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14369345 No.14369345 [Reply] [Original]

How do I add a psychedelic flair to my style with out looking like a full blown hippie larper?

>> No.14369395

Wear lots of white.

>> No.14369677

I don't know if the normie would get it

>> No.14369679

pink tips or silver hair

>> No.14369688

get a weed tattoo

>> No.14369691

take 'shrooms before every time you go out, and the psychedelia come out in your demeanor, words, and actions

>> No.14369714

don't take showers

>> No.14369718
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>> No.14369744

did all your perfume and wear patchouli oil only

>> No.14369750

Tasteful paisley

>> No.14369796
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back when I used to drop lots of acid and 2cb, I used to wear eccentric earrings like pic related and pin flowers to the lapels of really nice fitting and fancy black blazers that sort of drapes and looks like a cape from the back. Also sunglasses, round ones and wear loose fitting button up shirts with stripes or nice patterns. I would say its actually hard to nail down the look or even going after a small psychedellic flair if youre headspace isn't in the right environment. When you're living a truly free and psychedelic lifestyle it should come naturally to you.

This is irrelevant but now I dress in all black, my life is fucking depressing and I guess my fashion sense reflects that

>> No.14369797

just own what you're wearing, be confident, don't be afraid to wear loud things, just dress in a way that shows you love yourself and are satisfied with the universe

>> No.14369860

dont shower for two weeks at a time and undersleep

>> No.14369864

it's more about demeanor honestly, but SUBTLE ethnic pieces and lots of vintage is what i've found to give off that vibe

>> No.14369866

>do tons of drugs
>end up depressed
Who would have thought?

>> No.14369876


>> No.14369882

>do no drugs
>end up depressed

>> No.14369894

i wouldnt really try to advertise the fact that you use psychedelics
it isnt always a good look

>> No.14369899

Do some drugs then.

>> No.14369940

What made your life so shitty?

>> No.14369996

Psychedelics aren't a personality. Stop ruining good things by being a faggot.

>> No.14370003

Muuhh sekrit klub
Anyways it's not about making it a personality, but trying to incorporate it's effects in a physical design

>> No.14370010

>incorporate it's effects in a physical design
wear three pairs of pants and three shoes so it looks like you're trailing

>> No.14370062
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just add some color. Look at 60s rockers for inspo. here you can see Paul being a trippy little country boy

>> No.14370266

someone explain for my normie friend.

>> No.14370273

I would suggest a more bohemian approach - earth tones, loose fitting, texturized. It more fashionable and more subtle than 60s core, bright colors, and patterns that larpers think are trippy.

>> No.14370274

also jewelry.

>> No.14370293

Wear a mood ring and finger your ass constantly

>> No.14371157

>essentially advertising that you consume schedule 1 drugs

big prison thank you

>> No.14371468
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>> No.14371811

tiedye my nigga

>> No.14372063
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go full shoegaze

>> No.14372069

Geccu knits. As far as I'm aware it's the original Coogi factory still making 3d knits after some American bought the Coogi brand. A third of the price of something labelled Coogi.

>> No.14372071
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I like to dress prep/ivy/trad. It's cozy and I find it hilarious to walk around looking "dressed up" to the average normie while I'm fried off 200ug.

>> No.14372227
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>to my style
It sounds like you should first describe your style. This whole thread is therefore 30+ unfounded posts.

If I were to go about it, given that I mostly dress in black, I'd mix in some W&B psychedelics, or find some small color accessory or sew something to my backpack
But whatever you do remember, what makes a hippie is being a shaggy, smelly pile of crappy ideology, and what makes a hippie larper is trying to emulate that and trying to be cool and "chill", etc.

Keep your psych shit neat and avoid that "haphazardly thrown together" bum clothes look, and you'll send the message that you trip for the experience, but have your shit together and it's not just dirty hippism

also don't do drugs, they fuck with your head, but whatever

>> No.14372303


>> No.14372443

Hawaiian shirts

>> No.14372456

Do drugs

>> No.14372477

basically like a skater-stoner-slacker style without the overt retarded "dude weed" crap like dreads, poncho hoodies, etc.
just something relaxed and tasteful.
I don't do psychedelics but my friends who do earn my respect by being chill, but not retarded.

>> No.14372480


>> No.14372844

>crappy ideology

What's wrong with believing love makes your life better as a sentient mass of star-dust? I remember being my happiest after I had that realisation. Now I still remember this fact but I just don't "feel" it anymore. I think as far as ideologies go this is a good one. Also volunteering, being vegan, helping others and shit like benefit everyone so why are you so against that? Or are you just talking about the "dude drugs" type?

>> No.14373139

>What's wrong with believing love makes your life better as a sentient mass of star-dust?
>Or are you just talking about the "dude drugs" type?
You seem very selective about what constitutes a hippie. If you don't think that love is a crappy ideology, why would you assume that I meant that part? Or is it that you only associate hippies with love for whatever reason, and you think everyone does the same?

Lots of ideologies are supposedly founded on good principles, but it's about what you do with it. "Personal freedom" says the ancap, "unity" says the dictator, "solidarity" says the human trafficker.
In my experience the actual cool hippies are few, and I still don't agree with them in a lot of thing. And a large part are people so ironically close minded. People who if left in charge would run a nation to the ground, but still believe they would know how to solve the world's problems.

So, out of love, they embrace positions like
>antinuclear, while carbon and oil poison our air and water
>pathetic attempts at social reform (equality, but so poorly implemented as to make it non-functional)
>extensive drug use
>talking about organic food as if it would be applicable on a worldwide scale
>generally misrepresenting some of the deepest problems of society as simply stemming from lack of awareness by the populace or corporate greed, failing to acknowledge the complexity of decision making
>generally embracing ways of life and ideology that are not applicable to a society, yet still pushing it. By this I mean that most hippies I've come across would starve off without the supporting structure of industrial society, yet they have the fantasy that everybody could live their "natural ways" in a vacuum if people tried to

I've never seen a hippie be fully self-aware about the fact that their lifestyle depends entirely of the rest of society as is, and that they wouldn't want everyone to actually think and live like them or otherwise it would be unsustainable.

>> No.14373184
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>> No.14373242

wear muted, but still bright colors, like stuff that looks or is naturally dyed, dont wear tie die but i would incorporate asymmetrical earrings, celestial and earth theming, and a strand or two of wooden prayer beads. wearing natural fabrics helps a lot in this

>> No.14373259

Yeah, I guess you are right. Where I live we don't have people like that

>> No.14373262

But in all fairness I'm lumping a lot of pseudo-hippie-wannabes together, people who just took the cool counter-culture element and run with it, and then wrapped it around whatever shit ideology they had

>> No.14373468

this. you have to make an effort when you trip

>> No.14373820

wear a bracelet from some obscure german house festival

>> No.14373882

if you still give a shit what other people think of you, you're doing psychs wrong

>> No.14374023
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This + no style is inherently psychedelic. There are no physical properties that make something psychedelic besides the drug itself

>> No.14374341

If you really enjoyed lets say hiking for the beauty it shows you and the meditative state it brings you in as you summit the peak of a mountain, would you be a "faggot" for incorporating some hiking aspects into a daily fit? No Its something you enjoy and want to show that you value.

And personally i don't think youve done alot of psychedelics considering the fact you instantly called someone with differing opinions from you a "faggot"

>> No.14375459

Found the American

>> No.14376156
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My advice is to stay away from the hippie/bohemian/organic hemp/granola faggotry entirely. It doesn't lead anywhere good. Try a clean minimalist look, with one, maybe two at most, eccentric accessories.

>> No.14376290

>"solidarity" says the human trafficker.
Imagine saying something like this and thinking you sound smart

>> No.14376623

I don't get if you didn't see the point I was trying to make, or if you had anything against that particular example

>> No.14377052

I love a trippy, hippieish but not obnoxious "dude weed lmao" style. I've always been into handmade and interesting textiles: i own a couple of Guatemalan huipils (sort of a loose blouse, usually woven and embroidered by hand with colorful patterns) and if you want to look effay they're cool over slim jeans. I generally love anything flowy and peasantish worn over or under the opposite (flowy blouse with tight pants or tight top with big wide skirt/pants) haven't done acid in a few years though

>> No.14378150
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>> No.14378265

Judt become a fully blown hippy. Man they are distroing the animals man.

>> No.14378336

actually take some psychadelics and it will come to you naturally, if you try and fake a style it will look just like that - fake

>> No.14378582

He Knows I'd Love To See Him

>> No.14378756


trying to pose as part of something you don't really believe you belong to is the opposite of a 'psychedelic style'
otherwise i suppose the most literal 'psychedelic fashion' would be loose clothing, probably athleticwear, comfortable for sprawling in a pile with a bunch of other giggling retards

>> No.14379013

that is a really nice sweater, anyone know where I could find something similar

>> No.14379072
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Maybe i'm just a dumb hick but stuff that doesn't scream "I do drugs" is ideal for psychedelic apparel. Stuff that looks "fun" but not too out there is the best imo. Leather bracelet, necklace... Just touches here and there. Beard too

>> No.14379085

This. There is no style to using psychedelics.
Just wear your normal style of clothing.
Dressing like a freak/stoner/dopehead will only attract unwanted attention and suspicion.
A true psycho-naut concentrates on exploring the interior spaces, not worrying about outside appearances.

>> No.14379105
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the belt I wear with my jeans