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File: 880 KB, 1280x683, B5EF87D7-7107-4442-AFC3-5BE5B478AAD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14367972 No.14367972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which male phenotype is the most effay?

>> No.14367985

That picture is backwards

>> No.14367987


>> No.14367994


>> No.14368005

me in panel 3

>> No.14368007

average height and mass increased throughout history

>> No.14368014

>source: just trust me bro

>> No.14368024

>tfw white
>tfw 6'5''
>tfw 18cm dick
>tfw 180lbs of mass

>> No.14368027

The average zoomer is taller actually

>> No.14368045

Anti-trannies are getting as crazy as trannies now

>> No.14368096
File: 39 KB, 750x427, 1558879882676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlets are so butthurt about their 5'11 they are literaly evolving to overcome their height. Thus proving the picture false.

>> No.14368108

What's with all the rowdy niggers and shitskins on /fa/ lately?
Remember, you shitposting is all thanks to white men making scientific progress.

>> No.14368112

scientific progress doesnt matter shit when you never get to pass your genes, due to blacks cucking you

>> No.14368113

5'11 manlet here.
can confirm.

>> No.14368117

The last one should be mixed race

>> No.14368126

lol, keep dreaming, niggerboy

>> No.14368134

why does left's face look photo shopped on"

>> No.14368173

body like 1980's fella

>> No.14368190

I want to see the first guy completely naked

>> No.14368195

this isn't true
most men were manlets back in WW2 era, so many people I've known had under 5'6 grandfathers

>> No.14368216

That’s because Manlets live longer. Giants used to walk the earth.
How do I get rid of my 2010s hips?

>> No.14368232

It really doesn’t. White pride is cope

>> No.14368236

lol appreciate it cuck

>> No.14368239

Lol I guaran-damn-tee you jewbois ain’t cucking anybody. Absolutely obsessed.

>> No.14368262

This, back then most people had a bad diet, and mostly came from rural and poor areas, hence the height being shorter, unless you had good genes or ate like a king you were 6'2

>> No.14368289

2010s is peak male form
god, I wish all men were twinks

>> No.14368294
File: 136 KB, 660x495, 1557655709988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw almost 1980s
I'm not sure on how I should feel about this

>> No.14368350

Source : every doctors and studies on the topic ? Younger generations tend to be taller than the previous ones.

>> No.14368358

I’m 5’11 when fully erect but I’m not a manlet

>> No.14368371

>1940's average white male: 1.88

>> No.14368378

This picture is retarded. The only thing they got right were men were more masculine a long time ago because they went to war.

>> No.14368392

Yeah Napoleon was actually over 2 meters and could deadlift Bretagne but british propaganda took care of that.

>> No.14368405


>> No.14368408

Imagine there are people out there so mad about tall strong successfull white men that they have to make false infographics to try and hold me back.

>> No.14368441

fuck off >>>/pol/

>> No.14368463

18cm is small for 6´5´´ and 180 lbs also, wtf, why are you proud to have small dick and no muscles?

>> No.14368468

fuck off LMAO

>> No.14368475
File: 825 KB, 592x585, so happy she said yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'0" 138lbs here and getting married to this girl. Don't know how our kids will look, beautiful I hope!

>> No.14368497

>says the faggot believing in /pol/ chart

>> No.14368520

Yeah there is no way this is factual

>> No.14368539


>> No.14368547

>accuses others of being obsessed
>manages to find a way to mention jews in his post
Rent free.

>> No.14368560

>18cm is small for 6´5´´
thats gonna need a citation bucko

>> No.14368576
File: 69 KB, 800x524, wwii-soldiers-bathing-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb bait thread.

>> No.14368608

gahd i wish i was that bucket

>> No.14368651

porn between the first and last when

>> No.14368660

I'm 9 inches shorter (5'8") and only 2.5 cm smaller
I'm sure you can see how 18 cm would seem small/disproportionate

>> No.14368681

Original anon you responded to.
Sure I can grant you that it might look disproportionate but it's not that bad.
It's big none the less. Bottoming out on girls fucking sucks.

And yeah. Sure I was heavier and more muscular before. But i'm not a skeleton or anything. Just slightly above average in my country.

>> No.14368729

disproportionate, yes but not as uncommon as you make it out to be
dick size isnt that proportionate to height

>> No.14368737

Lol fucking rekt

>> No.14368762


>> No.14369019

People are getting larger over time. Who came up with this retarded picture?

>> No.14369024
File: 377 KB, 640x517, the future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some tranny obsessed closet chaser

>> No.14369028

Male height range is over 2 feet, dick size range is like 10 inches at most. Are you retarded?

>> No.14369055

Thanks bro
Ill think about that when im with my white gf

>> No.14369088
File: 29 KB, 620x413, Polecat_Chris-Jolley_Getty-_623-dc99f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me this obsession with race? What is it that drives people towards ways of thinking that rely on schemas with low information entropy? Has our philosophical reliance on the concept of sets, vs more flexible models like mereology, stunted our ability to understand the world around us?

>> No.14369149

>What is it that drives people towards ways of thinking that rely on schemas with low information entropy? Has our philosophical reliance on the concept of sets, vs more flexible models like mereology

My sides are splitting. This is a textbook case of the Dunning–Kruger effect, a pretentious brainlet trying to sound like an intellectual.

You are trying too hard, lad. Way too hard.

People are "obsessed" with race because pretty much at no period in human history have radically different groups being forced together "diversity" and people are seeing the negative outcomes of such a disastrous experiment. It's not hard to understand, it's rather simple, really.

>> No.14369176

we were right on the precipice of gender not fucking mattering anymore on the internet and then suddenly it's the most important god damn thing in the world and every clownshoe has their pronouns and all these meme identities front and center that sound like ex-hentai tags

>> No.14369224

What is going on with all these weird cuck fetish guys posting retarded shit. Stop posting this bait on a fashion board and go back to what ever site you disgusting little cretins came from.

>> No.14369303

utterly blown the fuck out

>> No.14369416

>all this rhetoric

whew lad

>> No.14369427


>> No.14369440
File: 42 KB, 600x600, end it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6 foot 2
i wish i was 3 inches taller

>> No.14369478


>> No.14369535


>> No.14369608

Why are niggers so gay? lol

>> No.14369626
File: 3.01 MB, 2939x2882, Boomers vs Millenials2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a troll image. It's not true.

Male height has peaked among every ethnic background, men were shorter in the 1940's (often quite a bit) due to malnutrition, diseases and other things growing up. If you look at shirtless WW2 soldiers on either side, they're short, skinny and bobble-headed compared to today

Mid 20th century was the onset of a chemical attack on testosterone and other hormones. Harsh chemical additives were being put in cosmetics and even "food", particularly processed and junk food, which interferes with testosterone, usually indirectly by raising estrogen or containing xenoestrogens. This was at its worst around the 1980's when food quality was at its worst.

Nowadays, more and more xenoestrogens and test-lowering chemicals are being banned, and farmers/manufactures are making products with fewer and fewer additives as options, often stripping them down to just the bare minimum ingredients. The internet has allowed people even in the most sterile, isolated suburbs to have access to nutrition and fitness truths they would never have known in the 1980's. Fitness today is science-based (most of the time) and common, in the 1950s-1990s it was gimmicks, jazzercise, disco gay group dance, useless workouts of only pushups and crunches, bland running instead of efficient HIIT.

Smoking, which brutally ages skin and lowers cardiovascular conditioning, has gone way down too.

If you're a traditionalist, or support masculinity or historic male role models, look at ancient, classical, polytheistic cultures like Greece, Rome, Gaul and combine it with modern diet/fitness science. The 1950's and 1960's are the Rick and Morty of "old masculinity".


>> No.14370070

Damn I wanna see far left lobotomize far right with his DICK

Post more sissy porn

>> No.14370072

>sucks dick
Fag Got

>> No.14370101


>> No.14370234

>1.88 m

>> No.14370255

>6ft tall, 180 lb, big dick Aryan. Covered in hair and beefy endomorph muscle.
Lel fucking testlets

>> No.14370287

would you believe they're a combination of trolls, and (((people))) who's job it is to create division

>> No.14370333

now now, we wouldn't want historical accuracy to interfere with people's narratives about neomarxist chemtrails making our contemporary frogs gay, would we?

>> No.14370356

Is this why many modern women cheat nowadays? Because our dicks are not as big as they should be? I don’t care about the torso etc., we’re talking masculinity as if it matters what women think of us. (Because honestly if all women were lesbians we could be more relaxed enjoying life and not worry about looking bad or small). And the picture is making a point that penis size is also part of the masculinity problem nowadays.

>> No.14370359

It doesn’t matter how big it looks proportionally, but how big it is on women’s hand and how far it reaches their cervix. I could look good as a 5’5” man with a 6”, but a 6’5” guy with 7” would still be better than me.

>> No.14370363

>What's with all the rowdy niggers and shitskins on /fa/ lately?
You’re the new guy, not us. /fa/ has always been multiracial since day one. What’s with the recent invasion of /pol/ rats here?

“White men” yeah but not you. You have no right to take the credit. You could be poor or stupid, and no successful white man can elevate your social degree. Meritocracy.

>> No.14370747

you made the mistake of taking an insecure white boi seriously

>> No.14370749

I wanna see 2010 suck off 1940

>> No.14370759

So guys in the 40s weren’t able to go balls deep? Poor men..

>> No.14370780
File: 234 KB, 1000x590, 1489430848990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao complete myth

>> No.14370805

Dude... have you ever interacted with ANYONE in your life?
On the black guy: not all black men are like that. Not even most black men are like that. I should know, I am one and live in the Bronx, which is nothing BUT black people. A lot are skinny, maybe fat. Not all are athletic, and most aren’t really team players. I highly suggest you read the invisible.
On the white guy: I am convinced this is just to make white uncles feel bad about themselves. Anyone, black or white or zebra skinned can be beta, or wimpy. It has nothing to do with race

In conclusion; seethe harder incel.

>> No.14370815
File: 831 KB, 3600x2400, le_altright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel cope babble

>> No.14370833

I totally agree with this.. I mean just look how well functioning and cohesive the continent of Africa and the Caribbean are, the 2 regions that are 90%+ black...

Oh wait, they're all failed states that are reliant on the generosity of white nations(Europe, North america) through food aid and peace keeping forces.

btw, I'm totally cool with how OP represents white men in 2010's... Cause thats pretty much me. And how id love my BF to look too.

>> No.14370889

you are the perfect height bro. 6'2 plus is getting into uncanny valley lanklet territory.

>> No.14370895
File: 30 KB, 323x371, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, I'm so insulted by this image. How will my race ever recover! White people BTFO, amirite guyz?

>> No.14370907

came here to post this. Its high production value shitpost, very effective to trigger /pol/tards and ruin the already shitty board culture
manlet cope

>> No.14370911

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14370964

Say that to my chest and not online and see what happens

>> No.14371036

It's a joke imagine made to trigger incels on /pol/