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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.74 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190615_205231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14411885 No.14411885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I became an alt chad over a couple of months, I'm finally getting arthoe pussy. Ask me anything

Pic is me

>> No.14411888
File: 919 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190531-142011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl let me fuck her raw the other day, i hope i didn't get aids

>> No.14411896


>> No.14411899


>> No.14411901


>> No.14411902


>> No.14411903

Imagine changing your entire persona just to appeal to a certain demographic of women who are easy to hook up with regardless. I've gotten chlamydia not once, not twice, but three times from three different art hoes. Don't go in raw dude, especially if she asks you to. Be careful out there, and don't lose who you are just to impress these hoes. Looking good btw, nice frames. Subpar asian.

>> No.14411905

fucking ugly gooks doesnt make you a chad niggatron, it doesnt make you an alt chad either

>> No.14411907

How many times have you caught chlamydia?

>> No.14411910


>> No.14411911

I'm still clean but i will be no taking any chances from now on

>> No.14411913
File: 141 KB, 476x581, 20190605_181214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing up a b

>> No.14411915

I was invited by a white cuck like you to fuck his gf while he watched

>> No.14411920



>> No.14411921

I have always been a very bland autistic person fashion side. I using looks as a way to express my self and let people know what i'm into. It's easier to get closer to people

>> No.14411929

Chad is a mindset
you mad come at me bro

>> No.14411936
File: 56 KB, 600x600, 1559911763305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw my "peers" are committing their entire life to hedonism and whoredom and I have a fiance and work on my tiny house at 22

>> No.14411940

its fine eveyrone should do whatever they want

nah chad a synonym with "the most successful looks in the planet". you are a nigger, honestly i dont think you will ever have a lasting relationship because of the better men out there people know very well niggers are not for that

>> No.14411946

you legit sound like a 12 year old trying to compete with people online on a fashion board

having different style doesn't make you have girls, social status, reputation and personality do

>> No.14411947

that is fucking gay

>> No.14411951
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>> No.14411952


>> No.14411953

thats no a life i aspire to
good luck

>> No.14411958

dont take people seriously on a taiwanese image board
fashion is only one of the stats that i'm working on, the triforce will be completed soon

>> No.14411961
File: 18 KB, 485x443, 1533592123309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldest Chad move there is

>> No.14411964
File: 42 KB, 918x648, J1032T-ALI_BRN_OS_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what OP is doing is retarded, but thinking you're any better isn't rational. You're only 22 and settled down with somebody, what the fuck are you doing? I'm 25 and can't imagine dating someone for longer than a few months. You have your whole life to be old and domestic. Now is the time to have fun and experience life to the fullest. Take the yolo pill.

>> No.14411966

White girls are always asking me to make mix babies
you should fix your women

>> No.14411970

bro shes like a 7 at best from that photo
+ its prob her only good photo
+ shes prob hiding some real deformities with the flower and hair
im guessing shes a 5 IRL, how does this make you a chad

>> No.14411971

what's alt-chad

>> No.14411978

Grow your hair out a 3-5 inches on the top, so you can style it, get contacts, then maybe you'll look semi-chad

>> No.14411981
File: 73 KB, 527x880, 1560315601542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no bullying
she was no that bad for an asian chick

>> No.14411984

i was planning on taking the buzz pill

>> No.14411992
File: 948 KB, 1600x1600, 1524008273366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can eboys and softbois be consider alt-chads?

>> No.14411993
File: 35 KB, 493x524, Okcupid reply rate by race and gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never get any quality women all you get is our left over women or literal whores.

>> No.14411995

Don't, take the guidopill instead (but with wax instead of gel)

>> No.14411998

I wont let stats to determine my life
there are always outliers anon

>> No.14412000

any examples?
I have been out of fa/ for a while

>> No.14412002
File: 52 KB, 567x543, DzOE3xfWwAAYBjz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you achieve such a feat? Where did you start, in terms of social skills and looks?

>> No.14412003

all i have are docs and listening to hardcore am i an alt virgin?

>> No.14412006

being fashionable and attractive is only half the battle. most of us are too fucking autistic to pull any kind of pussy it doesnt fucking matter what we wear

>> No.14412007

w2c tees like that

>> No.14412009

i was a depressed shy guy but then i became a ironic yolo nihilist
i used to wear full metalhead school shooter outfit in hs, now i'm a little less cringy

>> No.14412019

it's just an over side Gildan t-shirt
worn out t-shirt

>> No.14412020

Keep your nigger dick out of white or Asian girls

>> No.14412021

try to wear things to let people know that you are into hardcore
hangout with hardcore kids and sooner or later you will make it
we are all gonna make it

>> No.14412025

you need to embrace autism
be weird and ironic
get into social circles where you know you have a chance and you will get pussy

>> No.14412026

it's too late
they all cum when i stab them with my bbc

>> No.14412138

i think you look good and i wish you the best in future pussy slayings, but

shut the fuck up

>> No.14412271

Degenerates like you belong on a cross

>> No.14412328

>Now is the time to have fun and experience life to the fullest
That's what he's doing. Not wasting any time on things that are temporary pleasure, building family early on to be a young healthy parent and live to see grand-grandkids in the 90's.

>> No.14412329


>> No.14412333

You look bad and your skin is awful.
>alt Chad
So putting on a baggy tshirt and glasses?

>> No.14412380
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>> No.14412398
File: 30 KB, 281x586, Screenshot_72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you become an alt chad?
im black also but my autismo scares them away
pic related me

>> No.14412409
File: 14 KB, 277x251, 1517505215869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self proclaimed Chad
My sides... It hurts... Hahahahahhahaha... Stop...

>> No.14412411

Why does a minority getting success with woman *and* bragging about it, bring all the racist white boys crawling out of the woodwork?

>> No.14412413
File: 85 KB, 1866x867, 10101010100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been compiling advice from /fa

>> No.14412417
File: 8 KB, 229x220, I DON'T LIKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringy artificial tongue positioning

>> No.14412420

damn it im 5'10

>> No.14412424

me too
you dont have to check all the boxes

>> No.14412426

believing you are chad is all you need anon

>> No.14412428

I actually like your attitude

>> No.14412435

trips of truth, congratulation anon now you know how sex feels

>> No.14412434
File: 494 KB, 394x693, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i buy some glasses like op's?

>> No.14412436
File: 519 KB, 1536x2048, D472dq9XsAAnrPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been hanging with many art hoes and for some reason stealing stuff from places (houses, stores and supermarkets), cocaine usage and my habit of reading makes them desperate for cock

>> No.14412439

Fix your skin first

>> No.14412443


>> No.14412444
File: 13 KB, 156x257, 1447734963742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just beeyourself

>> No.14412450

What phenotype is Rick?

>> No.14412453

"having no job"

>> No.14412454
File: 79 KB, 238x288, fucking jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14412455

Know what suits your face shape first.

>> No.14412456

same here mate - shit is easy

>> No.14412457

Classic Mediterranean.

>> No.14412461

dont worry when they realize you are poor and you act like poor they are cut contact with you.

>> No.14412464
File: 8 KB, 150x148, Screenshot_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been wearing these lately

>> No.14412475

your skin is your main bottleneck
i should work on my skin too but i want accutane

>> No.14412479
File: 518 KB, 640x1136, 1554815258492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember you
you are too soft, they will friendzone you if you dont look more dominant
these bitches have daddy issues, exploit that

>> No.14412486
File: 56 KB, 740x493, 1522553137442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying bro. im just a middle class nigga who listens to sufjan stevens. aint no killer in me

>> No.14412500

post your ig

>> No.14412504

i dont have that many pics there but i'm working on improving my online presence. That's an effective way to show a lifestyle and get credibility

>> No.14412512

Wow, a petty thief, very alt chad! You're just a kleptomaniac.

>> No.14412515

he is just poor

>> No.14412519

Poor people don't steal. Thieves steal.

>> No.14412520

>white overalls
lmao are you fucking painting a room, you clown?

>> No.14412521

but he is a nigger. poor niggers do steal

>> No.14412523

>nigros who use 4chan is the same as ghetto nigro
get a load of this pol faggot

>> No.14412528

Nope, he's just a shithead. Race isn't a factor of your character and code of ethics.

>> No.14412531

You are good looking and your style is on point.
Don't mind the seething /pol/cels

>> No.14412537

From what I can see, becoming an „alt-Chad“ has nothing to do with fashion or fitness, both your outfit and build are low effort.

>> No.14412545

>Race isn't a factor of your character and code of ethics.
A daring synthesis.

>> No.14412562

>white t-shirt
>bunch of faggy tattoos

>> No.14412577


you look good keep it pushing

>> No.14412652
File: 103 KB, 1080x1029, 62464766_697954147314672_4105035016013086720_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking a tinder girl raw
anon don't, it's not worth it

>> No.14412661

man you halfway to chad already

>> No.14412668

Bruh right? Hope he's just baiting cuz you have to be single digit iq to do that shit

>> No.14412674

okay, so to summarize the advice:

>be born as chad


>> No.14412679

i didn't have any condoms so i had to get some from the gas station but they were too small and my dick was getting chocked so i was like fuck this
i learned my lesson though

>> No.14412686

ur fine bro
i fuckd a tinder chick raw for 3 months straight. doc said im good

>> No.14412815

Nice bruh. I accidentally have always dressed "alt-chad" because I've been into hardcore and punk since I was 13 but always preferred to wear plain tees and slim or straightleg pants. Youget a few black tattoos with age and blam suddenly it's a style. Worked out for me, thanks culture.

>> No.14412997
File: 114 KB, 344x497, ffbc8c3c3257e761d6030a36055921a43de1fbb0ebae812069f8d714a6e3216c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this is based

>> No.14412998

im not poor, still on uni but my family is very wealthy, is all about the rush

you wouldnt understand

>> No.14413006

>im just a middle class nigga who listens to sufjan stevens.
pretty based

>> No.14413052
File: 741 KB, 640x711, cao_sima_yi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>azn broad goes to Germany
>all of the sudden wants to fuck unappealing nignogs casually
This is a warning bros. Countries where people fuck horses and shit on each other are not stable societies.

>> No.14413067

I break into people like yous houses

>> No.14413109

if you knew what are you talking about you would know that international asian students hangout with other asians. Only westernized second gen asian do bestiality ;)

>> No.14413143

Fuck horses.

Stable society.

I see what you did there

>> No.14413154

How did Gus Fring get 106 replies? The fucking state...

>> No.14413177

>Mystery meat
>Plain white t shirt
> A couple of tats


Jump of a cliff

>> No.14413221
File: 14 KB, 480x270, FB_IMG_1559256259103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it niggers who always steal

>> No.14414656

w2c glasses

>> No.14414765

nobody tell him about dna sequencing

>> No.14414771

ugly to da maxx

>> No.14414783

kek and to think thats the best picture of her

>> No.14414825

its photoshopped too pay close attention

>> No.14415186
File: 185 KB, 300x388, brah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting married at 22

>> No.14415195

>>>get into social circles where you know you have a chance
Please elaborate further

>> No.14415199


How much you wanna bet that she's using her hobbies only as part of her aesthetic, without actually engaging with it in depth, like every other woman?

>> No.14415349

make that your bio lmao

>> No.14415549

>White people on the news constantly for stealing millions of government dollars and scamming thousands of people.
Hurrr, why the blacks always stealing?!?!?

>> No.14415747

cope harder mongrel cuck

>> No.14415750

bleach your skin, subhuman

>> No.14415833

>Ask me anything
Could you please unironically define what you mean by alt-chad and art hoe?
I genuinely would like to know.

>> No.14415883

I like those glass, too bad I don't have the face shape for them though

>> No.14415893

It's only worth it, if it's anally

>> No.14415942
File: 212 KB, 600x600, 1528928441_20f947c0a41e6ed495867441e9d2c16c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the american dream baby
you would be surprise how many girls like mixed guys

>> No.14415946

st michel eyebuydirect

>> No.14415951

S or L ?

>> No.14415952

if you are an antisocial weirdo, don't hangout with normies. meet people that appreciate your interests

>> No.14415959

her room was full of paintings and art shit so i guess she tried

>> No.14415965

that's not what your mom said
my skin is exotic to all those white hoes so no, you get a tan

>> No.14415970

i pushed it into the wrong hole a couple of times, she is not into anal yet ;)

>> No.14415975

i got a big face so L

>> No.14416016

based, you're living the dream anon

>> No.14416029

so far you've only posted a picture of a 3/10 gook lmao

>> No.14416038
File: 309 KB, 1600x1200, 1547751855379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still fucking people who based their personality on the entry level knowledge they have on "art"
nothing of that is Chad. its okay to get your dick wet if you're some virgin who spent his youth on 4chan. but please the love of god. grow out of this phase. 95% of these chicks are legit fucking losers. like nobody fucked with them in middle or hs. All of these chicks(4chan males do it also) just copy shit from other ppl and act like its their aesthetic. I know so many fucking "Alt" girls who just go on spotify and listen to most popular song on whatever is trendy from pitchfork or the bald nigger. make a playlist and act like they give shit. in reality all they listen to is whatever pop star is trendy rn and shit like fleet foxes.
anyway you're probably wondering why am i telling you this. i just want some pussy. look man the ppl who you hang out or spend ur time trying to learn. You become. keep this shit up for another 6 months. you'll end up like these losers
im not saying end up like this>>14411936
but you set the trends. have these bitches offer you something else besides sex and invites to some shitty diy show thats full of 20 yr olds sounding like mac demarco if he just learned guitar 2 hours ago

>> No.14416050

Let's try this again:


>> No.14416061


>> No.14416064


>> No.14416067


>> No.14416069


>> No.14416070

How small is your dick that you can accidental anal?

>> No.14416071


>> No.14416074

No questions, but welcome to the mountaintop /fa/m.

>> No.14416101

i usually dont take picks of my hookups anon
so far i got a couple of german bitches and one french girl under my belt
no bad for an autistic kid

>> No.14416112

i agree with you but i'm dont have any luck with normie girls and dont even mention stacies. i can relate more with arthoes. i don't know what that really say about myself. i'm going trough an existential crisis i guess

>> No.14416118

nice bait

>> No.14416126

I understand you mane. but steal knowledge from these arthoes and elevate higher than them.

>> No.14416127

wtf is with those dumb tattoos?
also you're not white so Idk why you're ring gesturing. you'd get curbstomped on sight by any non meme nationalist.

>> No.14416136

Is that really you? You're so cute

>> No.14416139

Post pic with timestamp

>> No.14416155

Not even though.

>> No.14416162

tats are very subjective. if i like them, it's guchi
i'm on seven levels of irony

>> No.14416185
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20190617_211846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End my suffering

>> No.14416194


>> No.14416202

How are u getting these girls to meet you or fuck
after 2 days of texting girls i get bored
me: nice taste in music
them: hehe thx you too

its even worse on a date. since i used up all my questions on texting. I need some coke

>> No.14416230
File: 349 KB, 922x738, 1554055695411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that skin
>that face
>those tattoos
Claims to be chad

>> No.14416232
File: 241 KB, 377x424, 1500890930037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14416236

i usually get them through tinder but i want to build a social circle to be more consistent
i hook them with my weird sense of humor, thank you internet
i'm still learning to be more dominant and exploit their daddy issues
you should watch coach red pill series on dating

>> No.14416240

this is a bullying free zone, mods

>> No.14416246

WHat the hell is that?

>> No.14416248

sam hyde weird?

>> No.14416260

What are your interests OP? I’m another nigga in euroland and so far the normie blackie youth are sort of like arabs here

>> No.14416265

Ethnicity? You’re obviosuly half german

>> No.14416269

go on a date where there is a distraction for you to do, e.g. bowling or a show, the experience will be of more value to her than the conversation and if you're comfortable with her then she'll remember it better

>> No.14416270

negro obviously

>> No.14416286

You know what ethnicity is?

>> No.14416291

negro american obviously

>> No.14416309

I dont have barbaric blood
i'm dominican station in germany, i work for the US army

>> No.14416315

i'm not pc at all

>> No.14416324

most black reject me, i know that feel
i like raves, metal concerts underground and artsy shit
i went to an anime convention the other day, insta regrets

>> No.14416345

Op genuine question do you really need fa's validation
The guide aspect of this post is a complete meme btw

>> No.14416358

>I dont have barbaric blood

>> No.14416370

i'm just shit posting and helping people along the way

>> No.14416373

That's funny, I'm also Dominican and look similar to you, except I have longer hair, don't wear glasses and I'm maybe a little taller than you.

>> No.14416377

klk? Thanks for all the baseball players amigo dominicano desusenpai.

>> No.14416379

wanna be my friend? i don't have any nigger friends :(

>> No.14416381

pasame lo platano tigere

>> No.14416384

my snapchat is toskablast

>> No.14416386

i'll give you a n-work pass, add me on snapchat

>> No.14416534

>likes asian food
Wow so fucking edgy

>> No.14416597
File: 14 KB, 480x319, FUNNY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coach red pill
You're good looking you don't need to cope this hard.

>> No.14416629

Hey man, it's >>14412815 again. Just wondering what those frames are. Must be nice to be a young alt-chad in europe. I'm at the end of my 20s with a long term girl now, and she's awesome, but sometimes I wish I was a smart younger person and figured out one of the many cheap/easy waysto go to europe and really raged it.

>> No.14416665

Emulation of the Christ is too good for them. Sodomites shall burn (at the stake) just as God did to their city 3000 years ago.

>> No.14416679

I mog you to the gates of oblivion and back ugly subnigger

>> No.14416687

you look good right but why the fuck are you making that dumbass facial expression, it is ruining the whole thing for me i literally want to punch the front of your face in just because of what you are doing there. like u dont even look bad but for some reason you are MAKING a stupid fucking face and it is triggering me sooo much

>> No.14416700

What was wrong with the anime convention?

>> No.14416705

Seriously where do I meet new people.

>> No.14416752

>i'm not pc at all
Congratulations, most people aren't when in casual settings.

>> No.14417424

backpacking is not that expensive and a better experience in my opinion.
there are plenty of free spirit traveling sluts here. if things dont work out, you know what to do.
glasses are st michel from eyebuydirect

>> No.14417425

now that you mention it
i'm probable coping with my insecurities

>> No.14417427

autistic weebs and how consumerist that subculture became
i'm glad i'm not longer one of them

>> No.14417590

Oh, god. This is me without the nigger shit.

>> No.14417596
File: 384 KB, 482x430, 1474071487440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolute state of this board
well the joke is on me, why do I keep coming back to this shithole

>> No.14417678

not cuban heel, dropped and opinnion disregarded. you must be fat as fuck for not thinking that cuban heels are superior.

>> No.14417965

>Thinking this applies to anybody with social skills or that's even average in looks.

>> No.14418032

not really feeling this whole "alt chad" thing, but that is one of the more tasteful behelit tattoos I've seen so far, good job

>> No.14418055

what I'm getting from this is that while white guys are understandably on top in dating, simply because they're on top in society in general, native americans are the true underdog chad race. who knew

>> No.14418060
File: 386 KB, 1025x1600, GeorgiaOKeeffe-GreyLine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arthoe pussy
Does it look something like this?

>> No.14418061

its based on usa dude more specifically the south where nativs are at.

>> No.14418073

What the fuck is that contraption

>> No.14418093

yeah they dye their pubes blue and pink and shit

>> No.14418096

Albania is Mediterranean now?

>> No.14418148


>> No.14418150

I tried but it found nothing. What else should I try?

>> No.14418167

where do you buy cuban heels? I live in europe and I can't find any. Should've brought a fucking boatload of them when I moved from the US back to france ffs.

>> No.14418268

i thought no one would get my reference, i'm glad you did