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File: 790 KB, 1350x1800, venostatrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14376105 No.14376105 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a dude who wears girls short shorts anything

>> No.14376121

How is your AIDS treatment going?

>> No.14376124

I'm HIV free

>> No.14376148

Man I've been seeing these pictures so long. But holy shit these are new. Look at the phone and watch

>> No.14376149

What about them?

>> No.14376179

You can really pull them off, anon. How did you get the courage to try them out?

>> No.14376186

It was a process which started with gradually trimming male jeans. Then I started ordering womens shorts and now I buy them directly at the store

>> No.14376927

How do people react to you when you go out to like? I feel like in my country you’d get called a fag and laughed at

>> No.14377402

Not new. Believe me I've seen every single variation of this man's thread. He's been at it for years.

>> No.14377493

This is exactly what happens where I live. Where do you live?

>> No.14377497

jesus christ what a faggot

>> No.14377686

Do you shave your legs?

>> No.14377711

No, I had electrolysis treatment on them, which is permanent

>> No.14377720

Do you think it is the same guy in the pics posting?
Or is it like a stalker pic collector making the threads?

>> No.14377726
File: 429 KB, 828x1476, venice2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well let's see, I have this...

>> No.14377727
File: 623 KB, 1958x1469, IMG_5936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then this. I guess everyone has these socks at home

>> No.14377729
File: 57 KB, 482x548, 9083e48c2c3816f5e9afe794091c9366--short-shorts-men-shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably gets a lot of action due to being immediately identifiable as a cocksucker.
Especially on the micro-climate of trains.
I got a plow job on BART once, last train of the day, between Embarcadero and Oakland, before the cameras were installed...good times.

But I was wearing a suit.
Guys who dress like overt cocksuckers must have recently inherited money and so they have a lot of free time and loneliness from the death of both parents close together.
So they go on a mid-life crisis of cock-sucking before they die, and parents everywhere have to shield their children's eyes from hanging ball sacks and hairy nipple rings or forever be trying to answer awkward questions about tattoos in front of house guests.

But, yeah, I would probably let him blow me and I'd even fuck him if that ass is smooth and the hole is clean and pussy-like.

Old men trying to be twinks.
It's a costume like old men in leather harnesses and leather chaps.
Or old men in hooker heels and fishnet stockings.
It's a cliche because it occurs so often in the wild.

>> No.14377731

it's weird.
his legs are like a child's legs but his face is like a 45 year old swiss or german computer programmer or dentist's face

>> No.14377742

my god this man is based

>> No.14377762

He's clearly Dutch.
Nobody else dresses that faggy.

>> No.14377768

I'm Hungarian

>> No.14377772

Can't tell if this is super based or super gay. If I saw you in public I'd assume you were gay 100%.

>> No.14377774
File: 6 KB, 194x259, images (60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mean debased?
Picrel is the correct length and fit for mens shorts.
No male over 6 years old should be wearing shorts that short for reasons that should be obvous: accidental exposure among them.

>> No.14377779

>Im Hungry

>> No.14377783

That's why I wear tight shorts. This, together with my size guarantees that there can't be any exposure

>> No.14377785

excuse me?
Dutch, why?

>> No.14377787

he skips leg day

>> No.14377789
File: 27 KB, 460x313, dutchhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is typically Dutch, but maybe not anymore actually

>> No.14377791 [DELETED] 

where the guy is obviously dutch

>> No.14377796
File: 550 KB, 1150x1600, bubi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14377802

Are you autogynephilic?
I'm asking because of the shaved legs and the pink shoes...

>> No.14377806

I don't know what that means but I do hate hair (so I underwent electrolysis treatment to get rid of them for all) and pink is one of my fave colors

>> No.14377823

It means that you enjoy seeing yourself as a girl in sexual play.
Do you take the submissive role in sex?
Do you prefer women or men?
Do you want a strong mommy to dominate you or do you want to serve a masculine father figure?
Because your style of dress says "I have unresolved childhood issues"

>> No.14377827

>It means that you enjoy seeing yourself as a girl in sexual play.
>Do you take the submissive role in sex?
>Do you prefer women or men?
>Do you want a strong mommy to dominate you or do you want to serve a masculine father figure?
Neither mommy nor father but definitely a dominant top
>Because your style of dress says "I have unresolved childhood issues"
Not that I can remember desu

>> No.14377828

Why do you keep posting this?
Do you love the attention so much?

>> No.14377852 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 1080x608, what would you do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what you would do to my feet

>> No.14377862

Not going to happen. Even when I chat to find a hookup, and he asks me to write down what I would do with this or that, that's usually the end of the conversation.

>> No.14377896 [DELETED] 


>> No.14377903


>> No.14377904
File: 37 KB, 3000x3000, ugag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14378042

faggots by their very nature have low self esteem. Like depressed people they may appear outwardly functional and ‘normal’ but underneath that is a hotbed of insecurity, very low self worth and a whole lot of self doubt. They post pictures and whore their faggot cunts all over the place seeking validation and a connection, any connection, with real men. Straight men rarely have the same levels of insecurity as the gay faggot, and when they do they display it in other ways - shyness, getting drunk to pick up sluts etc etc. faggots seek out real men, powerful men because they want that but they will never have that. So they do what they know best, they submit, They lower their eyes, they take the abuse and they become attention seeking sluts. So you may ask, why the slutty behavior? That’s easy to understand - in our paternalistic society real men are still the center of most things. If you have nothing else to offer by way of intellect, conversation, sporting prowess, a nice personality etc you will seek to fit in and gain their attention by the only way possible, by being a slut and whore. They dress sluttily to attract the affection and validation they desperately need while continuing to shame, humiliate and degrade themselves heavily, so that they need the affection and validation more and more. It becomes a cycle of abuse and crawling that becomes harder and harder for them to shake. They become more dependent on you if you make the shaming and self esteem destruction personal. By constantly reinforcing their low self esteem you will get them doing more and more degrading things which makes them feel worse and sets in them a desire to do more of the same to please you and make themselves feel better. The trick is to never actually let them feel better.

>> No.14378067

I can't argue a word of this

>> No.14378082

Germ*ns were a mistake.

>> No.14378086

I'm Hungarian and the location is South Tyrol, Italy, where the language is predominantly German.

>> No.14378130

What do you wear in winter and when do you open the shorts season?

>> No.14378137

In winter I dress like everyone else. Last year the shorts season started mid April and lasted 6 months. This year it's colder and rainier here, but next week it's going to be firmly above 20 degrees (Celsius)

>> No.14378151

what do you do for a living? What's your job?

>> No.14378153

I do PHP programming

>> No.14378702

you look like a massive faggot.
and it's not because of the short shorts.

>> No.14378758

I don't have much problems with that

>> No.14378760

you will once the islamic caliphate takes over evropa inshallah

>> No.14378768

I don't like planning that far ahead

>> No.14378769

that's cuz u're gay

>> No.14378772

If I am a faggot than I am automatically gay I guess

>> No.14379527
File: 73 KB, 376x362, 5CD2FB11-8EA6-4214-A85A-8BACCD1DD6C2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay ass nigga

>> No.14379536


>> No.14379544

I don’t like you. Please stop posting. It has been too long.

>> No.14379550

how many times are you gonna be posting bout dis

>> No.14380889

Congrats anon but I think the medical term is remission.

>> No.14381470

I think that term applies when once you were HIV-positive, which is not true in my case

>> No.14381624

get some rounder frames, with those bicyclist glasses your face looks too masculine and not youthful enough to match the rest of the look, but other than not a bad look.

>> No.14381630

how do I get thinner legs bro?

>> No.14381637

I don't know, I guess it's mostly genetics, but I also walk and jog a lot

>> No.14381643

Yeah I guess you're right

>> No.14381672

This is bait btw. You look like a gay old dude that goes biking with his butt buddies

>> No.14381674

Scroll up, I posted proof