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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 356 KB, 750x642, 239C26D9-BF10-4045-A9C2-A7F70180804B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14385530 No.14385530 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14385552

Your hairline looks normal to me, do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.14385560

Don't worry about the next hair cut. You'll be bald within two years.

>> No.14385576
File: 434 KB, 750x920, DD94FE66-F5C6-47C2-B92D-38353FD24A5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s definitely not normal, see pic

Maybe, it’s been frozen in this fucked up state for 6 years now (lost my straight hairline in mid teens). Hard to believe but it’s true, I just have bad genes I guess.

>> No.14385580

Holy hell, it's normal for someone in their twenties. If you're sufficiently young, maybe you'll be looking at some balding by thirty.

>> No.14385722
File: 67 KB, 598x916, c90819cb6a0bcdf1dec2716520e1108a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine looks exactly the same and for the past year it hasn't moved.

I'm not sure if it's over or not.

>> No.14385728

Come the fuck on, mine was like that at 15 and at 23 it's barely moved.

>> No.14385731
File: 877 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190605_035236073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-am I okay too, /fa/?

>> No.14385758

Yes. Absolutely.

>> No.14385764

The problem is I don’t have temple peaks. My hairline looks exactly like Logan Paul’s hairline, these pics aren’t doing it justice. I don’t know what do do with my hair at all.

>> No.14385911


>> No.14385914
File: 331 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20190605_114013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His one is far gone.

>> No.14386067

Nfkrz gon be bald in 1 year tops

>> No.14386075
File: 202 KB, 318x365, BjIh0NxCIAAUei0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nw 1.5
>far gone
jesus do you all want hairlines like pic related or something

>> No.14386140
File: 14 KB, 236x332, 2bb94aed44ebd6052a5cf5ec960bc493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14386286
File: 96 KB, 1080x720, Photo le 05-06-2019 à 17.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout me niggras

>> No.14386293
File: 43 KB, 549x637, Capture d’écran 2019-06-05 à 17.09.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other shot

>> No.14386331

You're fucked.

Just buzz that shit.

>> No.14386380

Jokes on you I already know i'll never lose my hair.
Just have to look all males in my family who kept strong hairline until their death.

Nice coping tho Mr.Clean

>> No.14386560
File: 497 KB, 1475x946, 20190605_190628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. I have the same shit since I'm 14. I'll buzz it this weekend with a 1 or 0 overall and then I'll be finally free.


>> No.14386564


>> No.14386612

No, you’re scrunching your forehead to make it seem less receded

>> No.14386655
File: 303 KB, 1430x1905, ED10C55C345F491985E09EEA95538526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandpa has perfect hairline even in his 70's
>dad was bald by 30
>looks like I'm getting dad's genetics
This isn't fair, /fa/

>> No.14386826

What kind of haircut do you normally have?

>> No.14386937
File: 689 KB, 1098x1168, 20190522_232106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Undercut, but it's a pain in the ass to hide the bald temples. I'll buzz it. Shit will regrow anyways and my scalp is good enough for one.

I'll go for a Keith Flint double mohawkvfirst for the lulz. I'll post the results on /fa/ lmao.

>> No.14386946
File: 264 KB, 697x785, 20190604_210217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14387121

We've been trough this you retards, this is very common. It is very likely that your hairline will stay the same for decades. I honestly think there are marketingfags spamming these threads to sell suplements to underage insecure retards

>> No.14387214
File: 42 KB, 631x743, 52072578_10110669735760889_3434444995946348544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or more likely /r9k/ incels fueling insecurities since more noncoinfident guys = more bitter virgins = more incels = more proof that only some gay concept called "Chad" fucks = more incel fueling.

>> No.14387390
File: 97 KB, 570x712, foucault_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shave it all off. Good skull for the Foucault look.

>> No.14387420

Dude I've had the same hairline since I first noticed because of /fa/ at 16, 10 years later and nothing changed. We're not all born with a nw1. Just get a haircut that doesn't look like you're trying to hide your hairline, trust me, my barber would kinda do it for me without me asking and it looked awful. I finally realized that he left my hair longer on purpose to make it look like I have a nw1 so that I can cover up the temples because cunt face seemed to think I'm balding too and am insecure like him so I would want it covered up. It would look real bad because the hair would always part and show off the nw2 and it really looked like I was in denial with balding. I've asked him since to cut it in a way that compliments it and I feel much better with my hair. Yeah I don't have perfect hair but atleast I'm not trying to pretend like I do.

>> No.14388270

so /fa/, wanted to make a new thread but I saw this one.
im 19 and my hairline has receeded to the point where my parents and sister made fun of me for it yesterday at the dinner table.
tell me something that keeps me from doing an hero.
should I just buzz it off and wear a cap or something?
would add a picture but it contains an embedded file so it didn't work

>> No.14388289

we can't help you without a picture retard. try again
a lot of people are exaggerating how bad it is, so don't do anything premature or stupid

>> No.14388421

There's a big ass fookin chance you gays are fine until you'll be in your 40s
Look at Evan Mcgregor for example, he's got the same hairline as op and hasn't lost an inch in 21 years between the Trainspotting movies, I live in a slavic country and most people mature in their late teens/early twenties and then stay that way for decades, shit happens, we're just human and we have to roll with it

>> No.14388597

no you're fucked

>> No.14389011

>I live in a slavic country
>we're just human

>> No.14389158

It's normal for fine straight hair to look like that. If the hair is just slightly bent it adds a ton of thickness.

>> No.14389174

>Look at Evan Mcgregor for example, he's got the same hairline as op and hasn't lost an inch in 21 years between the Trainspotting movies
Yes, and he's probably been taking finasteride for 20 years like most moviestars.

>> No.14389303

You are the smartest person on this site

>> No.14389329

>approaching nw2
>not balding

>> No.14389819

This thread is embarrassing.

>> No.14389982

Buy some benzyl peroxide face wash and adapelene .1%... fucks your skin up for like 3 weeks and then will slowly start to get better (my skin is all the way clear after 6 months)

I had progressively worsening acne from 17-22 and that’s the only thing that ever helped but ya gotta do it everyday and stick with it even though it fucks your skin up for the first few weeks

>> No.14389986
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20190606_204442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What hairstyle would fit my face? I know I'm ugly but I wanna at least try

>> No.14389992

>I know I'm ugly
Bro, you're a 7.
Not ugly.
I would blow you but then I'm a 5, you wouldn't want me.

>> No.14390035

Well thanks man I needed that
What kinda hair would look good on me?

>> No.14390039

Ur not ugly m8
You look like you might have a good head for a buzz cut

>> No.14390742

Go for a buzzcut. Even if it looks shit people won't say someghing and with your current lenght you'll be back to normal in 2-3 months.

>> No.14390795

>Even if it looks like shit
I'm asking what would suit my face shape, my hairline is receding and buzzing it is the last resort
Would a buzz not make me look like a serial killer or more autistic?

>> No.14392193

My dad is 47 and had had this hairline since he was in his teens

Yall ain't gonna bald, just look like vegeta

>> No.14392219


kudos for the keith flint move, but i feel sorry for your weak jaw line

>> No.14392547

This honestly. Aston Kutcher was taking finn pretty much all his film career until recently.

>> No.14392558

He was taking avodart, brand name dutasteride, which is finasteride on steroids. Hollywood agents would rather have their clients on literal tranny drugs than have them lose their hair.

>> No.14392579

Well yeah being a bald actor that is hoping to have serious roles in Hollywood is pretty much imposible, dudes have the best doctors and all that shit so I’m sure that taking drugs that can fuck you hard if you’re unlucky is a risk worth taking.

>> No.14392582
File: 42 KB, 500x500, Cary-Grant-Slick-Side-Part.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I've got the same hairline. For military regs, I have to keep the sides under wraps, but I am allowed to grow the top, including right up to the front. If you let the top stay at 3-4 inches, it all does brush to the side quite nicely.

You can also go for the classic look with it too, which still holds very well today.

>> No.14392629
File: 3.16 MB, 4128x2322, 20190602_151214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buzzcut or dhave
Pic is me

>> No.14392717

Man I seriously like how shaved heads look like when it is still obvious that there is hair growing there, looks bad when there is nothing growing there anymore and your head shines like the sun, tho.

>> No.14393921

my dad's hairline looks just like that and it was the same since his mid teens. maybe a little bit thinner now, but he's 45, so who cares

>> No.14394137

Thanks god I don't worry about that too. Nobody ever saod that my jawline's shit or muh maxilla but only about my hair when i sperged about it.

>> No.14394249

>jesus do you all want hairlines like pic related or something
yes please

>> No.14394257

I remember when I was growing my hair back out and went to a black barbershop for a lineup and they did that shit to the front of it
I looked like a disgusting wigger for two weeks, and what's worse is that's when the white Reebok's were all the rage and I had just bought some.

>> No.14394269

Stop being a fucking pussy, i have less hairs at 21 and don't consider myself balding

>> No.14394412

Cover it or burr it while you save for FUE. You're fucked.

>> No.14394430

anon, denial isn't just a river in egypt

>> No.14394435

I have the same line... im concerned but i dont think it moved.

anyways i have medium length hair and i have bangs, so it kinda covers it.

think korean hair

>> No.14394676
