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14465520 No.14465520 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder timbs aren't for you they are for blacks only

>> No.14465523

they are for workers and niggers dont work

>> No.14465846

They can keep them please. They look like absolute trash.

>> No.14465856


>> No.14466028

>Invented by whites
>originally worn by white construction workers
>but they belong to niggers because a few niggers wear them (and can't even lace them properly)
It must be sad being a black. Your people have invented nothing, so you have to desperately claim ownership of things whites invented, in a pathetic attempt at building an identity.
Inb4 "Incel"
Inb4 "have sex"
Inb4 "g-go back to pol"

>> No.14466777
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>> No.14466799

I am black

>> No.14466801

Whites are based, Jews are smelly; Eat my jelly.

>> No.14466808

nigger still seething after i posted this pic in the cringe style thread. Pull up your pants boi.

>> No.14466817

Imagine getting into a racial ownership battle on an anime imageboard over an ugly shoe that neither party had any involvement in creating.

>> No.14466959

Keep seething niggers

>> No.14466971

Not black. Just think you're a faggot for taking OP's bait.

>> No.14466991

I am glad I avoided that particular board

>> No.14466994

>Implying I actually took OP's bait, when in fact, I was just trolling him back

>> No.14467002
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>This is the best meme the left can come up with

>> No.14467011

ah so you were only pretending to be retarded got it

>> No.14467014

Shut the fuck up Jew's Golem

>> No.14467020

>leftist adopts anti-semetiism to make a dig at whitey
it happens so often its just a running joke at this point

>> No.14467027

>I am leftist

>> No.14467065
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wakey wakey I am still waiting for your refute Golem

>> No.14467167

>i only said what I believe to troll

>> No.14467255

its not a meme. its a good argument

>> No.14467287

He ran off already

>> No.14467364

Timbs are shit for actual construction work

t. civil engineer

>> No.14467374
File: 73 KB, 650x360, camron-feat-uproxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next you're going to tell me wearing pink fur coats in the middle of july is for blacks only too

>> No.14467378

Why not white people are very insecure

>> No.14467379

Part——— and

>> No.14467383

this but unironically

>> No.14467392

>In 2006, Camron uses the expression [no homo] repeatedly while urinating on someone in Killa Season
is he, dare I say it, BASED?

>> No.14467407

No question.

>> No.14467770

No, still here. I just don't spend every second of my life on 4chan. The meme is a shitty argument because the things that it mentions white people doing are mostly in the past, while Jews are still doing everything it mentions them doing.

>> No.14467771

That guy isn't me, he's some asshole trying to derail the discussion.

>> No.14467818
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>mfw when you buy timbs

Come on /fa/, post yfw you buy timbs why don't you?

>> No.14467843
File: 32 KB, 597x198, IMG_20190709_204831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noo you can't find me guilty of what my subhuman ancestor did. L-Look at what Jews did they're worse!!

>> No.14468058

Jews are actually white :)

>> No.14468092

Please do not insult their intelligence

>> No.14468106
File: 86 KB, 610x342, F1D49712-422D-478F-ACAC-68DFBC5BA9D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder white girls aren’t for you they’re for black guys only

>> No.14468199

Wearing timb boots and army certified suits

>> No.14468295

why is every leftist meme a giant wall of text

>> No.14468303

Shut the fuck up Golem

>> No.14468382

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.14468388

>worships niggers
>calls anyone golem
loving every laugh

>> No.14468398

what if i work on a construction site, anon?

>> No.14469420
File: 85 KB, 792x960, 1555432413425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worships niggers
>Timberland is for you to degrade
Faggot go back to /pol/. At this point nigros are way more relevant than wypipo are.

>> No.14469445

This pic was probably made by an Anglo.
As an Anglo I will admit it: Anglo elites work with Jewish elites who work for Satan.

However I do believe God has made good from Anglo+Jewish evil.
The indigenous people of the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia etc. can only live to complain and be used as a tool of the Jew to cripple white people because Anglo compassion and rule allowed them to survive.
If someone else had conquered them, which would have happened, disease and genocide would have wiped them off the face of the Earth. They should be grateful to us.

>> No.14469450

>gets buttblasted because no one likes his nigboots
>adopts anti-semitism while simultaneously uses a jewish turn of phrase that aprly describes himself
>gets called out backpedals and denies
>go back to /pol/ buzzword
the absolute state of you

>> No.14469452


>> No.14469455

children. Pay taxes. Raise a family.

>> No.14469459

Fornication is a sin.

>> No.14469482
File: 58 KB, 734x633, 1560746706373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right can't meme. Taking the context from your previous posts

>> No.14469491

SJWs are trained not to be able to meme because they are instructed to use language in ways that excludes non-SJWs and to consider people outside of their in-group as stupid and evil.
To have an effective meme is to be able to communicate simply and effectively with a broad range of people.

>> No.14469499
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For one last time I am not a leftist. Kill yourself for attempting to portray everyone who disagrees with you is a leftist

>> No.14469502

Are you a woman? You have a woman's way of thinking.
I spoke of SJWs so I went with a category more narrow than leftists overall and you still take it as me speaking to you personally rather than generally.

>> No.14469507

So now I am a woman.

>> No.14469510

i agree but the left is not sjws or anything near liberals. you still thinking they are is literal inbred IQ

>> No.14469513

big think post

>> No.14469514

I said SJWs, I did not say leftists. I actually used "SJWs" to make a distinction between them and leftists.

>> No.14469530

Lol. Love you guys. Thanks for playing madlibs with me.

>> No.14469533

holy fuck is the nigger in this thread stupid as shit definitely ESL

>> No.14469600

OP got the dumpster fire thread he wanted.

>> No.14469601
File: 106 KB, 625x790, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
