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File: 375 KB, 586x673, B486FAF7F53A4BBA8D8DA12519D491BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14469967 No.14469967 [Reply] [Original]

Is living like this effay?
Most single men seem to do it

>> No.14469972

Remove the tv and lazy boy. Add Japanse bed, books, lamp, mirror, plants, clothes. Now that's FA

>> No.14469993

Living by urself is the greatest gift there is. This man is a pleb

>> No.14470071

Still better than having a wooden " live, love, life " sign in your house.

>> No.14470119
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>> No.14470123
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>> No.14470222

well well, look at the city slicky with his fancy japanese tv

>> No.14470256
File: 224 KB, 1024x768, FFE3A7D2-DB1C-44C2-A9FB-A1BDC188EB2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women literally live like this and dont see any issue

>> No.14470259

yeah, fuck women

>> No.14470281

This. Someone post the shopped version.

>> No.14470296

Not a single goddamn book

>> No.14470348

That lighting is atrocious

>> No.14470360
File: 41 KB, 720x480, IMG_20181226_225230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These look comfy and effay af

>> No.14470377

rent is so high these days.

rent + deposit
bed + sofa + wifi and some kitchen wear is all i can afford now. and all i need
girls who whine about this shit. either have never rented a place or come from privilege backgrounds

>> No.14470493

>japanese bed
It's called futon and it's complete garbage especially if you don't sleep on tatami mats

>> No.14471010

These are both shit, idk why one has to be good and one bad.
>muh privilege
I didn't know it was still 2012

>> No.14471015

also if you thats all you could afford then you shouldn't of moved retard.

>> No.14471060
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i've lived on the streets for 7 years
all i own is an inflatable camping mat, a waterproof bivy, and a white suit
come at me

>> No.14471068

Yes. I would even remove that couch, lay on the floor and get a projector to play movies on the ceiling

>> No.14471118

>all i own is an inflatable camping mat, a waterproof bivy, and a white suit
>no phone
How are you posting here?

>> No.14471125

less items that will catch dust
and if you clean houes you just need to sweep it with vaccum cleaner/mop it

>> No.14471130

public librar

>> No.14471133

His hour ran up before he could finish typing. Poor bastard.

>> No.14471144

Reminder to buy physical media in all its formats: movies, books, music, etc...

Reminder that the wh*** w**** is simultaneously pushing for men to live all minimally like this, while also making fun of it like in the OP.

>> No.14471248

fucking based

>> No.14471272

Woman detected

No clutter is better than clutter

>> No.14471568

my neck hurts from this pic

>> No.14471577

There's a difference between minimalism and being a cheap fuck with only a mattress and a media machine.

>> No.14471602
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>> No.14471606

This is effay and he probably fucked her in that recliner. Deep down she sees his clarity of goals and honesty with life and is jealous. Do you really need a fucking canvas hanging on your wall that says "Live Laugh Love" in played out but safe pastel fonts to feel at home?

>> No.14471611

>also if you thats all you could afford then you shouldn't of moved retard.
so ignorant its :(

>> No.14471618

The only difference being intent.

>> No.14471646

wood paneling +
crt for hd gaming -
pile of wood ? where's the fireplace??
men can use tables too

>> No.14471647
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>> No.14471698
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yeah it is ignorant to make a big decision like moving and not take into account all the costs.
>Woman detected
no just a fag that knows how to keep a room together like a normal human being.

>> No.14471711

>implying some ppl have the option to not move
again ignorant

>> No.14471721

look at all that room for activities

>> No.14471733

bullshit, most public libraries have 4chan blocked.

>> No.14471782

Had to be a fucking broad
Thank god I’m a fag

>> No.14471838

moved...from where? where do you think we were living before? shouldn't have moved from where?

>> No.14471977

Thats just poor-core. That's all.

>> No.14471981
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when you're so high you just don't care-core.

>> No.14471993

Asylum vibes

>> No.14472005

you sound like a faggot, 2015 is <- that way

>> No.14472441

Lmao @ cityniggers.
Rent is 400 a month for 2 bed 1 bath house 1 block away from downtown. With garage and basement.
>not having rural wholesome waifu
>not going to local farmers market
>can see the entire galaxy every night
>dont have to deal with Jamal and da boyz.

>> No.14472463

Where do you live?

>> No.14472529

After years of searching, I finally know my aesthetic. Anon, thanks.

>> No.14472852

The one on the left is fine, if a bit basic, except for the shit taste in media.

The one on the right would rather have his home infested with insects than not be too lazy to build a wood shed and walk out to it when he needs wood.

>> No.14472859

we have this thread everyday

>> No.14472867


What kinda shithole house is $400/mo rent in US? I live in bumfuck nowhere and you can't rent a trailer that size for that

>> No.14473861

god it reminds me of my sister

>> No.14473864

remove sofa chair and tv, replace with desk, office chair and desktop computer. that's it

>> No.14473866

home with frivolous materialistic shit, worried about what others think. plugged into the matrix
detached, humble, living an ascetic life of the gamer monk

>> No.14474975

Rent on countryside is 200-400€/mo in Germany.

>> No.14474999

yeah, same in Italy

>> No.14475034

Demon's Souls is all that matters.

>> No.14475035

Why do girls care so much about their fucking home deco? Never really gave a shit about it as long as my basic necessities were fulfilled.

>> No.14475038

Guy on the right is obviously over compensating for something

>> No.14475041
File: 474 KB, 1242x2208, F6B1260C-57D2-4FC4-9260-4B89E817DCEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate muh place

>> No.14475056

catcore is killer but are those books in the middle? thats the one thing i'd absolutely need a mini shelf for

>> No.14475059

lmao what a tryhard fag

>> No.14475125

>1 block away from downtown
>not a cityfag
you really are this retarded, aren't you

>> No.14475126

Get some secondhand furniture you subhuman.

>> No.14475519

based Bolaño poster

>> No.14475541

Effay? No, but it is efficient

>> No.14475695

Both are fucking shit. The one on the left is trying too hard to be a "feminine" pintrest inspired room. The mugs are cheesy and the posters sitting on the shelf would be better hung, also I hate fake flowers, get real plants. The one on the right is trying way too hard to be a rugged manly room. Unless you live in a log cabin in the woods, you don't need a shit load of lumber stacked in your living room and seriously fucking retarded to hang up a picture of Clint Eastwood.

>> No.14475698

I think it may have been Candlejack who got to h

>> No.14475725

Soulless vs Demon Souls

>> No.14475732

it's nice, cat is an added bonus. the floor is clean enough for stuff on the floor, thrift furniture?

>> No.14475824

It's about how it makes them *feel*. Remember it's all about emotions for women

>> No.14475828

I'd assume you're a gigantic faggot. Looking like some art hoe interior

>> No.14475834

The image in the OP is the straight male equivalent of the "live, laugh, love" sign.

>> No.14475838

>dont have to deal with Jamal and da boyz.
Just Joe Bob and Kyle shooting guns at your house, car, family.

>> No.14475855


>> No.14475862

Out of curiosity, how do European nations keep even country rents low? I know a few places in America where you can buy fairly cheap, but rents almost everywhere are out of control. I live in a po dunk desert town and the apartments getting built down the road will be going for $3000 per month.

>> No.14475866

Are you sure those plants are safe for cats?

>> No.14475877

What more do you need other than maybe a table?
Anything beyond this is superfluous.

>> No.14475881

Can confirm. I'm married and I have to ask my wife at least once a day to put clothes in the hamper and not on the floor next to it.

>> No.14476173

Yeah they’re safe, kitty doesn’t eat plants

>> No.14476631

basado y rojopastillado

>> No.14476691

No high paying jobs in rural areas
Many places are literally dying out and only old people are left

>> No.14476697
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>> No.14476707
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Old 1912 house though it is not that bad the only downside is the room divider wont close as the house has shifted over the last century.

>> No.14476712

Sorry m8 my downtown has the courthouse post office and a few ma and pa shops.
I dont live in the town of 40 anymore please forgive my ignorance oh humble farmer bro.
I do to know what it is like where the only grocery store within 30 miles is a gas station.

>> No.14476717

Literally never happens. Though the occasional drug smuggling spic gets lit up.
>Not shooting up shit with Joe Bob and Kyle
Same reason shit is cheap where I live median age is 60 something last I knew. The city life gets shoved in your face 24/7 teens want to go to the city only to not afford anything and go in debt.

>> No.14476752
File: 502 KB, 1050x809, womans apartment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>85 replies
>no one posted it yet

>> No.14476812

Citytard doesn't realize that towns still how downtowns.

>> No.14476892

blondes got big titties though

>> No.14476915

somebody has eyes

>> No.14476917

Not me I'm blind

>> No.14476925


>> No.14476950

Post fit

>> No.14476959

>the absurd amount of extra pillows

>> No.14477017

w2c white and blue runners?

>> No.14477101

>console vidya gay

>> No.14477324

Can confirm.

>> No.14477546

man I forgot about Vault soda

>> No.14477627

I don't trust people who don't own books, yet can afford a television.

>> No.14477630

Lmao at the Rammstein flag.

>> No.14477724

true, dated a girl for a short while, fucking half the shit in her fridge is months too old cardboard boxes all over the place even though she lived there for over a year, goddamn pedestrian sign in her bathroom, garden completely unkempt and basically a jungle

>> No.14477731
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Jesus fucking christ. What makes it even worse is that I know that it's true.

>> No.14477770


>> No.14477772

Based country trash

>> No.14477778

what's the highest internet speed in your area?

>> No.14477783
File: 44 KB, 615x409, 1559086369255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where, specifically haha. Asking for a friend.

>> No.14478349

Left was made for her, right was made for others

>> No.14478538

Beyond true
Women live like animals

>> No.14478544

Why would you put the TV so close to the ground, it seems like such a pain in the ass to have to crane your neck down the entire time you're playing

>> No.14478546


>> No.14478576


>> No.14478611

stop pandering hikikocorei

>> No.14479141

100 mb :^( usually get 50mb
Lived in a place with 25kb for a bit.
Oh well I am outside /DIY/ more than not.

>> No.14479160

My friends sisters room looked exactly like this, I have no idea how people can function with their rooms looking like barns

>> No.14480234

Reminder that CRTs are objectively better for all games in any situations. They have essentially 0 lag and are used to measure the latency of all other displays. They have superior blacks, halation, colors, refresh rates, pixel latency, etc. Their only disadvantages are that they are heavy and use a lot of electricity and make a lot of heat.

All competitive tournaments would be using CRTs if not for sponsors providing LCD/LED displays.

>> No.14480271


most republicans live on in a car, or on the street. an apartment like that would be a massive step up for their kind.

>> No.14480278

Gosh, do they really need men to have their life organized? If they were living by themselves they would die because of all the germs etc.

It’s sickening too that a lot of attractive and sexy women in the city are gross and smell bad too. Getting married with one would probably make my life even more difficult. Also they’ll cheat on me.

>> No.14480282

Does it matter if it’s japanese or american? Is the guy being a race traitor?

>> No.14480290
File: 13 KB, 277x276, 73109694-1343-4749-B76A-31851600D2A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

First time I went to my girlfriend's house there was clothes all over her room, it was a fucking mess. My room only looks like that when I have mental breakdowns, which is like once a year.

>> No.14480319

I’m single. I live a simple organized life. I do all my chores just fine, I always have time for simple chores and I can still have a full time job. I never felt lonely, cus solitude is what I’m excited for when nearing 6PM. I take care of myself just fine and I can say that my body and life is well taken care of. I always buy my food but I will learn to cook sooner or later.

Am I happy? I’m not sure. But I’m just fine. But is it normal that I haven’t had the urge to approach any woman since the last 5 years?

Will having a woman in my life make my life easier? What if they’re messy and make my life even twice as exhausting? What can I expect from them? Just sex? I don’t even want sex, it’s stressful and I always worry about how good I am, how big/small my dick is for them, how long I can maintain the sex compared to their former lovers, etc. I wouldn’t care if they’re “good enough” for me. I wouldn’t even care if the sex is good for me. I don’t need good sex.

>> No.14480531

You're avoiding a TON of stupid garbage which is really good but you're also missing out on some things that may actually be worth living, or at least experiencieng.
Being satisfied with your life is one thing, but make sure that it's actually worthy of being satisfactory

Also learn how to cook you lazy fuck, also you probably fap too much

>> No.14480544

I do fap too much though, but I figured that it’s not too different compared to having sex too much either. I fap once a day, everyday. I’m sure a lot of married couples have sex once a day everyday too.

>> No.14480560

guys buys their own shit and happy with minimum shit, bitches gotta get guys to buy them shit, buy them drugs so they can get fucked and fill up their apartments with trash

>> No.14480564

typical libtard, coffee shop slut, pretentious cunt

>> No.14480633

I bet you smell bad and your place looks filthy, trailer trash.

>> No.14480765

This makes me momentarily agree with gender abolitionists.

>> No.14480775

This place looks like it smells

>> No.14480841

I'm a guy and this is what my room looks like, minus the wall decorations. Just zero aesthetics and maximum slobbery. The sad part is as long as I have a path from my bed to the door, I really don't mind it. And yet, people complement me on my fashion. It's a weird sort of duality

>> No.14480847

most single men are the opposite of effay bud

>> No.14480852

>paper thin mattress on the fucking floor

>> No.14480857

american skinheads are such a fucking joke lmao having rammstein merch under your nazi flag is like a communist having a photo of Pinochet in a little heart frame

>> No.14480859

>And yet, people complement me on my fashion. It's a weird sort of duality

>> No.14480938

>he thinks they're American
oh dear

>> No.14480948

there's no point in wearing nice clothes if you live in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.14480953

The contradiction of my fashion sense (for clothing) being above average, yet my aesthetic standards for my own living space being nonexistent

>> No.14481634
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best appartement ITT

>> No.14481637

incel: the post

>> No.14481645

Same, I think laziness is the main issue here

>> No.14482634 [DELETED] 

I just have one dedicated pile. Even if you run through several outdoor and indoor outfits dumping into it, it never takes up more than like 1x1 foot and isn't in the way. I don't understand people who dump one dirty t-shirt on every piece of furniture.

>> No.14482648

left is my current life, Im happy but for the space of a year I lived with my mates while homeless, they helped me find a job and after ild come back from work we would sit around in a room with the same soul if not look at the right one.
They would give me a beer and they would watch me play the souls serries and it was the most comfy feeling.
It wasn't even masculine or anything, we couldnt afford much and we were comfortable with low maintenance as long as it was clean.

>> No.14482665

This is way better than the bare one in OP.