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File: 88 KB, 730x960, 1560519743468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14407583 No.14407583 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think we could trick zoomers into reviving scene. Hell they are onto 2000's clothing already and this was a part of that decade.

>> No.14407591

god I hope not

>> No.14407645


>> No.14407673

That'd be truly blessed. Ill do my part as a 20 year old. Bring it on!

>> No.14407985

Yes they are pretty FUCKING stupid

>> No.14408028

already listening to Marilyn Manson

>> No.14408042

Thread theme, tons of inspo in this video

>> No.14408052

you're oblivious if you don't already think this is happening

>> No.14408059
File: 35 KB, 500x688, 1554770228946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comin back

>> No.14408098

i'm already doing that, anon

>> No.14408101

Get some Ohio is for lovers up in this biznitch you mofo's RAWR xXxxXXxhXcxXXxxXx

>> No.14408258

This is going to be all over the place in a year or so. Just wait.

>> No.14408281
File: 108 KB, 541x720, hnnng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I love scene/goth bitches so much. Too bad they all liked really shitty music.

>> No.14408294

I hope not. It was pretty tacky. A good chunk of my friends were into it, but I never understood it. Studies have shown that 90% of scene kids are completely unrecognizable after being hit by a water balloon.

>> No.14408301
File: 77 KB, 652x762, scene5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How scene are we talkin

>> No.14408305

What are you saying underoath, fall of troy, the reason, alexisonfire, Silverstein, saosin, fear before the March of flames are all great bands

>> No.14408309

Needs a bane sweater.

>> No.14408313

What do you think big tiddy goth meme is?

>> No.14408322

Exactly what I'm talking about, those are all GARBAGE except Silverstein.

>> No.14408354

>Hell they are onto 2000's clothing already and this was a part of that decade.
Hopefully they are into some "cool" clothing from 2000s, not your gay shit.

>> No.14408380

Nigger Silverstein is just as bad lmao but anyways here's some music videos you guys can take inspiration from. https://youtu.be/eD3QkNyORIo

>> No.14408387


>> No.14408390


>> No.14408393

This one is kino https://youtu.be/6qrFTGth8KU

>> No.14408399

Some Anthony Green saosin https://youtu.be/zJALPNdJsHU

>> No.14408407

Lol https://youtu.be/TOrsE9oRhaU

>> No.14408478

its already happening on tik tok


>> No.14408484

Hello I'm thirty two years old what of tick tock

>> No.14408521
File: 101 KB, 1080x809, emo34421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it'll never be 2007 again

>> No.14408526

>Monster Khaos and Ripper were once a thing

>> No.14408545

I'm starting to look like it again a bit.
I've always kinda looked "scene" even with a shaved head, but after over 10 years of having a shaved head I'm growing my emo hair back, put my plugs back in... might even get a nose ring again.
When I was scene/skater that was the last time I was the happiest so even though I'm older now I'm trying to go back to that kinda era in the hope it makes me less depressed.
Stupid I know, but I've got fuck all to lose... plus I really want the scene thing to come back because emo chicks were the hottest fucking thing on this planet.

>> No.14408552

>Millennials are just as bad as boomers now

>> No.14408553

Bro, we're zoomers. I'm sorry but if you're actually 20 it's true

>> No.14408561

It's not even an update. It's just a 1 to 1 larp. It's so cheap and gross looking.

>> No.14408850


>> No.14408948

There's some 30 year olds in my local music scene who never actually gave up the look. They're both dudes and it's fucking jarring to be honest. However I've seen kids between 16 and 20 around my city already back on that hot topic bullshit.

>> No.14408956

Rob Zombie is popular among people who looked scene but didn't get into the shitty music

>> No.14408969

Is Rob Zombie even scene?
I was listening to him earlier because i used to listen to it a lot when i was younger.
Never associated it with scene though.

>> No.14408974

lmao, zoomer thinking he aint a zoomer.

>> No.14408977

No. Definitely not scene.

>> No.14408984

Like I said, people looked scene but didn't listen to the shitty music

>> No.14409002

that would be awful pls no

>> No.14409067

lets go

>> No.14409097

If scene makes a comeback it won't be anywhere near as cringy as it was the first time. Zoomers may be stupid but they have a better fashion sense than og scene kids did.

>> No.14409167

y'all ain't even aware of #twentyninescene yet

Listen to seeyouspacecowboy and wristmeetrazor

>> No.14409238
File: 46 KB, 500x670, 976577463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT saying "Oh please no I hope not" is a hypocritical liar. Scene/emo was one of the best eras for girls. You can always ignore the males, but the girls need to rediscover this style because it was hot af and encouraged sluttines.

>> No.14409257

>fried hair
>side swept bangs
>plastic mall accessories
>snakebite piercings
>raccoon eye makeup
>the shitty music associated with it all
I think you might have your this-gave-me-my-first-boner nostalgia goggles on.

>> No.14409291
File: 48 KB, 500x667, emo 1231231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14409319

FPBP even as a kid (I’m 19 rn) I thought this style was extremely cringe

>> No.14409333

it already happened. rappers like those in "gothboiclique" and other emo rap stables all dress like scene kids

honestly fuck all these kids jacking scene and not knowing the culture.

either name 5 motionless in white songs or take off that studded belt you fucking poser

>> No.14409370

She's average as fuck. You're just fooled by the hair and makeup.

>> No.14409390

underoath and alexisonfire slap you fucking pleb

>> No.14409705

Fuck I know her.

>> No.14409858

>either name 5 motionless in white songs or take off that studded belt you fucking poser

fuck up nerd

also those "gothboiclick" is more like tumblr shit ironic core than the genuine scene kid youthful 2006 tier

>> No.14410249

You fucking retard all that emo sad rap was started by the Yung Lean and the sad boys. You need to know the culture you dumbfuck

>> No.14410639

>looked scene
"Scene" is a look. If you didn't look scene but liked those so-called scene bands, you weren't scene. If you look scene, you're scene. Except maybe to some purist scene kids who might call you a poser.

>> No.14410646

Emo sad rap? Emo is emotional hardcore punkrock (real emo, not some pop rock with breakdowns and so)

>> No.14410720

Imagine thinking scene and goth are the same thing

>> No.14410776

Gross and skinnyfat.

>> No.14411060

Metalhead zoomer here. Would not mind a few more emo qts about the place as long as I don't have to be associated with them or listen to their shitty metalcore.

>> No.14411182

You fucking retard all that emo sad rap was started by the Bones and the team sesh. You need to know the culture you dumbfuck

>> No.14411216

I never understood this. Retards that listen to shitty music that is so similar yet they say the other group has shit music.

>> No.14411222

I'm not into metal, but the difference is huge.

>> No.14411234

not him but nah I'd say it technically started with Cudi and other random MySpace rappers, maybe even Kanye West as far as influencing the sound of it

>> No.14411273

>I'm gonna get to smash scene pussy again
But do I have to get rid of my mullet?

>> No.14411276

I knew scene kids with mullets, they just straightened it with a flat iron

>> No.14411404

It's hot as shit when an adult can find a middle ground. I had a college lab partner who was petite, had a brown pixie, septum piercing, and a big full-color chest piece. Other than that, she wore normal jeans and normal girl tops or cute flannels. But you could tell she used to be scene

As I've gotten older I've started dressing more trad-adult. But I also just bought some high top Chucks, a couple band tees, and cut some worn-in slim khakis into shorts. Being scene as a kid really informs every aspect of my interactions with people. So I figured why not keep some of the look instead of trying to ditch it all