just aren't working with the skin, they don't absord properly either because the skin isn't clean or produces too much oil or the products aren't thin enough. I can easily slap vitamin c + salicylic acid + niacinamide + caffeine solution + benzoyl peroxide + hyaluronic acid + moisturizer + sunscreen and not feel a thing past 15 minutes. It's only when I apply a thick as shit moisturizer and have an occlusive on top for my night routine does it feel like my skin is trapped. The order of starting out with the thinnest/most viscous and following with thicker items is especially important to improve absorption. Of course waiting for the items to dry in between each is mandatory as well.

>> No.14502631

This anon gets it

But also I pause between applications. Retin a I wait 20mins before applying anything else.

>> No.14502943


>> No.14502965

it's gonna be hot, so could I go outside with just sunscreen and be fine?

>> No.14503035

How do you get tan and not get cancer?

>> No.14503048

Can I ask about Minoxidil here? How am I supposed to apply this shit on my hairline without dripping it all over my face

>> No.14503095

you could split up the dose throughout the day, or apply a small amount, wait for it to dry, and repeat until you get the full dose
if your balding area is small you might be able to use less of it and still get results
make sure to microneedle and take a DHT blocker like finasteride to maximize hair regrowth

>> No.14503127
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Don't know much about micro needling, but I'm afraid of finasteride because I don't want ball cancer if it isn't gonna help to regrow some of the patches on my hairline. Rest of my hair is great, I've just lost a bit of hair in the front since that kind of receded a bit. So it makes my forehead look massive

>> No.14503334

Very small amounts. I use the dropper and very slowly squeeze while moving it all around the area, being careful not to put too much in one place.

>> No.14503416

bruh get on that microneedling train. look at this study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746236/
they use a 1.5 mm dermaroller once a week
also idk about ball cancer but fina/duta lowers the risk of prostate cancer and should prevent or slow current and future hair loss. without it you'll probably lose all your newly grown hair once you stop your minox+needle treatment but idk for sure but that would suck if that happened

>> No.14503438

Should I moisturize every day or will that make my skin look shiny?

>> No.14503716

currently taking some zinc sulfate pills, will i break out before improving?

>> No.14504042

You should everyday. If it makes your skin shiny find a new one. Water gel moisturizers don't usually have this issue.

>> No.14504045

I would still use moisturizer. The heat will dry your skin out which isn't good for it.

>> No.14504056

I have oily skin as well. I started using the neutrogena water gel for extra dry skin and my face was no longer oily. I think my face was just overcompensating without the moisture it needed. I've heard people had great experiences with The ordinary's AHA + BHA peel. I have it as well and it does make my skin smooth but it doesn't do much for my skin otherwise. Perhaps you'll have better luck. Another product I'd recommend is azelaic acid. It gets rid of texture so it leaves your skin more leveled. Try mezalapam. Not sure if any of these are on asos though.

>> No.14504066

If you need something thick try Blithe apricot pressed serum. It's a good moisturizer. Even though it says serum it's not.

If your skin is super dry to the absolute max try jergens all purpose face cream. This stuff is extremely thick however. May be better if you use it for winter weather.

>> No.14504087

Moisturizers are the best things you can do for your skin. Your should be using it every day using twice a day as the last step or second to last in your am and pm routine. Moisturizers keeps your skin hydrated which is turns protects the stratum corneum. If you don't want something heavy go for a water gel. Neutrogena's water gel moisturizers are usually the default but there are many water gels out there so look for one that you think would fit best for you.

Sunscreen is my last step in my am routine. As long as your using a physical sunscreen I don't see how a moisturizer can interfere with that. With retinoids, it should work fine. Many retinoids in fact are drying so moisturizing just counteracts that effect. It can also seal in the content of your retinoid if you use moisturizing as your last step.

>> No.14504088

Have you tried a vitamin c serum?

>> No.14504090

Vaseline or aquaphor usually works for me. Laneige has a lip treatment mask however.

>> No.14504098

Cera ve cleanser is the widely known brand for a good cleanser. I would recommend the hydrating facial cleanser. There's nothing wrong with the foaming one but some people feel that foaming cleansers strip their skin too much. I personally don't use cleansers though. It never felt like it did much for my skin. I just use an olay bar soap for my face. It has never failed me. I've tried several cleansers and some broke me out. As soon as I went back to olay soap bar my break outs stop and start healing. This is just my skin though. Some people may be too sensitive to it.

>> No.14504099

Go to a dermatologist or sign up for curology and get a perscription for tretinoin. This stuff is very strong but extremely effective.

>> No.14504101

>1- wat do for backne? I tried changing diet, replacing sheets weekly, i wear a different shirt every day plus i shower in the morning. the only thing i haven't really tried is shampoo and new detergent but i only have acne issues on my back
Try using body oil. Get neutrogena's brand, it's light. Backne could be caused by the stripping of natural body oil. When your body is stripped of it's natural oils it produces more oil and it can cause your skin to get congested and break out.

>2- is a bakblade useful?
Don't know.

>> No.14504104

St ives.

>> No.14504708

>wants visibly aged skin
>asks for a healthy way to kill skin cells

are you high?

yeah I use that in conjunction always, but could I be fine with just sunscreen as my primary form of sun protection? Or is sunscreen something to fallback on?

>> No.14504712

pimples go away, popping them is a dumb boomer meme.

>> No.14504748

youre stupid, the scar they leave is even greater than popping them

>> No.14504751

what do I combine with retinol to get rid of blemishes/acne marks/uneven skin tone?

>> No.14504761

Impossibru. But everyone just takes the risk.

>> No.14504773

>without it you'll probably lose all your newly grown hair once you stop your minox+needle treatment
Finasteride will not protect new hairs that were grown via minoxidil because both work in absolutely different ways.

>> No.14504783

Yeah that's my occlusive.
>lip treatment mask
Does it do anything different really?

>> No.14504787

Niacinamide and Vitamin C. Niacinamide should also reduce retinol irritation.

>> No.14504822

In what order should I apply them?
Also i'm the dude using 1% retinol (which I currently use in the morning because i'm usually too drunk to remember to use it at night) with no ill effects after a week
this stuff good btw?
and what vit c meme solution should I get from theordinary?

>> No.14504983

Ordinary warns against using both in the same routine because niacinamide reduces the potency of vitamin c. As vitamin c has some sun protective properties it's better used in the morning leaving niacinamide for the evening. Both should be applied prior to retinol.
>using 1% retinol (which I currently use in the morning
Retinoids should be used in the evening as they increase skin's photosensitivity which can lead to burns and harmful tan. A sunscreen should be used during the day.
>too drunk
You're killing your retinol gains, anon!
>this stuff good btw?
I have it but can't comment on the effectiveness yet. My erythema has a near decade long history and it won't go away all that fast.
>and what vit c meme solution should I get from theordinary?
They have a guide for that: https://theordinary.com/vitcguide
Just don't buy the powder, you will need to mix it with a carrier whereas other products already have it mixed appropriately.
I myself would stay away from the derivatives, so that only leaves with the two vit c suspensions and vitc + alpha arbutin.

>> No.14505004


Ok so I have the retinol already and I just bought the niacinamide, my main goal as I said was to to try my best to remove my blemishes
Could I do the following
>salyic acid
>salyic acid

I work outdoors so I sweat and i'm in the sun a lot but I have pretty resilient skin, I never get any sun damage or anything, the only issue I have is a few dark blemishes that I want to get rid of (and my skin is somewhat oily but I assume it's sweat more than just oil)

>> No.14505055

Skincare retard here, do I need to use a moisturiser if I'm using suncream?

>> No.14505127

hey, what retinol are you using, how good is it? thanks

>> No.14505226

DHT causes MPB
fina lowers DHT

>> No.14505281

Is hair shampoo bad to wash your face with?
I mean it does say HEAD & Shoulders h-haha right

>> No.14505286

It works wonderfully on me. What im stuck on rn is on getting ride of scars.

>> No.14505399

Yes sunscreen will be just fine for your primary form of sun protection. Just make sure to reapply every 2 hours if your out in the sun.

>> No.14505402

I'm not really sure. My sister uses it and raves about it but it does look like vaseline to me.

>> No.14505418

Try a witch hazel toner. They can fade blemishes but it does take a long while. You can probably see results if you use every day twice a day in about 2 months. I use Dickinson's hydrating (pink bottle) with no alcohol. Most people I see use Thayer's

>> No.14505427


>> No.14505438

What are some affordable and effective retinols? I tried the Ordinary's retinol in squalane but my skin does not like squalane plus I also found it tends to pill on me.

I'm iffy on those amazon brands. I feel like their just scams.

>> No.14505445

could I add it to that routine?

>> No.14505528

When you first get a cut you rub vinegar into it
It breaks down the cells and makes them repair improperly
Giving your future scar a much more distinct look

>> No.14505563

so you shouldnt rub vinegar into it? or you should?

>> No.14505581

What food should I definitely cut from my diet to improve my skin? Refined carbs? Sugar?

>> No.14505618

Yes, I'd add it in before he salyic acid.

>> No.14505624

Dairy and chocolate has a record in causing acne. Try taking some supplements though. Something with ceramides is great for skin. Vitamin C would be good too.

>> No.14505890

How vital is sleep for acne? Sleeping late can cause breakouts?

>> No.14505980

even if you have tough skin don't use retinol in the AM, that's just adding potential future problems. unless you're diligent with reapplying SPF every 2 hours...but still i would not.

as for the vitamin C >>14504983 gave good advance, but i'm not a fan of the suspensions and the alpha arbutin mixture is so-so. The ethylated 15% is another option, it basically has the same potency of "pure" vitamin c with the same restrictions (don't use with niacinamide, peptides, etc.) but it's a very stable solution.

the vitamin c under deciem's other brands are ethlyed too, C25 and ELAN.

and here's a hot tip mixing any vitamin c with resveratrol/ferulic acid will give it a huge boost
i'm currently using C25 + Resveatrol/FA and I like it so far.

since it seems you don't have a moisturizer tho and to simply things i'd actually go with
it's a derivative yes, but it's good enough. going with one of the suspensions would just be way too much. and then there's the option of mixing it with Resveatrol/FA to give it that boost

>> No.14506425

>stop showering, just bathe my body twice weekly
>facial skin gets WORSE
what the heck /fa/? i cleanse and moisturize thrice daily

>> No.14506430

can I use this
with the niancinamide though?
i'm thinking
>salyic acid
>Magnesium Ascorbyl Phosphate 10%
>salyic acid

>> No.14506451

What are some upper end recommended products? Like cetaphil is recommended in the pastebin and that’s $15. Are there cleansers or moisturizers for $50 or $100 that are higher quality? I don’t care about proportionality, willing to pay much more for stuff that’s just slightly better.

>> No.14506611

Is it possible to make moles less visible or reduce them somehow without doing something invasive like surgery? Don't really want to learn how to use makeup either (I am a man)

>> No.14506650

don't spend more just because you can, it doesnt always mean better quality products. 2 step cleansing with an oil and then regular cleanser is the best thing to do, imo - oil cleanser will breakdown sunscreens and regular cleanser will remove remaining dirt. i'd highly recommend japanese skincare because it has great ingredients and no fragrance, unlike a lot of SK skincare which tends to be heavily fragranced and sometimes quite gimmicky, save for some brands like COSRX. cetaphil's cleanser is ok but not great, cerave is better but the hada labo hyaluronic acid foam cleanser and oil cleanser will knock most expensive stuff out of the park. sorry for ramble i just love skincare lol, you shouldn't waste your money

>> No.14506662

okay crater face calm down.


thanks anon.

>> No.14506812


I'll take a look, but was hoping for something a tad cheaper.

>> No.14506938

question about sunscreen since i see it a lot here. is the banana boat face sunscreen good? or does it have to be an actual for acne sunscreen?

>> No.14507281

yes derivative Vitamin C products like MAP are okay to be used with Niacinamide. The only other derivative products The Ordinary carries is the 12% solution and Vitamin F 20%.
The vitamin c/niacinamide thing is kinda weird anyway as there's some conflicting reports, some sources say you can...others not. If you do ever decide to try out a non-derivative I would separate the two anyway just to be safe.
Your regimen looks fine, I'd add any moisturizer after Niacinamide in the PM though.
skin care will help with making them less viable, but pores are genetic so there's only so much it can do

>> No.14507312

>still putting harmful chemicals on your skin hoping it will make things better

>> No.14507332

Is it possible to cure shiny forehead? I managed to stop breaking out with Adapalene and BP but this ugly greasy upper skin of my face makes me look as disgusting as I was with pimples. Mostly it comes from bald spot on the upper left and right.
I'm begging you please advise anything except for anti-sebum napkins.

>> No.14507434

thanks dude
waiting for my new stuff to arrive, should be here on monday if i'm lucky

>> No.14507622

How do you figure out if you have a big pimple or a cysts? I've checked online and some sources tell me that a cystic acne is just a pimple.

>> No.14507644

Been dealing with acne scars since I had a massive breakout in summer 2017. Tried different things like prescribed tretinoin cream, vitamin C serums, wearing sunscreen, and overall better skincare like oil cleansing every night. Nothing's changed, if anything I look worse because my scars get more pronounced as I get older. Any tips?

Also looking for a good Vitamin C serum to even out my complexion and recommendations for sunscreen since the Neutrogena clear face SPF 55 one I'm using occasionally blocks my pores and leads to some whiteheads and blemishing here and there that I want to avoid.

>> No.14507647
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Cystic acne starts out as an inflamed patch of red skin that hurts to touch/move. It progresses into a whitehead that engorges with more pus and will bleed and potentially scar if popped. Don't fuck with cystic acne

>> No.14507650

am i supposed to feel anything when applying glycolic acid? Im convinced im not cleansing well enough or theres buildup because it barely registers on my face

>> No.14507679

So should I just not touch it like a regular pimple and wait until it pops by itself or go to a dermatologist and have him cut it out?

>> No.14507697

Totally depends on skin's tolerance. Stinging is not a sign that it "works". It's a sign of irritation and you shouldn't be using it if it doesn't go away after a while.

>> No.14507761

regrow your hair so it soaks up the grease

>> No.14507772

the trick is to stop consuming inflammatory foods
these meme cosmetics do not help
getting rid of dairy literally cleaned up my face

>> No.14507776

if you are using stuff like acids that make your skin sensitive then you should invest in a quality sunscreen with mexoryl or tinosorb, they are slightly expensive but you can apply them once in the morning and they last longer and arent broken down by the sun on top of blocking and reflecting uva and uvb rays instead of absorbing them.

la roche posay anthelios line or avene sunscreen are good options, you will spend about 30-40 bucks for a bottle but it should be able to last you the rest of the summer

>> No.14507790

>stop consuming cheese

why dont i just kill myself instead?

>> No.14507813

not eating cow titty milk isn't gonna exfoliate, hydrate, moisturize, and save ur skin from pollution and the sun sweetie :-)

>> No.14507821

I have dry, sensitive skin and I get 1 - 2 pimples once in a while. I don't eat dairy. I don't really want to have preventative measures for acne since I don't get it very often, but what should I do once I get them? Any drying lotion recommendations? I usually just don't apply lotion onto them for a day or so until they dry out and go away, but I feel like a drying lotion would achieve the same thing in a "healthier" way.

I use Cerave's SA cleanser + moisturizer as well as a niacinamide serum at night.

>> No.14507840

Quit sugar (especially if you live in America) + Adapalene+BPO 2-3 times a week.

>> No.14507851

>Quit sugar (especially if you live in America)
may as well ask him to fucking neck
americans without sugar is americans without air

>> No.14507861

I mean Americans have sugar in almost everything, so quitting *pure* sugar (chocolate, sugary drinks, coca-cola, cookies, cakes, yogurts, ice-cream, honey etc) will help to keep skin clean.

>> No.14507865
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What can I do better?

Here are my products I use. Not pictured is my sunscreen, which is Shiseido's Senka Aging sunscreen. I'm not completely sold on any specific eye creams, so I'm currently trying the one pictured (answer from) which is good so far. I got a bunch of samples of this sleep mask and really like it so I will probably buy the full size.
Some notes:
I have normal to dry skin most of the year, and dry skin in the winter
I'm in my late 20s and a female
I don't use a cleanser, but I wash/rinse my face with lukewarm water twice a day
I do some variety of face mask once a week


>> No.14507883

Lol. I wish. Is there any other way to mitigate the problem? There must be something on market.

>> No.14508982


>> No.14508991

what is pictured anon?

>> No.14509071

.1% tretinoin is needlessly strong. studies already confirm you get almost identical results with .025% with significantly less irritation.

>> No.14509072

it would definitely be weird if you don't feel anything a strong concentration. make sure to use and alcohol based acidic cleanser before applying the chemical peel. as to remove oils and fats on your skin that could inhibit the penetration of the peel.

>> No.14509180

Fresh Deep Hydration rose essence toner
Belif Moisturizing Bomb cream moisturizer
Soroci Lycomato Sleeping Mask
Answer from eye cream

>> No.14509243

Is there any benefit in using lip balm daily if I don't even have cracked/dry lips?

>> No.14509488
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My skin is thoroughly fucked. Can I do anything to unfuck it to any degree?

I was planning to start using this stuff, both AM and PM:
1) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BMJTP6S/
2) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00949CTQQ/
3) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GDT961B

Should I add or replace one of these with anything else? I especially hate my monstrous pores on the nose, they are literally oozing with this oily brown shit whole day through. I'm ugly enough as it is.

>> No.14509492

thanks for the article but question, why do derms pop your pimples then?

>> No.14509494
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My forehead. Before this I tried using Garnier cleanser for combination and oily skin, with salicylic acid, but it left my face very red and obviously distressed. I tried soothing it afterwards with generic nivea creme, which left my face literally dripping with oil.

>> No.14509805


>> No.14510454

does anyone actually use FTEs? I'm convinced these gorillion types of hydrating layers are just designed to extract as much money out of gullible people as possible

>> No.14511229
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>trying to buy good skincare products in EU

every single skincare guide I look at recommends products that only sell to America or are imported from Asia, is EU skincare really this shit?

>> No.14511900

My current routine is:
Cereve Foaming Cleanser
Vitamin C Serum
Elta MD Sunscreen/Moisturizer
Vanicream Lite Lotion

Any tips? My face goes through cycles of breaking out and being clear. 20m btw

>> No.14511907


>> No.14511933

Bet acne cure. Stop drinking soda. Do not eat French fries.

Sugar and high amounts of oil will ruin your skin.

Have fun.

>> No.14512094

pretty much all Cerave products are solid options. also, the Ordinary brand is great for toners, their glycolic acid toner especially is good. bioderma also has some good stuff but avoid the products which contain parfum/fragrance because it causes uneeded irritation to the skin.

>> No.14512178

thank you anon!

>> No.14512353

soaps will stay on the skin less time so they generally have less of an effect as these serums which stay on the skin and absorb deeply for long periods of time.
Can't say much about the difference in efficacy although vit c seems to be more for spots of hyperpigmentation whereas kojic acid is used to lighten brown patches of skin like underarms

>> No.14512363

Salicylic acid from the ordinary is only £4.20 and that's the most common ingredient for ridding acne, just remember moisturiser and sun block

>> No.14512447

Sun exposure has pretty massive benefits though such that studies have shown people with the most incidence of sunburn have the lowest death risk and people with the least sunburn have the highest. Same with sun exposure. People with melanoma have the same death risk as the average population. Smokers with the most sun exposure have a lower death risk than non smokers with least sun exposure. Etc. etc. So while it’s important to be mindful and may have negative effects on skin when getting a ton of sun, it’s also not good to be constantly lathered in sunscreen and avoiding any exposure.

>> No.14512481

Better post those studies then because every single one of your opinions goes straight against the common popular notion.

>> No.14512487

how often/long do you need to use vitamin c and glycolic acid for it to make a difference?

>> No.14512496

i broke out less when i switched from the normal cerave cream to the more fluid cerave pm. try switching out your first moisturizer to something lighter then get a separate sunscreen and use that over top of the moisturizer after its absorbed.

>> No.14512499

should i use an alcohol wipe then cerave foaming cleanser afterwards, is that too much?

>> No.14512500

I read that with the application of glycolic acid subjects reported some change after a month of testing. The length of time before full benefit of the acid shows is around 6 months. Don't know about vitamin c.

>> No.14512528
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it seems like skincare communities are massively skewed towards products for sensitive/dry skin, is there a reason for this? I have oily skin but it feels like there's almost no products recommended here for my skin type

>> No.14512535

how often do they apply it? Right now im alternating vitamin c + glycolic acid after 20 minutes and salicylic acid wipes the alternate days.

>> No.14512589

estrogen makes your skin relatively dry
and only women and estrogenized men care about their skin

>> No.14513889


>> No.14513948

redpill me on removing moles

>> No.14513963

>get rhinoplasty done
>don't wash face for 10 days because super worried about getting an infection/soaking the splint off
>finally take splint off
>skin is unbelievably dry and cracking, especially around my nose

fugg it's been 3 days and I keep trying to moisturise 3x a day but my skin is still cracked, what do I do?

>> No.14514005
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>realise that my skintype has changed from combination to dry and all my old skincare products I've been buying for years are now useless


>> No.14514017

>skin care thread
>over 250 posts
>STRG+F "coconut oil"
>0 results
straight dummies

>> No.14514133

stop using chemical laden moisturizing garbage. it is absolutely fucking terrible for your skin in general.

use coconut oil instead.

I fucked up the skin on my hands from cement exposure once. really bad. what happens is bla bla chemical in cement makes skin retarded and keeps drying out no matter what bla bla.

even soaking my hands in bowls of water to absorb water, only worked a little. my hands were cracking and bleeding. then I discovered coconut oil.

that shit is incredible and will change your life.
best moisturizer in the world, and it's natural, and cheap. no need to get fancy stuff just get plain coconut oil with nothing else in it.

I also fucked my hands up from other chemical exposures other times, drying them out, and coconut oil fixed the issue each time.
now? the skin on my hands is nice and soft.

it works on skin anywhere on your body. you can even use it for controlling and killing dandruff in your hair.
you're welcome.

>> No.14514228

>comedogenic rating of 4/5
>even soaking my hands in bowls of water to absorb water, only worked a little
Water by itself doesn't stop water loss in the skin. That's why moisturizers and occlusives are used in the first place. And your -nut oil has a high likelihood of breakouts when applied to the face. Skin is at all not the same across different parts of the body. Anyone starting out with skincare should avoid comedogenic products until they actually know what their skin can tolerate. Having some pore blocking oil result in pimples can ruin the enthusiasm.
Apply vaseline or other occlusive on top of the moisturizer. Skip the cleanser and opt for a simple water wash.

>> No.14514397


>> No.14514504

thank you for the help

>> No.14514779

have stubborn post acne marks/pie
should I try tret though my skin has had bad reactions to otc retinols?

>> No.14514991
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Bumping this dudes request. I seem to have the exact same skin and would also benefit from am answer.

>> No.14515016

>even soaking my hands in bowls of water to absorb water, only worked a little
stopped reading here, this is really stupid and no one should take advice from you

>> No.14515049


>> No.14515123

dammm you look like THAT??

>> No.14515131
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Nope. I always bump with qt girls though

>> No.14515149


>> No.14515544
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how good Skinfood black sugar wash off mask?

>> No.14515593

Why is sunscreen so heavily shilled here?
When I lived in Florida sure I would sunburnt if I didn't use it, but in other areas it hasn't really been necessary.

Is there some benefit beyond preventing sunburn?

>> No.14515607

Nearly every product recommendation (cleanser, toner, exfoliator, moisturizer, shampoo, etc etc) I see can't really be bought where I am--Japan.

Any ideas about generally well received Japanese brands so I don't have to pay and wait out the ass to import?

>> No.14515633

showering with hot water doesn't help. go lukewarm.

>> No.14515637

too late obviously but use concealer, not good for your skin but will hide acne for a date.

>> No.14515660
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the sun damages and ages your skin. even if you're in russia and it's peak winter season you're gonna need spf if you go outside, the sun is still there. annoying to get used to but it's worth it

i've tried hada labo toners and moisturizers and they're pretty good.

>> No.14515960
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The right side of this pic is you

>> No.14515991
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hada labo, kose, and biore are all great brands. i use the hada labo gokujyun toner and cleanser, softymo cleansing oil and biore UV sunscren and theyre all great and cheap even after import tax so theyll be even more affordable for you. lululun also do great fragrance-free sheet masks

>> No.14515994
File: 53 KB, 500x200, uvguide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, sunscreen is cheap as fuck and most aging is caused by sun damage. other than that, sun damage can cause melanoma, hyperpigmentation and damage to your skin's collagen and elastin. before you go out, check the UV rating on a weather app. i live in a cold country and there's still enough UV to cause damage

>> No.14516023

Soo I work in an office and my desk is near a window, I still need to reapply my suncream every few hours while at my desk, right?

>> No.14516486

I'm around 6 1/2 months into accutane (20mg daily) and so far the only symptoms I've had are dry lips/skin and slight back pain, this being said, I am on quite a low dosage but I do think that accutane is quite a safe drug if you communicate with your derma-bro well. Make sure to find a good cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen and lipbalm that don't trigger any negative reactions with your skin (patch-test all products), your skin will become very dry on accutane so consider using products targeted towards drier/sensitive skin when your skin starts becoming dry. Also don't give up and be persistent :)

>> No.14516606

where do you order from to make sure you're not getting a fake product?

>> No.14516710

Tretinoin isn't really meant for erythema treatment.
The suggested topicals however are niacinamide, vitamin c and azelaic acid. Adequate moisturization is also important for the healing process so a higher than average coverage could be recommended. For that ceramides, snail mucin (often recommended), hyaluronic acid and occlusives could be used.
There isn't all that much information but I found this article and the video to have the best overview:
The fastest option of course is vascular laser treatment but it's not so cheap.
Where did you get the picture?
>and damage to your skin's collagen and elastin
Reduction in collagen is obviously true but with elastin actually the opposite happens - it gets overproduced, a condition called Actinic elastosis, resulting in droopy shapeless skin.
The reduction of elastin is more of an intrinsic ageing property which modern skincare can't really control.
Not him but most of the popular Korean or Japanese skincare stuff can be found on Ebay, thats' where I buy it too. There's extensive buyer protection as long as Paypal is used to make the payment.
Well if the sunlight isn't shining directly at you and your sunscreen includes physical blockers that don't degrade so fast maybe a single reapplication could be enough.
Generally giving advice on this topic is really tricky because the rate of reapplication that companies cite most often only concerns direct sun exposure. They also give no information on how their sunscreens degrade over time or in relation to uv radiation. Companies must have the data but they are not giving it to the buyers.

>> No.14516715

Perhaps this is a common question, but I am hoping to see what people here think: is A313 Vitamin A Pommade worth it? I've had some friends rave about it but I can't determine if it is actually doing anything.

>> No.14516730

thank you for the advice anon

>> No.14516745

Whats the point in using benzoyl peroxide? It works for about 2 weeks and then my acne just comes back with a vengeance. It seems like there is no reason to buy it if it wont work permanently

>> No.14516813


I'm white and have got a naturally ruddy complexion, so nothing acute like roseacea. Any advice about how to achieve a more even, or at least less pink, tone? All the solutions seem to be exclusive to women's makeup routines or people with specific conditions, rather than just a red face.

>> No.14516888

By drying out the skin it decreases sebum production and additionally kills p-acnes bacteria that cause inflammation. In my experience benzoyl did halt the pimples from growing and dried them out faster. The overall length of treatment was listed as 4 weeks on the packaging. If it's not working for you, consider visiting a dermatologist for something stronger.

>> No.14517083

same for me. what can you do for discoloration scars?

>> No.14517156


>> No.14517210

Use nizoral or something similar. I had the same problem. Used nizoral fot a year and it went away. I have the same problem with my eyebrows and for that i use tacrolimus ointment.

>> No.14517702

azelaic acid.

>> No.14518131

grazie, anon

>> No.14518140

use nizoral, but if theres buildup of plaque from seb derm you may have to use a coal tar or salycilic acid shampoo a couple times first to get rid of it, then nizoral 2 times a week for a couple weeks to treat, and eventually just once a week or once 10-12 days to maintain

>> No.14518438

My nose is oily and I have large pores. Could salicylic acid help with it? Additionally I have some bumps and darker by ps on my cheeks. Would the acid aid with those?
I have only been using a facewash and moisturizer so wanting to step things up.

>> No.14518441

What constitutes as a good cleanser? Any recommendations?

>> No.14518576

Thoughts on Cera Ve salicylic acid cleanser? I hear some people find it drying. I my face tends to be oily.

Also since this has niacinimide in it will that neutralize the vitamin c serum I put on afterwards?

>> No.14518616

Buy these on eBay use them everyday thank me now. Sheet masks are an absolute essential for the best skin

>> No.14518617
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Buy these on eBay

>> No.14518621
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Also shrinks pores like the mother fucker try it

>> No.14518667
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What's the verdict on this cleanser + moisturiser? I currently have the tube of 5% benzac cream.
Currently using cetaphil cleanser + some cheap brand moisturiser.
I have oily skin so yeah

>> No.14518683

>wake up
>cleanse, apply toner, apply moisturizer, apply eye cream
>go out
>face is blotchy and red

>day without routine
>skin looks fine

>> No.14518748

man I wish I got into autistic grooming earlier
feels weirdly comfy rubbing all these chemicals on my face

>> No.14518753

Worth asking your Dermatologist but Cetaphil Oily Skin cleanser worked well for me, get something simple that is oil-free and matches your skin type. You should also avoid using cleansers with sacylic acid or any other anti-acne products while on accutane as it might be too drying.

>> No.14518759

your products are irritating your skin

get better ones/research what your skin type is and what works best for it

>> No.14518771

I've used the same products for years.

Before they helped my skin look much better, but now it appears not so

>> No.14519029

How does one wear or apply a mask with a beard/facial hair? Put it over the hair?

>> No.14519206

Maybe the formula has changed? What about your environment and diet, are those still the same as years before?

>> No.14519356

Thoughts on Kiehl products? Are they overpriced for what you get. Went in their store and they recommended the Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash, it's one of their best sellers so they say.
I thought about picking up the Blue Herbal Blemish Cleanser Treatment also.

>> No.14519374


>> No.14519376

With salicylic acid do I apply after my moisturizer? I plan on getting the one from the ordinary 2%

>> No.14519585

But that just irritates my skin further.