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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 965 KB, 498x266, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14449025 No.14449025 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I worry about you guys. Time to open up.

I've been pretty happy lately. Work is tough, but I've been playing a lot of music. I've been trying to post more positive stuff on /fa/, cuz sometimes I can be an asshole, and it bleeds over into the real world. I also peeked into /r9k/ today just to remind myself that /fa/ isn't that bad of a home board.

>> No.14449029
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>> No.14449045

Stfu sad loser r9k is the only board on 4chan with some balls. The rest of you are too neutered to say anything for a chance at a sniff of some pussy. Also yeah fa is pretty good

>> No.14449065

Nigga, this is 4chan. People come here for a reason and it's not because they have their lives together. If you're worried now, you'll be worried for a long time. Especially /fa/, one of the most "I want to impress others" boards on this site. The people who you shouldn't worry about are the ones that have enough sense to get on with their lives and realize this site will never have the quality it used to or give them the true validation they desire and will be flooded by bullshit until it finally shuts down one way or another.
That's how I feel, personally.

>> No.14449079
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I'm trying to accept myself as I am, but it is very hard. Right now I can't even look at photos of myself.
And I'm not bad looking, I'm pretty fine if you ask me. Even then, I can't look at myself without cringing a little, and I don't even know why.

>> No.14449096

27, haven't had a gf since I was 18, still a virgin. Had a blowjob once and never got off from it a few years ago. Have a crappy job working on wrecked cars. That ruined my only hobby, working on my own car, because who wants to work on cars after doing it all day. I'm getting so bored lately that I'm trying to get /fit/, so I've got that going for me at least. No idea what to do with my life, just rambling at this point

>> No.14449117

Been fucking since high school. Your time with fellow robots has warped your mind into thinking pussy is unattainable.

I said I worry about my fellow anons based purely and what I've read in past feels threads.

I used to feel like this, and then it changed overnight. I wish I could pinpoint a change I made, but I can't. It just kinda got better.

I feel that man. I think that's a pretty common feeling. One of my first jobs was in a kitchen, and the last thing I wanted to do when I got home was cook or do dishes. I ate out every day for a year. You got a friend group you hang out with?

>> No.14449125

My whole life I let people step on me and I would basically befriend anyone no matter how bad they treated me. /fa/ actually helped me because it gave me a lot of confidence and self worth. I was able to look back and see how passive I was. I cut all my toxic friends off, and this is the most optimistic I’ve been in a long time

>> No.14449126

>You got a friend group you hang out with?
Not really. If I'm not at work I'm probably at home. I used to get invited out by friends all the time but I always declined. After getting declined so much obviously they don't ask anymore. I still talk to some of them, and if I asked, I'd still get invited out. They do what most normal guys do in their 20s, hang out at bars and shit like that and it just doesn't interest me that much

>> No.14449135

just go out with them man buy a bottle before and pregame if youre worried about spending too much. I was in your boat once and at first i forced myself to go out and after awhile i started enjoying myself

>> No.14449143

good job!

sounds like you need a mechanic buddy or gym partner

>> No.14449145

LMAO at this cope, I get plenty of cooch without bending over backwards for femoids

>> No.14449151

Bro, I'm glad. There's enough pussy for everyone. I'm sorry I insulted r9k.

>> No.14449154

rather happy right now. I gotta study all day for uni and when I'm not studying I'm playing my guitar, so I'm using my time very productively right now, which feels good.
I don't really own all that many effay clothes but I'm starting to feel very comfortable with my body, getting more fit and working out helped with that, so I act and seem more effay than ever.
Got a lot of good friends that I see regularly, though one of them is going through a very bad addiction right now.
I'm also slowly getting away from smoking weed, which I find is a good thing.
the only thing I'm lacking is that I never had a fulfilling romantic relationship and I'm a virgin at 20. I don't obsess over that at all, but it would be nice to finally experience love.

>> No.14449157

Ok thank you have a nice day. Just don't forget who the real big dogs of 4chan(nel) are

>> No.14449158

Gym partner, maybe. Mechanic buddy I already have. I'm sick of cars

>> No.14449159

I was a khv until 20 then i met my first gf at 21 and it all worked out

>> No.14449163


>> No.14449305

Broke up with LDR girlfriend 2 months ago. Finished college with graduation in a few months, but not sure what I want to do next. My major ended up being in something I wasn't really interested in, and I only went with it because I failed classes for a different major which I initially wanted to do.

>> No.14449393

Damn, that sucks. Will you at least make good money with your major?

>> No.14449412

I'm probably just going to do something else. There is definitely money in the field - geology and physical geography - but I don't really have enough interest in doing it as a career. Maybe things related to it, like environmental science, could be interesting. Too much to think about at the moment, though.

>> No.14450030

I'm miserable.
I've been living in a shitty apartment with shitty roommates for 10 months now, I quit my job in November and now I'm out of money and barely anyone will hire me. I feel really inadequate about myself since I chose such a shit college, one that isn't helping me find decent opportunities and I barely even know if what I'm studying is what I want to do. If I had gone to the expensive top 40 private university like I wanted to, I think my life would have been much different(see: better). Instead I'm stuck at a shitty public college with absolute garbage classmates/professors/administration and I hate it. I'm so lonely here, I have no friends and everyone around me is stuck in this trashy 10th mentality and I dislike them. I wish I could go back to my freshman year of high school and change everything. My life is so tiresome and shit and has been since late 2017. My anxiety flare ups have been so strong as of late, I'm so close to finishing college though.
And on top of it I haven't bought new clothes in months and I rarely ever leave anymore because this apartment is so far from everything that it feels like so much more effort than i've ever had to put in to do simple tasks. Most days I just cut class and lay in bed all day. I'm a shell.

>> No.14451118


>> No.14451164
File: 28 KB, 136x279, Screen Shot 2019-06-23 at 5.56.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly /fa/ was my home board in 2010.

everyone home board should have been /biz/ for the past two years.

you would have seen the meme magic in link and bought it.

link just blew up and made us all fucking rich on that board.

my 8,000 dollar investment is now pic related.

well i just came for a quick stop to see what i can spend my gains on since i need to look cool again.

pic related.

yea buy link yall

>> No.14451183
File: 53 KB, 1000x1000, 1513793422890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

umm buy some link.

before we were all uncertain, just buying for the memes.

then the memes became reality.
Link used to be uncertain.
this passed year it proved to be certain

everything was true.

you need 1k link as suicide insurance
you need 10k link to make it.
any link under a dollar was a blessing.
know who money belly is.

that has been known on /biz/ for the past two years

>> No.14451296

Sounds like depression desu.

Cool if true.

>> No.14451354

probably is. I get in really deep funks because now as the day progressed I feel much better.

>> No.14451370

I rage at normies and society in general if I don't smoke marijuana. It's basically my only problem left. If I can stop smoking I'll be fucking perfect.

>> No.14451405

I've managed to get a girlfriend, yet feelings of loneliness persist three months into the relationship. I haven't found out an answer as to why, and I'm starting to wonder if I should even bother being in a relationship to begin with.

>> No.14451435

I'm meticulous about regiments, be it fitness, or artistic, or whatnot. You see, my girlfriend just doesn't get it. Clothing is more than clothing, more than mere textile; it's something that's necessary, and that ties in with fashion, a great deal, obviously. What's the point in leaving the house looking misshapen? She pretends to get it, but she doesn't. The thought of my clothing having higher value over her simply doesn't compute in her mind, but I wouldn't expect that much from someone who considers that pitiful "Off White" to be the peak, if not epitome of fashion, all while talking down to the works of Hedi Slimane, or Yohji Yamamoto. Then, she has the gall to call me too precise, too articulate, but she just doesn't get the passion put into the greater arts as a whole.

That's okay, though, as the second girl I'm seeing is far more understanding, and more aligned to my tastes, in the sense of how she dresses, and how she carries herself. She's stunning, despite her hair being dyed blonde, which is probably some insecurity rooted from those early teenage years. Whatever the case being, fuck, are those thighs meaty, and the things I'd do to get a taste of them, not in the sexual sense, but almost literally. Not too literally, because ultimately, fashion comes above all, and I can't watch runway from behind bars. She touches my face, completely fucking up my skincare regiment, getting her oily fingers, and disgusting palms smeared all over my pores.

>> No.14451440

how do i get motivaiton to do my projects in life? i used to have it but it died down hardcore suddenly.

>> No.14451641

Personally, I start eliminating distractions like TV/computer/phone, and all of a sudden I'm being productive and feel more positive. It's about time to go off the grid again.

>> No.14451658

What's the best way to make friends IRL when your chances are limited?
I'm out of higher ed and I work in a small office with the same 8 or so people everyday.
Plus the lack of social interaction I had growing up has crippled my ability to socialize as an adult, and my personality being so logical and introverted I don't see the point in talking with people I don't share interests with.
I usually don't mind being alone, but as I've grown up I've started to yearn for an SO.

>> No.14451842

good job anon, keep it up
it's ok anon, you'll feel better about how you look soon enough
don't worry anon, you are still very young, and you are getting big car experience
good to hear things are looking up for you anon
being a virgin isn't that bad anon, that's how it used to be a long time ago, every one was one
this happened to me too, it doesn't matter, as long as you get it it dont matter what major it was
don't worry anon, just complete your college than apply for transfer into uni
definitely check out versace
to change your habits anon, as per 50cent
change your 3 Ps, People, Places, and Projects
just hang in there anon
just start doing things that you actually look forward to, instead of things you dislike doing
look up neurolinguistics, theres 3 main ways people "feel" things, Visual, Kinetic, Auditory

>> No.14452413

r9k used to be a place where people were upset they couldn't get women, jobs and friends until trannies and incels invaded it. You somehow made the most broken people on Earth shatter to an even more severe degree of delusion and depression.

>> No.14452447

Do you actually share these kind of things with her anon?

If not, try that. Having someone close to you that you can talk to about this kind of shit is nice and only strengthens relationships (given that it's a worthwhile relationship)

Oh and onions advice aside: what do you do to fight that loneliness? Do you make an effort to hang out with friends or meet new ones?

>> No.14452508

Just get back on the horse my man, motivation is a weird thing. Mostly just a reflection of your current psyche.

Getting back in it will result in motivation again, and if it doesn't make sure you feel good outside of all that.

Don't worry if you feel demotivated some days either, that's generally a fleeting feeling, start rethinking what you're doing only if everything is going well or at least okay but you're still demotivated

T. Someone that's dropped countless projects for no good reason besides "feeling demotivated" in the past and regrets it now

>> No.14452637

second post best post

>> No.14453563

Any lads here struggle(d) with anxiety when it comes to girls?
Its so bad that I feel like I can't make any progress.
Too anxious to approach girls, too anxious to message/carry a conversation, too anxious to make a move, etc.
If a girl doesn't show extremely obvious interest I automatically assume they're not remotely interested in me/repulsed by me.
If they do show extremely obvious interest I constantly put myself down and second guess myself and assume that I'm making a fool of myself and being awkward as fuck and all that.
Every genuine opportunity I've had to get laid, I've basically had panic attacks/feel physically nauseous and removed myself from the situation. If I get a girl's number/social I get nauseous at the thought of dropping a message, so I just leave it.
I'm too embarrassed to talk to my friends about this bc it's so pussy, and I'm not super close to my family so I won't talk to them about it.
I don't see myself as a lost cause at all and I'm willing to work on myself and get myself out of this hole. I need to jump this hurdle but I genuinely don't know how.

My anxiety fucks me over in a lot of other ways eg I'm terrified of buying clothes and shit, but the girl one is the one I'm most clueless about.

>> No.14453619
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I think that you just need to slap yourself when the opportunity comes and tell yourself "Do it, you've got nothing to lose". When I was in highschool I remembered going to a gas station and drinking a 5 hour energy because needed to energize myself to meet a girl I was texting. You could just work out and listen to some good music to energize yourself, that gives me a confidence high so it may help you too. And the way you talk about girls,
i think you just need to force yourself to cross that line, cause it seems you never have.

>> No.14453651
File: 31 KB, 608x456, jesus christ what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you by chance pic related?

>> No.14453680

i want to move out with my boyfriend in about 5 months, but i haven't had a stable job in nearly 2 years and my shitty work history prevents me from filling out job applications honestly. that's all fine and good, but nobody seems to want me as it is. it's really taking a toll on my feeling to be able to be a responsible adult and i feel like i'm going to go nowhere. genuinely considering taking up camming (something i've done in the past) in order to get some cash in my wallet, but it's definitely a last resort thing. i don't want to resort to that in the slightest. i know i'm definitely just panicking and spiraling and i definitely have plenty of time to build up funds, but i still feel atrocious about this whole situation.

>> No.14453689

i don't think i actually have a passion to do what i think i wanted to do, i just wanted what i perceived as a cool and trendy lifestyle.

i should join a monastery or some shit so i stop wanting things so much.

>> No.14454891

Imagine yourself in your worst case scenario if you don't do your projects.

>> No.14455688

Gf dumped me,feeling absolutely sad and empty.I feel terrible these days

>> No.14455826

Why she do it?

>> No.14455904


>> No.14456020

check out Charisma on Command on youtube.

>> No.14456033
File: 69 KB, 400x265, E1F3E7D3-3A6E-4FD4-8D34-65B306E16BBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavily in debt
>20k in credit card debt
>have no job and credit card payments, car payment, and rent is coming up
>not sure how I'll get the money
>seriously contemplating suicide
>had a decent job and decided to apply somewhere that pays better
>get a job offer on the spot
>quit job and wait for them to call me
>its been 3 weeks and nothing
>tired of being in debt
>always stressed and angry

I'll probably kill myself soon, I'm tired of living like this, already bought some rope and got everything ready.

>> No.14456597


>> No.14456713


>> No.14456727

Anon, things will get better. We love u.

>> No.14456740

Are you still holding link?

>> No.14457215

Went on a date which I thought went great, we had two bottles of wine and talked non stop, still got ghosted

>> No.14457753

Doesn't your country have programs that help you get rid of debts? To help you find a job? You're not alone Anon.

>> No.14458124
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>> No.14458139

My gyno is getting pretty had bros.
I see people's eyes trail down to them and stare when I'm talking to them. Why did winter have to end? Jackets and coats were my only refuge.

It's killing my self esteem, and I don't even want to work out anymore because all that does is pronounce them once the fat is gone everywhere else.

>> No.14458150
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>heavily in debt
>I'll probably kill myself soon
So you're just going to die without giving back what you owe? Fucking pussy. Suicide is for the weak who want the easy way out of their mistakes. Sure some people will miss you and regret the things they said about your failure of an ass, but sooner or later even your own parents will stop grieving you and forget about you entire existence until they are reminded again as a footnote in their day. Suicide will hurt you and only you. On the other hand if you hold out and get through the tough times you are having, you will become a better person and your future self will be proud.
>had a decent job and decided to apply somewhere that pays better
>get a job offer on the spot
>quit job and wait for them to call me
One in the hand, two in the bush RETARD.

>> No.14458152

Pics? Lets see what we're working with here

>> No.14458320

>23 with good job in great town making 85k a year
>still miss high school
Seriously I would do anything to go back to just being a dumbass teenager. Cherish those moments while you can. Fuck working and money, I miss my old friends.

>> No.14458333

>buy a ferrari
>get laid

>> No.14459456

What ya do?

>> No.14459470

Thank you approving that "normal" life sucks
>going to uni for the third time this year(hasn't finished anything yet)

>> No.14460100

Mechanical engineer

>> No.14460774
File: 32 KB, 543x343, 1517784923791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 4 years of my life being NEET

never gonna get back those precious years 17-21

>> No.14460877

Patrick Bateman

>> No.14460888

ooh thanks for the inspiration, I'm outta here. cya folx

>> No.14461963

this board and site to a large extent is what you make it. If you come on and isolate yourself to self pity and listen to self depreciating losers advice then that's the world you're choosing to live in. Anonymity is great for discussion without fear of social repercussions for having 'wrong opinions' but it's still up to the individual whether they want to expose themselves to differing opinions or whether they want to live in a hugbox or an echo chamber. There is really great advice and humor on this site and it's helped me get through and overcome some tough times.

>> No.14462011

things are pretty good anon. ive been seeing this girl on and off for a while but shes been blue-balling me. i got drunk last night and told her if she wasnt giving out she could get lost, so i've got that living disease off my back. ive also been reconnecting with some friends and going out more, which has improved my work ethic substantially. maybe the one downside is ive been drinking for three days straight and i might be developing some sort of addiction

>> No.14462197

i feel like all my friends find me annoying and secretly hate me. im lonely and at this point would be satisfied to just be fucked rly good. i don't even need a relationship anymore, just a good fuck

>> No.14463237

I think I have fallen in love with you. You are so goddamn interesting and a sweetheart. Fuck this, I know I will get hurt, not because of you, but because I don't know how to handle a relationship (we didn't even have sex yet, what the fuck am I even saying)

>> No.14463244

Me? Thanks anon, I am flattered.

>> No.14463253

Been doing really well thanks, anon. Had a moment where work was getting to me a bit but I think I've powered through. I've been given a lot of responsibility over a lot of work at quite a young (read:inexperienced) age. Very excited to see how i get on!

>> No.14463273

Holy fuck, is that you

>> No.14463281

I keep comparing myself to other people and thinking to myself “why can’t I be like them?” Why can’t I have lots of friends and talk about girls with them?

I have no friend, no energy, no urge to pursue women. Fashion doesn’t matter anymore.

>> No.14463320
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I am too fat to get /fa/, despite my bmi being 18.7 my legs are really thick, especially the calves. I could stop eating and go to the gym, but my loneliness/depression kills me whenever I fast, and hard exercise is so mentally exhausting I quit after two months of doing it three times a week. Fortunately I am a gay gerontophile (attracted to older men), so I have no trouble finding men to have sex with for now despite my mediocreness. Next year I am moving to the capital to some guy in his late 50s, hopefully my depression will go away then.

>> No.14463493

I'm starting to accept the fact the a woman will have no benefit from having sex with me until I have more (or any since I'm a virgin) experience. And since I'm 30 going to a prostitute is my only choice3. At least it's clear what she will get from it.
I just hope it's not a sex trafficking victim or anything like that.

>> No.14463527
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>sleep eight hours, if not a bit more
>eat healthy, proportionate meals
>as time goes on i become noticeably weaker
>now i'm near-skelly
>exhausted despite getting a good nights rest
>joint pain, irritability
>finding everything dull, boring or outright annoying, including the gf
>gf mentions how my behavior isn't the same anymore and it feels like all the joy was sucked out of me
>friendless due to distance from both ends stemming from my sudden change in behavior
>see numerous doctors and they all assure me i'm fine
But, why? Why is this happening? Get me out of this slump. I'll do anything, even something like cocaine, or speed, just to get out of this slump.

I hope it's not some sort of illness.

>> No.14463533
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I’m actually coming out of a hole. I shaved my head about three years ago due to my head balding and i finally feel confident about it. Like when I look in the mirror now I’m not immediately self conscious about it. One day last week I looked in the mirror and thought I actually look okay and I’m still fairly good looking.

>> No.14464926

My life is fine cuz I'm perpetually high on weed and always have alprazolam in my system. Without those things, I'd be non-functional for sure.

>> No.14465419

How tf do I cope if I'm genuinely ugly? I'm 174cm 64kg. I look like a fucking criminal. I buzzed my hair because I'm balding quite bad and my head shape is just weird. Dark brown hair, eyes and low eyebrows that make me look angry all the time. Sore lips from biting them constantly. And of course my face is also weird/ugly. What's the point in living? Never had a gf. People generally don't like talking to me/avoid conversation. No confidence at all

>> No.14465452

>do nothing except sit in my room all day
>have no friends
hey at least im losing weight

>> No.14465509
File: 86 KB, 720x899, stop-arnold-720x899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is exactly where you fucked up. How old were you when you started hrt? Drop that shit right fucking now

>> No.14465514

im not on hrt but the gender dysphoria is really bad and makes me want to kill myself

>> No.14465527

one day you will pass and you will get better, just pull through!

>> No.14465568
File: 25 KB, 500x215, ylmuz8wkh2a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope so
i'll try :)

>> No.14465571

fuck off retard

>> No.14465687

no he won't pass

>> No.14465819

I feel like a failiure, I hate my shitty retail job.
I don't have any fashion interested friends, I want to be a designer and also do more creative/fashion related things in my life but no opportunities or resources.

It sucks, /fa/ is where my interest in fashion started and without it I'd never have been able to find my passion and goals but my drive and motivation are rock bottom.

>> No.14465864

yeah i actually dont think it either but you gotta treat hons like hons. give them that "its ok hon" for consolation.

its all about the face, if one isnt born with the face the person is fucked in any way of life. any

>> No.14465982

You guys gotta find someone who loves you