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14461126 No.14461126 [Reply] [Original]

what the FUCK do i have to wear to get a fucking GF

>> No.14461130

bee urself :-)

>> No.14461131

kill yourself wojakposting trannie

>> No.14461133

You need to be nude and go to a nude beach

>> No.14461137

overalls and doc martens

>> No.14461155

just be yourself bruh

>> No.14461193


Lift and then everything is gonna be ok as long as you keep lifting.

>> No.14461197

>lift for a year already
>nothing has changed

Face makes 99% my dude, unless you are ultra jacked because there are some women who have that fetish but it is a niche and rare fetish

>> No.14461199

Make personality gains

>> No.14461200

personality and face
anything else and you'll live a life of ur gf waiting to cuck u

>> No.14461202

When will people realize it's not what you wear.

>> No.14461203
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Be polite or if you want to be a douchebag at least have some talent like playing piano or some shit
And have facial aesthetics above 5/10

>> No.14461205

A strap-on.
Nobody wants your baby dick.

>> No.14461208
File: 99 KB, 828x1031, D94EC9cXsAAdMdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't help either trying to go after roasties like pic related because they only care about money and fucking. better find some nice girl who's not that ugly, has a nice personality and doesn't care that much about looks

>> No.14461211

lmao lifting doesnt help at all.
I go out with mobs of women and it's a lot of factors together. first off, you can't be fucking weird. i cannot understate this, stop being weird. if you don't know how to stop being weird, just imitate someone you find cool until it becomes normal. next, its not about being shreded but just dont be fat, skinny is fine. then you're going to work on your style, skin, hair. get on tinder, go out with grills, but make sure you seem like you dont really give a fuck about them. ask them on more dates but always reply slowly, be slightly uninterested. I don't know why but it works!
gl;hf post results

>> No.14461215

have you considered you're doing something wrong?
and it isn't about looking like you're a bodybuilder champion, you need to aim a athletic body type

>> No.14461231

why are you asking me to stop being weird? do you think I behave like this outside here? from what I got of you text, it looks like you're telling this for yourself. Btw I'm gonna be honest, I'm not confident yet about my physic, I'm lifting for about a year and half, but got good results and complements, I personally think I'm doing pretty well and I'm happy about being able to turn lifting into a habit

>> No.14461232
File: 903 KB, 1004x1200, Capture-d’écran-2017-01-10-à-11.46.42-209x250-1004x1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a pussy-starved gymcel

why do you think that the only way to get a girl is by being fit? that's fucking stupid. Even basic bitches have standards and they will reject you if you have a shit face and a shitty personality

this, it's not like you have to get on plastic surgery and 10 hours of workout every day. You just need to be someone likeable and lower your standards, stop trying to date supermodels if you're a 5.5 skinnyfat hapa with a fucked up face, find a girl who shares your interests and has fun being around you, even if she's not drop dead gorgeous

>> No.14461236

exercise is good for the mind, it always helped me and is something I can always count when I'm feeling bad.
you don't seem to understand, I didn't said it was all you need

>> No.14461239

true though, being in shape is important for your health and it soothes your anxiety. my bad

just don't become a failed juicehead thinking that will get you into a poly relationship with 10 busty latinas

>> No.14461250

literally just be weird and don't give a fuck.

>> No.14461252

not all girls like weirdness, art hoes like weird men but they're mundane as fuck and they won't date you if you're not some hot tumblr art boy

>> No.14461256

i'm telling you this because I speak to a lot of women about what they think about men. being weird is literally the only thing that keeps women from being attracted. if you're so convinced that you're not weird that sound a bit weird m8

>> No.14461271

well I'm weird in the sense that I'm not a "normie", I have my personal taste and opinions. I learned to treat everyone with respect and be courteous, but I still act "weird" when I'm by myself or having fun with friends.

>> No.14461272

i mean if op's girl is just to get sex and have a girlfriend. sure stop it
but if he wants to achieve love. keep being weird

>> No.14461276
File: 78 KB, 1000x1333, A9F0398A-DBF3-485C-A9E0-27EF69300538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do i have to wear

>> No.14461281

looks like it doesn't fit properly and probably doesn't breathe (is that naugahyde?)

>> No.14461847

I do look athletic now but it doesnt help is what I wanted to say. You can be /fa/ as fuck if you never interact or even meet/know any girls you are done. Unless you are so handsome that people approach you in the club. Had that kind of luck twice (i am not mega handsome but slightly above average) but autism ruined it

>> No.14461925

Wojak and Pepe are condemned to never get a gf EVER you underage fucking Reddit nigger

>> No.14462802

a powersuit and a car

>> No.14462814

your dick has to expand to a size larger then an atom

>> No.14462820
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>> No.14462860

First of all, get yourself a pair of black jeans, some basic tees and a nice pair of derby’s and chuck 70s. Throw in a couple of nice fitting shirts. You can be as weird as you want around chicks, they love that shit, but don’t be creepy. I can’t stress this enough, stop being a creep. Oh and personal hygiene, step up your personal hygiene game