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/fa/ - Fashion

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14430491 No.14430491 [Reply] [Original]

Where the fuck do you guys put your shit when you are outside? I have ruined countless of pants by hoarding stuff in pockets. Do you just settle for pic related?

>> No.14430495

carry less shit in summer. use a backpack if you need to carry lots of shit

>> No.14430498

Phone, wallet, keys... what else?

>> No.14430505
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I wear this whenever I'm travelling around the city, big enough to put my phone/wallet/keys in as well as a book or bottle of water. It's essentially a fanny pack that you can sling over your shoulders. If i need to take anything else I throw on a plain black backpack

>> No.14430507

I wear a smallish TNF Purple Label backpack. I put my 13" laptop + charger in it, plus a textbook, a notebook, about three novels, pens + pencils, and a pouch for my earbuds when I'm not wearing them. It all fits in it pretty comfortably and it's not heavy or gaudy looking. Messenger bags are okay, but I just always found backpacks to be way more comfortable, especially carrying multiple books and a laptop charger. Backpacks just have more depth to work with.

>> No.14430508

That's enough to destroy pockets

Backpack sometimes feels like overkill

>> No.14430514

there's this thing called a backpack you pretentious subhuman

>> No.14430515

Get a wallet that holds keys too

>> No.14430530

How do you even get tamhat shit in Europe?

>> No.14430535

Why do you need three novels, psued?

>> No.14430538

where do people go when they go outside except for the grocery store

>> No.14430669

meeting up with friends, going to work, going for cofe, going to a museum. There's lots to do outside!

>> No.14430702
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>> No.14430747

that looks like a real NIBBA sack

>> No.14430796

I ALWAYS wear a jacket with lots of pockets, except during really hot days. Then I wear shorts with lots of pockets. My favorite winter one has giant ones I used to carry a bottle of wine to my friend’s house

>> No.14430831

I have ruined countless of pants by hoarding stuff in pockets.
What the fuck. How?

>> No.14430843

Usually in my cape, its modern versatility is unparalleled

>> No.14430849


>> No.14431005

>That's enough to destroy pockets
How the fuck?

>> No.14431025

I use a tote.

>> No.14431041


>> No.14431111


Depends on what I feel like reading at that moment. If I'm in a louder place I'll read something that doesn't require as much of my attention.

>> No.14431376

Work, cinema, casino, eat out. Usually i carry a backpack but Im thinking about getting one od those sling packs that koreans wear over their shoulder

>> No.14431967

I need to see someone pull it off first before I try

>> No.14433077

i started wearing high-waisted pants that cling much too tightly to the hips to reasonably use pockets.
took an ancient waterproof backpack/satchel with an abstract tan / brown design and detached all the backpack rigging, swapping on the cheapest leather rifle strap I could find.
pretty comfortable and didn't require lowering myself to retardcore brandist dogma.

backpacks are for absolute fucking losers imo, you should only wear one if it has flawless rigging, rests at the best point on your back to avoid unnecessary muscle strain / injury, it's extremely comfortable, and you have a serious pressing need to carry more than 10lb of shit around with you.
in the situations where you genuinely need a backpack, nobody will ever judge you for looking like a stray hiker b/c its meaning in your outfit is recontextualized.
at literally all other times backpacks make you look like a dimwitted adult child who can't dress himself.
being a poser is un-effay, being-in-itself is effay.

>> No.14433092

Imagine thinking this hard about how you look to other people

>> No.14433122

imagine being boring, ugly, and having no personal values, lol

>> No.14433202

Imagine projecting this hard

>> No.14433213

lol, if getting called boring and ugly stings that's just you

>> No.14433285

No matter how many times you reply you are a tryhard

>> No.14433329

Yeah most of us aren't middle eastern drugs dealers, so got anything else?

>> No.14434572

Not all backpacks look like you're about to hike up the Everest, there's plenty of backpacks for city use that have more understated designs.

>> No.14434579

Why are you on this board?

>> No.14434607

thats how u come across to others if you never think or just forget about the shape of your outfit, one of the most important things

>> No.14434608
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>> No.14434616

Just go full Rick. I'm so spoiled by the size/number of pockets on all my Rick jackets.

That being said I have a messenger bag for work stuff and a big waxed canvas rolltop backpack for cycling. Just get a bag that's appropriate for your look/profession/needs.

Only self-conscious idiots put form over function when it comes to carrying necessary things. The only people that look stupid with backpacks are suit-wearing businessmen.

>> No.14434618

wtf there are so many streetwear companys that put out backpacks that work really good as an accesory

>> No.14434620
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This is my small bag. 17"w x10"tall x 5" thick. Enough to hold small laptop or ipad (has padded pocket inside) a book or two, file folders, etc. there is a elastic web mesh thing sized to hold a water bottle on the inside. Outside flap has zipper pocket for small items, like snacks or whatever. Got it on sale at Target for about $15 or so. It works for what I need it for.

>> No.14434629

Backpacks make you look like a middle schooler.

>> No.14434631

totally agree except the „go full rick“ thing. never go full rick imo. You also could go with the acronym street ninja asthetic.

>> No.14434634

obviously you have never seen a proper designed backpack. lurk moar

>> No.14434638

>go full rick
I just had to use the line =]
Rick's outerwear is super versatile so it's totally possible to mix with other shit. I just love all the pockets. I have a winter coat from an old collection that has a giant pocket covering the entire back of the jacket but it's designed to just look like a vent so unless you stuff it full of shit no one would ever know it's a pocket.

>> No.14434641
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>> No.14434671

rich dad highschooler core

>> No.14434675

Phone, Keys, Wallet, Leatherman, M&P Shield. I
don't have much problem. What are you carrying that runs you out of space?

>> No.14434703

if you are hiking up a mountain, then it's effay to carry all the shit you need to carry up a mountain.
if you aren't walking up a mountain, you don't need all the stupid shit you're carrying around in a backpack.
reduce accessories to only items you actually need and you will look like a cool dude, i promise.

honestly you're a retarded poser
"streetwear backpack" lol
don't own shoes, tools, or hiking shit that will damage your body, fall apart, or look ugly if you use them for their literal function.

i shouldn't need to explain to a supposed fashion board why wearing bulky garbage that interrupts your silhouette and pins your clothing in place in unnatural ways looks retarded.
there are definitely fits that would look right or even confident and sexually attractive w/ a shitty backpack loaded on top of them, but i think that 'leisurely transport to and from the airport terminal' is unironically too advanced of a concept for ppl who would consider "streetwear backpacks".

>> No.14434708

literally like 40 pounds on amazon but cool

>> No.14434722

i have one of those sacoche bags, like a very small and flat shoulder bag. fits 12 inch chromebook, phone and wallet

>> No.14434840

Just wear a nice looking backpack. No one is going to give a fuck and think you're a manchild or something unless it overly distracts from your fit. People care too much about little shit like this. Practicality over fashion, people.

>> No.14434855

Tote bag
One of these >>14430505

>> No.14434864
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I wear picrel almost everywhere in the summer. Good for holding keys, phone, wallet, pens, a small book, lighter and cigarettes/a joint, and loose change.

>> No.14434868

Stuff your supplies into your arse that's what all the cool kids do

>> No.14434874
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sling bag.... Might upgrade to a patagonia atom soon though, since my mec is getting kinda rought. Held up well for 8 years given it was only $30.

>> No.14435143

you have obviously never seen a proper backpack or outfit with a backpack in your life but you are still judging people lol. People on this board are so close-minded its hilarious

>> No.14435154

>there are definitely fits that would look right or even confident and sexually attractive w/ a shitty backpack

Lol. Post some examples, then.

>> No.14435176

backpack is only acceptable if you are carrying around a rasp pi or something
laptop put that shit in a laptop bag
buy pants with some fucking pockets or leave shit you don't need at home or in the car I don't fucking care just don't wear a backpack if you aren't a high schooler that shit is so cringe

>> No.14435403

>if you aren't walking up a mountain, you don't need all the stupid shit you're carrying around in a backpack.
I need all the stupid shit I'm carrying around in a backpack when I go to work, which constitutes 90% of the time I spend out of the house.
>laptop put that shit in a laptop bag
Don't. That shit will slowly fuck up your back.

>> No.14435429
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Will it ever be cool again to carry stuff around in a bindle like a fashion hobo?

>> No.14435543

obviously you've never worn a proper outfit in your entire life, lol.
absolutely nothing you can say or do will make you look less like a middle schooler or cult victim.

an answer was in the very post, maybe if you thought more youd understand

if you need a laptop to always be next to you 24:7 even in transport, you better be paid a really excessive amount of money for the indignity you're being put through.
this could be worth it to you, ofc, but you are living a stupid and unfashionable life whenever you swing a 10lb retardcore 'i need my computing and data LOCAL, ALL THE TIME' machine onto your back in a routine.
just accept that your life is impoverished (spiritually/aesthetically) and that you cannot give good reccomendations to other people who have virtues desu.

>> No.14435577

>if you need a laptop to always be next to you 24:7 even in transport, you better be paid a really excessive amount of money for the indignity you're being put through.
Have you never actually worked in your life? You want to use public transport most of the time to avoid traffic jams and oftentimes it's a lot cheaper than paying for gas. As for why you'd need to carry a laptop back and forth it varies, sometimes you can just bring your own laptop to work to play videogames or do whatever the fuck on the side, sometimes people don't have their own PCs and take their assigned work laptop home to use for personal things, sometimes you work remotely on occasion and can't/won't use your personal computer for that out of security concerns or whatever.
>you are living a stupid and unfashionable life whenever you swing a 10lb retardcore 'i need my computing and data LOCAL, ALL THE TIME' machine onto your back in a routine.
>just accept that your life is impoverished (spiritually/aesthetically) and that you cannot give good reccomendations to other people who have virtues desu.
It's good to care about your looks, but sometimes you have to be utilitarian, you don't need to look like you're walking the runway 24/7 and your life shouldn't revolve entirely around that.

>> No.14435579

fanny pack. quite useful and you don't have to be mindful of it all the time while on the road

>> No.14435589


Yeah but what do plan to do after you turn 20?

>> No.14435627

lol youre really bad with computers
even if a position technically allows you to mix business and personal use w their machines, you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever do that for a lot of reasons.
copping a really cheap laptop for text editing and email that lives at your home so you don't drag a work machine around for non-work shit might be the best fashion purchase of your entire life.
if you play videogames, maybe stop if it conflicts with the way you present yourself to the outside world?

i mean, if anything you're saying was true, i'd see just as many idiot-looking womenchildren on the train at rush hour, but somehow its always adult men that look like they haven't grown up.

>> No.14435647

You can leave your belongings inside the car if you have one.

>> No.14435684
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Should I? It's on sale for 12 euro anyway

>> No.14435705

tote bag by Rick. owens

>> No.14435720

>if you play videogames, maybe stop if it conflicts with the way you present yourself to the outside world?
imagine caring this much about how you look to other people

>> No.14435725


Not if people like your pic do it.

Also, I don't think it was ever cool. Just practical for literal homeless people back when homeless people were clever humans and not just zombies.

>> No.14435728

Not him but define "growing up". I don't own any portables and I'd never play games outside by choice, I do play them at home and they're my main hobby next to cinema, writing and reading. I have a job, I'm in a relationship going 6 years now. I'm not a cuck or a Ninsoy either. I don't understand how liking an interactive medium is significative of your maturity. If anything pointing out how immature someone else is because of them having fun in a frankly very popular and natural passtime affects their philosophies in life.

>> No.14435762

Seek help you poor soul lol

>> No.14435767

Dude just read on your phone

>> No.14435896


>> No.14436335

lol this is supposed to be a fashion board

have you ever played videogames, smoked, or drank to push away a sense of dissatisfaction with your life or boredom instead of from genuine enjoyment
if the answer is yes, you're living the life of an addict regardless of framing and how normal you think you are.
if youre compulsively doing anything in your life to such a degree of dependency youd change how you dress to permit the behaviour or hide it, your life is really fucked up. (looking at you, cutters, drug addicts, and ED posters)

in this case, the manifestation of the being a stupid underdeveloped person is seriously considering looking like a slob and literally weighing yourself down with worthless garbage just so you can keep a supply of distractions nearby.
if you literally will feel more energetic and mentally free from just not carrying useless shit, you have a flaw in your reasoning / self perception if youre valuing the useless shit over your own comfort / beauty / composure.
'grown-up' just means this self-awareness.

>> No.14436476

>if youre compulsively doing anything in your life
You mean like structuring your entire existence around and coming up with all sorts of mental gymnastics to never ever wear a backpack because it makes you look less effay?

>> No.14436502

cool it with the ego fragility dude, i even said a backpack can be part of a fit that makes sense.
you're treating backpacks as a sacred right that you must never be bullied for wearing, no matter how out-of-context, ugly, or poorly fitting

if you dont think about aesthetics and have views on aesthetics, why are you on a fashion board?
do you just want for other people to tell you how to dress so you can avoid thinking?

>> No.14436505
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>> No.14436547

where is this from?

>> No.14436581 [DELETED] 

Eastlogue medic bag in olive ripstop.

>> No.14436585

South Korean company called Eastlogue, modeled off old army medic’s pouches.

>> No.14436601

bless u, anon. i'll scrounge around and see if i can find something similar/i like.

>> No.14436685

I get what your saying in this thread, you obviously feel very strongly about how to pull off backpack fits, if at all. But from reading all your posts in this thread I just can't shake off the feeling of how much of an autist you must be in real life.

>> No.14436735

my feelings are not strong or strongly held, they're just immaculate iron law beyond refutation

i can tell from how you write that you aren't hot and make excuses for yourself to not try, but its not like that bothered me

>> No.14436737

a walmart plastic bag

>> No.14436761

>keeps copeposting in the thread
>not bothered

>> No.14436786


how else can i carry my laptop, thinkpad, 2 music players, and 3 pocket knives???

>> No.14436850

A backpack is a tool, not an ornament.
>if you dont think about aesthetics and have views on aesthetics, why are you on a fashion board?
Sometimes other considerations take precedence over aesthetics. That you have an interest doesn't mean it has to take over your life and dictate every decision you make.

>> No.14436913

if you read any of this series of posts you'd see me opening with the practical considerations that can justify a backpack.
if you think that you need a backpack when you're carrying under 10lb, aren't using a utility-driven (ugly, basically), correctly postured backpack (makes you look like a mountain hiker), you don't need the backpack
there are no considerations besides these.
(if you're so fucking smart and all-seeing, why not produce one, lol)

either you're wearing a backpack you don't need because you're an idiot poser or you're a wearing a backpack you don't need because you're a mentally disabled adult child who has never developed an awareness of self
i dont understand where your crazy projection is coming from - when I need to carry heavy, bulky objects for a day trip i put them in a bag and walk out the door without thinking about it - that's the extent of any normal persons interaction with packs and bags.
only thing all-consuming here is your denial of how uncool and slobby you look with a useless faux-functional out of context accessory

>> No.14436922
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I'm not going to read your paragraphs you little virgin. No one cares this much about backpacks. Please find some actual meaning in your life.

>> No.14437318

Black hardshell briefcase. Fits my phone wallet keys laptop and notes.

>> No.14437321


Reading a physical book is so much more satisfying. To each their own.

>> No.14437435

Sling packs are great for urban enviornments, an appropriatly sized quality (not middle schooler) backpack everywhere else

>> No.14437459

You are an adult male. You keep your shit in your pockets, keep it to a minimum, and deal with it. If you need to then use a backpack, but walk like you have a destination and a purpose so you don't look homeless.

>> No.14437504

just buy a bum-bag.

msgr bags look goofy and clunky because of its size

>> No.14437531
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>set it down and lose it accidentally
>Welp, just lost my house keys, car key, ID, debit card, phone, and cash! Guess I'll just fucking kill myself!

>> No.14437639

No, I play games to relax and for fun. And theyre not harmful like drinking and smoking, not to that extent

>> No.14437643
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You ever notice that /fa/ threads are now significantly made up of people defending looking like shit and attempting to bully people for not wanting to look like shit?

>> No.14437747

Why is your phone inside your wallet?

>> No.14437772

I currently have: cigarettes, AirPods, lighter, keys in only one side pocket.

>> No.14437801

>laptop put that shit in a laptop bag
thats great if youre some middle class suburban kid, but carrying around a laptop bag where i live may as well come with a flashing marquee sign begging people to rob me

>> No.14437892

the issue would be that people are hating on everyone else but can not give proper criticism. That would help but this board is fucked anyways

>> No.14437912

It's not quite the same as hate on its own, though. It's like
>hey how about i dress like a retard?
sorry m8, you shouldn't do that: you'll look like a retard
>lol, fuck you, as if i care what you think.
here are the reasons why you'll look like a retard and why you shouldn't want that
>omg as if i am some trend-follower

>> No.14437919

Hiking, hospital, just to walk around the old part of the city, checking out clothes, meeting up with friends, playing with the band.
My friends hang out with friends, go to watch sporting events, bars, parties etc
I personally hate bars and parties etc. People annoy me.

>> No.14437921

Maybe he's buying pants from wallmart or maybe he sharpens his wallet and phone with a knife sharpening stone.

>> No.14437925

Low quality bait.
Otherwise post a fit.

>> No.14437959

small shoulder bag for essentials, tote if more space is needed.

>> No.14437962

i never put anything in my pockets.

>> No.14438520

Who the hell just casually goes to the hospital on a regular basis?

>> No.14438528

as of yet, people still work at hospitals

>> No.14438994

Bump. Backpacks are all effay af desu senpai

>> No.14439008

Just hold everything in your hands you retard. You also look manlier this way

>> No.14439026
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/csg/ reporting in.

>> No.14439149


>imagine wearing a backpack to hold your Wallet, Phone, and car keys

Kek just wear a Fanny Pack and stop buying $10 trousers

>> No.14439208

r u on crack? this is a thread about bags

>> No.14439624

yeah not backpacks to the exclusion of literally all other options you retard monkey