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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, 1559959312802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14466640 No.14466640 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ rooms

>> No.14466866

nice prison cell

>> No.14466870

every time these threads are posted it's all hardwood floors

i DARE anyone to post /fa/ carpeted rooms.

>> No.14466883

i'm jealous

>> No.14466907

>/fa/ carpeted rooms.
That's probably because there's no such thing

>> No.14466915

t. Raiden

>> No.14466921
File: 1.91 MB, 4380x3456, PSX_20190702_180737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14466923

Why is there a bed and sink in the living room. Why is there a gun and dead animals head on the wall. Do Americans really do this??

>> No.14466927

kill yourself with that gun on your wall

>> No.14466936

>leaving the couch in the middle of the room so you can be easily snuck up on and attacked

never gonna make it

>> No.14467001

Carpet is disgusting

>> No.14467003

If this is a studio apartment, very comfy. If not, why are you sleeping in the living room, nigger

Yes, now fuck off obsessed yurotrash

>> No.14467008

comes off as forced. i would definitely take the saddle off the wall if i were you

>> No.14467062

god this is so bad a shitskin playing faux americana cowboy is so so so bad

>> No.14467296

pretty sure he's Hispanic, also if you aren't aware that Mexicans were the original cowboys then you are truly an idiot

>> No.14467301
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Compact and comfy is how I went wif my room parto 1

>> No.14467302 [DELETED] 

I have two lil lamps that are p neat too, I like them

>> No.14467305
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:'( sorry I'm really dumb

>> No.14467310
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>> No.14467312
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Its my room ok?

>> No.14467326

based midget chair

>> No.14467365

enjoy your record warping fgt

>> No.14467682

It's too cluttered

>> No.14467711
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x3024, 985168B9-63FA-4F51-86B7-A2761716A9ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could I improve

>> No.14467714

Tiles in anything but a bathroom or kitchen are so disgusting

>> No.14467721

ahhahahahhahahhahahhahhahhhah fucking Amerifags have no taste

>> No.14467727
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>> No.14467753
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Walter Gropius

>> No.14467755
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>> No.14467764

add some green houseplants on white shelves and it would be 10/10
if you have a full grown saddle on your wall, maybe your LARP has gone too far
ask me how I know you're a fat redditor
10/10 for money store
area above the TV is barren. add a shelf with some neat decor. lamp is crooked btw.

>> No.14467784

very 70s, I like it.

Will use as inspo

>> No.14467787

thats a mental hospital

>> No.14467798

Tahts where you're wrong anon :3

>> No.14468055


hes a faggy urbanite not some dude living on the frontier

>> No.14468097

Based and redpilled. You know it’s good when sòy boys are loathing and foaming at the mouth.

>> No.14468100

Carpet is gross

>> No.14468177
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>> No.14468323
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here's mine. it's a master suite in a condo but it does the job. moving into a studio soon and upgrading all the furniture

>> No.14468326


>> No.14468329

nook's cope

>> No.14468364 [DELETED] 

>never been to florida

>> No.14468399
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this is awful and depressing

>nice wool blanket to put over the couch and add some color
>room for plants in the corners around the television
>add something, anything to the walls
>get lighter curtains with less visual weight
>brighter rug, maybe a persian
your space has potential anon but its weighed down a lot right now. too many dark neutral tones and not much color at all.
man I like that you're putting some kind of effort in but it looks like you live in a hotel.
is this a cursed image?

>> No.14468407

as an allergy sufferer and all-around cleanly person, FUCK CARPETS. HEIL HARDWOOD/MARBLE MASTER RACE. carpet is fucking disgusting FILTH

>> No.14468410


sex in a place like that must be glorious

>> No.14469034
File: 2.77 MB, 2240x1682, Setup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14469043

fuck I think my estrogen levels went up just looking at this

>> No.14469050

If it was just the bottom right I could call it a nice quirky aesthetic

>> No.14469083
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>> No.14469108

What's with the typewriter?

>> No.14469134

>dorm room

yea, very effay...

>> No.14469138

>hotel room

very impersonal.

>> No.14469145

ITT: minimalistfags, straight-up mental patients and sleazebags on the run

>> No.14469150

I like that you take care of plants but the rest looks autistic and weeb. must be the katana and silly figurines.

>> No.14469168

some posters and paintings here and there.
looks like you seem to be a boring person to be around.

>> No.14469174

Where do I get /fa/ desks? Sick of this mediocre one a hotel was giving away, also, bed frames too

>> No.14469188
File: 3.52 MB, 4000x3000, DSC_0270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M i n i m a l b e d rooom

>> No.14469345


>> No.14469414
File: 136 KB, 1050x680, 56-leonard-jenga-tower-herzog-and-de-meuron-amenities-interior-tribeca-skyscraper_homepage-1050x680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine that bench is the only furniture you have
Bauhaus is ugly commie shit

>> No.14469427

Yes, it must be. Imagine, if you will, a tan, sweaty, obese man leaning over you, pounding his thick meat into your boi pussy. His passionate thrusts cause his beautiful, balding blonde hair to fly wildly in the wind. Truly glorious.

>> No.14469498

This is the most depressing room out of all of them

>> No.14469520

>get rid of useless nerd shit
>sell gaymer chair for something nice
>Stash computer next to your desk instead of on it
>put the consoles on the shelf
>stop displaying your yeezys, look up "Stealth wealth"

Done, fixed, now you can get pussy
Having this much packed into a single space looks try-hard
Disregard all of this if you are a girl because there are men who dream of this

>> No.14469542

imagine the smell

>> No.14469569

Not even a goddamn chair.

>> No.14469582

lmao all the basedboys itt getting butt blasted because they can't handle nationalism

>> No.14469594

>Bugman the room

>> No.14469599

This, board is full of total cucks

>> No.14469628
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Takes one to know one!

>> No.14469669


>> No.14469689
File: 199 KB, 1500x1000, attic bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some general guidelines to follow to make my room comfy as fuck?
I'm moving into a new place and my room is about the same shape as pic related with the window in the same location. It's on the 2nd floor with a great view of the city. It's got a freshly cleaned tan carpet with a scent that reminds me of my early childhood.

>> No.14469715

I'd make an argument for simplicity. Make sure what you have is what you need, so it makes it all the easier to maintain. We all have those days that we are just tired and having to clean up is no fun

>> No.14469725
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>> No.14469738


>> No.14469742

30 yo incel active user on reddit works for a tech company balding onions bug ops core

>> No.14469750

yeah but if you just go there to sleep/fuck who cares?

>> No.14469752 [DELETED] 

apparently have all your walls be pickled cabinets so you can actually have that uncluttered simple look

>> No.14469860

That’s a cell.
/fa/ =/= boring

>> No.14469875

I wouldn't fuck a guy that couldn't be bothered to get a bed frame. If I went over to a guys place and it looked like that I'd just assume I was going to get raped/murdered.

>> No.14469980

I've actually stayed in that room. My aunt is filthy rich and works at apple. I didn't appreciate it because I was 14 and poor but it somewhat inspire me.

>> No.14469982

do a pullup

>> No.14470013

That looks to good for a cell.

>> No.14470015

Wait why is there a sink in the same place as the bed.
Otherwise nice trophies

>> No.14470028

>porn set

>> No.14470048

Must be one of those fancy Swedish "prisons" then

>> No.14470052

I bet you have a high paying tech job, balding and drink lots of onions.

>> No.14470059

Get some plants nigga


>> No.14470100

>t. roasties that think every room should be full of houseplants, pillows and pointless furniture

Its efficient.
It's minimalist.
It's not "depressing" fucking dumbfuck roasties.

>> No.14470106

this is serious cringe dude

>> No.14470154


>> No.14470191

Clean and cozy, 9/10
move the lamp forward a few inches so the lampshade isn't hitting the wall

>> No.14470194

>gaming pc
>gamer chair
>light up everything
>katana collection
no bad

>> No.14470290

If youre gonna go minimalist then atleast do it good you fucking mong.

>> No.14470521
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i would just take out the dumb bean shaped coffee table

>> No.14470528
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>> No.14470531

>reddit grips

>> No.14470751

>owns three pairs of yeezys
>still wears shitty ass roshe runs

>> No.14471243

w2c table

>> No.14471343
File: 99 KB, 1334x751, 235425346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently inherited my grandpas house. Havent decorated it at all yet. All this stuff is his. Any ideas?

>> No.14471358

>want my room to just be my bed, clothes, plants and books
>don't want to put my pc in another room because I use it 24/7

>> No.14471389

god damn you're a fucking faggot

>> No.14471509

Clean your room, bucko.

>> No.14471536

Get a laptop

>> No.14471563
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>> No.14472403

>original cowboys
nobody cares. we were the better cowboys.

>> No.14472406

pick one

>> No.14472411

>filthy rich
what's her net worth and what position does she hold at apple? if you can't say just don't answer

>> No.14472415

cringe yeezys

>> No.14472425

Nobody cares who you'd fuck, you nasty ass whore.

>> No.14472429

it's just consumerism oriented around third rate national "symbols"

>> No.14472458

sell it and buy something nicer

>> No.14472618

So convenient. Take the gun off the wall, shoot some deer from your porch (Yeah, I'm aiming at the road, whats wrong with that?) gut the deer on your porch, and wash everything off in the sink in your living room. Why else would there be a sink in the living room? duh

>> No.14472877

This is disgusting holy shit

>> No.14473089

this is some nice ass garage living

>> No.14473224

These convinced me not to kill myself. Thanks, anons, for reminding me it can always be worse.

>> No.14473257

actually looks effay as fuck, maybe get a black/gray fridge instead

>> No.14473280

how do i make my shitty basic carpeted room /fa/

>> No.14474301
File: 479 KB, 1536x2048, newroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving into this room after my lease is up. I know how I want to reposition all the furniture, and I have a nice area rug, but I have no idea what to do with the slanted walls.

how should I decorate them, /fa/? how do I deal with the lighting situation? it's a college place so I'm not against string lights but I don't want to just leap at those. any advice?

>> No.14474407

What the fuck dude, you got hoarders for parents?

>> No.14474455

cozy as hell

>> No.14474459

burn it all but that's a really dope space. keep it minimal

>> No.14474468

Get rid of that disgusting shelf

>> No.14474492

Am I the only one who thinks that screens are disgusting?
Also fuck rooms with 0 books

>> No.14475543
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On holiday rate my room

>> No.14475558

I exclusively read e-books.
Come @ me fgt

>> No.14475573

There is a difference between minimalist and drab. Your bedroom looks like a Norwegian prison cell.

>> No.14475596
File: 15 KB, 195x238, 2320390541_7b4d7b1176_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subaru nigger

>> No.14475602

I'm in the UK Subaru's are for white people not negroids

>> No.14475621

once that thing hits 120k and you rev it past 5 its a ticking time bomb

>> No.14475647

It's also soulless. Minimalism and le scandinavian furniture is a meme.

>> No.14475663

It's depressing because it doesn't look like someone lives there. If you have a room, you should make it your own (which doesn't mean fuill it with bullshit clutter).

If the room has a bunch of books, some shit on the walls, a computer setup, you can gauge the person's personality. This room makes you think that the person is either generally a soulless bugman or has fallen for the minimalism meme after looking at pictures on fashion and design blog. It's minimalism done wrong.

>> No.14475684

Some of us own houses anon, we put our stuff in other rooms, the bedroom is for my bed and hence sleeping
go be an autisitc roastie somewhere else

>> No.14476661
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chess for success baby

>> No.14476671

this is nice

>> No.14476995

tips on maximum cozy though?

>> No.14477153


>> No.14477178

wow nice meme

>> No.14477349

Hey, do you compete too? If so what's your ELO or even titles

>> No.14477365
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how are these the only decent ones

>> No.14477373
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>> No.14477382
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don't know why this one seems so comfy

>> No.14477923

Serial killer core

>> No.14477932
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>> No.14477946
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>> No.14477954

Oh yeah twin size? that’s where you smash pussy yes?

>> No.14477970

hell yeah brother, unironically lost my virginity in this bed

>> No.14478471
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>> No.14478504

Shit taste

If you really want to nail the cowboy aesthetic, there are ways to do that, but not like that.

>> No.14478956

that melody's echo chamber album playing on the TV is great

>> No.14478979
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my studio and new lounge chair:

>> No.14478983
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>> No.14479401

moses gunn collective.... nice

shalala is a fuckin bop

>> No.14479442

i hate sand.. its coarse and gets everywhere

>> No.14479521

Yeah carpet pretty much kills the look of a room. Most advice anyone has ever given me is to lay stylish rugs over them

>> No.14479703

>bed right next to a window
>window, desk and bed on same wall


>> No.14479715

>everything black or dark
Decorate with mining equipment

>> No.14479716

nice fake vitra bro

>> No.14479719

It reminds you of living at your parents as a child, and even then the furniture and carpet was outdated.

>> No.14479720

Grandmas spare room.

>> No.14479723
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>> No.14479724

Looks comfy desu

>> No.14479725
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random dump

>> No.14479728
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>> No.14479732
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>> No.14479735
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>> No.14479869
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>> No.14480183

Whoa people just put something on your walls... bookshelves, paintings or photos, anything. The difference between a goodlooking room and a broke stundent's is just not having just basic furniture...

>> No.14480249

I love this so much

>> No.14480263
File: 138 KB, 424x349, 1559150241268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vincent Ambrosio's official room

>> No.14480302


bigger tv

>> No.14480445

lol fake? poor boys buy fakes
authentic from herman miller

>> No.14480508
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>> No.14480513
File: 230 KB, 364x413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that

>> No.14480550

toronto apartment? that looks exactly like my ex's

>> No.14480625


>> No.14481570

Yes. Super comfy down here in m I m i c o

>> No.14481578

gigantic bezels on the tv are not effay. is this one of first HDTV models?

>> No.14481579

to all y'all saying you want a compact room think again, it sucks. you want a bit of space

>> No.14481587

send me a pair of yeezys NOW

>> No.14481745
File: 1.12 MB, 671x1017, studioflat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might move into this apartment that is within walking distance from a job I'm being interviewed for. How the fuck would I make this look good? It's one long studio room.
It doesn't come furnished, pic related is just from the listing. The bathroom has a large closet so clothing storage isn't an issue.

>> No.14481909

yooo this thing is like 8 years old
I don't watch tv so I never felt the need to upgrade
probably going to buy a projector and get rid of it

>> No.14481965

Holy shit, this image is ancient

>> No.14482117


It's got lots of potential.

Brick fireplace, hardwood floors.

Lose the curtains and ceiling fan light for starters.

>> No.14482121

>laptop isn't a 15 inch MacBook Pro
fucked it up

>> No.14482124

>ereader scum

>> No.14482126
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based cowboy

>> No.14482991
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Update so now both players can peek outside