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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 125 KB, 800x594, HM-Men-Spring-2019-Pants-Style-Guide-004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14430564 No.14430564 [Reply] [Original]

This is masculinity in 2019. It's also the way you are forced to dress just to get a gf, truly a clown world.

>> No.14430568
File: 76 KB, 500x500, artworks-000518225661-eqi7nh-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll also remind everyone that women are literally second to oil when it comes to environmental damage. Fast fashion, which is propagated by femoids to emasculate men(you are forced to dress like a metrosexual faggot to get a gf) is second to oil in enviromental damage.

>> No.14430575
File: 92 KB, 900x450, Fast_Fashion_Costing_us_the_Earth_900x.progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fashion industry is one of the biggest in the world, accounting for 2% of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Unfortunately, it’s also now one of the biggest polluters in the world—second only to oil. The reason? Fast fashion.

>The environmental impact of this behaviour is significant: the clothing and textile industry is depleting non-renewable resources, emitting huge quantities of greenhouses gases and using massive quantities of energy, chemicals and water. The synthetic fibres often favoured by fast fashion brands, such as polyester, nylon and acrylic, are basically a kind of plastic made from petroleum, which means they could take up to a thousand years to biodegrade.

>Even the simple act of washing synthetic clothes is harmful—according to a 2011 study, a single synthetic garment can generate more than 1900 micro plastic fibres in one washing machine cycle.

This is what muh fashion and women are doing to the environment. And men are playing along with this hedonistic, impulsive, vain, materialistic bullshit just to put their pee pee in a succubus's festering hole.

>> No.14430632

not sure if this posts is bait or someone is really so delusional
we truly are on a clown board residing on a clown site

>> No.14430634

>so delusional
This is science normalfag. Do you also deny that global temperatures are rising due to human activity?

>> No.14430636

loafers + ankles showing is so bleeergh

>> No.14430674
File: 565 KB, 200x200, 1510613738112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even want a girlfriend if you hate women so much?

Man, I don’t wish genocide on many people but nobody would miss /r9k/. At least the problem will solve itself given time

>> No.14430682

>tfw always dressed better than all of my gfs
>all my friends say i can do better

>> No.14430685

Clown meme is cringy as fuck. Give it a rest already.

>> No.14430686

Keep destroying the environment subhuman. You should be culled, you are like a virus or a tumour eating away at mother nature with your impulsive insect-like mindless materialism.
Every single normal maggot like you needs to be exterminated slowly.

>> No.14430687


R9k and pol please stay in your containment boards so we don’t have to deal with your autism

>> No.14430691

>Why do you even want a girlfriend if you hate women so much?


>> No.14430692
File: 587 KB, 487x815, 1560352624943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are an effeminate faggot and mother nature will deal with you shortly.
KYS, the meme triggers you so much because it's true af. I've always used the world circus instead before this meme poped up.

>> No.14430693

buddy nobody is pointing a gun at you and forcing you to go to HM every weekend to blow half your paycheck. If you work out and know how to handle yourself you'll get laid while wearing oversized shirts and brown slacks from goodwill. Dressing for trends betrays your lack of personality and you won't find a girl that'll stick around any longer than a season unless you develop hobbies that reflect your manhood.
Women are stupid, but they typically know better than to shack up with some vain fag who spends more money on his clothes than on his future.
Just buy exclusively secondhand clothes with exception of underwear and fuck off.

>> No.14430694

>You are an effeminate faggot and mother nature will deal with you shortly.
nah rooshv said i was cool

>> No.14430705

You’ve heard the trope, “I’m not crazy, the world’s crazy,” before yeah?
A proper girlfriend is 95% best friend and 5% sex. You don’t need a friend for sex.
>calling others effeminate
>petulantly whining about how unfair it is that women are attracted to better men
that’s a haha from me

>> No.14430709

>A proper girlfriend is 95% best friend

who wants a female friend tho

>> No.14430710
File: 2.06 MB, 2048x1536, 01-ice-melt-north-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepare to drown insect.

>> No.14430717

>better men
Who are all going to be skeletons with craps living in their eye sockets 100 meters under the sea while I'm surviving off the land in a nice comfy cabin in the woods.

>> No.14430745
File: 17 KB, 292x200, 1557974947085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My life is a movie and im the superhero and everyone else is a villan

Theres a reason why normies can get laid relatively easy, while you spend hours cranking your pecker by yourself. Try and figure out the answer; but without giving any kind of the above reasoning.

Also you never have and never will do anything to be helpful to the enviorment, you are just looking for an excuse to legitimize your autistic delusions of grandeur to other people.

>> No.14430746

You do that anon

>> No.14430752
File: 215 KB, 650x718, 1523687602688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14431662
File: 420 KB, 428x565, miles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the contrast between sportswear and elegant shoes.

>> No.14431680

Don't you have a summer assignment or something?

>> No.14431679

>the meme triggers you so much because it's true af.
It triggers me because it's hivemind cringe.

>> No.14431685

>denim shirt
I don't see what's particularly unmasculine about this.

>> No.14431763

it's not that bad. it could be 100 times worse.

>> No.14431777

Sounds like someone can't pull any women even if they did dress like that

>> No.14432140

I did notice this and, while I've taken some queues from current trends, I can only go so far, thinking, "I'm not going to dress like a faggot"

>> No.14432147
File: 11 KB, 166x303, 4065CF4A-F001-437D-9B33-676F5ECFC7C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is masculinity in 1719. It's also the way you are forced to dress just to get a gf, truly a clown world.

>> No.14432150


>> No.14432163

Generally only women and metal fans get away with all black. Also the entire lower 1/3 of the picture might as well be a woman

>> No.14432169

just buy used clothes like I do baka

>> No.14432197
File: 461 KB, 350x232, tenor-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And men are playing along with this hedonistic, impulsive, vain, materialistic bullshit just to put their pee pee in a succubus's festering hole.

>> No.14432198

no. Your face is just ugly as fuck.

>> No.14432199

This is the ceremonial clothing worn only be aostratics when you look at portraits of non royality during this time they dress pretty plainly. Also as an aside these outfits are ment to convey status due to intricate construction and materials used. It's not meant to be masculine.

>> No.14432207
File: 128 KB, 897x703, BD825820-3022-4DF9-9740-A3F015C8D314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol nigger you’re just ugly as shit. Women don’t want effeminate dudes like this, all the chads I know and have known look/looked so different to this.

>> No.14432234


First of all, women only barely give a shit about clothes. You don't need to dress a particular way to get a gf. You just need 10/10 facial genetics and development.

That said, you can make a lot of social gains by dressing better. It's all about what you're communicating, and what skills you're demonstrating. You should communicate wealth, competence, emotional stability, conscientiousness, the power to flout social norms a bit but the social skill to acknowledge the boundaries and stay close, etc. Further, your clothes should fit and flatter so that your body can communicate as well.

>> No.14432236


OP is obviously bait. But bait is an opportunity to make a good show and educational moment for the bystanders.

>> No.14432240


Don't worry guys, the great incel genocide is literally instituted by God, preached by his prophet Darwin (PBUH). Deus Vult.

>> No.14432404

I really like the outfit and dont see the problem

>> No.14432407

>Being this much of a sexless faggot

>> No.14432421

Most guys don’t dress like this and most guys have gf’s

>> No.14432475

>West Coast untouched.
>Philly a beach town.
Fucking Lel future.
NYC will be a legitimate loss, though.

>> No.14432623


Fucking brutal, kek.

>> No.14432632


>> No.14432737

>the way you are forced to dress just to get a gf
Why tf would I dress for someone else?
Or rather, why would I want some normalfag chick that's into this look?
You sound like someone who's too ugly to have a choice

>> No.14433098
File: 25 KB, 316x499, 41FfW7jwl0L._SX314_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conflating /r9k/ and /pol/
First of all, dilate. Second of all
/pol/ is one person
Not only that, the majority consensus on /pol/ doesn't have any hate on women whatsoever, we just think they're pretty fucking dumb and illogical. And if you've ever actually been with a woman, you would know that.
Read a book, nigger.

>> No.14433107
File: 69 KB, 775x837, 1506501910142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14433171
File: 2.38 MB, 1390x1975, Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is masculinity in 1701. It's also the way you are forced to dress just to get a gf and king of France, truly a clown world.

>> No.14433174

If it means to convey political and/or financial power, it's masculine, dense anon

>> No.14433178

Based virgin

>> No.14433182

the fuck kind of boring gold digging bitch you trying to pull with that advice?

>> No.14433183

no one trying to read a book on sexuality from the fucking 19th century Lmao

>> No.14433222
File: 224 KB, 1200x3075, 272A33A5-914E-4F39-AEDF-A81843F2DAB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14433237

kek you incels are so fuckin delusional

>> No.14433243
File: 134 KB, 898x1468, 14FEFD5A-AD73-4C58-BB02-E03D805BF5B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14433311

>this is what European people think looks good

Holy shit. I've said ti countless times they're a cancer to all of mankind.

>> No.14433349
File: 25 KB, 200x300, 1557193674398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's old so it's irrelevant
Neck yourself brainlet, human beings as a species haven't changed for thousands of years. We're still subject to our primal tendencies. If you don't think so, then prove me fucking wrong.

>> No.14433599

And it does look cool. No one is forcing your fat ass to dress up like a normal human being.

>> No.14433716

yeah this honestly.

>> No.14433747
File: 108 KB, 538x528, gentrification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey well if you exterminate me too slowly then you might let me continue to destroy your planet or girlfriend or whatever

>> No.14434660

>If it means to convey political and/or financial power, it's masculine, dense anon

I disagree it ment to show the wealth of the aristocrat. There are women aristocrats and they are portrayed in a similar fashion. A portrait ment to show the strength of the male leader would show him in armour with a sword or something. These are ones ment to show wealth.

>> No.14434709
File: 151 KB, 480x480, Smug little grape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is obviously women, all we gotta do is stop being attracted to them and it'll solve the world's problems. Why do you think "they" are trying to feminise men? They're doing it so they can get guys to stop caring for women and eventually they'll genetically engineer women to be more like men in mindset then they'll use themselves to create true men and eventually femininity will be extinct. Those slant eyed bastards from the east have the right idea with femininity being toxic

>> No.14434719

Can you get any newer than this?

>> No.14434733

>We're still subject to our primal tendencies.
What are you even trying to say here? That we would die without food and water?
Or are you implying that all people want to do is fuck? Because then wtf are you doing here posting online instead of chasing ass?

>> No.14434739

Yeah, this honestly. Nothing makes you more effeminate than complaining and scapegoating. You cunts don't understand that the reason you can't get laid is not because of some global fashion conspiracy, or women secretly getting together to plot against you. It's because you're a cunt, in that you're whiny and insecure. You think like a victim, and constantly look for things to blame your own insecurities on, never admitting the faults within yourself. Women literally don't give a shit about how you dress lmao. Look at who the standard issue Stacy is dating, 9 times out of 10, it's some dude in basketball shorts and dry fit short sleeve. And besides, trends change, you can easily argue that male fashion in the 60ies was more effeminate than it is now. And like someone's mentioned already, look at the early 17th century. Men literally wore make up and dresses, and still managed to procreate.

>> No.14434750

You dress like that if you want to attract a particular type of girl. you dress different if you want to attract a different type of girl. I would guess dressing like that attracts high-maintenance types, but what do I know. Workwear stuff attracts DIY girls. Punk clothes attract punk girls. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.14434769

I think we've found the issue, lads.

>> No.14434775

>human beings as a species haven't changed for thousands of years
last time I checked there's a invention called computer, followed by amateur porn website

>> No.14434778

If you must dress like that to get her, shes not worth it

>> No.14434792

whew, lad.

>> No.14435074

unironically enjoy their version of the song more than the original. still love The Fall.

>> No.14435470

If you think masculinity is related to appearance then you're just as bad as the basedboys thinking they're manly because they have a beard.

>> No.14435490
File: 25 KB, 220x390, 220px-Togato,_I_sec_dc._con_testa_di_restauro_da_un_ritratto_di_nerva,_inv._2286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is masculinity in 19. It's also the way you are forced to dress just to get a fertile single mother gf, truly a clown world.

>> No.14435598

boo hoo go to your safe space

>you have to dress a certain way to get a gf
>this is what /pol/ incels actually believe

>> No.14435608

get a fleshlight then

>> No.14435620

stop fucking blaming it on women you tard. its capitalism. we need Bernie.

>> No.14435621

this man is proof that you can be ugly and not an incel
you are an incel because your personality is repulsive

>> No.14435622

Bernie won't end capitalism, retard

>> No.14436138

Absolutely based

>> No.14436142

that's looks cool, fag.

>> No.14436395


>> No.14437045

>newfags are annoyed with newerfags

Your lot is the reason they've come here, newfag

>> No.14437055


>> No.14437176

>white male wearing all black
I see nothing wrong besides the cut of the jeans
in conclusion kys

>> No.14437187


fell in love with the moccasins. ID?