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File: 130 KB, 800x1087, 499073-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14387308 No.14387308 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't we all be good looking?

>> No.14387322

Define good looking.

>> No.14387332
File: 240 KB, 512x512, 1_grow_icon_1513191167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleasant to look at

>> No.14387336 [DELETED] 

Girls are not as visual as guys are...

>> No.14387342

Girls spend probably 5x as long trying to look good than guys.

>> No.14387359 [DELETED] 
File: 603 KB, 500x240, cc98a5a6c537eb604e0c549735a1e40c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, they do that cuz guys are way more visual, this is how they attract.

Male in other hand should get a good job and make his dream come true, this is how he attracts.

>> No.14387373


Girls compete with other girls it has nothing to do with guys

>> No.14387381

Because Hitler lost

>> No.14387395 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 4099x6468, 1559758335603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have female friends, they keep on talking about guys, they do it for them, same as guys have their own dream but also compete with others to get a better prize, do you get it now?

>> No.14387406

You are correct on that point and he is wrong, but he's the rest of his post is right. Men don't make it on looks, you gotta be successful in some form. Think of your success as the same attribute as a women's beauty, don't hate her for liking you for it, that would be like her hating you because you find her beautiful. Obviously if that's all she's interested in she can fuck off, but men shouldn't write off all women as whores who want only successful men but then say they only like beautiful women. Shit atleast you can work on your success and no one really looks down on you for it, can't say the same for women who get plastic surgery to look better.

>> No.14387427

>I have female friends


>> No.14387433 [DELETED] 

What is shocking about that?

>> No.14387435

>Men don't make it on looks

Incorrect in many situations but I agree with what you said.

>> No.14387436

Meeks disproves your entire cope

>> No.14387471

Because the standard for good looking would change.

>> No.14387495

Being insecure about something out of your control is such a waste of energy. I used to be OBSESSED with the idea of getting plastic surgery, but the reality is that I wont be able to afford it until im a practicing physician and in my 30s. I am solidly average (of course my family and significant other think im pretty but ive also posted a picture of myself on 4chan which confirmed my belief that im your run of the mill 5/10 without makeup).

But I am so fucking lucky to have been born without any birth defects or a disease. I am so fortunate that I am healthy. I got through puberty without acne, which can be debilitating. Overall I like my body and I can make it more attractive and fit by working out, which some people are not even physically able to do. My perspective on my appearance totally changed when I began realizing these things. Be happy with what you have because you have NO control over when you lose it.

>> No.14387506

This is a pretty dated way of thinking and it's on its way out. Looks are becoming more and more important for men.

>> No.14387625

Because ugly people choose to lower their standards and mate with other unattractive individuals instead of dying alone.

>> No.14387660

Totally the opposite

>> No.14387732

of those female friends, how many of them do you wish were your girlfriend? And have you ever considered that if you were better looking, you would have been able to date one of the?

>> No.14387763

I've had very mild gynecomastia since the beginning of puberty. Although I have a nice face I was insecure for a time. Around 18 I realized I just don't care anymore. I'm very social and girls don't mind , which tells me attraction isn't all physical. Now that I have the finances, I chose to get a new car instead of gyne surgery. Learn how to be confident and happy with what you have, because everyone's bodies will turn to shit with age.

>> No.14387773

because good looking is a relative status
if you make all of the uggos "good looking" then we would be insanely picky, standards would reset, and only the top quarter of people would be "good looking" again

>> No.14387887 [DELETED] 

>of those female friends, how many of them do you wish were your girlfriend?
>And have you ever considered that if you were better looking, you would have been able to date one of the?
They are my childhood friends from school dude, i never really thought about dating, i just saw them as friends.
Do girls watch porn? No.

>> No.14388028

Face yeah. All make up.

But body wise, no

>> No.14388158
File: 1.63 MB, 255x164, loaf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a massive cope.
Anyways, enjoy the (you)

>> No.14388167 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 800x448, 1559802430038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never said that girls are not attracted to good looking man you retarded incel.
That doesnt change a fact that girls are not visual as man.

>> No.14388175
File: 28 KB, 764x313, standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not getting two out of me, namenigger

>> No.14388177 [DELETED] 

I really hate this "cope" meme. It's like some people feel bitter over others not being insecure like them.

>> No.14388186

If the truth wasn't making you insecure, there would be no reason for you to cling to copes.
Why would you be invested in women not caring as much about looks unless you think your looks are subpar?

>> No.14388191 [DELETED] 

You are literally proving my point, how stupid are you?
Is from incel's reddit, incels love to use that, if they have nothing say they just resort to that.

>> No.14388234


>> No.14388246

how does that bluepill taste

>> No.14388248

wow that image macro is pretty sad

>> No.14388250
File: 10 KB, 250x181, 1474313709812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Never forget what they took from us

>> No.14388256

Jewish pussy got me acting strange. someone told me merry christmas I said tf is that!

>> No.14388258

He’s the reason why I’ll never get a cute jewess gf so fuck him

>> No.14388261
File: 59 KB, 720x720, 1513475506376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get it twisted, I'd shack up with a jewish cutey in a heartbeat. That said, eugenics is objectively our moral responsibility to people we choose to bring into the world given that we have the technology
>tfw scoliosis
>tfw autoimmune arthritis
>tfw cystic acne
I hate it bros...

>> No.14388995

Ugly males receive more messages than attractive males?!

>> No.14389025

Women are in fact more selective than men when it comes to dating

>> No.14389071 [DELETED] 

I know lol

>> No.14389096

Look at the other information displayed; women rate men very harshly, and the above average ones receive more messages

>> No.14389101

Awwwww you fell for the male purpose meme for attraction
How’s that going for you? Have you managed to fuck more than 3 girls yet you 40 year old boomer?

>> No.14389389


>> No.14389397
File: 23 KB, 600x439, angery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reject men because I know eventually I'll be old and they'll want to date someone younger.

>> No.14389406

>5/10 without makeup
stupid hoe, nice try sneaking the information that you are woman. this thread is not directed at females, it doesn't matter how YOU look

>> No.14389407

Daily reminder: if you don't have lawliet filtered and actually respond to him, you're a massive faggot.

>> No.14389413

is this one of those things women tell themselves so they don't have to date non chads?

>> No.14389437

just because you dress up like one doesn't mean you know how they think.

>> No.14389446

Do you think Jews were exterminated or something?

What world are you living in

>> No.14389449

If we were all "good looking" then nobody would be good looking.

"Good" is a relative term of comparison. It only exists to compare you to others.

The most disgusting NEET incel would be a model in caveman times. It's all just for show.

>> No.14389452

Because not everyone is white.

>> No.14389456

Unironically this.
He probably believes in holohoax. Cringe.

>> No.14390024

cringe and bluepilled. you are good looking if you're enjoyable to look at. beauty exists in a vacum

>> No.14390176

Because CRISPR is not legalised in western countries.

>> No.14390201 [DELETED] 

cope more tripfag

>> No.14390207
File: 84 KB, 905x1008, DF70FE74-7FFC-42D5-BAA1-B9A9C8D59F25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was good desu

>> No.14390264

Without ugly, there wouldn’t be pretty

>> No.14390594 [DELETED] 

Thats not me

>> No.14391009

But Anon, how you feel about yourself is not just a "girl" thing.

>> No.14391012

he is just not worth the time and efford

>> No.14391015

Another term of comparison. You are happy to look at things that are good looking, aka they are relatively rare.

There's nothing blue pilled about this. Cave men were disgusting by modern standards, and even the ugliest fat ass today would be nice to look at in comparison.

"Everyone be good looking" is literally impossible in a psychological sense

>> No.14391030

You're narrowing the scope of the question. Why is it psychologically impossible?

>> No.14391684

Because as soon as everyone is as attractive as OP pic, something else will come about that makes certain people even more attractive than that.

Some people would have the even more attractive trait, and some wouldn't. Those that do are "good looking" those that don't are ugly.

It's all relative. It's never static. Constant evolution

>> No.14392133

This is more true than most believe desu

>> No.14392156

women rate men a lot more harshly than men do, but are more willing to message men who they see as less attractive. Men rate women on a nice bell curve but only seem to message women who are very attractive

>> No.14392258

Because contrast creates life